Top 45 Lose Fat Quotes

#1. The gym where I work out in Tokyo has a poster that says, "Muscles are hard to get and easy to lose. Fat is easy to get and hard to lose." A painful reality, but a reality all the same.

Haruki Murakami

Lose Fat Quotes #788587
#2. The point to keep in mind is that you don't lose fat because you cut calories; you lose fat because you cut out the foods that make you fat-the carbohydrates.

Gary Taubes

Lose Fat Quotes #977221
#3. The bottom line is that you will not lose fat effectively with exercise-driven weight-loss efforts unless your eating habits moderate insulin production.

Mark Sisson

Lose Fat Quotes #1038548
#4. Muscles are hard to get and easy to lose. Fat is easy to get and hard to lose.

Haruki Murakami

Lose Fat Quotes #569131
#5. Scales lie! You lose thirty pounds of muscle and you gain thirty pounds of fat and you weigh the same, right?
Take that tape measure out. That won't lie. Your waistline is your lifeline.
It should be the same as it was when you were a young person.

Jack LaLanne

Lose Fat Quotes #952508
#6. Will the devil be home?"
"My grandma is not the devil," Ben said, smiling despite the insult. "Besides, isn't the devil a male?"
"I thought so until I met your grandma. Could you tell her to stop calling me Fatty?"
"You could stand to lose a little weight.

Victor Kloss

Lose Fat Quotes #1831460
#7. I do want to lose weight for my children. I don't want them to think being fat is okay.

Ram Kapoor

Lose Fat Quotes #1001142
#8. Weight-loss drugs are intended to enable patients to lose weight more effectively than diet or exercise alone by: 1. suppressing appetite, 2. increasing feelings of fullness, 3. inhibiting the absorption of fat, or in some cases, 4. increasing the metabolism slightly

N.J. May

Lose Fat Quotes #1008521
#9. And once you are that fat, the 'fuck-it-factor; comes into play. The fuck-it factor means that you know (even the most basic grasp of nutrition) it will take ages to lose your excess weight, so you might as well get an easy lay by sticking half a packet of Hula Hoops into a tub of cheese spread.

Rae Earl

Lose Fat Quotes #1135137
#10. That stinking mirror doesn't lie. Every time I walk by it shouts out, 'Hey. Chub. When are you going to lose those 15 pounds of ugly-ass flab?

Ellen Hopkins

Lose Fat Quotes #1141049
#11. I need to lose some weight. I'm getting really fat. But I'm getting older, and I just can't stop eating wonderful food. Rich, wonderful food.

H. Jon Benjamin

Lose Fat Quotes #1175049
#12. I still think I'm fat. Right now I'm worrying about how I'm going to lose weight after the pregnancy. I feel like an elephant, but I do get the occasional sexy pregnant day where I think I look great.

Lily Allen

Lose Fat Quotes #1221466
#13. Until I am ready to lose weight, I cannot see how fat I am.

Mason Cooley

Lose Fat Quotes #1286967
#14. I didn't think I was fat. I just thought I didn't need to gain any weight. But I would drop weight and then I would be comfortable with that number. Then I would lose more weight and that would become my new number.

Tracey Gold

Lose Fat Quotes #1288181
#15. The first thing I would do for anyone who's trying to lose body fat, for instance, would be to remove foods from the house that he or she would consume during lapses of self-control.

Tim Ferriss

Lose Fat Quotes #1292386
#16. I smiled and held my peace. Women are apt to lose perspective when fat with child.

Mark Lawrence

Lose Fat Quotes #1309465
#17. The Venus Factor weight loss system has nothing to do with silly exercise machines, cardio, restrictive or pre-packaged diets, or whatever weird berry pill the diet industry is talking about these days.

John Barban

Lose Fat Quotes #1376852
#18. I'm worried about losing my hair. I think if I lost my hair, I'd lose a lot of parts. And I don't want to get fat. I'm always worried about that.

Rupert Penry-Jones

Lose Fat Quotes #1397934
#19. Weight used to be an issue. I was always fat as a child. And everyone used to tell me, 'You've got such a pretty face; why don't you lose some weight?' Over the years I've realised that my body is a certain type, and I have learned to accept it.

Vidya Balan

Lose Fat Quotes #1454512
#20. The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends.

Bob Hope

Lose Fat Quotes #1472494
#21. The wealth and prosperity of the country are only the comeliness of the body, the fullness of the flesh and fat; but the spirit is independent of them; it requires only muscle, bone and nerve for the true exercise of its functions. We cannot lose our liberty, because we cannot cease to think.

Humphry Davy

Lose Fat Quotes #1473391
#22. Statistically, if you have ever dieted you are extremely likely not only to regain any weight you lose, but to go on to gain even more. Dieting makes you fat.

Arabella Weir

Lose Fat Quotes #1537670
#23. I was fat, so I have the right to tell other fat people not only that they should lose weight, but also that they must lose weight because I was fat, and I lost weight, and I saw the difference.

Jean Nidetch

Lose Fat Quotes #1651913
#24. A big mistake people make when they are trying to lose weight is that they stop eating. They'll eat salads once a day and then their body starts trying to protect itself and holds onto the fat.

Curtis Jackson

Lose Fat Quotes #1737481
#25. A lot of us are ruled by fear during our lives - afraid we'll get burgled, afraid a dog will bite us, afraid we'll get fat, afraid someone will leave us. Once you lose fear, life becomes sweeter, and that happens as you get older. I'm sure by the time I'm 80, I'll be able to do absolutely anything!

Joanna Lumley

Lose Fat Quotes #530974
#26. Use what you have in your gym. Try to do my training program, you will lose your fat and gain muscles at the same time.

Serge Nubret

Lose Fat Quotes #10553
#27. I could take all the cartoons in the tabloid newspapers, but I couldn't take my daughter punching me in the belly and asking why I was so fat. That was my inspiration to lose the weight. And probably the last time anyone hurt my feelings.

Al Sharpton

Lose Fat Quotes #22774
#28. When I got into the sport I was so fat that my manager said he should send me to boot camp to lose the weight!

Li Na

Lose Fat Quotes #23728
#29. Lose thirty pounds within the next thirty days, or I'll have Chief Horrall put you on the 'Fat Husband's Diet' recently extolled in the Ladies' Home Journal.

James Ellroy

Lose Fat Quotes #41627
#30. Undercook swordfish, and you get rubber. Overcook it, and you lose the fat and succulence.

Geoffrey Zakarian

Lose Fat Quotes #108800
#31. I really worshipped Mama Cass a lot. Mama Cass, who was really fat and she didn't lose weight. Yeah, she went on diets but for the most part of her life and the better part of her career she was a big person.

Beth Ditto

Lose Fat Quotes #132543
#32. I can't remember a time where I really battled with my body, but I can remember being asked to lose weight and battling with the advice. It hurt me. Especially as my baby fat naturally melted away as I got older.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Lose Fat Quotes #208701
#33. Sonic the hedgehog is a beautiful statement on capitalism. You spend your whole life collecting yellow rings and then hit one spike and lose them all. And there is a fat man who wants to kill you.

Thom Yorke

Lose Fat Quotes #302062
#34. Rather than strive to 'lose weight,' most people would be better off striving to lose only fat and to build or maintain muscle.

Mark Sisson

Lose Fat Quotes #479126
#35. It goes in streaks. But some things never go out of fashion.' Hunger artists, fat folks, giants, and dog acts come and go but real freaks never lose their appeal.

Katherine Dunn

Lose Fat Quotes #518739
#36. I was told I was fat in the modeling world, and a director on a shoot told me I needed to lose weight. The J-Lo booty wasn't popular then, and I wanted to be the perfect Hollywood girl - tall, blonde and skinny. I couldn't do the 'tall' because I was 5'2, and I couldn't do the skinny, either.

Coco Austin

Lose Fat Quotes #929028
#37. I hired a personal trainer to help me lose 25 pounds and get from obese to fat. My next step will be to get from fat to chubby.

Adam McKay

Lose Fat Quotes #590707
#38. When I was 20, my husband at the time looked at me said, 'You're fat; go run.' There weren't a lot of tools at the end of the '70s to lose weight. It took me a while to realize what kind of exercise would make me happy and I would look forward to doing. And running became it.

Kim Alexis

Lose Fat Quotes #681590
#39. When you get fat and lose your hunger. That is when you know the sellout has happened.

Bruce Springsteen

Lose Fat Quotes #701043
#40. Let me tell you something, my wife died for Tuesdays ago. Cancer of the colon. We were married forty-one years. Now you stop feeling sorry for yourself and lose some of that pork of yours. Pretty girl like you - you don't want to do this yourself.

Wally Lamb

Lose Fat Quotes #778378
#41. I have heard one doctor call high-protein, high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets "make-yourself-sick" diets, and I think that's an appropriate moniker. You can also lose weight by undergoing chemotherapy or starting a heroin addiction, but I wouldn't recommend those, either.

T. Colin Campbell

Lose Fat Quotes #833449
#42. I was muscular - I was never overweight. But tell a girl that she has to lose 15 pounds when she's not fat, and that has destroyed a lot of who I am over the years, even still. In my mind I'm thinking, 'I'm always too heavy. I should be a skinny thing.'

Kim Alexis

Lose Fat Quotes #843544
#43. It was when she started dealing coke so she could lose weight. It had worked, sort of. I think she still has a fat ass, and can look dumpy, and has dried-out black hair and writes awful poetry and I'm pissed off that I let her get into that position of denying me.

Bret Easton Ellis

Lose Fat Quotes #846804
#44. I have been a big guy all my life, I am not going to lose a bunch of weight, because then you're like that weird fat person that got skinny but still has a big head. I don't want to do that. So I'm just trying.

Billy Gardell

Lose Fat Quotes #862095
#45. When I was younger I was fat. I was never conscious of it and was content with who I was because I was so loved. My mother never told me to lose weight and my father doted on me, but my agent told me. I tried, but I loved Indian food too much.

Archie Panjabi

Lose Fat Quotes #919411

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