Top 36 Best Shotgun Quotes
#1. Jack Miller aimed his shotgun at the monster's grey-skinned head and pulled the trigger. Green sludge and bits of bone and flesh splattered through the air to land on the street, the gory aftermath releasing a noxious, sulfurous odor.
Danielle Monsch
#2. Shaya's chasing Nick with her shotgun - and I'm not even kidding. I believe the last words she said to him before we left were, 'Run, Alpha-boy.
Suzanne Wright
#3. Half of my heart is a shotgun wedding
To a bride with a paper ring
And half of my heart is the part of a man
Who's never truly loved anything
John Mayer
#4. Imagine waking up and finding your first and last view of the world was a shotgun barrel. That'd be a hell of a life.
John Scalzi
#5. We need to stop the little girl," said Richard "pass me that shotgun.
Kim Newman
#6. The best long range shotgun load to have in one's boat for mallards is a fine retriever.
Nash Buckingham
#7. pockets, feeling the extra shotgun shells, and then reached over his shoulder and felt the bat, ready to grab if needed. He had combat knives sheathed in both boots, but it was rare that he got to use those. He brought them
Keith C. Blackmore
#8. I consider whoever my words land on to be my target, that's why I like flash fiction, it's a lot like using a shotgun.
Neil Leckman
#9. News flash, lady. There are no queens anymore," Shane said. He loaded shells in a shotgun and snapped it shut, then searched for a place to strap it on that didn't interfere with the flamethrower. "No queens, no kings, no emperors. Not in America. Only CEOs. Same thing, but not so many crowns.
Rachel Caine
#10. Kate stood next to Ethan with a shotgun of her
Blake Crouch
#11. It's not like most guys are going to pass muster with the Terrible Trio anyway. They're a hundred times worse than a dad with a shotgun.
Jay Crownover
#12. When I was writing 'Shotgun,' it's one of the first songs that's come to me as an image.
Valerie June
#13. When I get an idea for a book, something appeals to me, it's usually a character. I'll see a picture of a female marshal in front of the courthouse in Miami and she's got a shotgun on her hip and it goes up on an angle. And she's good-looking. And I say, 'I've got to use her.'
Elmore Leonard
#14. I'm not prepared for a zombie apocalypse. I need more bottled water, a shotgun, and stronger abs. I have plenty of canner food.
Jenna Fischer
#15. Advertising is not a rifle; it is a shotgun, and any campaign featuring outdoor boards of a cartoon animal inevitably will catch children in its spray.
Bob Garfield
#16. It's sometimes better to pretend I don't hear the sound of somebody in the nearby woods with a shotgun.
Dashiell Hammett
#17. On a horse that consistently hung left-The best thing you can do is put a bit of lead in his right ear, to act as a counterbalance ... with a shotgun.
Lester Piggott
#18. Short of a shotgun, a pool cue is the best barroom weapon ever invented. Short enough to be handy, long enough to be useful, made out of fine hardwood and nicely weighted with lead.
Lee Child
#19. Maybe you'll end up like me, a hobo with a shotgun.
Rutger Hauer
#20. Leaning forward in the chair, Harley squeezed out a controlled fart, so no one could hear it. This damn reception area was like a echo chamber. If he weren't careful, it could reverberate around the hall like a shotgun blast.
Alan Kinross
#21. I was here, and I loaded a shotgun on Independence Day, but I didn't kill anybody. I didn't drone any children. I didn't steal any children's future. I didn't sell this country into debt. I didn't do any of the crimes that the man two blocks over at the White House is responsible for,
Adam Kokesh
#22. The handgun would not be my choice of weapon if I knew I was going to a fight ... I'd choose a rifle, a shotgun, an RPG or an atomic bomb instead.
Clint Smith
#23. To me, the excitement is in ordering a fine shotgun, going through the process that everybody who has bought one has gone through for 100 years. You order it, you make a significant down payment, and then you wait three or four years for the gun to be custom-made for you.
Tom Selleck
#24. My father had bought him a shirt
that said Sure you can date my daughter. In a completely unrelated topic,
have you seen my shotgun?
Tara Sivec
#25. Every AI ever built has an electromagnetic shotgun wired to its forehead.' Case
William Gibson
#26. My Suzie, also known as Shotgun Suzie, also known as Oh Christ It's Her, Run.
Simon R. Green
#27. Some summers my father would take us down to visit our grandmother in Louisville, who was an ex-slave, Susan Jones, and she had a shotgun shack they call it, and no electricity, a well in the back, a coal stove, kerosene lamps.
Quincy Jones
#28. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.
Eric Kripke
David Wong
#30. It's easy to solve the halting problem with a shotgun.
Larry Wall
#31. A FRIGHTENED, ANGRY, FOUR-HUNDRED-POUND, antisocial chef with a combat shotgun never leads to anything good.
Dean Koontz
#32. Programmers have been wandering out and shooting a shotgun into the night sky and hoping they hit something, and I end up paying $150 for channels full of nothing I want to watch.
Rick Smolan
#33. Billions of years before twelve step groups, God committed shotgun suicide. Today wall scrapings share His gratitude stories.
Brian Spellman
#34. Aha, it's Mr. Shoot-the-Krag-Eight-Times-with-a-Shotgun-to-Make-Damn-Sure-He's-Dead Shepard. And
H. Paul Honsinger
#35. brace covered his neck. Dark, fingerless gloves covered his hands to allow a better grip on his shotgun. An aluminum baseball bat was slung across his back, Samurai-style, in a crude scabbard next to a large backpack He
Keith C. Blackmore
#36. Nybakk's shotgun in Oppsal was the easier option. Furthermore, a shotgun gave him more room to maneuver. To retrieve the rifle
Jo Nesbo
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