Top 72 Human Errors Quotes

#1. At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer, you will find at least two human errors, one of which is the error of blaming it on the computer.

Tom Gilb

Human Errors Quotes #990073
#2. The history of human opinion is scarcely anything more than the history of human errors.


Human Errors Quotes #1108168
#3. The chief cause of human errors is to be found in the prejudices picked up in childhood.

Rene Descartes

Human Errors Quotes #1189184
#4. All human errors are impatience, a premature breaking off of methodical procedure, an apparent fencing-in of what is apparently at issue.

Franz Kafka

Human Errors Quotes #1223079
#5. All humans make mistakes. But there is no room or allowance in the fevered world of conspiracy theorists for mistakes, human errors, anomalies, or plain incompetence, though the latter, from the highest levels on down, is endemic to our society.

Vincent Bugliosi

Human Errors Quotes #1590284
#6. What there is in this world I think is a tendency for human errors to level themselves like water throughout there sphere of influence. That's pretty much the whole of what I can say looking back. There is the possibility of balance.Unbearable burden that the world somehow bare with a certain grace.

Barbara Kingsolver

Human Errors Quotes #1669924
#7. There is the history of opinions which is hardly anything but a collection of human errors.


Human Errors Quotes #879538
#8. With reference to other religions, the Church sees a great difference between them and herself. The other religions are expressions of the human soul seeking God, with some beautiful spiritual insights, but also not without errors. Christianity is rather God seeking humanity.

Francis Arinze

Human Errors Quotes #1311814
#9. The future of human society. Had it made an irrevocably false start? The compass error that gets harder to correct with every mile you go?

Sybille Bedford

Human Errors Quotes #1019508
#10. Spontaneous love admits errors, hesitations and human failings. It can be tested and repaired.

Nancy Friday

Human Errors Quotes #1304941
#11. Brilliant minds make errors, brave souls falter, kind hearts leave scars. We are none of us perfect, but we're all perfectly human.

Juliet Marillier

Human Errors Quotes #1297126
#12. To be human is erroneous.

Karl Kraus

Human Errors Quotes #1264600
#13. As human beings, we are the genetic elite, the sentient, contemplating and innovating sum of countless genetic accidents and transcription errors.

Gary Hamel

Human Errors Quotes #1258521
#14. Of all forms of human error, prophesy is the most avoidable.

George Eliot

Human Errors Quotes #1243405
#15. The human qualities of the raw materials show through. Naivety, error, contradiction, even (as in the cursing Psalms) wickedness are not removed. The total result is not "the Word of God" in the sense that every passage in itself, gives impeccable science or history. It carries the Word of God.

C.S. Lewis

Human Errors Quotes #1189389
#16. Is it not better to remain in suspense than to entangle yourself in the many errors that the human fancy has produced? Is it not better to suspend your convictions than to get mixed up in these seditious and quarrelsome divisions?

Michel De Montaigne

Human Errors Quotes #1175893
#17. We must accept human error as inevitable - and design around that fact.

Donald Berwick

Human Errors Quotes #1170856
#18. Those who insist that a Church program exist for every contingency and need are as much in error as their counterparts who demand that government intervene in every aspect of our lives. In both instances the ideal balance is destroyed with a resultant detriment to human progress.

Dean L. Larsen

Human Errors Quotes #1154373
#19. What then in the last resort are the truths of mankind?
They are the irrefutable errors of mankind.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Human Errors Quotes #1132409
#20. It is human to err; and the only final and deadly error, among all our errors, is denying that we have ever erred.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Human Errors Quotes #1094259
#21. Making every allowance for the errors of the most extreme fallibility, the history of Catholicism would on this hypothesis represent an amount of imposture probably unequaled in the annals of the human race.

William Edward Hartpole Lecky

Human Errors Quotes #1049091
#22. I know there's a proverb which that says 'To err is human,' but a human error is nothing to what a computer can do if it tries.

Agatha Christie

Human Errors Quotes #1029278
#23. A margin of safety is achieved when securities are purchased at prices sufficiently below underlying value to allow for human error, bad luck, or extreme volatility in a complex, unpredictable and rapidly changing world.

Seth Klarman

Human Errors Quotes #1872074
#24. It is human to err, but it is devilish to remain willfully in error.

Saint Augustine

Human Errors Quotes #1412740
#25. The alleviation of human error, whether design or intrinsically human, continues to be the most important problem facing aerospace safety.

Jerome F. Lederer

Human Errors Quotes #1498057
#26. The principles of the good society call for a concern with an order of being - which cannot be proved existentially to the sense organs - where it matters supremely that the human person is inviolable, that reason shall regulate the will, that truth shall prevail over error.

Walter Lippmann

Human Errors Quotes #1554766
#27. Man's right to know, to learn, to inquire, to make bona fide errors, to investigate human emotions must, by all means, be safe, if the word "freedom" should ever be more than an empty political slogan.

Wilhelm Reich

Human Errors Quotes #1561569
#28. The most difficult days have been the ones I've had to spend correcting a mistake. We're all human, and we make errors in spite of the pains we take not to. It's important to take ownership of the situation and to work to make it right.

Mark Mason

Human Errors Quotes #1571395
#29. To err is human. To repeat error is of the Devil.

Seneca The Younger

Human Errors Quotes #1595923
#30. When you start off by telling those who disagree with you that they are not merely in error but in sin, how much of a dialogue do you expect?

Thomas Sowell

Human Errors Quotes #1627172
#31. Errors belong to libraries; truth, to the human mind.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Human Errors Quotes #1635209
#32. There is no 'ultimate goal of therapy.' Thinking there is some ultimate or universal goal of therapy is one of the most fundamental errors of our field. To me, that concept is rather arrogant, as if therapists were some kind of spiritual experts who knew what human beings are supposed to be like.

David D. Burns

Human Errors Quotes #1667848
#33. Fear, the strength of earth's religions, gripping every living soul, Was a monstrous human error for the making of men whole.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Human Errors Quotes #1672950
#34. Every human perfection is linked to an error which it threatens to turn into

Arthur Schopenhauer

Human Errors Quotes #1677522
#35. Even the most honest human in authority often does not have the power to undo the damages that bad people do.

Auliq Ice

Human Errors Quotes #1680149
#36. The doctrines & miracles of our Saviour have required nearly two thousand years to convert but a small part of the human race, & even among Christian nations, what gross errors still exist!

Robert E.Lee

Human Errors Quotes #1748760
#37. It is a human tendency "to measure truth and error by our capacity."

Michel De Montaigne

Human Errors Quotes #1769963
#38. To err is human. To count other people's errors is humane

Ljupka Cvetanova

Human Errors Quotes #1786985
#39. My work on Orange has taught me this: Human beings are not categorically bad because of their mistakes. They can learn from their errors and get back on track. No one should be forever written off because of one part of his or her history.

Diane Guerrero

Human Errors Quotes #1832336
#40. To err is human, but to persevere in error is only the act of a fool.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Human Errors Quotes #248601
#41. Science is a very human form of knowledge. We are always at the brink of the known; we always feel forward for what is to be hoped. Every judgment in science stands on the edge of error and is personal. Science is a tribute to what we can know although we are fallible.

Jacob Bronowski

Human Errors Quotes #461637
#42. Falsity cannot keep an idea from being beautiful; there are certain errors of such ingenuity that one could regret their not ranking among the achievements of the human mind.

Jean Rostand

Human Errors Quotes #427275
#43. To solve the human equation, we need to add love, subtract hate, multiply good, and divide between truth and error.

Janet Coleman

Human Errors Quotes #407885
#44. After long study and experience, I have come to the conclusion that (1) all religions are true; (2) all religions have some error in them; (3) all religions are almost as dear to me as my own Hinduism, in as much as all human beings should be as dear to one as one's own close relatives.

Mahatma Gandhi

Human Errors Quotes #399097
#45. Examples of human stupidity. Blasphemy in Pakistan can now include spelling errors by children or throwing away a card bearing the name "Muhammad".

William C. Brown

Human Errors Quotes #290928
#46. And this accident came about ... ?Through nature's unpredictability not man's incapacity. No errors were committed in our maneuvers. Nevertheless, we can't prevent a loss of balance from taking its toll. One may defy human laws, but no one can withstand the laws of nature.

Jules Verne

Human Errors Quotes #278269
#47. Doing a background check is still a very manual process, because the government agencies that create the records are largely paper-based systems. I'm not going to deny that there are errors, because in any system that involves human beings or technology, there are going to be errors.

James Lee

Human Errors Quotes #272175
#48. A great and frequent error in our judgment of human nature is to suppose that those sentiments and feelings have no existence, which may be only for a time concealed. The precious metals are not found at the surface of the earth, except in sandy places.

Arthur Helps

Human Errors Quotes #263343
#49. How protean are the devices available to human intelligence when it lends itself to the persistence of the conformist error.

Robert M. Lindner

Human Errors Quotes #485972
#50. Religion claims to be in possession of an absolute truth; but its history is a history of errors and heresies. It gives us the promise and prospect of a transcendent world - far beyond the limits of our human experience - and it remains human, all too human.

Ernst Cassirer

Human Errors Quotes #233107
#51. People like to see human error when it's honest. When people see you swing and miss, they start to root for you.

Paul Westerberg

Human Errors Quotes #162019
#52. I don't believe that any human mind is capable of 100 percent error ... Nobody is smart enough to be wrong all the time.

Ken Wilber

Human Errors Quotes #94994
#53. As soon as the groupie finds out that you make errors in everyday life like everybody else does and that you are human, they turn on you and hate you.

John Fahey

Human Errors Quotes #65443
#54. Wrapt up in error is the human mind, And human bliss is ever insecure; Know we what fortune yet remains behind? Know we how long the present shall endure?


Human Errors Quotes #60647
#55. The Avatar appears to be human and we are misled into thinking of him in these terms but the Avatar himself warns us against this error.

Sathya Sai Baba

Human Errors Quotes #21959
#56. 'Why do you think it is ... ', I asked Dr. Cook ... 'that brain surgery, above all else-even rocket science-gets singled out as the most challenging of human feats, the one demanding the utmost of human intelligence?' [Dr. Cook answered,] 'No margin for error.'

Michael J. Fox

Human Errors Quotes #10399

Amy King

Human Errors Quotes #1013930
#58. Technical civilization has made a great error in not suppressing death, the only human reality still intact

Jacques Ellul

Human Errors Quotes #486178
#59. After a few years of watching the human species make things unnecessarily difficult for itself I have little hope that it will do anything more than survive and continue its cycle of errors.

Octavia E. Butler

Human Errors Quotes #518652
#60. The object of all religious activity is to mingle the human and the non-human, and the lower gods represent that which is cast back to the human from the non-human - human gods merely, practice-gods who embody the errors which man makes in first conceiving the non-human.

Laura Riding

Human Errors Quotes #575610
#61. The mistake we make is to attribute to religions the errors and fanaticism of human beings.

Tahar Ben Jelloun

Human Errors Quotes #576234
#62. That was the problem ... with trusting to the written word ... We were human, mortal and fallible. We forgot, we made errors, argued ambiguities, and twisted meanings to suit our own ends.
And in doing so, mayhap we reshaped the gods themselves.

Jacqueline Carey

Human Errors Quotes #583536
#63. Science is perhaps the only human activity in which errors are systematically criticized and, in time, corrected.

Karl Popper

Human Errors Quotes #597075
#64. Error is to be pitied and pardoned: it is the weakness of human nature. But vice is a foul blemish, not pardonable in any character.

Thomas Jefferson

Human Errors Quotes #623466
#65. Somehow, the very errors and faults of one individual served to call out the higher excellencies in another, and so they re-acted upon each other, and the result of short discords was exceeding harmony and peace.

Elizabeth Gaskell

Human Errors Quotes #627123
#66. Since, therefore, no man is born without faults, and he is esteemed the best whose errors are the least, let the wise man consider everything human as connected with himself; for in worldly affairs there is no perfect happiness under heaven.

Giraldus Cambrensis

Human Errors Quotes #638055
#67. Human existence is an error ... it is bad today and every day it gets worse, until the worst happens.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Human Errors Quotes #653684
#68. The errors of the observer come from the qualities of the human mind.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Human Errors Quotes #764823
#69. Parading our own brilliance and exulting in other people's errors is not very nice. For that matter, even wanting to parade our own brilliance and exult in other people's errors is not very nice, although it is certainly very human.

Kathryn Schulz

Human Errors Quotes #803062
#70. The classical error of historical Christianity is that we have never started with the value of the person. Rather, we have started from the 'unworthiness of the sinner,' and that starting point has set the stage for the glorification of human shame in Christian theology.

Robert H. Schuller

Human Errors Quotes #882513
#71. Probability of human error is considerably higher than that of machine error.

Kenneth Appel

Human Errors Quotes #912118
#72. You ought not to heal the body without the soul, for this is the great error of our day in treating the human body.


Human Errors Quotes #963893

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