Top 100 Gotten Quotes

#1. As long as we rationalize nuclear weapons as "necessary" in order to save American lives, then nuclear weapons will never be gotten rid of.

Bernard Lown

Gotten Quotes #1835379
#2. By the early '70s I had gotten reasonable and I started to get in hundreds of groups that rehearsed and never played at all. I mean, the most important thing was to look good and have a great name.

Andy Partridge

Gotten Quotes #1799511
#3. Having gotten TV shows on the air, that's so much less work that trying to get the 'Veronica Mars' movie made.

Rob Thomas

Gotten Quotes #1799536
#4. I love plays that have musical moments. I'm not a big fan of musicals per se, but I love straight plays that have musical edges to them. I don't know if I will ever be able to structure a musical, but 'Finer Noble Gases' is as close as I've gotten.

Adam Rapp

Gotten Quotes #1799840
#5. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Montgomery had gotten the flowers. Sometime yesterday he'd picked wild flowers like he used to when we'd visit cousins in the country.

Megan Shepherd

Gotten Quotes #1800266
#6. ... Aedion Ashryer let himself be led into the darkness ...
He did not mind dying.
Though he still wished he'd gotten a chance to see her - just once.

Sarah J. Maas

Gotten Quotes #1800684
#7. She'd gotten in the mail: the belief that she was

Danielle Steel

Gotten Quotes #1800826
#8. Laurel had gotten plenty of head in her time, but never like this. Flynn fucked her with his mouth ...

Cara McKenna

Gotten Quotes #1801374
#9. Something she'd gotten from Burton and the Corps, that you didn't do things in the clothes you sat around in. You got yourself squared away, then your intent did too.

William Gibson

Gotten Quotes #1803023
#10. I was so adamant about proving myself for so long and I've gotten to the point where I don't have to do that as much.

Michelle Branch

Gotten Quotes #1803068
#11. I often take ill-gotten gold
So folk won't starve or feel cold
But gold today was rightly won
When you named me your champion.
So learn this lesson well today
My warrant you will never pay
For like arrows, Robins fly free
None shall my master ever be

R.M. ArceJaeger

Gotten Quotes #1804359
#12. I want more out of life than I've gotten.

Loretta Lynn

Gotten Quotes #1806149
#13. We would write scripts, like for 'Shutterbugs.' Then when we shot it, everyone just came up with new stuff. We've definitely learned how to do it better as we've gotten along. So basically, that's how it went. We just go in with ideas and try to figure out funny stuff while we're there.

Jason Woliner

Gotten Quotes #1807256
#14. Being in Weezer's just gotten so much more fun over the years. I love almost every part of my job. My very favorite part is working on new songs.

Rivers Cuomo

Gotten Quotes #1807492
#15. And now oddly I'm getting sexier parts than I've ever gotten.

Patricia Clarkson

Gotten Quotes #1807869
#16. I'm certainly curious about people. As a kid, I moved around a lot. I was raised in a lot of different places, and thanks to working in the movies, I've gotten to keep traveling. I've always been interested in other cultures and languages.

Viggo Mortensen

Gotten Quotes #1807988
#17. I haven't sold to the movies. In other words, I haven't gotten any enormous checks yet.

Jack Vance

Gotten Quotes #1808189
#18. I'm actually thinking about maybe, on a spacewalk, not wearing my glasses. I normally wear those both for reading and a little bit of a distance correction, but the distance vision seems like it's gotten a little bit better. So I might go without.

Scott Kelly

Gotten Quotes #1809159
#19. I've gotten pretty good at making myself feel ashamed. I can even use shame in a theoretical sense to make myself do the right thing BEFORE I do the wrong thing.

Allie Brosh

Gotten Quotes #1809691
#20. Before this trip and all that she'd learned about the three of them, she would have gotten angry or changed the subject. Anything to obscure the pain she felt. Now she knew better. You carried your pain with you in life. There was no outrunning it.

Kristin Hannah

Gotten Quotes #1809975
#21. I'm like the luckiest girl in the world. I've gotten to be a princess, I've gotten to work with the Muppets. A lot of my childhood dreams about who I wanted to be when I was a grown-up, I at least get to play them in movies.

Amy Adams

Gotten Quotes #1810823
#22. In Seattle, I soon found that my radical ideas and aesthetic explorations - ideas and explorations that in Richmond, Virginia, might have gotten me stoned to death with hush puppies - were not only accepted but occasionally applauded.

Tom Robbins

Gotten Quotes #1811635
#23. I don't think most people want to be unhappy. It's just something they've gotten good at.

Robert Breault

Gotten Quotes #1811846
#24. The arts have always been an important ingredient to the health of a nation, but we haven't gotten there yet.

James Earl Jones

Gotten Quotes #1813465
#25. I think - I really think my voice has gotten better in the last two or three years. I don't know why. I've been doing a lot of - a lot more lead singing, and everybody tells me that my voice was better than ever and I agree with them. Maybe I've learned to do more with it. I don't know what.

Ralph Stanley

Gotten Quotes #1813659
#26. Don't do that," he says. "Don't ask me questions you already know the answers to. Twice I've laid myself bare to you and all it's gotten me was a bullet wound and a broken heart. Don't torture me," he says, meeting my eyes again.
"It's a cruel thing to do, even to someone like me.

Tahereh Mafi

Gotten Quotes #1814592
#27. It's kind of like religion. It gives us comfort to believe we have defined something that is, by its very nature, indefinable. As to whether or not we've gotten it right, well, it's all a matter of faith.

Neal Shusterman

Gotten Quotes #1815690
#28. She didn't open the envelope until she'd gotten to the bus station and needed to pay for her ticket. He hadn't given her the thousand dollars she'd asked for-he'd given her ten thousand.

Ann Brashares

Gotten Quotes #1817725
#29. In his world, people never questioned him. And it was a good place to be, his world. Apparently she hadn't gotten the memo.

Jill Shalvis

Gotten Quotes #1820083
#30. I'm not unfamiliar with music, and I really do write music. I've gotten a talent for it. I don't have the technical skills, but I do plan to learn.

Anthony Hopkins

Gotten Quotes #1820317
#31. The only actual change that had come over him in the past years was that, for some reason, his impediment had gotten worse. "Mawidge," he said. "Vewy old.

William Goldman

Gotten Quotes #1820419
#32. Maybe it was more about finding who I was in relation to the Simulacrum-to the blood inside of me- and less about finding myself in relation to who I wanted to be. Maybe I had gotten those two things mixed up along the way

Julia J. Gibbs

Gotten Quotes #1820443
#33. He kept thinking about one word - forever - and felt the burning ache just beneath his rib cage. It hurt like the worst ass-kicking he'd ever gotten.

John Green

Gotten Quotes #1820648
#34. I certainly have gotten caught up in the music business at various times in my life, mostly because you want to get along with whatever record company you're dealing with. I don't want to be flaky. I don't want to be some temperamental, hard-to-work-with musician.

Frank Black

Gotten Quotes #1821241
#35. Comedy is like math - you can check your answer because you know you've gotten it right if you get a laugh. It just makes sense to me. I feel like because I've had to keep that tool in my box for so long, I'm ready to show it off a bit.

Jennifer Carpenter

Gotten Quotes #1821461
#36. I'm sure those rumors are spread, but it's just ah - we're really good friend. We've been since day one in Hollywood. In class, we've been together in school. We've gotten really close, but I don't know about the more than friends stuff.

Scotty McCreery

Gotten Quotes #1822235
#37. I was a sophomore in college, and I did an industrial video about how to use the Internet - that dates me! It was with John Turturro, somehow they had gotten John Turturro to do this thing, and I was so excited and so nervous I probably drank 10 cups of coffee that morning.

Warren Kole

Gotten Quotes #1822434
#38. Had I known that coffee could taste so good, I would have gotten drunk on it every day.

Rabih Alameddine

Gotten Quotes #1823311
#39. There could have been more planning in New Orleans, but you look at all the devastation that happened there - have we gotten to 3,000 deaths yet? For that magnitude of a disaster, that's not all that bad.

John Hickenlooper

Gotten Quotes #1824226
#40. I was running away from dating for the sake of running because I had gotten all too used to being on my own and not having to deal with anyone else's crap, be it good crap or bad crap.

Stephanie Celeste Perkins

Gotten Quotes #1825420
#41. Foreknowledge cannot be gotten from ghosts and spirits, cannot be had by analogy, cannot be found out by calculation. It must be obtained from people, people who know the conditions of the enemy.

Sun Tzu

Gotten Quotes #1826690
#42. I run a solid 4-6 miles at a time, and over the last year two years I've gotten really into SoulCycle. It's sort of an evolved form of spinning.

Gail Simmons

Gotten Quotes #1827492
#43. At the same time, in death he would succeed where all others had failed, so that instead of an angel guarding the entrance to God's presence so we cannot enter in, we find an angel at the empty tomb telling us that Christ has gotten out.

Kevin DeYoung

Gotten Quotes #1828824
#44. Jason Lee and Ethan Suplee are like my brothers. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have gotten through my pregnancy.

Jaime Pressly

Gotten Quotes #1828866
#45. I started rooting - you know, sticking up joints - with some older guys. By now I had gotten a taste of what the racket world really was - the glamour, the way they dressed, the way they always had a pocketful of money.

Mickey Cohen

Gotten Quotes #1828945
#46. There's always been a lot of pressure and tension on the line. If 'Pi' didn't work out, I have no idea what my career would be. I don't think I would have gotten another shot at it. If 'Requiem for a Dream' didn't work out, they would have called me a 'one-hit wonder with a sophomore slump'.

Darren Aronofsky

Gotten Quotes #1829053
#47. We have to recognize that however smart we are, we're not smarter than everyone else combined ... We can't lose sight of the fact that no matter how important our own contributions are, we couldn't have gotten anywhere without the help and hard work of lots of other people.

James M. Kouzes

Gotten Quotes #1829302
#48. Ian," Mencheres said in a chiding tone. "You should have at least gotten dressed.

Jeaniene Frost

Gotten Quotes #1829830
#49. You've gotten so caught up in being alone that you're afraid of what might happen if you actually find someone else that can take you away from it.

Nicholas Sparks

Gotten Quotes #1830367
#50. The toughest part was doing it in front of the world and recognizing that you had gotten to a point where if you didn't do something you were going to die.

Star Jones

Gotten Quotes #1831400
#51. People have perhaps gotten to the point where for the most part movies are a just bit of escape.

Neil LaBute

Gotten Quotes #1831938
#52. Females of domestic reputation lounged upon the balconies they passed with faces gotten up in indigo and almagre gaudy as the rumps of apes and they peered from behind their fans with a kind of lurid coyness like transvestites in a madhouse.

Cormac McCarthy

Gotten Quotes #1834752
#53. I love Lee Ann Womack and John Prine. That's kind of my ideal cross point. If I can sing it like Lee Ann would and say it like John would, then I feel like I've gotten somewhere.

Kacey Musgraves

Gotten Quotes #1834798
#54. She was a woman who knew who she was and how she had gotten there.

Lisa Mangum

Gotten Quotes #1857756
#55. I've never gotten a release from any person. I'm not a businessman; I'm on the side of common sense. Releases ruin the atmosphere of photography.

Peter Beard

Gotten Quotes #1878892
#56. I was a commercial artist when I left school, but luckily I became an actor. I've painted for many, many years. Now the last few years it's gotten more serious.

Pierce Brosnan

Gotten Quotes #1877076
#57. Being involved in movies is my passion. What's gotten me off the mat is the sense of the child in all of us. I feel like the same guy as I did back in the mail room, but with more wisdom, from the depths of experience to the heights.

Mark Canton

Gotten Quotes #1876696
#58. He explained that when he had gotten to Toledo, he had a meeting with himself. He said he realized he had become satisfied with being a starting pitcher in the big leagues, and with the money he was making.

H. A. Dorfman

Gotten Quotes #1875645
#59. Sticking to my schedule, I've gotten over seven months ahead, which allowed me to write a 'Pearls Before Swine' movie script for the big screen.

Stephan Pastis

Gotten Quotes #1875459
#60. You'll be fine, Hannah." Grace pats my arm. "Calm down and listen to Lo."
"Lo has almost gotten me arrested before!"
"That was an accident," she says, making Grace laugh.

Jessica Love

Gotten Quotes #1874412
#61. Racing is what I live for, and it makes my world go around. Having said that, without the support of the diabetes community, I may not have gotten back into the race car after my diagnosis in October 2007.

Charlie Kimball

Gotten Quotes #1873916
#62. This year I've really decided to get into the best shape of my life, and I've gotten there by changing not only what I eat but when I eat and how often, as well as my usual workout routine. The combination has made such a big difference, and I finally feel in the best shape of my life.

Brian McKnight

Gotten Quotes #1872812
#63. I still haven't gotten that little something out of my system that I'm still not a kid going to a football game. I'm excited.

Joe Paterno

Gotten Quotes #1871452
#64. You've gotten rid of the person you used to be and the life you used to live, 10 and you've become a new person. This new person is continually renewed in knowledge to be like its Creator.


Gotten Quotes #1871173
#65. At first, it was hard to sit down and read the things that people were saying. A lot of people would've worked their way up to this position and would've gotten a thick skin over a few years' time. For me, though, all this happened in a few months.

Carrie Underwood

Gotten Quotes #1870363
#66. I think that my biggest role models are people that have maybe struggled for a while and then finally gotten to their destination.

Jonathan Brandis

Gotten Quotes #1870073
#67. My impression is that Putin feels that he can basically manipulate the West to do what he ultimately wants to achieve, and that he feels he's gotten away with it so far, and that all he has to do is basically play the same game.

Leon Panetta

Gotten Quotes #1869315
#68. He would've gotten a bigger change of expression from the Lincoln head at Mount Rushmore.

Suzanne Brockmann

Gotten Quotes #1869020
#69. This is possibly the most shameful situation I've ever gotten myself in in my life, and I've done some pretty dumb things in my life. So to actually make a new No. 1 is spectacularly stupid.

Russell Crowe

Gotten Quotes #1869003
#70. Unfortunately for humanity, I've gotten into the habit of providing my own closing music for shows by singing a song and playing the ukulele.

John Hodgman

Gotten Quotes #1868092
#71. I don't have a crazy rider clause saying I have to stay at fancy hotels. I don't have a problem with staying at a Marriott. But I will admit that I've gotten just basic, regular service there.

Mark Ronson

Gotten Quotes #1866787
#72. No one before you has gotten to me this way.

Joey Fatone

Gotten Quotes #1865259
#73. I feel like in a lot of ways I've gotten kind of soft as an actor, not doing stage stuff. In terms of being a better actor, it's really important.

Paul Giamatti

Gotten Quotes #1861961
#74. So much of marriage was implicit and nonverbal. Had I gotten so complacent I'd forgotten to communicate?

Jodi Picoult

Gotten Quotes #1859092
#75. I've gotten to work with some wonderful directors and people who have been great teachers to me.

Lyle Lovett

Gotten Quotes #1858762
#76. It's getting late. If you're sleepy I can finish this later. No, it's fine, Tsukuru said. I'm not sleepy. In fact, he'd gotten his second wind, and wanted to hear the rest of the story.

Haruki Murakami

Gotten Quotes #1858419
#77. When Myst had been in a Horde prison, the Forbearer rebels took the castle, and one of their generals had freed her to make love to her. Before the Valkyrie could rescue her, things had gotten out of hand in a dank cell.

Kresley Cole

Gotten Quotes #1858174
#78. Our stubbornness is what's gotten us this far!

Ryuhei Tamura

Gotten Quotes #1858146
#79. Jackson hesitated, licking a drop of whisky from his bottom lip with his tongue.

Mollie's stomach tightened a little, but she told herself that it hadn't. It mostly worked - she'd gotten darn good at telling her body that it had absolutely no response to Jackson Burke.

Lauren Layne

Gotten Quotes #1858065
#80. Riches are gotten with pain, kept with care, and lost with grief. The cares of riches lie heavier upon a good man than the inconveniences of an honest poverty.

Roger L'Estrange

Gotten Quotes #1843272
#81. [I] had gotten to the point where I simply could not make a bad vinaigrette, this was not exactly the stuff of drama. (Even now, I cannot believe Mark would want to risk losing that vinaigrette. You just don't bump into vinaigrettes that good.)

Nora Ephron

Gotten Quotes #1835469
#82. How did I know you were going to show up?"
"Because you're psychic now?"
Dylan raised an eyebrow at that. "If I was actually psychic, sweetheart, I probably wouldn't have
gotten involved with you."
"Oh, ow," he said, grabbing his chest. "I think you just made my heart hurt.

Andrea Speed

Gotten Quotes #1836899
#83. I've had a pilot every single year that didn't sell for the past four years, that'll smack you in the back of the head. I had a really good one last year; I wouldn't have done the play in New York if I had gotten that one.

Bob Saget

Gotten Quotes #1836952
#84. them," he said. "The dust is warm," said Samuel. "Now it goes this way. 'And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, "I have gotten a man from the Lord."

John Steinbeck

Gotten Quotes #1837199
#85. We all marveled that we'd gotten to take part in so perfect and courageous and amazing a life.

Wayne Earl

Gotten Quotes #1837622
#86. Try again, I've gotten much better at detecting your bullshit

Alexandra Bracken

Gotten Quotes #1837704
#87. I've gotten to believe it's more fun to play politicians than actually be them.

Rob Lowe

Gotten Quotes #1837968
#88. If we can come up with a God we can fully explain, we have come up with a different God from the Bible's. We must beware of recreating an image of God that makes us feel better. Of this I'm certain: If in our pursuit of greater knowledge God seems to have gotten smaller, we have been deceived.

Beth Moore

Gotten Quotes #1838517
#89. I'm singing from my heart now more than ever. I've gotten a lot braver with my writing.

Amy Lee

Gotten Quotes #1838708
#90. How do these people have any credibility? How do they get away with this? It's mind boggling that its gotten to a point where the EPA is dictating policy based on what is an obvious fraud, or if you want to be gentle about it, creates enough doubt to back off.

Joe Bastardi

Gotten Quotes #1839393
#91. It had been one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, and I'd swallowed half the pond in the process, but I'd gotten the gist of it, managed to conquer my blind panic and terror and trust myself.

Sarah J. Maas

Gotten Quotes #1842547
#92. I was ready to get the hell off the mountain, but somehow that offered no satisfaction. I had gotten in too deep. I would have been so easy if only I could have cried. But crying wasn't an option, because I felt that far ahead of me there was something really worth crying about.

Haruki Murakami

Gotten Quotes #1842682
#93. We in America have gotten addicted to cheap food. The result of that is antibiotic-laden fish, foods that are bred to be portable.

Ruth Reichl

Gotten Quotes #1849331
#94. I feel like success to me is about feeling like I have done something in storytelling, where I've gotten close to articulating something intangible that I'm feeling, and I think I get closer every time, but I don't know that I've done that yet.

Brit Marling

Gotten Quotes #1857402
#95. I have gotten better at being patient and sitting with discomfort. Before I would worry and try to fix an issue and force circumstances to change or try to change people's minds sooner than was realistic. Now I wait and trust that everything passes and time really does heal everything.

China Forbes

Gotten Quotes #1855871
#96. I feel as though I've gotten to a point where I don't really want to set a book in any real place ever again.

Jhumpa Lahiri

Gotten Quotes #1853151
#97. I like making songs up. Whether or not they're great songs or good songs, whatever. It's something I've always done, and I definitely feel like I've gotten better at it.

Jeff Tweedy

Gotten Quotes #1852423
#98. The coolest thing I've gotten to do in the past few years is guest star on Sesame Street.

Norah Jones

Gotten Quotes #1850694
#99. It seems like Weezer has gotten better and better at getting attention for everything besides our music. Part of that is just the nature of our culture now - you really have to scream to get some attention, so people even know you have a record out that they might want to listen to.

Rivers Cuomo

Gotten Quotes #1849893
#100. I think I feel vulnerable most of the time. I feel on guard. I've gotten pretty good at putting my fists down and kind of allowing the world to be, so that I don't feel threatened as much.

Matt Nathanson

Gotten Quotes #1845148

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