Top 100 Vin Diesel Quotes

#1. Of course, I don't act in an extreme fashion in my day to day life. I don't think any of us live do. I think we all have that reserve somewhere and we pull upon it when we need it.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #358
#2. I love thinking about the film, the project and committing myself as much as possible.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #14306
#3. I am definitely a person of color.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #27205
#4. I love women more than anything.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #59089
#5. The most important thing in life will always be family. The people right here, right now.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #61341
#6. It wasn't until I went to college and I got my first motorcycle that I understood the thrill of speed.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #66484
#7. I've been auditioning since I was 7 years old.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #113553
#8. Well, love motivates me in everything I do.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #147361
#9. Women are sacred.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #157132
#10. The second I walk onto the set and I know that there's a camera and I know that there's a David Twohy behind that camera, there is zero pressure. There is just me jumping into a pool called 'Riddick.' It's the most free I am. It's like channeling something.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #160668
#11. I shaved my head about 15 years ago and the first time I shaved it, I started running my hand through my hair and it was very therapeutic.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #195909
#12. The whole year I was in LA I got into telemarketing and learned how to make money. Five years later that skill helped me make my first film.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #242856
#13. You get a timeless cool card in New York.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #269797
#14. A person in my position has to restrain himself.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #272298
#15. If you're the type of person who has to fulfill your dreams, you've gotta be resourceful to make sure you can do it. I came out to California when I was 21, thinking my New York credentials would take me all the way. I came back home a year later all dejected and a failure.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #281170
#16. If you believe in the project, you have to support it.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #311596
#17. Show me how you drive and I'll show you who you are.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #324458
#18. I always want another actor to shine in my scene because it makes the film stronger. I would encourage people to scene steal, because filmmaking is a collaborative effort.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #336110
#19. When I'm writing, I'm locking myself in a room. I'm the worst critic in the world. I write something and then I beat myself up. I'm like "Vin, you're retarded, that makes no sense."

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #337592
#20. I'm the most ambitious person you ever met.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #343801
#21. Vin Diesel had to hire a babysitter.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #403185
#22. I am truly multi-racial. I never knew my biological father. I've always had less information than I would have liked to have had. All I know from my mother is that I have connections to many different cultures.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #425732
#23. I was walking around with the babies so much that when I got to the Sidney Lumet picture, I would be on set in between takes and I'd be rocking back and forth. Just standing like this rocking back and forth, and Sidney would say, Why are you walking like that in between takes?

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #430549
#24. It would be flattering to call it a modern Dirty Harry, but I think this film deals more with the loss of his wife than the traditional revenge vigilante films.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #437407
#25. I've worked out for years. For a long time, it was my only sense of gratification.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #450166
#26. The reality is that I always envisioned the 'Riddick' franchise as a continuing mythology, so I always imagined that there would be many other films to follow.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #461608
#27. I was a bouncer for ten years in New York City.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #479456
#28. When people believe in you, you can do miraculous things.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #503223
#29. When you come onto the set, everything should be focused around your character and you should stay in the pocket, as much as possible. Every actor has their own process. For me, I really need to stay in the pocket.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #514625
#30. The only way anyone knows which girl I'm with is if a one-night stand goes on 'Howard Stern.'

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #556669
#31. The man who raised me is black. Culturally, he made me who I am. He was a theatre director, so he also guided me artistically.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #620335
#32. It's really bizarre because no one knows this, but elephants have killed more animal trainers than any other animal.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #631246
#33. I'm going to do my best to channel the character on a spiritual level.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #650355
#34. When I first did 'The Fast and the Furious', I didn't want there to be a sequel on the first one. I thought, 'Why would you rush to do a sequel - just because your first film is successful?'

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #664626
#35. IT don't matter if you win by an inch or a milewinning is winning!!

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #692555
#36. I always have issues with trust. I'm a New Yorker ... Really, I think trust is something that comes from the gut. And I think you have to - it's probably the worst advice to give people - but I think you gotta trust people from your gut.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #704154
#37. It's insecurity that is always chasing you and standing in the way of your dreams.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #707199
#38. For the 'Riddick' character, I try to get as ruthless as possible, and I want to be a machine.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #721754
#39. I'm a boy who appreciates a good body, regardless of the make.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #788331
#40. You know when something feels so good but you're afraid to feel good about it? So you kinda hold back? Everyone says, Congratulations, you must be so happy. And you say something stupid like, I'm just doing what little I can with what little I have.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #794144
#41. We all deal with being unfairly judged.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #798950
#42. When Lucas was doing Star Wars, he didn't have a 50 million person Facebook following where he could just sift through feedback to try to get an idea for what he was going to do next. It's a luxury we have today.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #815813
#43. My mother is the most supportive mother in the world, she's magical.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #826411
#44. None of the actor methods ever discussed what it would be like to play a character on film for over a decade, and what it must be like to return to a character and imagine the time off-screen, which is interesting. There's something as an actor that I enjoy about evolving characters.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #828851
#45. Deal-making goes on with any job.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #837103
#46. I act because it's the one time I'm sure of my identity. There's no doubt. It's on paper.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #875879
#47. When you go to the movies with your whole family, it's a different experience. For some reason, it's something that you're all doing together and you take away something special in that.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #880966
#48. Choosing the car you drive is like choosing your wardrobe, maybe even more important.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #917093
#49. The majority of the filmmaking process is in pre-production. The more you've planned out the more freedom there is on set to find new stuff, to play around, find new jokes and let the actors kind of breathe - but it needs to come from a place where it's completely structured.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #922748
#50. I've turned down twentysomething million dollars for movies.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #941289
#51. I grew up in an artists' community in New York, in a building that was government-subsidised for artists. No one made any money, but they made art for the sake of art.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #954296
#52. Any film that you see is never just the director. If it's a film that you love, it's not so easy to say, "Oh it's directed by this person - that means everything that person directs is going be wonderful."

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #985274
#53. It was interesting to do a completely fictional piece. You know, Saving Private Ryan was not a fictional piece! So the challenge was: How do you incorporate real emotions? How do you incorporate aspects that people are going to be able to identify with?

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #995010
#54. The films that I do are deep, introspective, brooding roles that you're in this heavy headspace all the time.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #997059
#55. I grew up with all kinds of people.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1032107
#56. You live these three months in this reality, in this dark reality. You don't want to do those films every year because they're taxing. I started smoking a lot of cigarettes.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1049294
#57. With age, you get to a place where you don't want to knock people out. You just want to give people a hug.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1090133
#58. I believe in paying special attention to every project that you do and supporting the projects you do.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1092641
#59. Most of my confidence came from being with ladies, because I certainly wasn't getting any acting jobs.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1095306
#60. We've come a long way, from where we've been. I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1115951
#61. I approach every film I do in the same way, whether it's an action film or not an action film. I guess if a certain physicality lends itself to action, but I started acting before I reached puberty. I was 7 years old when I started acting. It wasn't until I became a bouncer in New York ...

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1119211
#62. When your co-stars are 9-month-old babies, you fall in love. You start thinking, When am I going to have my own?

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1138800
#63. It's like you have a child and you think, 'Everything that I've done up until this point is insignificant in comparison to being a father.' It's a beautiful, beautiful thing.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1153823
#64. I'm not disciplined enough to be a writer consistently. I write when I have to.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1165367
#65. My mom insisted on multigrain bread and never allowed soda in the house.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1175225
#66. I could care less about being an action actor like Stallone or Schwarzenegger.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1232968
#67. When I was a child actor, I had the fear that I was going to be cast as the tree.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1291013
#68. My mom used to say that I became a fighter and a scrapper and a tough guy to protect who I am at my core.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1296818
#69. Nothing comes easy when I'm in character, because everything I do in character, I take seriously.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1324996
#70. You break her heart, I'll break your neck.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1339352
#71. Unfortunately, in Hollywood, there are those directors that have some contempt for actors. We've all experienced that, in one way or another.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1347996
#72. I drive a Yukon Flex Fuel, and there's baby seats in the back.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1361617
#73. I'm an actor. I can do whatever I want. As an actor, not everything has to be the most obvious choice. And sometimes, the best thing you can do is to defy expectations.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1362282
#74. I was the oldest of the children in my family. I had to do a lot of diaper-changing and lunch-making. I was taking my little sister to ballet, picking up my brother, sort of being a super-nanny.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1369641
#75. I have dangerous bones in my body.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1372405
#76. Hollywood is more concerned about its male actors being in shape than its female actors.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1394731
#77. If Clark Gable had a Facebook page, there would have been a 'Gone with the Wind 2.'

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1399080
#78. Rated R movies are few and far between, nowadays. We're all seeing less and less rated R movies, and less and less of them are being made.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1408846
#79. It's hard for me to talk about Dom right now because I am Dom right now. So it's a really strange exercise to try to reflect on something that I am at the moment. But I guarantee you that when I'm done with the movie and you ask me that question, I'll be able to give you something insightful.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1417671
#80. Find your confidence, lead with love ... the rest will follow.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1432574
#81. Obviously, for me, story is first and foremost, even in the face of the attractive idea of having all the cast there, or having a great piece of talent come to it.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1444524
#82. I don't think a lot of actors talk about it, but there's usually a process where you essentially purge yourself of the character that you played prior to the movie. That's the first thing. You want to do it.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1502132
#83. I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1527823
#84. I always have issues with trust.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1533987
#85. I always have issues. I'm a New Yorker. I always have issues with trust - you adopt it from being a New Yorker. I think trust is something that comes from the gut. I don't think it's anything specific. I don't think it's anything tangible.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1555219
#86. I grew up the son of an acting teacher, so I was kind of introduced to all of these various methods early ... I've never been really good at articulating how, what that process is in the way that Stanislavsky could.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1622965
#87. The thing I'm scared of most is not fulfilling my work. There's so much anxiety around trying to get a movie made that you don't really get to be afraid of anything else.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1644867
#88. The one thing I will never do is become pigeonholed.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1649948
#89. My gut feeling about sequels is that they should be premeditated: You should try to write a trilogy first or at least sketch out a trilogy if you have any faith in your film.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1651711
#90. You make movies for the people. If critics happen to like them too, well, that's a home run.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1672922
#91. I enjoy playing a quintessential antihero. There's something therapeutic about playing such characters. I know it sounds corny but I feel like I learn about myself when I play that characters.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1684904
#92. If you take my performance or my understanding of the role and my appreciation for story and then dress it in CGI, that I guess becomes an action film.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1730313
#93. I look formidable.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1740843
#94. If you think about my filmography, I have never done a movie that a kid could go see, except for 'Iron Giant,' and I'm not even on the screen.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1757341
#95. I envision the future sunny and with love, harmony and oneness. I think Hollywood is changing.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1771767
#96. The idea of exploring character relations and their development over a decade has to be appealing for any actor who cherishes his craft.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1795054
#97. When I got on the set of 'Saving Private Ryan,' I discovered, to my amazement, that Steven Spielberg is a gamer.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1811316
#98. A day with my kids is the best day.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1820168
#99. I used to feel guilty about owning a console.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1844605
#100. I'm a perfectionist. I'm very critical, especially artistically.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel Quotes #1856527

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