Top 84 If He's Not Worth It Quotes

#1. I don't care anymore. Even if she never speaks to me again because of the press, she's worth it. She makes me a person, not just a wish granter.

Jackson Pearce

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #11031
#2. Told you, something's good, it's worth fightin' for but not if you're the only one fightin'.
Then he opened the door, slamming it behind him and stalked out.

Kristen Ashley

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #578517
#3. No president likes leaks, but it's worth noting candidate Trump's path to power was tread on a road of leaks. He didn't have a problem with leaks then. It's not a moral position if you only hold it when it applies to you.

Jake Tapper

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #567110
#4. He asked simply, as if the matter of her presence were not unusual at all: "Did you have a hard time climbing those stairs?" She answered, "A little. All climbing is hard. But it's usually worth it.

Ayn Rand

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #540075
#5. I really believe that a lawyer - no matter how good - if he or she is really worth their weight in salt, they will lose some cases because, after all, it is not really one of those secretive things that not everything is decided by who your lawyer is.

Floyd Abrams

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #507515
#6. If a man does not talk to himself, it is because he is not worth talking to.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #322877
#7. Constantly to seek the purpose of life is one of the odd escapes of man. If he finds what he seeks it will not be worth that pebble on the path.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #95235
#8. You agree - I'm sure you agree that beauty is the only thing worth living for.

Agatha Christie

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #11948
#9. This is bad," said Jace. "You said that before." "It seemed worth repeating." "Well, it wasn't.

Cassandra Clare

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #11841
#10. Because the reward is worth the risk.

Susan Mallery

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #11259
#11. The Irish tell the story of a man who arrives at the gates of heaven and asks to be let in St. Peter says, "Of course, just show us your scars." The man says, "I have no scars". St. Peter says, "What a pity was there nothing worth fighting for"?

Martin Sheen

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #11158
#12. If she was happy, it meant she wouldn't leave him; and it had become painfully apparent over their short marriage that he was not worth the salt she sweated.

Lauren Groff

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #596629
#13. I didn't take well to pitying yourself. It weren't worth the effort or time and it pissed people off.

Beth Lewis

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #10751
#14. I'm just excited that the fans are going to get their money's worth, and you can't say that a lot of the times.

Andre Ward

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #10645
#15. One of the hardest things was learning that I was worth recovery

Demi Lovato

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #10150
#16. One book, printed in the Heart's own wax / Is worth a thousand in the stack's

Jan Luyken

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #10106
#17. Waiting to live life is not worth it. Waiting for someone to figure out how to live with you is not worth waiting for. When you start living your own life, life brings you someone worth being with ...

Sadiqua Hamdan

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #10016
#18. Yes, I'm often reminded of her, and in one of my array of pockets, I have kept her story to retell. It is one of the small legion I carry, each one extraordinary in its own right. Each one an attempt - an immense leap of an attempt - to prove to me that you, and your human existence, are worth it.

Markus Zusak

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #9823
#19. Our home, our special country, is for all of us the place where we find liberation; a very difficult word ... that tries to describe something that can't be described but is the only thing worth having.

Elizabeth Goudge

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #9776
#20. Art serves us best precisely at that point where it can shift our sense of what is possible, when we know more than we knew before, when we feel we have - by some manner of a leap - encountered the truth. That, by the logic of art, is always worth the pain.

T. S. Eliot

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #9546
#21. There is no such thing as a boring person: everyone has stories and insights worth sharing. While on the road, we let our phones or laptops take up our attention. By doing that, we might miss out on the chance to learn and absorb ideas and inspiration from an unexpected source: our fellow travelers.

Richard Branson

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #9402
#22. How beautiful are these bangles! But if you put them on a man, he will not like it because he has assessed his own worth. One cannot be the 'thermometer (gauge)' as well as the 'fever', both cannot be one.

Dada Bhagwan

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1304335
#23. That in the human plan nothing is worth the making if it does not make the man.

Edwin Markham

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1837268
#24. If you have to fight over a guy, he's not worth it. Go for the one who's waiting for you.

K.A. Tucker

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1807126
#25. I don't care how much money you get," my dad used to tell me. "It's not worth it if you're not happy." That's the most valuable piece of advice he ever gave me: Do what you want in life. To this day I've tried to follow that philosophy.

Chris Kyle

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1736247
#26. If you want witnesses then I am one and I can tell you now, when you say that he redeemed the world, I will say that it was not worth it. It was not worth it.

Colm Toibin

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1601463
#27. But if Grant doesn't like you for who you are, then he's not worth it.

Janette Rallison

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1485780
#28. You humble me, Nikki. Don't you see that? It must be clear from my expression that I do not, because he goes on. If I do all those things for you
soothe you, center you, give you strength
then that is worth more to me than every penny I have earned building Stark International.

J. Kenner

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1475203
#29. If you need to fight over a guy, he's not worth it. Go for someone who's waiting for you.

K.A. Tucker

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1450284
#30. The way he saw it, poker and life had a lot in common. You played the cards you were dealt, figured the odds, took the gamble or not. And when your cards were shit, you bluffed if the pot was worth it, and if you had balls.

Nora Roberts

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1373171
#31. Freedom is not worth fighting for if it means no more than license for everyone to get as much as he can for himself.

Dorothy Canfield Fisher

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1349390
#32. He'd been raised to give women what they wanted. 'You can fight,' his father told him. 'You can bitch. If you're a real prick, you can overpower. But the pain over the long haul ... just not worth it, son. Surrender young and happily with fewer scars.' The old man was right about that.

Lisa Unger

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1320200
#33. When we view ourselves through the lens of God's Word, we better understand God's love for us and the worth we have in His eyes.

Elizabeth George

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #9368
#34. God is not more incomprehensible than you; but if he is not more just, it is hardly worth while beIieving in him.

Marie Anne De Vichy-Chamrond, Marquise Du Deffand

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1279254
#35. If he doesn't give you the same feelings you get when the pizza guy arrives, he's probably not worth it.

Michael Clifford

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1262829
#36. God, if he wasn't so handsome, strong,
sometimes sweet, didn't have a Harley, that beard, a tendency to play with my hair, didn't look so good in jeans and wasn't so danged good in bed, he would seriously not be worth it.

Kristen Ashley

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1154621
#37. The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful. If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and if nature were not worth knowing, life would not be worth living

Jules Henri Poincare

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1081726
#38. Would it be worth it to pick up my cross and be crucified next to Jesus? If He is not God, then, no. Lose everything I love to worship a false God? A million times over, no!

But if He is God, then yes. Being forever bonded to my Lord by suffering alongside Him? A million times over, yes!

Nabeel Qureshi

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #935889
#39. All I can say is, Brad totally wasn't worth it. He was SO not my type. I only hooked up with him because I was trying to see if popularity could be sexually transmitted. Turns out it can't.

Katherine Easer

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #835653
#40. If a real God were actually so vain as to constantly demand worship, then he would not be worth it.

Stellan Skarsgard

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #808287
#41. The cardinal used to say, Cromewll will do in a week what will take another man a year, it is not worth your while to block him or oppose him. If you reach out to grip him he will not be there, he will have ridden twenty miles while you are pulling your boots on.

Hilary Mantel

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #752112
#42. I whispered to him,
You'll regret it if you let me go.
I don't wait for a man, if he's not willing to grow'
He didn't believe me, he made his choice
That was the last time, he ever heard my voice.

Nikki Rowe

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #739069
#43. Say something worth the words.

Tracy Chevalier

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #2382
#44. We all grieve in our own ways," Avasarala said. "For what it's worth, you'll never kill enough people to keep your platoon from dying. No more than I can save enough people that one of them will be Charanpal.

James S.A. Corey

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #4725
#45. What was wonderful was that even within the drunkenness of two a.m., each of you somehow recognized the more permanent worth and pleasure of the other. You may have arrived with others, will perhaps cohabit this night with others, but both of you have found your fates.

Michael Ondaatje

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #4638
#46. From the moment I start a new novel, life's just one endless torture. The first few chapters may go fairly well and I may feel there's still a chance to prove my worth, but that feeling soon disappears and every day I feel less and less satisfied.

Emile Zola

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #4290
#47. The sympathy which is reverent with what it cannot understand is worth its weight in gold. 69 L

Oswald Chambers

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #3682
#48. The truth is that I've got all my net worth safely in Berkshire and I will never sell a share so there is no one more concerned about what happens after my death than I am.

Warren Buffett

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #3673
#49. At its core, every battle worth fighting is a spiritual battle. Those men were able to succeed only because they humbled themselves and entrusted the battle to God. But

Eric Metaxas

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #3043
#50. We don't take on Google Glass or the self-driving car project or Project Loon unless we think that on a risk-adjusted basis, it's worth Google's money to do it.

Astro Teller

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #2573
#51. It is not enough to know your craft - you have to have feeling. Science is all very well, but for us imagination is worth far more.

Edouard Manet

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #2564
#52. You want to be loved? Love yourself first and passionately. Forgive yourself readily. Care for every part of you. Only when you love yourself do you have love to give to others.

Toni Sorenson

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #2537
#53. Not all things worth counting are countable and not all things that count are worth counting.

Albert Einstein

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #2425
#54. You know, Roland and I were just talking about how we don't have any pyromaniac friends. And everyone knows you need a good pyro to pull off any reform school prank worth the effort.

Lauren Kate

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #5595
#55. No Executive can value the worth of others unless he first learns to value himself

John M. Capozzi

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #2171
#56. True, we might never have arrived, but the fact is we did. If only people thought a little more about it, they would see that life is not worth worrying about so much.

Mikhail Lermontov

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1932
#57. Learn to recognize true wealth. Money itself will not make you financially free. That comes as a result of only that powerful state of mind which tells us that we are worth far more than our money.

Suze Orman

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1787
#58. We measure the success of schools not by the kinds of human beings they promote but by whatever increases in reading scores they chalk up. We have allowed quantitative standards, so central to the adult economic system, to become the principal yardstick for our definition of our children's worth.

Kenneth Keniston

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1589
#59. If it is worth doing, it is worth overdoing.

Steven Tyler

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1383
#60. I only shoot on film. I like the quality, the grain and the imperfections. It offers me something much more rewarding than any digital camera can give me. I believe the extra expense is worth it.

Guy Berryman

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1243
#61. What I think museums do very well is that they say to a public, "We have some stuff that's worth looking at."

Theaster Gates

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #1028
#62. A living fool is worth less than a dead hero.

Matshona Dhliwayo

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #842
#63. The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.

Will Rogers

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #768
#64. So nobody got time for people who aren't worth your time.

Fiona Chazhoor

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #7531
#65. Will searching for distant messages work? Is there intelligent life out there? The SETI effort is worth continuing, but our common-sense beacons approach seems more likely to answer those questions.

Gregory Benford

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #8947
#66. Arthur was not one of those interesting characters whose subtle motives can be dissected. He was only a simple and affectionate man, because Merlyn had believed that love and simplicity were worth having.

T.H. White

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #8814
#67. When you win a race your on top that day, so take it for what its worth, have a good time and party, cause the next day when you get out of bed, the meter goes back to zero again.

Bobby Allison

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #8781
#68. Focus on quality of life, and enjoy a life worth living. Researchers have said that only 4% of people enjoy both their work and their personal life.

Gary Lockwood

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #8386
#69. Only the impossible is worth attempting. In everything else one is sure to fail.

Celia Green

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #8174
#70. Anything worth having is worth busting your ass for.

Tabatha Coffey

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #8065
#71. There's one thing I want you to do for me."
"Anything." He pleaded.
"When you're all alone, sitting in the silence behind bars, separated from your freedom. Ask yourself. Was it worth it?" She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger.

Michelle Umland

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #8041
#72. I can be patient, Vivienne, and I believe you're worth waiting for.

Samantha Chase

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #8020
#73. A kind heart: $0.00
A Smile $0.00
Laughing with friends $0.00
Time alone $0.00

The benefit to those around you: Worth A Fortune

Steven Aitchison

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #8003
#74. You were worth it.

J.M. Darhower

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #7730
#75. The absolute value of love makes life worth while, and so makes Man's strange and difficult situation acceptable. Love cannot save life from death; but it can fulfill life's purpose.

Arnold J. Toynbee

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #264
#76. She has been trying to pull her worth from him for so long. She has been trying to extract her beauty from his skin. She has been dying to be loved by him again ... but he will always leave her empty

Coco J. Ginger

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #7450
#77. William Faulkner said, "The only story worth telling is that of the human mind in conflict with itself".

Miles Skedsvold

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #7366
#78. I write - and read - for the sake of the story ... My basic test for any story is: 'Would I want to meet these characters and observe these events in real life? Is this story an experience worth living through for its own sake? Is the pleasure of contemplating these characters an end itself?

Ayn Rand

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #7175
#79. Australian Aborigines say that the big stories - the stories worth telling and retelling, the ones in which you may find the meaning of your life - are forever stalking the right teller, sniffing and tracking like predators hunting their prey in the bush.

Robert Moss

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #6982
#80. Is anything worth it?

Mary Boykin Chesnut

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #6468
#81. If it's something you can't say in front of your parents then it's probably worth saying.

Max Redford

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #6464
#82. You want the vote so badly that you think it worth while to become hysterical over it.' 'There is not much hysteria in the movement, only hysteria is the thing that strikes a hysterical press as most worthy of note.

Stella Benson

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #6263
#83. Microsoft has gotten so big that it can put out a Preview that will install itself without checking first to see if it has expired. The message here is that Microsoft's time is worth more than yours ... no start-up company could get away with being that arrogant.

Jerry Pournelle

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #6157
#84. The bigger the 'flat' [apartment], the harder one has to work. If the 'flat' is worth six hundred thousand, then he has to work six times as hard. If it is three hundred thousand, he has to work three times over. One simply has to keep on working hard, doesn't he?

Dada Bhagwan

If He's Not Worth It Quotes #5652

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