Top 100 I Can T Tell You Quotes
#1. In dealing with the press, do yourself a favor, stick with one of three responses: (a) I know and I can tell you; (b) I know and I can't tell you; (c) I don't know.
Dan Rather
#2. We don't take credit for our accomplishments. I can't tell you how many times you'll say to a woman, 'Oh God, what you did was so great', and they say, 'Really? I didn't think it was that good.'
Dee Dee Myers
#3. I'm fully and completely convinced that the 'Hour of Power' is a step in leading people to a fuller understanding of who Jesus is. I can't tell you how many people have watched the 'Hour of Power' and say, 'Now I feel confident to be able to go to a church' ... That's what the 'Hour of Power' does.
Robert A. Schuller
#4. I have something very important to say to you, but I can't tell you what it is. It's a very important thing, but I'll tell you another time.
Rhona Cameron
#5. I can't tell you how may beautiful women have broken up with me because they were bored. I can't tell you because it never happened. They all adored me."
"It was your humility, wasn't it?
Derek Landy
#6. I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to just put my hair under a wig cap and slap on a wig that's already done. It's dress up for your hair!
Felicity Huffman
#7. I feel like I'm 100 years old. I can't tell you what I did today. I can't tell you what I did for seven years. I can't tell you. It happens so seamlessly - I'm just floating along and seven years go by.
Fiona Apple
#8. I'm one of the few people in this world who can do anything I choose. I can't tell you how good I'm feeling.
Sonia Johnson
#9. I can't tell you how many home businesses are almost in bankruptcy court over a Yellow Pages ad only to find out that the Yellow Pages ad isn't where their market will look for them, and it cost more than they thought.
Dave Ramsey
#10. 'Batman Begins' came out and it was really successful, and it had gritty naturalism. And suddenly ... I can't tell you how many movies I was pitched where it was, 'We want to do what you did with 'Batman' but with 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,' or whatever.
David S.Goyer
#11. I can't tell you how many times I quit only to realize that when the work has been your life, you don't really have a life without it.
Brie Larson
#12. I can't tell you why I was in love with her. People didn't require that much as they do now. Folks were expected to be civilized to one another, honest, and - and clear. You relied on people being what they said they were, because there was no other way to survive.
Toni Morrison
#13. Of course I love winning things; I can't tell you how much I enjoy it.
Julian Fellowes
#14. What I know and I have learn is my books I can't tell you, but search out there and you will find. As a second think as you was here, you will be here and you are going to be here!
Deyth Banger
#15. I can't tell you how many people would say to me as a teenager, 'Why don't you grow up and start thinking about getting a real job?'
Rick Baker
#16. This is The Tonight Show. I can't tell you too much about it, other than the fact that this program is going to go on forever.
Steve Allen
#17. I can't tell you how I love you. That's just - way beyond my vocabulary.
Morra Quatro
#18. Oh my gosh! I can't tell you the number of times people have put autotune on my voice, and I'm like, 'Please take it off!' You don't even sound human; it makes you sound like a robot!
Leona Lewis
#19. That's where I got my start and where I'll continue to work, but I can't tell you the number of films between Drugstore Cowboy and Curly Sue that I auditioned for and wanted that didn't choose me.
Kelly Lynch
#20. I can't tell you what consciousness is, but I know I can only think when I am conscious.
Debasish Mridha
#21. And is it better to know?" he asked me.
"I can't tell you. But once you know, it's impossible to go back.
Diane Setterfield
#22. It has been my dream since I was just a little kid to play in the NFL ... I can't tell you how excited I am for this dream to come true.
Mark Sanchez
#23. I can't tell you how many life lessons I've learned through bowling. Time management, finding balance in life, how to lose, how to win, how to bowl as a team and deal with people. How to do something I love to do and inspire other people.
Diandra Asbaty
#24. I can tell you a lot of things about bullying and what it does to a person." Tears are forming in his eyes as he continues."But sadly, I can't tell you that I've done my part to make it stop.
Jeff Erno
#25. I have no choice but to fight them every step of the way. I can't tell you how many other stupid ideas have been proposed over the last two years.
Michael Arad
#26. I'd be the first one to tell you that I would like to think that I had called timeout before that. I can't imagine that I did not. I can't tell you that I did, and that's my issue.
Les Miles
#27. Each time I stopped I stripped myself of something vitally important. I was, becoming my own enemy! And I can't tell you how it hurt me when I found that out. What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery
#28. I'm very lucky because I don't half get some juicy jobs. But I can't tell you the number I've turned down in the past 20 years because I wanted to be at home, looking after my son. There was never any question about that. Alfie and I are dead close. I can't bear it when he's away.
Lesley Manville
#29. I can't tell you how many times we'll run into a journalist and go, "Boy that's ... I wish we could be saying that. That's exactly the way we see it and that's exactly the way we'd like to be saying that." And I always think, "Well, why don't you?"
Jon Stewart
#30. What if all tomorrow brings is ashes and glass, and I can't tell you child, 'this too shall pass.' If all the world were windswept, cold and gray. And in the end there's nothing left to say.
Bob Weir
#31. I don't know the vast majority of you personally, and it may sound kind of corny, but I really feel as if we've become friends through the years. And you've been with me during a lot of good times and some very difficult ones. I can't tell you how grateful I am.
Katie Couric
#32. And I can't tell you how many women from a certain age group - they would be in their 30s now, 20s and 30s - tell me about how I was their role model when they were young girls.
Lindsay Wagner
#33. What was bizarre, when I was younger, I never watched TV. I would rather watch a movie 100 times than to watch a TV show, just to find another nuance. I can't tell you how many times I've watched 'On the Waterfront', just to find a flaw so that I can learn and try to improve my thing.
Vin Diesel
#34. Honestly, I can't tell you what I what I would be doing if I wasn't chairman of GM, because this is all I've done.
Rick Wagoner
#35. So while I can't tell you if bringing a child into this world is the morally-responsible to do, I can say that the future, much like the present, is going to be a whole lot better than you think.
Peter Diamandis
#36. Telling the whole truth and nothing but is the ultimate taking care of yourself. I can't tell you how many clients of mine, once they clean up their lie list and resolve the big ones, cure themselves of their own depression.
Lauren Handel Zander
#37. I can't tell you how freeing it is to have my own label. For the first time in my career, I have total control.
Shelby Lynne
#38. I can't tell you what to do. Only you know what is best for you, but I can tell you this much: love isn't a destination, it's a journey. You have to be willing to walk together or you will end up walking further and further apart.
Michelle Frost
#39. I can't tell you what that first song was about. Something about love and a boy and a girl ... And this boy can think of nothing but holding that girl's hand in the darkness ... All those ridiculous songs about love - I finally understood.
Jennifer Flackett
#40. I can't tell you why I keep getting asked to play gay characters, but I never really considered 'gay' as an adjective, as a playable thing. Maybe it's an element of the character, but it just describes a preference.
John Michael Higgins
#41. I can't tell you his age, but when he was born the wonder drug was Mercurochrome.
Milton Berle
#42. To come home and have three songs working on radio, I can't tell you how happy I am. It is amazing.
Conrad Sewell
#43. I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today will last five days, five weeks or five months, but it won't last any longer than that.
Donald Rumsfeld
#44. I can't tell you the number of people that are like, 'Has anyone ever told you you look like a blonde Liv Tyler?' And at this point, I'm like, 'Yes ... yes, I've been told that.' I mean, she's beautiful. It's not like I'm not totally flattered by it, but then again, I think I look like myself.
Gillian Jacobs
#45. I can't tell you how many people say they were turned off from science because of a science teacher that completely sucked out all the inspiration and enthusiasm they had for the course.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson
#46. I can't tell you if genius is hereditary, because heaven has granted me no offspring.
James Whistler
#47. The notion of making the television - the very thing that we allow into our living room and our kid's bedroom - something that's potentially dangerous, to me, is just so incredibly delicious that I can't tell you.
Rockne S. O'Bannon
#48. I can't tell you how important it is for people on the public stage to utilize that stage in a constructive, positive way. When you're in the public eye, you have a decision to make - whether you are going to be an influence or not.
Steve Largent
#49. I can't tell you any more than any other writer can tell you why they write, and I don't know what my influences are.
Jean M. Auel
#50. My first typewriter cost me $75. I can't tell you how many hours it took me to earn that money, or how proud I was of that object. I wrote my first books on it. They will never be published, but that's all right.
Jeffrey Zeldman
#51. Let me be clear that I'm not God so I can't tell you who is and isn't going to heaven. What I know about my relationship with Christ is that as a believer, I am eternally secure. I gave my heart to Christ and that gift of salvation is irrevocable.
Alan Chambers
#52. There is a neurologist, a woman over at Harvard who wanted me to come talk to them, and in France I have a lot of readers in the sciences. I can't tell you why.
Jim Harrison
#53. I think the thrust of any child is to try to fit in and be part of it. And I can't tell you how many times my humor, you know, what I thought was humor ended up making me the outsider. Like I'd be, I go, 'It's a joke.' And they'd go, 'Well, what was funny?' And they just thought I was insane.
Howie Mandel
#54. It sounds kind of farfetched, yet I can't tell you how many people have had this syndrome ... the 'Old Hag Syndrome.' Apparently, there's this little old lady who comes into your room at night, sits on your chest and tries to suffocate you. You can Google her - she'll pop up. She's out there.
George Noory
#55. You gave me a forever within the numbered days and i can't tell you how thankful i am for our little infinity
John Green
#56. I can't tell you how many reshoots I've done from, you know, famous photographers who really love just to shoot models and failed at shooting a Patti Labelle or someone like that because Patti Labelle didn't turn them on, so you have to shoot what you care about.
Carol Friedman
#57. I can't tell you exactly, any more than I could tell you exactly what is
the experience of sex if you have never had it.
Anne Rice
#58. I learned to smile by going through hell. Now I know what hell is and you don't. I can't tell you how it is, cause you can't do it with words.
Jack Kevorkian
#59. For people to come to you and say, 'Would you like to be a part of our show?' after years of 'Please tell me I'm good enough,' ... I can't tell you how wonderful it feels.
Rebecca Mader
#60. You were this perfect, enchantingly beautiful girl that made the world brighter just by being in it, and you were ours. I can't tell you how sorry I am that I drove you away.
R.K. Lilley
#61. More space for their clothes. I can't tell you how many times I've had nowhere to hang a single damn suit because a woman's closet was so stuffed. Hire a closet planner. She'll think you're brilliant." "She hired one herself a few years back. I need something she hasn't thought of herself.
Barbara Delinsky
#62. I can't tell you the number of times people have told me if I just lost 10kg, I could go much further in my career. But I'm determined to show them - and other average-size women - it is doable and possible.
Ricki-Lee Coulter
#63. I can't tell you how many times I've had conversations with politicians who've done something morally reprehensible but not indictable, yet still think they should be able to stay in office. The office isn't a 'right.' It's a kind of loan.
Gail Collins
#64. I can't tell you how much I respect all the single parents out there doing it all solo.
Jennie Finch
#65. I can't tell you how many people have asked me to show them Stray Cat Strut and that little diminished run on the C. I guess my brain is wired backwards. I don't know what possessed me to do that, but I did.
Brian Setzer
#66. I can't tell you how good and bad I felt. Yes I can: I felt like a baked Alaska.
Nick Hornby
#67. I can't tell you how great it is to get away with a girlfriend for four days shopping in Paris. Now that's what I call a vacation.
Jessica Alba
#68. I can't tell you that, sir." The woman's voice had gone from bored-but-friendly to officious-and-stern.
Joseph Finder
#69. I can't tell you how many times I've been with very smart, knowledgeable Homeland Security experts who are essentially tasked with saving your life who do not trust you with information. They just don't. They kind of dismiss the media and the public in one fell swoop.
Amanda Ripley
#70. I can't tell you where I'm going ... but I can tell you where I come from.
Michelle Shocked
#71. How do I defeat Apophis?"
"I'm so glad you asked!" Thoth beamed at me with his multicolored eyes. "Unfortunately, I can't tell you."
I glanced at Walt. "Do you want to kill him, or should I?
Rick Riordan
#72. I can't tell you what it really is, I can only tell you what it feels like.
#73. I can't tell you how much I appreciate these young [Israeli] designers. There's too much strife in the world. If we become united in our creativity, not only in what we wear, but what we do, we will change the world. It's truly an honor to be around such inspiration.
Donna Karan
#74. There's any number of DJs who have inspired me over the years. I don't actively go out in clubs, so I can't tell you if there's some hot new talent out there who everybody's aware of but I'm not.
DJ Shadow
#75. I can't tell you exactly what I'm looking for, but I'll know it when it happens. I want to be breathless and weak, crumpled by the entrance of another person inside my soul. I want to be violated by insight.
Aimee Bender
#76. I can't tell you just how wonderful she is. I don't want you to know. I don't want any one to know.
F Scott Fitzgerald
#77. I can't tell you what that little ingredient is which makes that first person want to go on and aggressively do more, and the other person be content to not do that. It's a mystery, but it does happen.
Sam Donaldson
#78. I can't tell you. I would say that if I did, I would have to kill you, but that wouldn't be polite.
Sanjaya Malakar
#79. So many problems, however infinitely varied they first appear, turn out to be matters of money. I can't tell you how much this offends me.
Karen Joy Fowler
#80. I can't tell you how many times in the '90s I'd meet somebody, we'd be having a nice time, and they'd sigh and go, 'This is exactly like Before Sunrise.' And I'd have to get up and leave.
Ethan Hawke
#81. I can't tell you how lucky I feel to be able to collaborate with some of my dream producers.
Carly Rae Jepsen
#82. You really just have to love the process. I can't tell you the amount of film sets I've been on where people are talking about Oscars in the middle of the production. It happens all the time.
Olivia Wilde
#83. I can't tell you how important it was for us to be successful in japan.
Trip Hawkins
#84. I can't tell you how terribly glad I am that you're going to be all right," George said, rather thickly. "I...I wouldn't know how to act without a twin.
Sarah Brazytis
#85. You know, it's hard work to write a book. I can't tell you how many times I really get going on an idea, then my quill breaks. Or I spill ink all over my writing tunic.
Ellen DeGeneres
#86. I can't tell you how many jobs I've done without a hitch since the last time I saw you, Dresden. You walk through the door and everything goes to hell." "That's embroidered on my towels, actually," I said.
Jim Butcher
#87. I can't tell you how aroused it makes me when you quote codes, lieutenant.
J.D. Robb
#88. Barry Goldwater once said, 'I'd rather be right than president.' I can't tell you how much I disagree with that Barry Goldwater.
Howard Dean
#89. I can't tell you, as a parent, how it feels when the doctor tells you your child has diabetes. First off, you don't really know much about it. Then you discover there is no cure.
John Lasseter
#90. I know the hole he went in at, but I can't tell you what hole he will come out of.
Abraham Lincoln
#91. I can't tell you how hard it is to make a dark-humored movie in Hollywood.
Michael Lehmann
#92. I can't tell you how scary it can be walking onto a movie and suddenly joining this family, it's like going to somebody else's Christmas dinner, everyone knows everyone, and you're there and you're not quite sure what you're supposed to be doing.
John Cleese
#93. I can't tell you how many times you've given my life meaning because the occasions have been too numerous.
Sarah Noffke
#94. I can't tell you what I had for breakfast, but I can sing every single word of rock and roll.
Patty Duke
#95. Inspiration and ideas only come to me when I have not had a woman in a very long time ... Ballads, polonaises, even a whole concerto may have been lost forever up your des durka, I can't tell you how many. I have been so deeply engulfed in my love for you I have hardly created anything.
Claude Debussy
#96. One of the accidental joys of my writing life has been that I've had some lovely, surprisingly good fortune with readers, and I've brought readers to my dad's work. I can't tell you the joy that gives me. Because my father's work was masterful.
Andre Dubus III
#97. Oh, well, I can't tell you; it would be telling you the end. It's a one-character lip-syncing because in the early days, that's what my dad was doing.
Brian Henson
#98. My grandfather and my dad's brothers and my dad all worked in construction. It's the whole cultural thing, you know, your parents want you to go to the next level of whatever, and I decided that I ought to be an architect. I can't tell you why. And I tried, and I had no aptitude for it.
Bruce Molsky
#99. Everything was very specific and very fitted. I can't tell you what we went through for this job in regards to full body scans and the prosthetic process that you go through and all that kind of stuff, but everything was done very specifically to fit you perfectly.
Julian McMahon
#100. I can't understand it when people are closed-minded. I mean, boy, have I made mistakes and been very wrong. I can't tell you the amounts of times I've been let down, but I still try to see the best in people.
Daphne Guinness
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