Top 100 He Was Worth It Quotes

#1. Whatever storm was brewing, I'd find it and fight it. If it was the price of being with Curran, then I would pay it. He was worth it.

Ilona Andrews

He Was Worth It Quotes #1824616
#2. There's one thing I want you to do for me."
"Anything." He pleaded.
"When you're all alone, sitting in the silence behind bars, separated from your freedom. Ask yourself. Was it worth it?" She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger.

Michelle Umland

He Was Worth It Quotes #8041
#3. Maybe now he thinks I'm stupid, or strange. Maybe it was worth it. I

Veronica Roth

He Was Worth It Quotes #28239
#4. His hope was cold. Poisonous. Eclipsing. And he
fed it anyway, the way someone feeds something out of habit simply because there is nothing else in their life worth growing.

Roshani Chokshi

He Was Worth It Quotes #39717
#5. This is worth an eternity of torture," he whispered. "I'm quite certain I love you more than anyone I've ever loved, in any life. I may have lost my soul when I was turned, but it's been replaced by you, Cassandra. I'll never let you go.

L.J. Kentowski

He Was Worth It Quotes #63634
#6. Wrapping his arm around Kai, pulling the man he loved close to him, all Jeremy could think was... it's worth it.

Melanie Hansen

He Was Worth It Quotes #85080
#7. So when it came to a female of worth like Ehlena, he was always going to be on the far side of the glass, nose pressed up hard, palms spread with need, never getting close enough to tough. It was only fair to her.

J.R. Ward

He Was Worth It Quotes #97605
#8. Sometimes it seemed like she would never be able to give Park anything like what he'd given her. It was like he dumped all this treasure on her every morning without even thinking about it, without any sense of what it was worth

Rainbow Rowell

He Was Worth It Quotes #120003
#9. The way we saw things, it didn't matter that God had created the heavens and the earth - he did not want us excited about living here. A good fundamentalist worth his weight in guilt was quick to remind any skeptic that the world was going to hell in a handbasket.

Matthew Paul Turner

He Was Worth It Quotes #128801
#10. With the cross around his neck he could be his old self again, he could have it all back if he wanted it, but it wasn't worth having. If you were going to live in hell on earth, there was something to be said for being one of the devils. - Horns p.381

Joe Hill

He Was Worth It Quotes #142210
#11. The last of her children, whom she barely glanced at when he was born because it wasn't worth the trouble to try to learn features you would never see change into adulthood anyway.

Toni Morrison

He Was Worth It Quotes #143226
#12. None of it lay fallow and neglected, none of it under another's control; for being an extremely thrifty guardian of his time he never found anything for which it was worth exchanging. So he had enough time; but those into whose lives the public have made great inroads inevitably have too little.


He Was Worth It Quotes #149955
#13. I am so sorry for you, Leslie.' She said it like she really meant it. But not like she was completely surprised. 'And for him. Because he's lost you now.' This last part undid me. Despite her cruel criticism of me over the years, from where she sat, I was anyone and everyone's prize.

Leslie Morgan Steiner

He Was Worth It Quotes #151717
#14. Travis considered the larger one below it. A file drawer. Was it even worth bothering with? What could have been in it but paper? What could be in it now but an inch-deep layer of mold dust?

He opened it.

It contained an inch-deep layer of mold dust.

Patrick Lee

He Was Worth It Quotes #172333
#15. The road to redemption might be damn hard, but in the end - if you reached the end - his father was right. It was worth it. Maribelle was worth it. Funny how her birth was the reason he'd started running, but she ended up being the reason he'd stopped. Life was really fucking funny that way.

Madeline Sheehan

He Was Worth It Quotes #178423
#16. He had no chance of beating Schmeichel from there, but it was always worth a try.

Alan Parry

He Was Worth It Quotes #198261
#17. Emma:"He broke your heart! How can you call it love when he
hurt you so badly?"
Kellan:"It was love
because it was worth it.

Jay Asher

He Was Worth It Quotes #229010
#18. Happiness made Marv anxious because he knew it didn't last. But happiness destroyed was worth wrapping your arms around because it always hugged you back.

Dennis Lehane

He Was Worth It Quotes #250506
#19. But stranger than that was the feeling he had, that everything had been worth it, that all his miseries were going to end, that he was going to a life that would be as good as, perhaps better than, anything he had read about in books.

Hanya Yanagihara

He Was Worth It Quotes #254217
#20. Everything I went through," he said. "For you. It was worth it.

Amanda Hocking

He Was Worth It Quotes #256948
#21. So far as he was concerned, this had been a bang-up night. Dynamite, a nice brawl, free brandy, and getting to scare the piss out of someone. It was the simple things that made his life worth living.

Brandon Sanderson

He Was Worth It Quotes #263150
#22. Little did he know, back then, that the worth of one's faith depended not on how solid and strong it was, but on how many times one would lose it and still be able to get it back.

Elif Shafak

He Was Worth It Quotes #265040
#23. Brambleclaw dipped his head. "The battle is won," he growled. "The clearing is ours. Do you concede or shall we fight for it again?"
Blackstar flashed a look of burning hatred over his shoulder. "Take it," he hissed. "It was never worth the blood that has been spilled here today.

Erin Hunter

He Was Worth It Quotes #267568
#24. It was a machine that required constant feeding- Henry hated the machine, and he hated himself for wanting the sort of admiration it promised, as if he had no worth unless someone was there to applaud it

Libba Bray

He Was Worth It Quotes #268600
#25. I'm going to fight until the end. My husband is worth it. He wanted me to have it. He was worth a lot. He was a very, very wealthy man.

Anna Nicole Smith

He Was Worth It Quotes #305657
#26. I feel close to Marvin Gaye, Vincent van Gogh, because nobody appreciated his work until he was dead. Now it's worth millions.

Tupac Shakur

He Was Worth It Quotes #307229
#27. He felt as if he were paying for the privilege of music with portions of his life and body. But it was well worth it.

Mark Helprin

He Was Worth It Quotes #355393
#28. His transcendent sense of worth had risen and caught up to him. He did not like the world he lived in, and the people in it. He was just as much a victim as he was a culprit of the seven deadly sins.

Soroosh Shahrivar

He Was Worth It Quotes #360492
#29. He gave me that night back and this time, I told you the truth. We talked and held each other till the sun came up. And as I went to hell, the devil asked me if it was worth it. I said yes. Yes it was.


He Was Worth It Quotes #366896
#30. He answered her with a kiss. It was more than hungry; it was filled with months' worth of fear and uncertainty and longing. It was a thousand I'm sorrys and ten thousand I love yous.

Heather Huffman

He Was Worth It Quotes #380467
#31. Jace was kissing her like he thought he might go to hell for doing it, but it would be worth it.

Cassandra Clare

He Was Worth It Quotes #407164
#32. I picked up the nearest weapon I could lay my hands on: a stapler. I lifted it, going for "menacing." I admit it lacked a certain elegance, but hey. It was worth a shot. David placed his hand on my arm and pushed it back down.
"Just ... that's embarrassing for all of us," he replied.

Rachel Hawkins

He Was Worth It Quotes #428699
#33. She did not care where he was or how she was going to find him, all she knew is the reward would be worth it...however, alive, kicking and raring to go would be preferable

Virginia Alison

He Was Worth It Quotes #431142
#34. You've spent all this time afraid to talk about what was going on between you two, but if you'd ever bothered to ask him, you would have discovered that he wasn't worth it.

Stephanie Perkins

He Was Worth It Quotes #431520
#35. As an aside, Hop got gold stars because he had buttermilk available for pancakes. These stars started shining when he told me pancakes weren't worth making without buttermilk and, since this was the God's honest truth, I took it as happy indication that Hopper Kincaid and I might just be soul mates.

Kristen Ashley

He Was Worth It Quotes #434585
#36. She decided that if Lucas was gay then she was going to have to get a sex change operation. He would be so worth it.

Josephine Angelini

He Was Worth It Quotes #530291
#37. Love was worth sacrificing for, he thought as he left his room. Even if it wasn't yours.
-Phury's thoughts

J.R. Ward

He Was Worth It Quotes #532086
#38. Unpredictable as a hungry lion, he might be feared by everyone else, but he never ripped out my throat, only licked me, and, if his tongue was a little rough sometimes, it was worth it to walk beside the king of the jungle.

Karen Marie Moning

He Was Worth It Quotes #547177
#39. No president likes leaks, but it's worth noting candidate Trump's path to power was tread on a road of leaks. He didn't have a problem with leaks then. It's not a moral position if you only hold it when it applies to you.

Jake Tapper

He Was Worth It Quotes #567110
#40. Russell Crowe is very difficult, but it's worth it. He's the real thing. I can tell you this. Russell Crowe was just as difficult before he was an international star as he was afterwards.

Taylor Hackford

He Was Worth It Quotes #584404
#41. If she was happy, it meant she wouldn't leave him; and it had become painfully apparent over their short marriage that he was not worth the salt she sweated.

Lauren Groff

He Was Worth It Quotes #596629
#42. He'd thwarted a killer, saved the park, saved thousands from being chewed to pieces, and did it all through other people's strength. Maybe Aliyah would die, maybe he would never have existed, but... was worth it.

Ferrett Steinmetz

He Was Worth It Quotes #606349
#43. I love you, Cat," he whispered. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I hope you know that I'd do it all over again to be with you. Thousands of years of loneliness was worth every second you've been in my life.

Larissa Ione

He Was Worth It Quotes #611831
#44. I've always wondered ... what if it really was Him, and He decided I wasn't worth it?

Tony Kushner

He Was Worth It Quotes #644656
#45. It was a night of impossible things, and he fought to stay awake, to be conscious and alert for as long as possible, to enjoy and repeat to himself everything that had happened to him, a lifetime's worth of wishes coming true in a few brief hours.

Hanya Yanagihara

He Was Worth It Quotes #645460
#46. It was worth it, Lia," He said. "Every mile, every day. I'd do it all again. I'd chase you across three continents if that's what it took to be with you.

Mary E. Pearson

He Was Worth It Quotes #674466
#47. Une immense esprance a travers la terre', he read somewhere, and his comment was:'
and it's darned-well drowned everything worth having.

D.H. Lawrence

He Was Worth It Quotes #695168
#48. I whispered to him,
You'll regret it if you let me go.
I don't wait for a man, if he's not willing to grow'
He didn't believe me, he made his choice
That was the last time, he ever heard my voice.

Nikki Rowe

He Was Worth It Quotes #739069
#49. I put my hand on Bill's shoulder and told him, yeah the sacrifice was worth it. He said, 'Yeah, I think so, too.

Edward Heffron

He Was Worth It Quotes #745285
#50. I know you've been through hell, but you didn't let it eat you up inside." He pauses, hugs me a little closer. "And I know you make me think the hell I've been through was worth it ... if it's what made me recognize heaven when it jumped into my car.

Stacey Jay

He Was Worth It Quotes #752785
#51. And Beauvoir knew then the man was a saint. He's been touched by any number of medical men and women. All healers, all well intentioned, some kind, some rough. All made it clear they wanted him to live, but none had made him feel that his life was precious, was worth saving, was worth something.

Louise Penny

He Was Worth It Quotes #779221
#52. Whatever it was, he thought, whatever the strain and the agony, they were worth it, because they had made him reach this day

Ayn Rand

He Was Worth It Quotes #779967
#53. He wished he had never come to London. He wished he had never undertaken to revive English magic. He wished he had stayed at Hurtfew Abbey, reading and doing magic for his own pleasure. None of it, he thought, was worth the loss of forty books.

Susanna Clarke

He Was Worth It Quotes #809555
#54. Know that whatever God prays to
He asked it to help Him make something of worth.
He woke from His dreams scraped the soil form the spaces inside Himself made you and was happy.
You make the Lord happy.

Anis Mojgani

He Was Worth It Quotes #818387
#55. All I can say is, Brad totally wasn't worth it. He was SO not my type. I only hooked up with him because I was trying to see if popularity could be sexually transmitted. Turns out it can't.

Katherine Easer

He Was Worth It Quotes #835653
#56. I love you.' For whatever small comfort it was worth, he would have the truth between them now. 'Most desperately. Bloody inconvenient, that.

Alexandra Bracken

He Was Worth It Quotes #843257
#57. It says, Over these three years, our leader has had the courage to face a Europe that was in danger of collapse . . . It says, He alone is to be thanked for the fact that, for German children, a German life has once again become worth living.

Anthony Doerr

He Was Worth It Quotes #873137
#58. I wanted the chance to give him something, to give him the best of me, as pathetic as it was, damaged and broken, warped at the edges, hardly worth having. I decided that if I had the chance, if he asked, if he needed, it was his.

Sarah Fine

He Was Worth It Quotes #880582
#59. He'd always felt that life was worth living, fears and all, that if he didn't go for it, then why bother?

Jill Shalvis

He Was Worth It Quotes #905796
#60. Edmund felt despair eating away at his victory. "Why is the world like this?" He shivered. "Why does it feel so cold, so hard?"
A smile flickered on John's face, one that was neither happy nor sad. "What would be the worth of goodness, in a world that always rewarded it?

Matthew Jobin

He Was Worth It Quotes #917451
#61. The risk he was taking had to pay off. He had to win Mazy for himself. Even if he had to forfeit his own self-respect to make it happen. It was worth it to keep her from making a mistake again.

Pamela Morsi

He Was Worth It Quotes #938336
#62. Nineteen and living a life not his own, he was sure enough of his worth to put his name to his work and let it stand for him. Did not even have a wife yet, according to Queen, so it was not love that set him to cutting the pine, but a trust and a longing.

Josephine Humphreys

He Was Worth It Quotes #965358
#63. Considering the Pollyanna optimism he was showing, I wasn't sure about that, but it didn't seem worth arguing about. "All right," I said. "Then I'll check back with you later. I have a crisis at home.

Jeff Lindsay

He Was Worth It Quotes #1020366
#64. I'm thankful to God for having a family that's been there for me. He's been there from the time I was a child to even now with my family helping with my little boy. It's worth more than words could ever describe. That's one of the ways I've been able to stay grounded is thanks to family and God.

Ashton Shepherd

He Was Worth It Quotes #1022096
#65. they just had big bones rather than stand up an' say - I am what I am, an' I'm not ashamed. 'Never be ashamed,' my ol' dad used ter say, 'there's some who'll hold it against you, but they're not worth botherin' with.' An' he was right. I've bin an idiot. I'm not botherin' with

J.K. Rowling

He Was Worth It Quotes #1026116
#66. All of the heartache, the anger, the fear that this was as good as it was ever going to get, was worth it. Here, he could see her eyes and bask in her smiles-even when she wasn't smiling for him. Every day was worth the pain.

Aprilynne Pike

He Was Worth It Quotes #1038285
#67. He couldn't see why people made such a fuss about people eating their silly old fruit anyway, but life would be a lot less fun if they didn't. And there was never an apple, in Adam's opinion, that wasn't worth the trouble you got into for eating it.

Terry Pratchett

He Was Worth It Quotes #1039944
#68. Pierre's insanity consisted in the face that he did not wait, as before, for personal reasons, which he called people's merits, in order to love them, but love overflowed his heart, and loving people without reason, he discovered the unquestionable reasons for which it was worth loving them.

Leo Tolstoy

He Was Worth It Quotes #1072006
#69. I was waiting for you," he says softly, his eyes dark gray and luminous.
"That's ... that's such a lovely thing to say."
"It's true. I didn't know it at the time." He smiles his shy smile.
"I'm glad you waited."
"You are worth waiting for, Mrs. Grey.

E.L. James

He Was Worth It Quotes #1089147
#70. This, this little home," he said, "was worth all of it.

Laura Hillenbrand

He Was Worth It Quotes #1097727
#71. He looked like someone trying to sell something for less than it was worth.

Ramona Ausubel

He Was Worth It Quotes #1101773
#72. Amos believed that people go way out of their way to avoid minor embarrassments and he decided very early on in his life that it was not worth it.

Amos Tversky

He Was Worth It Quotes #1127384
#73. He knew what she wanted, and he wanted it, too; he was ready, but not, despite her gorgeousness, with Tiglah. Tiglah was not worth losing his ability to touch a unicorn.

Madeleine L'Engle

He Was Worth It Quotes #1149382
#74. She hated that will had this effect on her. Hated it. She knew better. She knew what he thought of her. That she was worth nothing. And still a look from him could make her tremble with mingled hatred and longing. It was like poison in her blood, to which Jem was the only antidote.

Cassandra Clare

He Was Worth It Quotes #1198818
#75. If this was the price of benefits, it was too high. He wanted his friend back, because that was a man worth taking an avalanche for.

S.P. Wayne

He Was Worth It Quotes #1201789
#76. She could not admit but that he had remarkable qualities, sometimes she thought that there was even in him a strange and unattractive greatness; it was curious then that she could not love him, but loved still a man whose worthlessness was now so clear to her.

W. Somerset Maugham

He Was Worth It Quotes #1238311
#77. In these books, there were spells and rituals for making a living soul something hungry and desperate like him, but he didn't find likelihood in any of them. All it told him was that man was terrified of nothing so much as death. Having died, he could think of dozens of things more worth his fear.

Thomm Quackenbush

He Was Worth It Quotes #1249959
#78. His head was pounding and his vision skewed in some way and he was vaguely amazed at being alive and not sure that it was worth it.

Cormac McCarthy

He Was Worth It Quotes #1258990
#79. I was never strategic really, but back when I was starting out no one cared. In the acting community, box office didn't matter. I really think it was a mistake when they started paying people like $20 million to do a movie because now it's all people think about. Is she worth it? Is he worth it?

Winona Ryder

He Was Worth It Quotes #1263794
#80. I was once making a burger for myself at my boyfriend's house and a lyric started pouring out and I had to catch it, so I ran to another room to write it down, but then the kitchen caught fire. His cabinets were charred, and he was furious. But it was worth it for a song.

Jill Scott

He Was Worth It Quotes #1271312
#81. He charged nothing for his preaching and it was worth it too.

Mark Twain

He Was Worth It Quotes #1275963
#82. They had a profile of John Kerry on the news and they said his first wife was worth around $300 million and his second wife, his current wife, is worth around $700 million. So when John Kerry says he's going after the wealthy in this country, he's not just talking. He's doing it!

Jay Leno

He Was Worth It Quotes #1305592
#83. Do you know that the only value life has is what life puts upon itself? And it is of course over-estimated, since it is a necessity prejudiced in its own favor. ...There is plenty more life demanding to be born. ...He was worth nothing to the world. The supply is too large.

Jack London

He Was Worth It Quotes #1313610
#84. He'd been raised to give women what they wanted. 'You can fight,' his father told him. 'You can bitch. If you're a real prick, you can overpower. But the pain over the long haul ... just not worth it, son. Surrender young and happily with fewer scars.' The old man was right about that.

Lisa Unger

He Was Worth It Quotes #1320200
#85. The way he saw it, poker and life had a lot in common. You played the cards you were dealt, figured the odds, took the gamble or not. And when your cards were shit, you bluffed if the pot was worth it, and if you had balls.

Nora Roberts

He Was Worth It Quotes #1373171
#86. Time, he thought, was a privilege, and in a just world this would be their bed, and this night not worth counting, it being the first of innumerable shared nights to come. But now he knew why men married, for then time was theirs, a privilege and a claim; your time is all mine, he would tell her.

Meredith Duran

He Was Worth It Quotes #1387973
#87. His strength, his speed, his valor, all his hard-won skill . . . it was worth less than a mummer's fart, because he flinched from killing.

George R R Martin

He Was Worth It Quotes #1426213
#88. He never was worth the powder it'd take to blow him to hell.

Shirley Damsgaard

He Was Worth It Quotes #1426882
#89. It had taken her a good deal of time before she believed that she was worth all that fierce affection he lavished upon her. To have it stolen away unjustly was that much more cruel.

Gail Carriger

He Was Worth It Quotes #1438303
#90. I dropped back onto Dad's stool with my mouth open. Gerald Whipplethorn? I wanted to babysit, but Gerald wasn't worth it. The kid annoyed me like an itchy scab you couldn't pick off. He was the worst. The absolute worst. I

A.W. Hartoin

He Was Worth It Quotes #1506055
#91. She would never blame him for being the ineffectual idler so long as he did it sincerely, from the attitude that nothing much was worth doing

F Scott Fitzgerald

He Was Worth It Quotes #1512264
#92. Roland nodded. "And the shooting will happen so fast and be over so quick that you'll wonder what all the planning and palaver was for, when in the end it always comes down to the same five minutes' worth of blood, pain, and stupidity." He paused, then said: "I always feel sick afterward. Like

Stephen King

He Was Worth It Quotes #1514390
#93. He loved politics in large part exactly because it meant time spent with men like Cactus Jack Garner(who would be remembered for observing that the vice presidency was not worth a pitcher of warm piss).

David McCullough

He Was Worth It Quotes #1550492
#94. As Landry came to a stop in front of her, she was suddenly reminded how big and muscular he was. He loomed over her by nearly a foot. She almost laughed as she had a vision of climbing up his body to kiss him. Not that she minded. Something told her it would be worth it.

Paige Tyler

He Was Worth It Quotes #1554099
#95. If you want witnesses then I am one and I can tell you now, when you say that he redeemed the world, I will say that it was not worth it. It was not worth it.

Colm Toibin

He Was Worth It Quotes #1601463
#96. John?
As it was dark he whistled a what.
You are such a male of worth, you know that. You really are.

J.R. Ward

He Was Worth It Quotes #1613698
#97. He'd start slow. But he would woo his wife. No matter what personality lay behind the veneer of beauty, she was the only wife he had. And that made her worth it.

Melissa Jagears

He Was Worth It Quotes #1620124
#98. Your eyes are hallow,
Your heart is bruised,
Your temple has been raided,
Your soul has been shattered,
Was he worth it?

Tanzy Sayadi

He Was Worth It Quotes #1646204
#99. I had the loveliest pony when I was your age. I called him Zip. He ate apples straight out of my hand. I'm deathly allergic to horse hair, of course, and wept buckets of tears every time he was near, but it was worth it. I loved him so.

Meg Cabot

He Was Worth It Quotes #1675146
#100. Henry James proposed asking of art three modest and appropriate questions: What is the artist trying to do? Does he do it? Was it worth doing?

Robert Adams

He Was Worth It Quotes #1678180

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