Top 100 Knew At Quotes
#1. Watching 'Doctor Who' in the United States meant I was always behind the times - PBS didn't get new episodes until two years after they ran, and I was aware of the show's cancellation before the characters themselves knew, at least in my corner of the world.
Seanan McGuire
#2. Happened that on a warm windy evening I drove over to East Egg to see two old friends whom I scarcely knew at all. Their house was even more elaborate than
F Scott Fitzgerald
#3. Then they took the last step together, and when she kissed her, her mouth as warm as summer, the taste of her sweet and clear, she knew, at last, that she was home.
Malinda Lo
#4. When I went to Hong Kong, I knew at once I wanted to write a story set there.
Paul Theroux
#5. I knew at the time my haircut was pretty damn god-awful, so I was just hoping that I wasn't one of the joke ones. And they put me through to Hollywood and I thought, "Well okay, maybe I'm still one of the joke ones but at least I'm not terrible?"
David Cook
#6. In combat situations, your choices can be judged based only against what you knew at the time. To expect anything more of a soldier is to demand that he or she be superhuman. Which seems, to me, unreasonable.
Jim Butcher
#7. I'd never touched alcohol - doesn't mix too well with crazy pills - but I knew at that moment what it must feel like to be drunk. Everything in my world shifted, and I knew I would trade every breath I'd ever taken for more of him. In a heartbeat.
Myra McEntire
#8. I think my stubbornness has served me well. I just knew at an early age what I wanted to do and I was determined to be able to make it happen, no matter how long it took.
Caroline Leavitt
#9. I wish I knew at 14 not to put much thought into what other people my age said to me, cause we were all looking for the answers. So I wish I knew that other people really don't know any more than you do!
Will Estes
#10. If you knew at the outset what you understood at the end, would you make the same choices, take the same risks, accept the same sacrifices? No. No one would. You can't appreciate the weight of that burden until after you've assumed it. You can't comprehend what it really means.
Barry Eisler
#11. Early laurels weigh like lead and of many of the boys whom I knew at Eton, I can say that their lives are over ... Once again romanticism with its death wish is to blame, for it lays an emphasis on childhood, on a fall from grace which is not compensated for by any doctrine of future redemption.
Cyril Connolly
#12. I was never really sure what I wanted to do - I'm in awe of these people who knew at age 10 or 12 they wanted to be a brain surgeon, and they did it, and they still are.
Jerry Doyle
#13. I'd heard Joyce Grenfell on the radio, and when Mum gave me a book of her comic routines, I just loved it. Me and my sister shared a bedroom, and every night I'd drive her mad with my version of 'George, Don't Do That' about people we knew at school.
Dorothy Atkinson
#14. There were in it metaphors as monstrous as orchids, and as subtle in color. The life of the senses was
described in the terms of mystical philosophy. One hardly knew at times whether one was reading the spiritual ecstasies of some medieval saint or the
morbid confessions of a modern sinner.
Charlotte Bronte
#15. I knew at least Banalia was dead; that had happened right in front of my eyes. They would either eat her now or smoke her body to sell the meat. It made my stomach turn
the DNA in that meat was almost 99 percent the same as human DNA; it was nearly cannibalism. But the men were hungry.
Eliot Schrefer
#16. When I finished [writing it], I was crying. I knew at long last, after ten years of trying, I had written something good.
Ray Bradbury
#17. I knew at that point I was more than capable of loving Jack - I was meant to.
Megan Duke
#18. Don't cry, pretty human, don't cry," and then she turned round and saw a beautiful little naked boy regarding her wistfully. She knew at once that he must be Peter Pan.
J.M. Barrie
#19. I knew at university that medicine was just not for me. I saved many lives by not being a doctor!
Zubin Mehta
#20. I blinked at him just casually talking about my new sex life with his genie-shiny head, and I knew at any second I would break into hysterics.
Laura Kreitzer
#21. I saw that the camera could be a weapon against poverty, against racism, against all sorts of social wrongs. I knew at that point I had to have a camera.
Gordon Parks
#22. Disarmed, defeated but elated,
I knew at once you were the one.
That meeting was, no doubt fated.
You are my own midnight sun.
Tatyana K. Varenko
#23. I've been designing my own pieces for a long time. My mother's a jewelry designer, so we knew at some point we were going to do a line and dive into the fashion world.
Christian Serratos
#24. Frank Baum knew at once he had written something special when he completed 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.'
Michael Patrick Hearn
#25. And he knew at that moment that love world never die, that it would never fade away altogether. The time might come when he would meet and marry someone else. He might even be reasonably happy. But there would always be a deep precious place in his heart that belonged to his first real love.
Mary Balogh
#26. He knew at once it was a human bone, when he took it from the baby who was sitting on the floor chewing it.
Arnaldur Indridason
#27. couldn't have explained then how the oak tree lives inside the acorn or how I suddenly realized that in the same enigmatic way something lived inside of me - the woman I would become - but it seemed I knew at once who she was.
Sue Monk Kidd
#28. I knew a mathematician who said 'I do not know as much as God. But I know as much as God knew at my age'.
Milton Shulman
#29. Witness: I thought it was a mistake. Based on what we knew at the time, it was a mistake to turn away from Patz as a suspect so early in the investigation.
William Landay
#30. I went pretty much for one tone, and I knew at that time that I wanted to play a Rickenbacker.
John Fogerty
#31. The only person she knew at all was Marquez, and Marquez seemed to have been possessed by the music.
Katherine Applegate
#32. Know a man's faith, and you knew at least half the man. Know his wife, and you knew the other half.
Philip Jose Farmer
#33. Lex, this'll sound weird, but when I was a kid I believed in monsters. You know, like vampires. Werewolves. Ghosts. And I believed in them because I knew at least one other monster existed. He wore a shirt with his name stitched across the pocket. And carried a fifth for a weapon.
Courtney C. Stevens
#34. I knew at an early age I wanted to act. Acting was always easy for me. I don't believe in predestination, but I do believe that once you get where ever it is you are going, that is where you were going to be.
Morgan Freeman
#35. When she spoke at last, I knew at once that she was rather drunk. "Seen something you fancy, Nancy? ... " she said.
I swallowed, unsure of what reply to make to her. She walked closer, then stopped a few paces from me, and continued to fix me with the same even, arrogant gaze.
Sarah Waters
#36. she allowed herself to dwell on the cause of this strange, apprehensive exultation that she sensed flickering at the edge of her mind: it was the rarest thing of all - a man whom she knew at once, and without any qualification, to be her equal.
Philip Pullman
#37. Ages passed I knew at last my life had never been.
Jethro Tull
#38. As a child I was very involved with sports and I knew at age 9 that I wanted to be an Olympic champion.
Marion Jones
#39. I didn't feel anything but a bone-deep weariness. Like I was suddenly a hundred years old, and I knew at that moment I would have to live a hundred more years, carrying my grief around like a backpack full of stones.
Jennifer Weiner
#40. Our people were not happy. I knew at some point we were going to win. It's a little unfair, but that's the reality. To some degree, it became a one-game season for some folks.
Tom Osborne
#41. I remember walking onstage in the first performance, and something hit me like a brick wall, and I just knew at that moment that this is something I had to do for the rest of my life, and I've never looked back.
Katherine McNamara
#42. I knew at a young age, whether I was playing baseball or hockey or lacrosse, that my teammates were counting on me, whether it be to strike the last batter out in a baseball game or score a big goal in a hockey game.
Wayne Gretzky
#43. I would love to go back and travel the road not taken, if I knew at the end of it I'd find the same set of grandkids.
Robert Breault
#44. In the beginning I was so young and such a stranger to myself I hardly existed. I had to go out into the world and see it and hear it and react to it, before I knew at all who I was, what I was, what I wanted to be.
Mary Oliver
#45. One hardly knew at times whether one was reading the spiritual ecstasies of some mediaeval saint or the morbid confessions of a modern sinner. It was a poisonous book.
Oscar Wilde
#46. Phut Phat knew, at an early age, that humans were an inferior breed. They were unable to see in the dark. They ate and drank unthinkable concoctions. And they had only five senses; the pair who lived with Phut Phat could not even transmit their thoughts without resorting to words.
Lilian Jackson Braun
#47. You always knew at a park when someone threw up.
Pam Jones
#48. He knew at the same time that this stricture of acceptance (by which what we must love is made into what we can love) would eventually be a part of himself
Djuna Barnes
#49. I saw and heard, and knew at last The How and Why of all things, past, and present, and forevermore.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
#50. When I was awarded a fellowship in poetry by the National Endowment for the Arts (for "Alphabets"), I felt myself suddenly (vaingloriously) equal to my Crow, which would be - I knew at once - Rat.
Norman Lock
#51. Filming 'Bad Santa' was really where I learned everything that I knew at that point about movies. That was really the first big thing that I had done.
Brett Kelly
#52. Cate's absolutely spellbinding. She was like that just eating a sandwich. I knew at the time I was privileged, but since she's become God's gift to actresses I realise exactly how lucky I was.
Emily Blunt
#53. I knew at the time that that wasn't the part I would be doing, they just wanted a screentest so they could have a look at it to show to the directors and producers. Then they wrote a part for me or maybe they already had it in mind, I don't know.
Dannii Minogue
#54. Why must this happen to me?" To this there could be no answer and there was none. When I knew at last that there could never be an answer, my own resolve shaped into the determination to make meaning out of the meaningless, and so provide the answer, though it was of my own making.
Pearl S. Buck
#55. It was a crushing defeat, but it put iron in my backbone and sulphur in my blood. I knew at least what it was to fail. I knew what it was to attempt something big.
Henry Miller
#56. I knew at a young age that I wanted to do comedy, and maybe part of that was trying to fit in at school because I had a weird name, and my parents had these accents, and I was definitely a late bloomer.
Nasim Pedrad
#57. Work was like cats were supposed to be: if you disliked and feared it and tried to keep out if its way, it knew at once and sought you out and jumped on your lap and climbed all over you to show how much it loved you. Please God, he thought, don't let me die in harness.
Kingsley Amis
#58. If you knew at twenty what you know at thirty-five, what a marvellous life you could have; on the other hand, you might find that you couldn't be bothered to have any life at all.
Hilary Mantel
#59. Further than five minutes ahead. But since I knew at the end of the week I couldn't go back, I called a lawyer.
Ann Patchett
#60. She turned her head and there was such sadness, such kindness in her pity for me, that I knew at once how the bold Othello, pirate and soldier - that hard, scarred, killing thing - had lost his heart.
Christopher Moore
#61. Retiring for good wasn't difficult. I knew at the time it was right. I was no longer capable of achieving the standards I'd set myself and there was no light at the end of the tunnel.
Ian Botham
#62. I knew at that moment I had to make a choice ... I could submit to everything and live a life of excuses, or I could push myself ... I could push myself and make my life good ...
Liz Murray
#63. I woke up and all I could see was Iraqis standing all around me, looking down upon me. I knew at that moment something terrible had happened and I wasn't in the right place.
Jessica Lynch
#64. When you walked into my life, I knew at that moment who I am, everything inside of me was no longer mine. One touch from your hand is all it took, from that second on, I knew that I will always belong to you.
Karen-Anne Stewart
#65. As it happened, their father had not had to spend very much time worrying. He had received telegrams from both sons, telling him each was looking for the other. The telegrams, Leslie later learned, had arrived five minutes apart, "so that father knew at home that we were both safe before we did.
Erik Larson
#66. As with many things in life-what we know at 30we wish we knew at 20-what we know at 40we wish we knew at 25and so on. 'If I knew then, what I know now' is the old adage that has been said for generations.
Kim Mitchell
#67. Trust. We stake our lives on it, but it's a subject that not even the Gallagher Academy can teach. When do you let your guard down? Who do you let in? And I knew at that moment, as I sat beside my mother, bathing in the warm spring light, that those were the questions a good spy never stops asking
Ally Carter
#68. The next thing you know, the people you always thought would be there, aren't. And the person you thought you could trust with everything, isn't the person you knew at all.
Rebecca Donovan
#69. I just knew at an early time in my life how important privacy was.
Daniel Day-Lewis
#70. I knew at quite a young age that I had an issue with drinking.
Martin Gore
#71. When I think now of all the lunatics I knew at Baryton's, I can't help suspecting that the only two manifestations of our innermost being are war and insanity, those two absolute nightmares.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine
#72. You don't want to continue to do one thing and only one thing. You want to keep challenging yourself and if you do well at it, great, if you fall on your face, you tried. Like, she's really terrible at comedy! Who knew? But if you didn't try and put yourself out there you'd never know.
Lucy Liu
#73. But she knew that her father's presence at the table with a man who spewed filth from his mouth - did that make it less filthy? No. it condoned.
Harper Lee
#74. Now for the hitch in Jane's character,' he said at last, speaking more calmly than from his look I had expected him to speak. 'The reel of silk has run smoothly enough so far; but I always knew there would come a knot and a puzzle: here it is. Now for vexation, and exasperation, and endless trouble!
Charlotte Bronte
#75. Colin mustered a perfunctory leer, but his mind was obviously elsewhere. 'Do you know ... ' he began.
I knew many things, but I didn't think he needed to hear the entirety of the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales right at just this moment.
Lauren Willig
#76. It is very annoying - things have been written by people who didn't know me at all or Princess Diana. They were written by people who never knew me or met me. It did make me angry. I just stopped reading the papers.
Hasnat Khan
#77. Finn crossed his arms and glared at Volusian. It was kind of a bold move, considering Finn looked like a cartoon character and Volusian looked like he ate the souls of small children. For all I knew, he probably did.
Richelle Mead
#78. It's interesting how we often can't see the ways in which we are being strong - like, you can't be aware of what you're doing that's tough and brave at the time that you're doing it because if you knew that it was brave, then you'd be scared.
Lena Dunham
#79. I was creating commitment devices of my own long before I knew what they were. So when I was a starving post-doc at Columbia University, I was deep in a publish-or-perish phase of my career. I had to write five pages a day towards papers, or I would have to give up five dollars.
Daniel Goldstein
#80. He wanted to dismiss Saint Rosaline's comments out of hand, but this was impossible because he knew that the comments came from the recesses of this own mink. Either that, or he was truly going mad, which at this point seemed like an attractive option.
Suzanne Harper
#81. But he knew, for example, that the things at the ends of his legs were his feet and that if he chose to waggle them, they would waggle. There they went. He knew that if he wanted to he could go to the kitchen and make a cup of tea and not get lost. So he did.
Mal Peet
#82. I met Mrs. Neely at the door and I swear to you she took one look at my glossy lips and bare knees and the woman just knew. Moms are creepy like that sometimes.
Amber L. Johnson
#83. I went to a fashion show, and this silver-haired guy was staring at me with these piercing water-blue eyes. It scared me because I absolutely saw and knew my entire future.
Tom Ford
#84. Art serves us best precisely at that point where it can shift our sense of what is possible, when we know more than we knew before, when we feel we have - by some manner of a leap - encountered the truth. That, by the logic of art, is always worth the pain.
T. S. Eliot
#85. They are so very cultivated, so very rich and so utterly charming. At the end of each day, they all ask themselves: 'Is it time I stopped?' And they all reply: 'If I did, there would be no meaning to my life.'
As if they actually knew what the meaning of life was.
Paulo Coelho
#86. Maybe when you were born on the top of the mountain you could pretend the mountain didn't matter, but those who climbed it and those born at its base who could never climb at all knew differently.
Brent Weeks
#87. When I was at home, I felt loved and safe. My sisters were always a safe haven for me. I knew they would always play with me and make me feel like I was one of them.
Khloe Kardashian
#88. Some kids are good at math, some kids can run, and acting was an interest of mine. Because I knew you could do it for a living I decided, that's what I'm going to do.
Jonny Lee Miller
#89. I knew perfectly well at the time, as I had for years and years, that the Lord absolutely transcends any understanding I have of Him, which makes loyalty to Him a different thing from loyalty to whatever customs and doctrines and memories I happen to associate with Him.
Marilynne Robinson
#90. I think my parents knew before I did that I was going to be an actress, because I was doing impressions of Margaret Thatcher at the age of four.
Michelle Dockery
#91. That whole generation that's gone now, that lived through the two world wars, is a great example to all of us. They knew how to live. If something bad happened, they didn't sit at home, eat Haagen-Dazs, and watch a movie.
Sigourney Weaver
#92. I also knew about Brady's photographs of the dead at Antietam: I'd seen the pictures online, pin-eyed boys black with blood at the nose and mouth.
#93. We worked so hard, so hard, building our world one brick at a time. And when it fell apart, it happened just like that. Everything was gone before you knew it.
Haruki Murakami
#94. He knew for a fact that he was so hopelessly bad at seeing through camouflage that, if left alone in the forest, he might even attempt to make fire by rubbing two snakes together.
Sorin Suciu
#95. I didn't expect such a huge reaction, but I knew I was doing something different to everything else that was happening at the time.
#96. I clutched at my chest with both hands in a pathetic attempt to ease the discomfort. Or maybe I was just trying to prevent myself from bleeding out from the wounds his words had caused because any good doctor knew they needed pressure to stanch the flow
Max Monroe
#97. If she knew anything, it was nothing at all,except what she thought she knew.
Jasmine Sandozz
#98. Zoe also knew her stepmother did not love her. Or even like her very much. In truth, Zoe was pretty sure her stepmother hated her. Sheila treated her at worst as an irritant, at best as if she were invisible.
David Walliams
#99. He knew even at an early age of seven, how dangerous it was for someone like him to have hope. He knows how to have no expectations. He can completely control not just what he wants, but what he needs
Alice Hoffman
#100. I had what AA calls 'a convincer' - which made me realize that I couldn't do it any more. I went out drinking for about 70 hours here in London. At the end I knew I was done.
Gary Oldman
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