Top 81 Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes

#1. There's an old saying, 'Life begins at forty.' That's silly. Life begins every morning you wake up.

George Burns

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #905814
#2. I don't want to spend another day without you. I want to go to sleep every night with you by my side and wake up next to you every morning. I want nothing else but you, for the rest of my life.

Kass Morgan

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1416808
#3. Richard: You really like it, don't you.
Gabrielle: What?
Richard: Life.
Gabrielle: Oh! Every morning when I wake up and I see there's a whole new other day, I just go absolutely ape!

George Axelrod

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1434110
#4. Yeah, well I've never tried to imagine you before me. Probably because I still wake up every morning and question whether I dreamed you. And when I realize you're my real, it's like winning the lottery every damn day of my life.

Jewel E. Ann

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1401631
#5. I wake up every morning and thank God I live in a country where all of this is possible. Where you have the Yankee ingenuity to roll up your sleeves, get a band of people who believe in something and go for it and make it happen. It doesn't happen anywhere else.

Brian Binnie

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1382207
#6. If you want to know what a truly healthy relationship is, it's one where both people wake up every morning and say, I choose to be with this person.

Robert Morrow

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1373930
#7. If you also thinks it means I wake up every morning wondering what I did to deserve having you back in my life, well, you'd be right about that too.

Julie James

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1363572
#8. I want to wake up every morning and listen to your heart. I want to be the last man you slept with. When you say it's been a long time since you made love, I want that time to be a matter of hours. Because I loved you last night. And I'm going to love you again tonight.

Suanne Laqueur

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1362121
#9. Life whispers to you all the time ... from the time you wake up in the morning and with every single experience ...

Oprah Winfrey

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1336047
#10. [ ... ] I want to wake up with you in the morning, I want to fight with you in the afternoon, and I want to make love on any and every available surface in this place. And then I want to do it all over again. Come upstairs with me, Sophie. I'll keep you warm. I'll keep the darkness away.

Anne Stuart

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1334959
#11. When you wake up every morning, let thanksgiving be your first thought.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1324978
#12. Hickory dickory dock, I just want to be your clock. Just set me for a lifetime, and I'll wake you up every morning.

Smokey Robinson

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1324590
#13. You know what's really cool? Wake up every morning, decide what you feel like doing, and do it.

Amanda Palmer

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1258160
#14. It was stupid behaviour. And you take a look at the explosion, and it knocks you down and you wake up every morning and you're scared and you're depressed and sad, and you kind of got to let that knock you down and knock you down.

David Letterman

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1249678
#15. You wake up every morning with a smile on your face because you've got a new day you never expected to have. And there's a sense of wonderment. Nothing short of magical.

Dick Cheney

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1233980
#16. You've got to wake up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction. - GEORGE LORIMER

Hal Elrod

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1228829
#17. When you're in love with the work, the energy comes more naturally. You want to wake up in the morning to write more material, or to go on stage and give every shred of emotion you have.

Matthew Hussey

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1165481
#18. So you must wake up every morning knowing that no promise is unbreakable, least of all the promise of waking up at all. This is not despair. These are the preferences of the universe itself: verbs over nouns, actions over states, struggle over hope.

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1160726
#19. You don't know what's behind that smile. You can't imagine who someone will turn out to be. We assume the sun will rise every morning just because it has done every other day, but what happens when you wake up to darkness? When you open your eyes and find, today is the one different day? I

Abigail Haas

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1149232
#20. You're in my dreams every night. I wake up in the morning and all I think about is you in my house, you and Noah finally mine. My family. It's even better than ridin' my bike. I'm crazy for you, Soph.

Joanna Wylde

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1099970
#21. I'm sorry you don't get it, Mom. Sometimes I don't get why I do the things I do. I just know I wake up every morning and wish I was dead.

Julie Anne Peters

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1084106
#22. I wake up every morning and say to myself, Well, I'm still in New York. Thank you, God.

Ed Koch

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1691661
#23. Every morning you have two choices. Continue to sleep with dreams - or - wake up and chase them.

Jay McLean

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1872410
#24. Whatever you may have heard, self-publishing is not a short cut to anything. Except maybe insanity. Self-publishing, like every other kind of publishing, is hard work. You don't wake up one morning good at it. You have to work for that.

Zoe Winters

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1857279
#25. I can promise that every morning when you wake up, you'll never regret being with me.

Lynn Hagen

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1846145
#26. It's hard when you're missing your family. You wake up every morning like someone took one of your legs.

Lemony Snicket

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1831434
#27. The funny thin is, you say it like it's so unusual that you've only done it once. But I bet a whole lot of people go through their lives without ever telling the truth, not really. And they wake up in the same body and the same life every singe morning.

David Levithan

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1823248
#28. I want forever with you. I want to wake up next to you every morning and go to bed beside you every night. I want to wear a ring on my finger every day of my life marking me as yours. I want to make you promises, and I want to spend every day of my life working to keep those promises.

Chanel Cleeton

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1800123
#29. I prime my mind. I wake up every morning and say, "Look, if you don't have 10 minutes for yourself, you don't have a life." I take 10 minutes.

Tony Robbins

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1775419
#30. How could Triple H EVER be mad, how could he EVER have a bad day? How would you like to be married to her?! Wake up in a wonderful mood every morning. I mean, look at that!

Jerry Lawler

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1734987
#31. I like being in movies that have a great story. I'm not so interested in being a Hollywood star. It's a job, you know. When you wake up at six in the morning every day for a week, it feels like hard work.

Kristen Stewart

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1699937
#32. Since I was a kid, I'd wake up every morning hearing a voice say, 'You're the greatest rapper ever.' I'm trying to prove that voice right.

Danny Brown

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1023263
#33. E-create the universe every morning when you wake up. And kill it every evening.

Holly Childs

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1683629
#34. One thing I've very quickly learned is that if you wake up every morning worrying about what's in the press, you would go completely and utterly potty.

Nick Clegg

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1683478
#35. You have a clean slate every day you wake up. You have a chance every single morning to make that change and be the person you want to be. You just have to decide to do it. Decide today's the day. Say it: this is going to be my day.

Brendon Burchard

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1679161
#36. If you want to be a writer, you have to write every day ... You don't go to a well once but daily. You don't skip a child's breakfast or forget to wake up in the morning ...

Walter Mosley

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1645482
#37. You know, every morning that I wake up ... I realize that being World Champion is a gift. And let me be the one to tell you I'm loving every minute of it!

Oscar Gutierrez

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1556287
#38. You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up.

Shalom Harlow

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1547640
#39. How is it you've never married?" A soft splash. "It's an easy enough thing. Every morning I wake up, go about my day, and return to bed at night without having recited marriage vows. After several years, I have the trick of it down.

Tessa Dare

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1532358
#40. And yes, to answer you seriously, I am beginning to be ... well, not bored, but tempted; afraid, but tempted. When you've been in pain for a long time, when you wake up every morning with a rising sense of hysteria, then boredom is what you want, marathon sleeps, a silence in yourself.

Truman Capote

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1522178
#41. You're more important to me than anything or anyone ... I want to wake up every morning with you next to me. I need you in my life more than I have ever needed or wanted anything.

J.A. Redmerski

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1473671
#42. Every morning you have two options. Continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #234868
#43. I'll move heaven and earth to make you happy, Evie. I want you there when I wake up every morning and there when I go to sleep at night. I love you, even if you don't do a damn thing I tell you to do.

Lynn Raye Harris

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #465897
#44. If you think that no miracles ever happened to you, remember that every morning when you wake up, you experience a resurrection

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #463101
#45. When you know clearly what you want, you'll wake up every morning excited about life.

Mark Victor Hansen

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #423588
#46. The morning will come In the press of every kiss, With your head upon my chest Where I will annoy you With every waking breath Until you decide to wake up.

Coheed And Cambria

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #380569
#47. You need one hundred percent commitment; you have to be willing to wake up every morning knowing you're going to [practice] eight hours straight.

Zoe Saldana

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #350063
#48. How it was, when you lost things, it was like you only knew for the first time that you'd ever had them. ( ... ) You didn't wake up every morning and say yes and yes to every little thing. But little things were what it was all made of. Or just somebody to see, there, when you woke up.

William Gibson

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #341478
#49. On our American tour bus, the bunks are a bit taller so that we don't bash our heads. On the English bus, we bash our heads every morning. It's not the best thing to do first thing when you wake up.

Liam Payne

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #319394
#50. I want you to kiss me like you did at my house, to make love to me like you did at yours. I want to wake up with you every morning and go to bed with you every night. I want our kids and our life together. I want it all, but mostly, I just want you.

Elisabeth Naughton

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #241847
#51. Somehow you've been voted something for a magazine, and it's a complete mystery to me. I mean, I wake up and I have to look at that head when I brush my teeth every morning. And it's weird and it's unpleasant at times.

Johnny Depp

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #235050
#52. Every single day I wake up in the morning, and I wonder if this is some kind of amazing dream that's gonna end all of a sudden. And, you know, I'm gonna wake up and be somewhere else.

Cory Monteith

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #471517
#53. I am so blessed. I've been way over-blessed. At 64 years old, I look forward to going to bed every night so I can wake up in the morning and see what blessing is going to come my way that day. Because you never, ever know what God's got in store for you.

Paula Deen

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #220521
#54. I just think, as writers, especially with a book that takes years to write, you sort of wake up every morning hoping and praying that you can make it work for the day.

Christopher Bollen

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #181854
#55. You say that every morning."
Miles shrugged. "You're late every morning."
"Then wake me up sooner."
"I have a better idea - why don't you go to sleep when I tell you to?"
"I'm not tired then. I'm only tired in the mornings."
"Join the club.

Nicholas Sparks

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #168436
#56. Every single morning you wake up with the opportunity to be yourself, or be the idea of someone else. For me it is all about ... my favourite mantra is: "You do you. I do me. They do they."

Shailene Woodley

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #166644
#57. Wake up every morning and tell yourself you're a badass bitch from hell and that no one can fuck with you and then don't let anybody fuck with you.


Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #144230
#58. What do you want?"
"You," he said, his voice lowering an octave. "I want you, Dutch, body and soul. I want you in my bed every night. I want you there when I wake up in the morning. I want your clothes strung across my apartment and your scent on my skin.

Darynda Jones

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #108160
#59. It's easy to believe in God when you wake up every morning knowing you are completely and unconditionally loved.

Tiffany Reisz

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #94940
#60. You've got to wake up every morning and believe, 'I was born to do this.'

Holt McCallany

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #88799
#61. Audrey, I need you to say it." "Say what?" she asks slowly. "Say what's written all over your face. Say what's on your fingers every time you touch me. Say what's in your eyes every morning that we wake up together. Say what your body feels every time I'm inside of you. Please ... just say it.

Kimberly Lauren

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #56581
#62. If you ask me what I worry about every morning when I wake up, it's that I don't understand future mainstream Internet users' habits.

Ma Huateng

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #652642
#63. I literally think that if you're in this business, it has to be the only thing you can and want to do, because it's so hard. You have to be fully committed - and partially insane - to wake up every morning and be like, 'I'm an actor.'

Lindy Booth

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #940321
#64. Did you smoke something this morning and not share?"
Jacque rolled her eyes. "Do you really think I have to smoke something to get happy when I wake up next to Fane every morning?"
"Okay, point to you," Jen said, waving Jacque off.

Quinn Loftis

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #930866
#65. I am disappointed every morning that I wake up. And I am disappointed by the feeling Of waking up next to you.

Tegan Quin

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #841334
#66. I wake up every morning and think: You know what would be good today? Not dying.

Rick Riordan

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #812178
#67. The trick is falling in love with something enough, and being excited enough by something, to want to make that year and a half or two year commitment and wake up every morning at 5 to go deal with a whole day full of problems to get it up on the screen. You really need passion.

Mark Romanek

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #769261
#68. I think about you day and night, Eliza. I wake up and wish every morning you were lying in my bed beside me. Every time I'm really smiling, it's because I'm with you or I'm thinking about you.

Shanora Williams

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #731027
#69. Every morning when I wake up I think about you. Before going to bed you still linger on my mind. If there was any better way of letting you know exactly how I feel, you would know that I'm so in love with you.

Rebecca White

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #719633
#70. Every part of you was made for me. Your lips were made to kiss mine, your eyes were made to wake up to me looking at you in my bed every morning, and your f***ing tongue was made to roll my name off of it. I am more certain of us than I'm certain that I require oxygen to breathe.

Gail McHugh

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #685831
#71. All I know is, I want to go to bed with you every night and wake up beside you every morning.

Kaylea Cross

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #654405
#72. When you wake up every new morning, look for the wonders in the moment.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #1057243
#73. America Singer, one day you will fall asleep in my arms every night. And you'll wake up to my kisses every morning.

Kiera Cass

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #646411
#74. He traced her arched eyebrow. "Every morning when I wake up with you at my side, you're more beautiful than yesterday.

Lindsay McKenna

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #638778
#75. Maybe I'm dreaming you. Maybe you're dreaming me; maybe we only exist in each other's dreams and every morning when we wake up we forget all about each other.

Audrey Niffenegger

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #638653
#76. I dreamed of you every night. It felt so real. And when I'd wake up the next morning, it was like your disappearance was fresh. Like you'd left me all over again.

Brodi Ashton

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #625007
#77. If you're sad about what you see in the mirror when you wake up every morning, you must change it.

Azzedine Alaia

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #571624
#78. I swear, kids don't grow a little every day. They save it up. One morning you wake up to a brand-new, much older kid.

Kelly Luce

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #562394
#79. Every morning I wake up with your thoughts
Holding my heart as if it would break
I know my pain doesn't reach you
Will I ever stop loving you?

Balroop Singh

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #556059
#80. Every morning the sun rises to wake you up with a beautiful message of peace.

Debasish Mridha

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #515449
#81. My gosh, Nick, why are you so wonderful to me?'
He was supposed to say: You deserve it. I love you.
But he said, 'Because I feel sorry for you.'
'Because every morning you have to wake up and be you.

Gillian Flynn

Every Morning You Wake Up Quotes #504882

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