Top 70 Down The Aisle Quotes
#1. I know that look, Blake. You are a drowning woman, and the only way out is down the aisle.
Laurell K. Hamilton
#2. How cool it is to see a bride walking down the aisle with a beautiful long gown with beautiful layers of tulle and organza, unveiling their mini dress at the party?
Reem Acra
#3. Then the flight attendants, garbage bags in hand, glided down the aisle, looking each one of us square in the face and whispering, without discrimination, Your trash. You're trash. Your family's trash.
David Sedaris
#4. When you lose a loved one, you come to these crossroads. You can take the path that leads you down the aisle of sadness, or you can say, 'I'm never going to let this person's memory die. I'm going to make sure everything they worked for continues.'
Bindi Irwin
#5. Each time you walk down the aisle of your Home Depot or Walgreens, try to remember that behind every label and package is someone's heart and soul, and that efforts in man-years or decades are behind each product.
Clifford Spiro
#6. ......Remember what my dad said when he walked me down the aisle: NO RETURNS.
Dana Marie Bell
#7. Noah had wandered down the aisle, but now he gleefully returned with a snow globe. He stood behind Ronan until he pushed off the shelf to admire the atrocity.
"Glitter," whispered Noah reverentially, giving it a shake.
Maggie Stiefvater
#8. Six months since we met up again we are inseparable, an intricate weave. No longer do I believe this is a temporary fling. More like total commitment. More like I have walked down the aisle, holding hands with the monster.
Ellen Hopkins
#9. If you're going to walk down the aisle together, best to go single file
Josh Stern
#10. Jesus took away all of our ugliness. Unlike a typical bride, we are all shabby, grotesque, and woefully unprepared moments before we walk down the aisle. But our Groom beautifies us when we look to Him in faith, and in that instant we become His cherished bride.
Francis Chan
#11. She hardly felt the steps down the aisle, though she did feel the weight of all eyes on her as she walked. It was over in what seemed far too little time, and then her dad handed her off to Shane, and her heart almost stopped as his eyes met hers.
Rachel Caine
#12. How the fuck did somebody come out as trans, anyway? It wasn't about who you flirted with on the dance floor or walked down the aisle with. It was about who you fucking were. It wasn't putting on drag. It was God putting it on you without your consent.
Heidi Cullinan
#13. I expect she'll walk down the aisle to her groom with a book in her pocket.
Laurie Alice Eakes
#14. I've never met a couple yet who, when they were walking down the aisle, said, 'What we want is three years of happiness, two years of [torment], a messy divorce and 15 years of fighting over custody of the kids.'
Wade Horn
#15. Hazel Motes sat at a forward angel on the green plush train seat, looking one minute at the window as if he might want to jump out of it, and the next down the aisle at the other end of the car.
Flannery O'Connor
#16. My feet walked me down the aisle of the Greyhound bus, all the way to the back. My butt sat me in a seat.
My butt's accomplished a lot since then.
My butt's a movie star.
Chuck Palahniuk
#17. When we walked down the aisle, they played Taco Bell's Canyon, Quinn says knowingly. (Named for its German composer, Johann TacoBell.)
Michael Lewis
#18. Approaching each other, him from the gym, me from the library- this was when I walked down the aisle and he was waiting, this was when we made love, it was every anniversary, every reunion in an airport or train station, every reconciliation after a quarrel. This was the whole of our lives together.
Curtis Sittenfeld
#19. I don't feel like, unless I have a boyfriend or somebody to march down the aisle with for the fifth time, that I'm 'Oh, poor me.' I'm not going to go running out desperately looking, making myself crazy and thinking that, without that, I'm nothing.
Raquel Welch
#20. I keep working out for me, but I also keep working out for my daughters. I want Taelor and Sydni to know that I'm still strong. I want to walk them both down the aisle. And I still plan to. I hope to. I don't know. That's what cancer robs you of. Cancer robs you of the ability to look past today.
Stuart Scott
#21. I'm so laid back and not high maintenance in the slightest. If I did get married, I'd probably be dancing down the aisle with the groom. I'd like something unconventional!
Erin Richards
#22. When you kissed me ... I felt special.
I never really felt like I deserved it.
That isn't your fault. That was me.
When I looked down the aisle on our wedding day and you weren't there, my first thought, as awful as this sounds, wasn't, "Where is he?" it was, "Oh, it figures.
Virginia Nelson
#23. I think this one's in the running for Ditzy Bride status. Not only does she want her MOH to walk her two Siamese cats down the aisle rather than carry a bouquet, but wants to include them on the guest list.
Nora Roberts
#24. Her skin was hot, and her heart was beating loudly, and as soon as the groom kissed the bride and walked back down the aisle, she was damn near ready to launch herself into his arms.
Lauren Blakely
#25. He was a loving father, but he did his loving in private. Quietly, he would tell his daughter to drive safely. On her wedding day, when he walked her down the aisle, he'd whisper the words to her. But today, above the noise, he would have to shout it.
Debra Anastasia
#26. For my first wedding, I cried all the way down the aisle. My fake eyelash came off. My nose was red. My eyes were swollen. I'm not one of those pretty criers.
Sherri Shepherd
#27. I could be standing in the supermarket, and there is a person standing down the aisle, who is reading the back of a cornflakes box but everything about them is going "It's me! I'm the one you want! I am the necessary subject. This is it!"
Bill Henson
#28. Deep down ... she's a good woman ... you should be proud of her. When I told my mom about this, she just looked very sad because he could never say those things to her. Not ever. Not even when he walked her down the aisle.
Stephen Chbosky
#29. I would never get married while my father is still alive because I wouldn't want him to walk me down the aisle.
Chelsea Handler
#30. It's hard to get fluffed up about love anymore. I've lived it. I try to avoid it. If I'm extremely fond of a woman, if I think I might really wind up walking down the aisle again ... I go in another direction.
Phil Everly
#31. To walk down the aisle and see all my friends and family and to see my handsome man standin' there, and to know that at 61 you can still find love and have a magical day like that ... it was really beautiful,
Tina Knowles
#32. I want to be here for a long time, so I am going to do everything I have to do to be here. And I want to walk my daughter down the aisle and give her away to somebody some day. I want to make sure I am still here to make sure my two young sons become men.
Magic Johnson
#33. I'm gonna walk down the aisle in style and profile.
Ric Flair
#34. I remember walking down the aisle, and I got down on my knees as a person who is so selfish, but when I rose back up the Lord had become the Master of my life.
Tim Scott
#35. The minister said you could kiss the bride - not inhale the bride, she whispered sharply as they plunged down the aisle.
Suzanne Brockmann
#36. I mean, you can't walk down the aisle in Westminster Abbey in a strapless dress, it just won't happen - it has to suit the grandeur of that aisle, it's enormous.
Bruce Oldfield
#37. I saw his eyes widen and his mouth fall open and his expression change from stoic to stunned.
Quinn Sullivan had lost his composure.
He looked completely astonished and it took my entire slow march down the aisle for him to recover
Penny Reid
#38. Violet, the Dowager Countess: I mean, one way or another, everyone goes down the aisle with half the story hidden.
Jessica Fellowes
#39. Joe Louis was one of my closest friends ... I'm a great boxing fan. I used to go to the American Legion Stadium in Hollywood, every Friday night for 15 years. Down the aisle would come Lupe Velez, Johnny Weismuller, Mae West. All at ringside.
Mickey Rooney
#40. But men are bound to say
Some things that, though untrue,
Will get you down the aisle
Until you say "I do.
Joyce Rachelle
#41. I wanted her walking to me while I sang the words written just for her when she walked down the aisle to gift me with my world.
- Rush Finlay
Abbi Glines
#42. When you accept a role in a pilot, you automatically sign up for five years. You think it's scary to walk down the aisle? Try signing a five-year contract for a show you may not want to be part of down the road.
Jennifer Aniston
#43. Al: Now, remind me, who's walking who down the aisle again?
Lindsey Kelk
#44. The drag queen walks into a Catholic church as the priest is coming down the aisle swinging the incense pot. And he says to the priest, Oh, honey, I love your dress, but did you know your handbag's on fire?
Garrison Keillor
#45. I didn't know who was on the team, but I saw every eye as I walked down the aisle. It looked like a thousand eyes were staring right at me saying, 'Who is this young punk?' I just kept my eyes straight ahead.
Al Kaline
#46. You know you knit too much when ... You take knitting to a wedding, in case there's a little time before the bride comes down the aisle. Double points if you are the bride.
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
#47. I want someone who knows everything to be standing with me when you come down the aisle. I don't want there to be any pretense. Not for something this important. When we face each other and say our vows again, I need that to be ... real.
Sylvia Day
#48. To be a part of your biggest days - you know, your child being conceived or born, or you walking down the aisle - there's really nothing sweeter. That's the truth.
Robin Thicke
#49. The world is a glorious place, and filled with so many unexpected moments that I'd get lumps in my throat, as though I were watching a bride walk down the aisle - moments as eternal and full of love as the lifting of veils, the saying of vows and the moment of the first wedded kiss.
Douglas Coupland
#50. She bypassed the junk food aisle altogether. "Okay, Faith. Hold up." He grabbed the end of her cart and pulled it down the aisle. Snagging a bag of potato chips, he tossed them in her cart. "Better. Let's find you some Twinkies.
Kelly Moran
#51. I'm never running away again. In fact, just may run down the aisle.
Lorelei James
#52. Whenever I travel I like to keep the seat next to me empty. I found a great way to do it. When someone walks down the aisle and says to you, "Is someone sitting there?" just say, "No one except the Lord."
Carol Leifer
#53. Breakups usually don't happen down by the river with beautiful lighting. The moment you realize your relationship may be over might happen in Aisle 11 of Rite-Aid and the person you're with has disregarded your feelings and your needs by bringing you the wrong toothbrush again for the fourth time.
Jay Duplass
#54. In one of her more philosophical moments, she decided that the reason virginity was so prized for a bride was because early man must have realized that a bride who knew what was in store for her on her wedding night, would not be smiling quite so radiantly when she walked down that aisle!
Judith McNaught
#55. I learned that as much as you think when you're walking down that aisle that this forever, sometimes it's just not forever. You can have the best of intentions.
Betty Wright
#56. So...ah, I know this aisle is pretty narrow and the plane is a little bumpy, but if your answer is yes, will you walk down it and take this ring?
Renee Rose
#57. She wrapped her fingers around his and touched his palm with her thumb.
Her fingers were trembling.
Park shifted in his seat and turned his back to the aisle.
"Okay?" she whispered.
He nodded, taking a deep breath. They both stared down at their hands.
Rainbow Rowell
#58. No one should have to walk down a church aisle with a bouquet of flowers unless she was the bride, already had been the bride, or was too young to be the bride. Otherwise, it was just cruel.
Julia Quinn
#59. I don't know what the strategy will be in Washington. The reality is, is, I have got to go down there, as my mentor, as people like Bill Bradley have told me to do, get to know your colleagues on both sides of the aisle, recognize that they, too, beat with the same heart and the same type of blood.
Cory Booker
#60. There's information about everything from poetry to
pills, from picture frames to pyramids, and from pudding to psychology
and that's just in the P aisle,
which we're walking down right now.
Lemony Snicket
#61. The Produce Gem grins from half-way down the chip aisle. "And I thought the cucumber choosing was detailed."
He was watching.
He saw me breaking it down.
He saw my invisible bad summer-time fashion choices.
Pella Grace
#62. It's one thing to call off an engagement or even a wedding once the invitations are out - it's hard, but it happens. But on the actual day? You're walking, sister. Get yourself down that aisle and do whatever you have to do afterward, you know?
Lauren Weisberger
#63. I don't think we've got the gospel right yet. What does it mean to be 'saved'? When I read the Bible, I don't see it meaning, 'I'm going to heaven after I die.' Before modern evangelicalism nobody accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, or walked down an aisle, or said the sinner's prayer.
Brian D. McLaren
#64. The little people parted and two of them carried a tray with the head of an animal Wiggley Charlie didn't recognize down an aisle. (It was the head of an opossum, but the o was silent, as often happens with the decapitated.)
Christopher Moore
#65. I'll never forget that first night with the team. Going to the ballpark on the bus was the hardest 30 minutes of my life. I had to walk down that aisle between all the players. I really didn't know too much about the Detroit Tigers at that time.
Al Kaline
#66. Stacking shelves in a supermarket. The reason I didn't like it is because I'm very clumsy. We had a floor polisher you'd push up and down the aisles, and klutz me would always knock the bottles over in the drinks aisle. Unsurprisingly I got fired.
Peter Andre
#67. Damn those fat Barbie heads. I blamed them for my loss, and to this day I can't walk down the sickeningly pink Barbie aisle of any store.
Tiffany King
#68. And it is no lie that this is the proudest moment of my life, gettin' to walk you down that aisle.
Kristen Ashley
#69. I can't think in your presence."
"Why not?"
"Because looking at you is like ... " She tossed up her hands. "It's like walking down the chips and cookie aisle at the grocery store. I can't resist you, and then I'll forget why you're bad for me.
Jill Shalvis
#70. I get off on a man with strong moral fiber. The closest Barrons ever gets to fiber is walking down the cereal aisle at the grocery store.
Karen Marie Moning
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