Top 100 My Mother Told Me Quotes

#1. My mother told me once that she and my father agreed that I would not be brought up Jewish in Chicago. She had me going to a Methodist church.

Wesley Clark

My Mother Told Me Quotes #23607
#2. There was no joke I could make that was too offensive. I can actually remember at least one time where my mother told me something that, I was like, 'whoa!'

Seth MacFarlane

My Mother Told Me Quotes #38963
#3. I've always loved books. My mother told me that before I could talk, I'd babble in my crib as I turned the pages of my little cloth books, apparently telling stories to go along with the pictures.

JoAnn Ross

My Mother Told Me Quotes #41678
#4. That's the way love sounds, my mother told me. You think it should feel like honey, but instead it cuts like a knife.

Alice Hoffman

My Mother Told Me Quotes #55931
#5. Bet he was myrrh," said Josh. "Bastard, he brings the cheapest gift and now he wants to sodomize me. My mother told me the myrrh went bad after a week too." Did I mention that Joshua was not a myrrh fan?

Christopher Moore

My Mother Told Me Quotes #61819
#6. One time, my mother told me that I always eat like I'll never see food again. And I said, "I won't unless I bring it home." That shut her up.

Suzanne Collins

My Mother Told Me Quotes #82221
#7. My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

My Mother Told Me Quotes #84901
#8. Sometimes I try to remember things my mother told me about the awful way he was raised. But why does he have to keep on going? Why would you take something bad out of your mouth and hand it to another, saying, Here, eat this?

Elizabeth Berg

My Mother Told Me Quotes #98017
#9. My mother told me when I was a toddler and in the crib that they would have music playing, and the thing when I lit up was boogie-woogie or something out of the Louie Jordan period of sometimes big bands, and then all kinds of things.

Robbie Robertson

My Mother Told Me Quotes #110262
#10. Even my mother told me: 'You are a handsome woman, but you're not pretty. Pretty girls don't have those big bones.'

Yoko Ono

My Mother Told Me Quotes #166684
#11. I had no expectations about fatherhood, really, but it's definitely a journey I'm glad to be taking. Number one, it's a great learning experience. When my mother told me it's a 24/7 job, she wasn't kidding.

Christopher Meloni

My Mother Told Me Quotes #277563
#12. As a child, my mother told me lots of fairy stories, many her own invention. She, too, tended to reverse the norm.

Tanith Lee

My Mother Told Me Quotes #290630
#13. Hatred is always a sin, my mother told me. Remember that. One drop of hatred in your soul will spread and discolor everything like a drop of black ink in white milk. I was struck by that and meant to try it, but knew I shouldn't waste the milk.

Alice Munro

My Mother Told Me Quotes #301800
#14. My mother told me that dead men don't sing

George R R Martin

My Mother Told Me Quotes #331201
#15. My mother told me once that, a long time ago, there were people who wouldn't buy genetically engineered produce because they viewed it as unnatural. Now we have no other option.

Veronica Roth

My Mother Told Me Quotes #380025
#16. I loved Aphrodite from the first and steeped myself in her legends. My mother told me that in ancient times her rituals were bloody and cruel, but I only half believed it.

Erica Jong

My Mother Told Me Quotes #447390
#17. If I tried to shout over my older brother, my mother told me keep quiet. If I tried to shout over my little sister, my father told me to shut up. I found the best way to be heard was to lower my voice and actually speak when I had something to say.

Peter Welch

My Mother Told Me Quotes #476304
#18. My mother told me, 'Always do your best,' and my dad says, 'It's important to be humble. That's the key. They're not there for you. You're there for them.'

Luke Benward

My Mother Told Me Quotes #502395
#19. When I was ten, my mother told me to write down my feelings. I eventually started writing a book. I wish I'd kept the handwritten text. I recall some of the story, but it was a start into the world of writing.

Franny Armstrong

My Mother Told Me Quotes #566780
#20. There was a time in my life that my mother told me that they didn't know whether they were going to send me to college or an institution, and it's rough to hear that ... Childhood is tough.

Ellen Greene

My Mother Told Me Quotes #567139
#21. I listened to a lot of stories when I was a kid. My mother told me stories, and I loved them.

John D. Voelker

My Mother Told Me Quotes #592503
#22. My mother told me on several different occasions that she was livin' her dream vicariously through me. She once said that I was getting' to do all the things that she would have wanted to have done.

Buck Owens

My Mother Told Me Quotes #632734
#23. I once tried being dramatic when I was fourteen. My mother told me to add it to the calendar.

Penny Reid

My Mother Told Me Quotes #657358
#24. From an early age my mother told me that there were so many of us that if I was to get anything in life I would have to get it myself. So I did.

Michael Lee-Chin

My Mother Told Me Quotes #663641
#25. I was raised in Brooklyn and in Baltimore. My father was a bookkeeper. When I was 36 years old, my mother told me I was adopted.

Harry Frankfurt

My Mother Told Me Quotes #688681
#26. My mother told me I was blessed, and I have always taken her word for it. Being born of - or reincarnated from - royalty is nothing Like being blessed. Royalty is inherited from another
human being; blessedness comes from God.

Duke Ellington

My Mother Told Me Quotes #722786
#27. [My mother told me:] "You must decide whether you want to get married someday, or have a career." ... I set my sights on the career. I thought, what does any man really have to offer me?

Annie Elizabeth Delany

My Mother Told Me Quotes #790249
#28. My mother told me to raise my kids with calculated neglect. They get their self-worth from doing what they can do and not having everything done for them.

Lea Thompson

My Mother Told Me Quotes #792750
#29. In the West, for example, people believe they must 'pursue happiness' as if it were some kind of a flighty bird that is always out of reach. In the East, we believe we are born with happiness and one of life's important takes, my mother told me, is to protect it.

Le Ly Hayslip

My Mother Told Me Quotes #803031
#30. Secrets, my mother told me once, are just stories turned inside out.

Janet McNally

My Mother Told Me Quotes #880071
#31. My doctor told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother.

Wilma Rudolph

My Mother Told Me Quotes #894557
#32. My mother told me if I work hard and I really believed in American principles and I believed in God, anything is possible. That's why I'm not anxious to give away American values and principles for the sake of political correctness.

Benjamin Carson

My Mother Told Me Quotes #907936
#33. Ah, well, my mother told me that if wishes were fishes, we would all be swimming in riches. Ok, tell me about these two facilities.

Craig Alanson

My Mother Told Me Quotes #964894
#34. I was always an unusual girl.
My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean.

Lana Del Rey

My Mother Told Me Quotes #984160
#35. My mother told me to keep on singing, and that kept me working through the cotton fields. She said God has his hand on you. You'll be singing for the world someday.

Johnny Cash

My Mother Told Me Quotes #990890
#36. My mother told me Homer Ditto was not my father. Nope. Mom had had a fling with some other guy who was my dad. Some dude who didn't stick around too long who Mom was happy to get rid of. She chose Homer, and Homer chose me, so he lent me his name even though I didn't have his blood.

Beth Ditto

My Mother Told Me Quotes #998525
#37. You have your whole life ahead of you," my mother told me, "don't spend all your time in the past." It's good advice, I know it is, but the past has its own ideas. It can follow you around with a life of its own, casting a long shadow.

Gregory Galloway

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1006112
#38. When I was a kid, my mother told me that if you could not be a good loser, then there's no way you could be a good winner.

Halle Berry

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1086898
#39. There is no such thing as unconditional love," my mother told me. "I could stop loving you at any time.

Elana K. Arnold

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1119982
#40. My mother told me two things constantly. One was to be a lady and the other was to be independent, and the law was something most unusual for those times because for most girls growing up in the '40s, the most important degree was not your B.A. but your M.R.S.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1162444
#41. I found out why cats drink out of the toilet. My mother told me it's because the water is cold in there. And I'm like: How did my mother know that?

Wendy Liebman

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1168218
#42. My mother told me 'man on top, woman underneath.' For years my husband & I slept in bunk beds.

Joan Rivers

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1193335
#43. Your job is obviously very pressured."
"I thrive under pressure," I explain. Which is true. I've known that about myself ever since ...
Well. Ever since my mother told me when I was about 8.

Sophie Kinsella

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1213019
#44. My mother told me not to listen to anyone. She had been told that she wouldn't be able to teach and she did.

Archie Panjabi

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1272377
#45. I wish I were the graceful sort. I was trained to be. "Never chase men or buses," my mother told me. "Another one will always come along." Still, I always run after the subway, and when men go, I follow.

Katie Crouch

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1276402
#46. My mother told me stories all the time ... And in all of those stories she told me who I was, who I was supposed to be, whom I came from, and who would follow me ... That's what she said and what she showed me in the things she did and the way she lives.

Paula Gunn Allen

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1313911
#47. Last night I did things my mother told me not to with the people I shouldn't see in the places that I should not go..

Nick Santino

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1375506
#48. My mother told me many stories about her childhood in Cuba. Living there had a profound impact on her and how she regards herself.

Rachel Kushner

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1406561
#49. How old am I? I'm as old as my mother told me. How's that?

Charles Manson

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1454710
#50. My mother told me one day I walked in to her and said, 'Mom, I'm not going to be sick anymore,' and she said 'Why?' and I said 'Because an angel told me so.' Now, I don't remember saying it; that's just what she told me.


My Mother Told Me Quotes #1461201
#51. My mother told me, 'Son, nobody else but God knows.' And that's what I'm about - reaching out to the people, crying with them, giving them hope. Visiting the hospital, visiting the kids with cancer, visiting the adults, and stuff like that. That's what I do.

Mr. T

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1483755
#52. I can type faster than I can point. And my mother told me that pointing
is impolite.

Andrew S. Tanenbaum

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1489632
#53. My mother told me, you don't have to put anything in your mouth you don't want to. Then she made me eat broccoli, which felt like double standards.

Sarah Millican

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1539349
#54. When I was applying to college, my mother told me I could apply to any school within the Boston subway map.

Susan Estrich

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1567428
#55. My mother told me that everything in life happened for a purpose. She said all things were part of God's plan, even the most disheartening setbacks, and in the end, everything worked out for the best.

Ronald Reagan

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1575536
#56. My mother told me that life isn't always about pleasing yourself and that sometimes you have to do things for the sole benefit of another human being. I completely agreed with her, but reminded her that that was what blow jobs were for.

Chelsea Handler

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1575723
#57. My mother told me when I was a kid that each time we get to what feels like the edge of a cliff, we have two choices: to turn around and run, or to jump. I have learned over time to jump - and though it is scary, I know somewhere inside me that I will be caught.

Maria Bello

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1581110
#58. My mother told me, if you call yourself 'Little' Stevie Wonder, you'd better be as good as Little Willie John.

Stevie Wonder

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1596808
#59. My mother told me that truth is like my skin, a beautiful, protective covering, and the things that people say or do can be easily changed or discarded. She told me truth comes from the heart.

Stewart Lewis

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1597702
#60. As my mother told me, if you save one life, it begins a dynasty. The life you save can save another, so one life is never too small.

Diane Von Furstenberg

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1625095
#61. My mother told me ... if you're going to get anywhere, you're going to have to do it yourself, because no one is going to do it for you.

Lance Armstrong

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1649828
#62. My mother told me I was dancing before I was born. She could feel my toes tapping wildly inside her for months.

Ginger Rogers

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1707425
#63. The only thing my mother told me about sex was that I was never going to get any.

Douglas N. Graham

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1730647
#64. My mother told me I should be a secretary, but I wanted to be an actress from when I was very young.

Barbra Streisand

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1735441
#65. My mother told me never explain, never complain. Even as a young actress, I determined I would never give personal interviews, since they made me so uncomfortable.

Jennifer Jones

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1741437
#66. My mother told me that when I was born a wave of feeling came over her. She just knew that I was destined to be an actress.

Kirsten Dunst

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1748470
#67. As a four-year-old, my mother told me I was climbing the fence, jumping off and calling myself an 'eppyplane' ... I bought books on aeroplanes, I followed everything in the newspapers about aeroplanes. Amy Johnson flew to Australia in 1930 - why couldn't I do something like that?

Nancy Bird Walton

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1818879
#68. My mother told me I was begging her to be an actor when I was four. My father and my grandfather saw at least one or two movies a week; they were film buffs, so I guess it just rubbed off on me. And now it's kind of become a way of life for me.

Giovanni Ribisi

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1842503
#69. When I was little, my mother told me there are basically two kinds of people in the world: town people and circus people. The kind who stay are town people, and the kind who leave are circus people.

Cathy Day

My Mother Told Me Quotes #1858070
#70. My mother would cry about my blindness and the hopelessness of my ever seeing, but I told her I wasn't sad. I believed God had something for me to do.

Stevie Wonder

My Mother Told Me Quotes #6440
#71. I'm often a crier and many things make me cry. I come from a crying family - my mother cries, my grandma used to cry. It was never shameful to cry. My father never told me men don't cry.

Michael Silverblatt

My Mother Told Me Quotes #44263
#72. Well, my mother always told me that reading SF would rot my mind, ruin my morals, and lead me into hanging around with disreputable characters. And thank God, she was right!" -- Bruce Arthurs

Bruce Arthurs

My Mother Told Me Quotes #47029
#73. My mother, in the style of the times, told me I could do anything I set my sights on. She said I could be the president, an astronaut, or the next Charles Schulz. I believed her because at that point in my life I hadn't yet noticed the pattern of her deceptions.

Scott Adams

My Mother Told Me Quotes #54503
#74. And you must tell the child the legends I told you
as my mother told them to me and her mother to her. You must tell the fairy tales of the old country. You must tell of those not of the earth who live forever in the hearts of the people ...

Betty Smith

My Mother Told Me Quotes #66187
#75. My aunts told wonderful stories. Not to me, but to each other. We had a very strong family. My mother's sisters loved each other intensely. The uncles loved each other intensely.

Barry Hannah

My Mother Told Me Quotes #69702
#76. All cat stories start with this statement: My mother, who was the first cat, told me this ...

Shirley Jackson

My Mother Told Me Quotes #89201
#77. My mother always told me I wouldn't amount to anything because I procrastinate. I said, 'Just wait.

Judy Tenuta

My Mother Told Me Quotes #95720
#78. My therapist told me that I over-analyze everything. I explained to him that he only thinks this because of his unhappy relationship with his mother.

Michel Templet

My Mother Told Me Quotes #96344
#79. I grew up not understanding what was true and what was not true. It gave me a sense of unreality. I was told that this man [mom's lover] was not my mother's lover - when he was. I was told he was there as a male babysitter for my brother so that he would learn sports and other manly things.

Carly Simon

My Mother Told Me Quotes #117098
#80. My mother always told me the best way to learn to deal with a man was to learn to ride a mule. She said they have about equal brains most of the time. Sometimes the mule is smarter.

Robert Jordan

My Mother Told Me Quotes #119021
#81. Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. I just told my mother I want a bra. Please help me grow God. You know where.

Judy Blume

My Mother Told Me Quotes #132202
#82. I would not recommend a teen getting into modeling if they're not solid when it comes to their grades and school. That comes first. My mother always told me that came first.

Tyra Banks

My Mother Told Me Quotes #156912
#83. My mother once told me that no woman is naked when she comes equipped with a bad mood and a steady glare.

Mira Grant

My Mother Told Me Quotes #186265
#84. I wanted to be a success on the stage, the screen, or the radio. So I saved my money and when I had bus fare and $16.82 over, I told my mother, Clara, I was going to leave home. She was heartbroken, but she believed in me.

Carole Landis

My Mother Told Me Quotes #199368
#85. I believe in miracles. At the age of 13, I was on holiday in Moscow with my mother. It was the only trip I took in my whole childhood. We stepped off a metro train and were approached by a talent scout who told me that she wanted to sign me to her modeling agency.

Olga Kurylenko

My Mother Told Me Quotes #220439
#86. No, the frigid, cold, empty thing that lives inside me showed up the day after my mother died. It told me it was pointless to care about people. It told me it was useless to consider what they think or feel or desire out of life.

Callie Hart

My Mother Told Me Quotes #233034
#87. I told my mother at about the seventh year of therapy that I had been abused sexually by my father, and she hung up the phone on me.

Anne Heche

My Mother Told Me Quotes #262318
#88. They held me and told me everything would be fine, that sadness would rise from our bones and evaporate in sunlight the way morning fog burned off the river in summer. My mother rubbed the kites on my hands and arms and told me to think of my lungs as balloons. I just want to feel safe, I said.

Shane Jones

My Mother Told Me Quotes #262936
#89. My mother once told me that you really know someone when you know their parents.

David Levithan

My Mother Told Me Quotes #288608
#90. My mother wrote poetry when I was young - I have an early memory of the sound of her typewriter - and my father told me inventive bedtime stories.

Eula Biss

My Mother Told Me Quotes #315085
#91. My mother always told me to take pride in my appearance.


My Mother Told Me Quotes #315146
#92. Once, I started listing off all the people that I truly cared about. When I got to number seven, Penelope told me I either needed to whittle down my list or stop making friends immediately. My mother says you should never have more people in your life than you could defend from a hungry rakshasa.

Rainbow Rowell

My Mother Told Me Quotes #322046
#93. My mother was teaching me that the inside of something was not necessarily its outside. Always look carefully, she told me. Look with more than your eyes.

Alice Hoffman

My Mother Told Me Quotes #341453
#94. She already told me that she doesn't have to be nice, so why do I? Because my mother raised me right? That's why wolves always win. Because the rest of us mind our manners and get devoured for our efforts.

Sheryl J. Anderson

My Mother Told Me Quotes #346537
#95. It's for personal reasons, I say stiffly, which is what my mother had always told me to say about things that had to do with fighting with your brothers, getting any sort of illness that had intestinal ramifications, starting your period, and money.

Maggie Stiefvater

My Mother Told Me Quotes #374188
#96. David Stern should get with the mothers of the NBA and let the moms decide what the dress code should be. I asked my mother if I could wear a chain, and she told me yeah. So I do stuff that my parents allow me to do.

Shaquille O'Neal

My Mother Told Me Quotes #380983
#97. You know what I find ironic? My homophobic mother offers
you her cabbage rolls as a truce and you respond by asking her if
it was 'tacit approval' to suck my cock."
"She shoved a phallic symbol my way and told me to eat it.

Dani Alexander

My Mother Told Me Quotes #385918
#98. The only thing I have to go by is what my mother and father told me, how I was brought up.

Madeleine Albright

My Mother Told Me Quotes #395876
#99. I'm not certain, but I have a little gypsy blood in me. And my mother always told me that her grandma could give someone the evil eye, and I'd better not cross her because she had some of that blood in her. Mother always believed that she could predict the future, and she had dreams that came true.

Sam Raimi

My Mother Told Me Quotes #397123
#100. Set a church clock wrong to fool the devil, my mother always told me. But in this case I suspect the devil is not fooled.

Not for a minute.

Joanne Harris

My Mother Told Me Quotes #405631

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