Top 34 Last Time I Checked Quotes

#1. Cael, come on. Stop licking the dude. That's gross."

Letty let out a snort. "Please, like you don't lick dudes."

"That's different," Dex explained with a grimace. "None of those dudes were Ash. Besides, last time I checked, Ash was allergic to nuts.

Charlie Cochet

Last Time I Checked Quotes #90134
#2. Last time I checked I was able to throw the ball a little bit.

Robert Griffin III

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1863151
#3. I'm a musician first, a food-lover second, a dirty mouth with feet, and a girl last time I checked.

Tori Amos

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1714228
#4. Beautiful girl; when I hit on women, they are fucking me in less than five minutes; last time I checked we still have our clothes on.

Bec Botefuhr

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1676472
#5. Last time I checked, women didn't come with expiration dates.

Anne Calhoun

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1673977
#6. You all have functional brains, last time I checked," I say. "You can think like the Erudite, too."
"But we don't have special Divergent brains!" says Marlene. She touches her fingertips to my scalp and squeezes lightly. "Come on, do your magic.

Veronica Roth

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1511932
#7. Luck? Good luck? GM, the last time I checked, luck is for losers.

CM Punk

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1500965
#8. The last time I checked,I didn't have any special talent,thought Kara.Can I paint a demon to death?Drown it in some gouache?

Kim Richardson

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1487685
#9. I hate patriotism ... I can't stand it. It's a round world last time I checked.

Bill Hicks

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1448284
#10. Last time I checked, there were no Americans at all in Renaissance art.

Camille Paglia

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1361349
#11. The last time I checked, I wasn't the one who tripped over a glass container of sugar that I had myself dropped ... after, of course, having received several bruises from an attempt to retrieve a flip-flop that had somehow ended up in the sink.

Gina Marinello-Sweeney

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1310017
#12. Last time I checked, lifting theory has a PR of zero.

Steve Shaw

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1189089
#13. Have Tottenham closed the gap on Arsenal?
Last time I checked they were still 4 miles and 11 titles away

Arsene Wenger

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1168424
#14. Just say "I'm sorry." It's not a tongue twister. It does not need repeating multiple times. The phrase is simple and short, easy to articulate. And the last time I checked, it sounded just as good - if not better - in a whisper. So just say it; say "I'm sorry.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1115345
#15. Moms never get out of the kid business. Last time I checked, motherhood had no expiration date.

Lisa Scottoline

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1022259
#16. Last time I checked, the digital universe was expanding at the rate of five trillion bits per second in storage and two trillion transistors per second on the processing side.

George Dyson

Last Time I Checked Quotes #987570
#17. I just think Rosa Parks was overrated. Last time I checked, she got famous for breaking the law.

Stephen Colbert

Last Time I Checked Quotes #71541
#18. News flash," he says. "I'm gay, not a witch. Gay and witch is Dumbedore, and last time I checked, he was still just a guy in a book.

Andrea Cremer

Last Time I Checked Quotes #298640
#19. Last time I checked, there is no 'Hall of Average.'

Chip Kelly

Last Time I Checked Quotes #449807
#20. Do you know how hard it's been to not fuck you this whole journey?" he asked inside my head.
"Why can't I make love to you? Your husband sent you off to breed with a vampire." Samuel's fangs retracted. "Last time I checked, I was a vampire.

Kenya Wright

Last Time I Checked Quotes #644965
#21. Last time I checked, Congress was created to uphold the values of the Constitution, not the Bible and its biased teachings. 'All men (including women) are created equal' and are afforded unalienable rights. Way to go, Mr. President! Stand up for what you believe and for the people of this country.

Barack Obama

Last Time I Checked Quotes #690344
#22. What's your name?"
"What do you want it to be?"
"Are you a vampire?"
"Not the last time I checked.

Kresley Cole

Last Time I Checked Quotes #698403
#23. Last I looked - and I'm not a candidate - but last time I checked reading about the Constitution, the Electoral College has nothing to do with parties, has absolutely nothing to do with parties. It's most states are winners take all.

Michael Bloomberg

Last Time I Checked Quotes #807974
#24. The last time I checked, the only difference between my gay friends and I is who we choose to love. I'm not sure how that warrants a loss of rights, but it needs to stop. What ever happened to liberty and justice for all?


Last Time I Checked Quotes #822516
#25. Maybe I wanted children, maybe I didn't, but I wanted the decision to be a choice, not a mandate. Last time I checked, childlessness was only supposed to be a condition of career advancement for nuns.

Peggy Orenstein

Last Time I Checked Quotes #826814
#26. Well, last time I checked, if you don't eat, you starve to death. Same thing happens when you don't love, only you starve to death on the inside instead of the outside. Either way you die. So seems to me eat'n and love'n have a lot more in common than you think.

Adrienne Wilder

Last Time I Checked Quotes #863286
#27. A [news] magazine printed a [photo-illustration] of me in a ball gown holding a vacuum cleaner, saying I started a company. Last time I checked, I'm not selling vacuums. It was very sexist.

Reese Witherspoon

Last Time I Checked Quotes #920768
#28. Yes, last time I checked, I did have that appendage. It's fully functional, too. So I guess that means I don't get an invite.

Eden Summers

Last Time I Checked Quotes #926274
#29. We are all a little broken. But last time I checked, broken crayons still color the same.

Trent Shelton

Last Time I Checked Quotes #937840
#30. When we're at our weakest, God's at His strongest. We serve a powerful God, boy, and last time I checked, He was still on the throne.

Michelle Griep

Last Time I Checked Quotes #993581
#31. I know every time I fly, I get checked twice: they stop me at security, and then, they get me again at the gate. And last time, it was so bad, they actually made me go through the machine with the luggage.

Wanda Sykes

Last Time I Checked Quotes #183506
#32. And i was buck-naked. Which probably would have made for an interesting night, but the last time i'd checked i was neither a porn star or a prostitute.

Kristin Walker

Last Time I Checked Quotes #993976
#33. He lunged again. This time I stood my ground and he checked his leap at the last second ... and toppled sideways. I didn't hide my laugh that time. His face twisted fast, grabbed my pajama leg and wrenched, and down I went.

Kelley Armstrong

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1308642
#34. Who, last time I'd checked, was still on our official archenemy list. (Yes, we have to keep a list. It's kind of sad.)

James Patterson

Last Time I Checked Quotes #1409914

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