Top 100 Quotes About A Father And Son

#1. There must always be a struggle between a father and son, while one aims at power and the other at independence.

Samuel Johnson

Quotes About A Father And Son #388064
#2. The Democrats continue to snipe at Bush. They'll never give it up to him. You know Teddy Kennedy and Tom Daschle pick more nits than a father and son spider monkey team who know they're being followed by a National Geographic film crew.

Dennis Miller

Quotes About A Father And Son #661261
#3. In this movie, you have all the things you love from Tim. All the magic and the whimsy and the surreal, but he also has a fantastic story of a father and son that really gets under your skin.

Danny DeVito

Quotes About A Father And Son #704671
#4. Frank Capra was a prop man, I think. John Ford was a prop man. It was a little bit of a father and son thing, and you kind of worked your way up.

Francis Ford Coppola

Quotes About A Father And Son #826873
#5. Its a rare thing when a father and son can share the same experience. My father and I have seen all 19 Bond films together, two or three times.

Rick Yune

Quotes About A Father And Son #1143779
#6. The father-son thing, that's a separate thing. This film [Forsaken] was not about that. This was a film about two actors wanting to try and tell a story ... and taking advantage of the fact that we looked like a father and son.

Kiefer Sutherland

Quotes About A Father And Son #1244133
#7. I haven't done a lot of things in my career that my kids can watch, because they are 8, 6 and 3, and they are pretty young; so given the concepts that the film was about a superhero, it was a black superhero, and it was a father and son type partnership.

Blair Underwood

Quotes About A Father And Son #1516129
#8. it's clear that before we can be a father and son again, we have to treat each other like men first.

Brian Leung

Quotes About A Father And Son #1764870
#9. [My father] loved me tenderly and shyly from a distance, and later on took a naive pride in seeing my name in print.

Arthur Koestler

Quotes About A Father And Son #37182
#10. My son is 7 years old. I am 54. It has taken me a great many years to reach that age. I am more respected in the community, I am stronger, I am more intelligent and I think I am better than he is. I don't want to be a pal, I want to be a father.

Clifton Fadiman

Quotes About A Father And Son #48844
#11. We all know the personal relationship between Michel Platini and President Blatter. It was like a mentor and protege, or even father and son.

Chung Mong-joon

Quotes About A Father And Son #66042
#12. My son has a big Christmas problem - what do you buy for a father who has everything and you're using it?

Milton Berle

Quotes About A Father And Son #67153
#13. Orthodox Jews often ask you: "Are you an Israeli first, or a Jew?" I see no difference between the two. After all, I'm also simultaneously the son of my parents, the husband of my wife and the father of my children.

Yair Lapid

Quotes About A Father And Son #74745
#14. For to us a child is born,
for to us a son is given,
and the government shall be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
- Isaiah 9:6


Quotes About A Father And Son #74802
#15. The joy at the dramatic return of the younger son in no way means that the elder son was less loved, less appreciated, less favored. The father does not compare the two sons. He loves them both with a complete love and expresses that love according to their individual journeys.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

Quotes About A Father And Son #76044
#16. You don't buy into huge car chases or sensates or interstellar warfare, but you can buy into a loving relationship or a father-son relationship, and you can buy into the small humor. If you want to make your fiction universal, go small. That's the best way to do it.

J. Michael Straczynski

Quotes About A Father And Son #83052
#17. What the father has hidden comes out in the son, and often have I found the son to be a father's revealed secret.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quotes About A Father And Son #92324
#18. I kept secrets from you. I let you believe a lie. I am an impious son. But I made my choice, as C(aesar) did, and once the Rubicon is crossed, there can be no turning back (Meto, Caesar's scribe, to his father Gordianus the Finder)

Steven Saylor

Quotes About A Father And Son #100263
#19. Fantasy has a better chance of lasting than a lot of other things. The Hobbit and the Narnia books, they seem to get handed down father to son, mother to daughter. Because they're set in a fantasy world, they can remain relevant.

Stephen King

Quotes About A Father And Son #109381
#20. A son is a promise that time makes to a man,the guarantee every father receives that whatever he holds dear will someday be considered foolish, and that person he loves best in the world will misunderstand him.

Ian Caldwell

Quotes About A Father And Son #110658
#21. To be a child means to owe one's existence to another, and even in our adult life we never quite reach the point where we no longer have to give thanks for being the person we are.

Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Quotes About A Father And Son #112463
#22. His father watched him across the gulf of years and pathos which always must divide a father from his son.

John Phillips Marquand

Quotes About A Father And Son #115595
#23. Eleanor Marx was her father's first biographer. All subsequent biographies of Karl Marx, and most of Engels, draw on her work as their primary sources for the family history, often without knowing it. I think if she'd been a son, she would have been referenced more.

Rachel Holmes

Quotes About A Father And Son #115799
#24. There is something special about baseball that goes far deeper than being a game. It is the father-son relationship that is built, the life lessons that are taught in the process of playing a game and the ability to overcome not succeeding all of the time and still considering yourself a success.

JohnA Passaro

Quotes About A Father And Son #131527
#25. As Christians understand it, creation is a trinitarian process: God the Father creates through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. So all things are created 'by God', are formed 'through God' and exist 'in God'.

Jurgen Moltmann

Quotes About A Father And Son #131755
#26. As a young father it's important to remember that, when you're at the beach, there's a BIG difference between telling your five year old son to just go pee in the ocean and telling him to get in the water at least waist deep and then pee in the ocean.

Spuds Crawford

Quotes About A Father And Son #153389
#27. You know, I've kinda been freaking out over being a father, but then I read in a men's magazine somewhere that as long as you can keep your son off the pipe and your daughter off the pole, that you've done a good job.

Jillian Dodd

Quotes About A Father And Son #156415
#28. Father: an inspirational person; emulated, admired and much loved; strong character with exceptional patience and unrivalled wisdom; often referred to as a son's first hero and a daughter's first love.


Quotes About A Father And Son #177133
#29. Instead of loving the Trinity of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), we tend to love a different trinity: Me, myself, and I.

Mark Hart

Quotes About A Father And Son #179084
#30. William Tell's son, Telly, who said as his father was pointing the bow and arrow at the apple on his head, There's gotta be an easier way to kill worms. Never got a dinner!

Red Buttons

Quotes About A Father And Son #192862
#31. Well, I've always wanted to call my son Barr."
"Like a tavern? Like a soap?"
"My father's name is Barr."
"Oh. And I love it!

Brian K. Vaughan

Quotes About A Father And Son #196989
#32. I'm a strange mixture of my mother's curiosity; my father, who grew up the son of the manse in a Presbyterian family, who had a tremendous sense of duty and responsibility; and my mother's father, who was always in trouble with gambling debts.

Rupert Murdoch

Quotes About A Father And Son #199429
#33. May your expectations all be frustrated, May all of your plans be thwarted, May all of your desires be withered into nothingness, That you may experience the powerlessness and poverty of a child and can sing and dance in the love of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

John Ortberg

Quotes About A Father And Son #199732
#34. My son and daughter lost their father quite young, so we keep him present with us. It's just a daily practice.

Patti Smith

Quotes About A Father And Son #205319
#35. People are laughing at me today for having holes in my pockets, and ink blood on my fingers-
a thirty-something old writer, who strangles words from dictionaries, and feeds on the decay of poetry.

Anthony Liccione

Quotes About A Father And Son #210125
#36. I am a father. My son's name is Max and my daughter's name is Billie Grace. Twelve years ago Max was born with Down Syndrome. His journey has been complicated by infantile seizures, sleep apnea, dietary challenges and now, puberty!

John C. McGinley

Quotes About A Father And Son #212633
#37. My father served 26 years in the Air Force as a pilot and a pioneer in our missile programs. I learned early about the sacrifices a family makes when a member is repeatedly deployed, and also the fulfillment that comes from serving our country. My brother, my son and I all became Marines.

Jim Webb

Quotes About A Father And Son #212901
#38. I came here as a son seeking his father's approval, hoping you could recognize what she and I have. But, it appears you're business as usual.

Nicole Gulla

Quotes About A Father And Son #217528
#39. It used to be that a son could look at the father, and pretty much know what life was gonna be like as an adult. There was confidence in that, and comfort in that, and frustration also.

Clancy Brown

Quotes About A Father And Son #220909
#40. Foreseeing the needs of His children, a loving Heavenly Father placed directions and rescuers along their way. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to make safe passage possible and visible.

Henry B. Eyring

Quotes About A Father And Son #234912
#41. You are my son, then, I'll tell you' and your mother was a wicked slut to leave you in ignorance of the sort of father you possessed.

Emily Bronte

Quotes About A Father And Son #237859
#42. Suppose several boys are moving along a particular road and one boy falls into a drain, his dress and his body, become dirty. Other people, passers-by, will laugh at him, but when the boy's father sees his boy in that condition, what is he to do? Will he laugh at his own son? No! What will he do?

Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

Quotes About A Father And Son #241776
#43. How far would you go to protect your family? I'm a father, I'm a son, I'm a grandson, and I'm a husband. If someone were to hurt the women in my life and the law didn't take care of it, what would I do? Pretty awful things.

Jason Momoa

Quotes About A Father And Son #245607
#44. You think about child abuse and you think of a father viciously attacking a daughter or a son, but in my family it was my mother. My mother, I would say, was a ... very brutal disciplinarian.

Lynn Johnston

Quotes About A Father And Son #250962
#45. Poor-country surf communities can be complex and, to some extent, leveling. The fisherman's kid is competing head to head with the plutocrat's gilded son. Your father can't buy you a good frontside hack.

William Finnegan

Quotes About A Father And Son #253574
#46. He had taught me how to be a man when my real father proved not to be much of one himself and incapable of showing a son the way." - Odd Thomas - "Odd Hours by Dean Koontz pg 239 chapter 30

Dean Koontz

Quotes About A Father And Son #257770
#47. If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons.

James A. Baldwin

Quotes About A Father And Son #263848
#48. The Godhead consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is a material being.

Orson Pratt

Quotes About A Father And Son #272230
#49. People see the 'Lil' Wayne' persona and think they know who he really is. My son's father is an intelligent, loving and lovable person who will always be a dear friend. That is all.

Lauren London

Quotes About A Father And Son #299702
#50. Her (Mary's) Son first had to be the Child of the Father in order then to become man and be capable of taking up on his shoulders the burden of a guilty world.

Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Quotes About A Father And Son #301160
#51. In condemning, therefore, the vices of a father, a truly pious son will subscribe to God's Law; and still, whatsoever he may be, will acknowledge that he is to be honored, as being the father given him by God.

John Calvin

Quotes About A Father And Son #302845
#52. If you punish him for what he sees you practise yourself, he ... will be apt to interpret it the peevishness and arbitrary imperiousness of a father, who, without any ground for it, would deny his son the liberty and pleasure he takes himself.

John Locke

Quotes About A Father And Son #308237
#53. If they come into a house and there is a son and a mother there, they hold a gun to their heads. They make the son sleeps with his mother. If it is a daughter and a father, they do the same thing.

Edwidge Danticat

Quotes About A Father And Son #308584
#54. With my first son I cut his umbilical cord and everything, so I'm a hands-on father, to say the least.

Mekhi Phifer

Quotes About A Father And Son #312687
#55. As a child of God, you aren't just a manifestation of your biological family. You are a manifestation of your spiritual family - your true family of origin. If you let Him, the Spirit of God will manifest the Father and the Son through you.

Mark Batterson

Quotes About A Father And Son #313397
#56. My family and friends were definitely the key to my recovery. One thing that I do suggest is that anyone dealing with a life-threatening illness like cancer choose a point person for people to call to find out how you are doing - a sister, brother, mother, father, daughter, son, or close friend.

Olivia Newton-John

Quotes About A Father And Son #314004
#57. Col. 1:12-13 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light; who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.

Witness Lee

Quotes About A Father And Son #321756
#58. So she is pretty and he is rich. No doubt society will judge it an excellent match. I know my father does thus a woman he found intolerable for his son is in turn found ideal for his associate. strange isn't it how it's the direction we are viewed from that makes us attractive or abhorrent

Galen Beckett

Quotes About A Father And Son #324880
#59. If not to shape me into a better man; a better husband, a better father, a better son, a better brother, a better friend ... then all of my experience, success, and education will have been a selfish waste.

Steve Maraboli

Quotes About A Father And Son #326239
#60. May all your expectations be frustrated, may all your plans be thwarted, may all your desires be withered into nothingness, that you may experience the powerlessness and poverty of a child and sing and dance in the love of God who is the Father, Son and Spirit.

Brennan Manning

Quotes About A Father And Son #347030
#61. If fathers are sometimes sulky at the appearance of the destined son-in-law, is it not a fact that mothers become sentimental and, as it were, love their own loves over again.

William Makepeace Thackeray

Quotes About A Father And Son #360501
#62. It was a love story about a father and a son. The rest was window dressing. As a love story between a parent and a child, it was universal. Didn't matter that I was gay, that he was deaf, that we didn't fit in, that we were each outcasts in our own way

Nick Wilgus

Quotes About A Father And Son #364068
#63. I'm a first-time father, and it was amazing to me to learn that my son could actually use sign language before the spoken word. I could see this intelligence in his eyes before he could speak: how he could understand what was going on around him and was frustrated by that.

Matt Reeves

Quotes About A Father And Son #365810
#64. Even though there is a villain here, serious as death. It is this typical American teenager's own Father, trying episode after episode to kill his son. And the kid knows it. Imagine that.

Thomas Pynchon

Quotes About A Father And Son #372616
#65. The Devil is a Five-headed Snake, says the father. The son says, Nay, it's a Six-headed one. And then their hearts burn with hate for each others and they live apart for many years.

Subramanya Bharathi

Quotes About A Father And Son #385305
#66. Larry Hein, who wrote the blessing: May all your expectations be frustrated, may all your plans be thwarted, may all your desires be withered into nothingness, that you may experience the powerlessness and poverty of a child and sing and dance in the love of God who is Father, Son, and Spirit

Brennan Manning

Quotes About A Father And Son #397966
#67. Pavlik denounced his father's crimes, and when Trofim shouted out, 'It's me, your father,' the boy told the judge: 'Yes, he used to be my father, but I no longer consider him my father. I am not acting as a son, but as a Pioneer.

Orlando Figes

Quotes About A Father And Son #404982
#68. Trevanion wrapped his arm around his son's neck like shepherd's hook and dragged him along playfully. when he let go, Finnikin thought he would have liked his father to hold on a moment longer.

Melina Marchetta

Quotes About A Father And Son #412896
#69. My birth neither shook the German Empire nor caused much of an upheaval in the home. It pleased mother, caused father a certain amount of pride and my elder brother the usual fraternal jealousy of a hitherto only son.

Conrad Veidt

Quotes About A Father And Son #417233
#70. Just as a son, to be a son of man, must be of the same nature and spirit of his father; so with the sons of God, and so it will be with all who are born of the spirit of God.

Elias Hicks

Quotes About A Father And Son #417712
#71. He is indivisible from the Father and the Son, so that if you were to be suddenly transferred to heaven itself you wouldn't be any closer to God than you are now, for God is already here.

A.W. Tozer

Quotes About A Father And Son #418462
#72. A good father believes that he does wisely to encourage enterprise, productive skill, prudent self-denial, and judicious expenditure on the part of his son.

William Graham Sumner

Quotes About A Father And Son #419856
Who was
A Rider bonded to the dragon Saphira
Son of Holcomb and Nelda
Beloved of Selena
Father of Eragon Shadeslayer
Founder of the Varden
And Bane of the Forsworn.
May his name live on in glory.
Stydja unin mo'ranr

Christopher Paolini

Quotes About A Father And Son #420819
#74. 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon [4] his shoulder, and his name shall be called [5] Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


Quotes About A Father And Son #429815
#75. But you know how it is with fathers and sons. We can't say what we want to say. We think a nod is a paragraph and a sentence is a book, and, in the end, all that's important is left unspoken.

Peter Kirby

Quotes About A Father And Son #431073
#76. Marx's father became a Christian when Marx was a little boy, and some, at least, of the dogmas he must have then accepted seem to have born fruit in his son's psychology.

Bertrand Russell

Quotes About A Father And Son #431076
#77. The truth was that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God - a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that - and he must be about His Father's Business, the service of a vast, vulgar and meretricious beauty.

F Scott Fitzgerald

Quotes About A Father And Son #439352
#78. My work generally tends to be an all-out, 360-degree subversive take on everything, most of all my own notion of myself as a son, father, husband, human being and male in this culture.

Mark Leyner

Quotes About A Father And Son #447993
#79. I think my father was somewhat disappointed in not having had a son, and in that way I was the nearest thing he had.

Irene Rosenfeld

Quotes About A Father And Son #448481
#80. Living as we do with a veil over our eyes, we cannot remember what it was like to be with our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the premortal world; nor can we see with our physical eyes or with reason alone the hand of God in our lives.

Henry B. Eyring

Quotes About A Father And Son #451570
#81. I saw my father as a man, and not, as a man who was my father.

Richard Llewellyn

Quotes About A Father And Son #453941
#82. I love my dad. There is no doubt about that. He is a wonderful man and a good person. Like many father/son relationships, we have our struggles, our misunderstandings, and our miscommunications. We are very different people, but also very similar at the same time.

Brad Goreski

Quotes About A Father And Son #462362
#83. For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. 13. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.


Quotes About A Father And Son #465520
#84. The only result my father got for his money was the certainty that his son had laid faultlessly the foundation of a system of heavy drinking and could be always relied upon to make a break of at least twenty-five even with a bad cue.

Flann O'Brien

Quotes About A Father And Son #473275
#85. 1877. The vocation of humanity is to show forth the image of God and to be transformed into the image of the Father's only Son. This vocation takes a personal form since each of us is called to enter into the divine beatitude; it also concerns the human community as a whole.

The Catholic Church

Quotes About A Father And Son #476800
#86. It is a Law of Nature with us that a male child shall have one more side than his father, so that each generation shall rise (as a rule) one step in the scale of development and nobility. Thus the son of a Square is a Pentagon; the son of a Pentagon, a Hexagon; and so on.

Edwin A. Abbott

Quotes About A Father And Son #479184
#87. Thinking as I do that the Creator of this world is a very cruel being, and being a worshipper of Christ, I cannot help saying: 'the Son, O how unlike the Father!' First God Almighty comes with a thump on the head. Then Jesus Christ comes with a balm to heal it.

William Blake

Quotes About A Father And Son #507259
#88. You do know I am my father's son, right? People don't talk to me that way and live. (Syn)
Oh, like I fear you. Never. Besides, a fight might dislodge whatever has crawled up your sphincter and bring back the much nicer version of you. (Shahara)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Quotes About A Father And Son #513822
#89. My father is a very successful man in the corporate world, and I am his only son. He had certain dreams for me. I was scared to tell him that I wanted to be an actor.

Ram Kapoor

Quotes About A Father And Son #520106
#90. Within the walls of our own homes, we can and should bear pure testimony of the divinity and reality of the Father and the Son, of the great plan of happiness, and of the Restoration.

David A. Bednar

Quotes About A Father And Son #529708
#91. What the Father gives is the capacity to be a self, freedom, and thus autonomy, but an autonomy which can be understood only as a surrender of self to the other.

Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Quotes About A Father And Son #530954
#92. The Father willed that his blessed and glorious Son, whom he gave to us and who was born for us, should through his own blood offer himself as a sacrificial victim on the altar of the cross. This was to be done not for himself through whom all things were made, but for our sins.

Francis Of Assisi

Quotes About A Father And Son #531359
#93. When a hideous man becomes a father
And a son is born to him
In the middle of the night
He trembles and lights a lamp
And runs to look in anguish
On that child's face
To see who he resembles.


Quotes About A Father And Son #538029
#94. The Buddhists or the Jains do not depend upon God; but the whole force of their religion is directed to the great central truth in every religion, to evolve a God out of man. They have not seen the Father, but they have seen the Son. And he that hath seen the Son hath seen the Father also.

Swami Vivekananda

Quotes About A Father And Son #542835
#95. How ought we to love God, Father?" he asked in a whisper.
"By loving men, my son"
"And how ought we to love men?"
"By trying to guide them along the right path"
"And what is the right path?"
"The one that rises"
- Nikos Kazanzakis, Christ Recrucified

Nikos Kazantzakis

Quotes About A Father And Son #572443
#96. I tried to stick to my game plan, which was always being aware of what my A story was - the love story between a father and his son, and that son and his daughter.

Ted Demme

Quotes About A Father And Son #578639
#97. I could only relate [to the family] that I, the father of three sons, could hardly imagine what it would be to lose one, far less three of my boys, in such a cruel and senseless manner.

William Walker

Quotes About A Father And Son #583488
#98. Mr. Bazzard's father, being a Norfolk farmer, would have furiously laid about him with a flail, a pitch-fork, and every agricultural implement available for assaulting purposes, on the slightest hint of his son's having written a play.

Charles Dickens

Quotes About A Father And Son #590208
#99. In democratic countries, however opulent a man is supposed to be, he is almost always discontented with his fortune, because he finds that he is less rich than his father was, and he fears that his sons will be less rich than himself.

Alexis De Tocqueville

Quotes About A Father And Son #595864
#100. His dad had always told him that the red-faced were blusterers, not to be taken seriously. 'But if you see a bloke who's pale and shaking, son,' Bert's father had instructed, 'then run like blazes, because he might flamin' kill you.

Kerry Greenwood

Quotes About A Father And Son #596669

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