Top 60 Best Gym Quotes

#1. Okay, 'Best Party Ever'
to me, that's like saying 'Best Gym Ever' or 'Best Nature Documentary Ever,' like how good can it really be?

Lena Dunham

Best Gym Quotes #1826090
#2. I made a gym, it's the best gym in Nicaragua, I have kids that this year July 6th through the 11th will be fighting and then will go on to the Central American Games and I'm sure at least one will win a gold medal.

Alexis Arguello

Best Gym Quotes #1778604
#3. Let's have a moment of silence for all those Americans who are stuck
in traffic on their way to the gym to ride the stationary bicycle.

Earl Blumenauer

Best Gym Quotes #66586
#4. I do go to the gym five days a week.

J. R. Bourne

Best Gym Quotes #50751
#5. I try to do an hour of cardio on the days that I have off, and then I'll do 30 to 45 minutes on show days. That's the first thing I do when I wake up, I have breakfast and then I'll hit the gym.

Travis Barker

Best Gym Quotes #64591
#6. Because I used to play a lot of sport, I've always been in decent enough shape. When I used to get asked to do a bit of body work before a photo shoot I'd lie and say, 'Yeah, I'm going to the gym.' I literally never did anything.

Jamie Dornan

Best Gym Quotes #64272
#7. From my locker I collected my sneakers, jock strap, and gym pants and then turned away, leaving the door ajar for the first time, forlornly open and abandoned, the locker unlocked. This was more final than the moment when the Headmaster handed me my diploma. My schooling was over now.

John Knowles

Best Gym Quotes #62290
#8. I'm very rarely in the gym. My workouts are predominantly outside, in nature.

Ryan Kwanten

Best Gym Quotes #59199
#9. I couldn't get as big as a bodybuilder. I tried to put on as much weight in the right places as I could. My weightlifting was impressive for me, but not for some of the guys I see down at the gym.

Ralph Fiennes

Best Gym Quotes #57354
#10. There's not much to do in Atlanta, so the cast went to the gym together, went shopping together, and dinner was always a group thing. It's that whole summer-camp experience that making movies tends to be anyway.

Timothy Olyphant

Best Gym Quotes #54736
#11. You want me to do something ... tell me I can't do it.

Maya Angelou

Best Gym Quotes #54160
#12. There is a period of tapering when we're not in the gym quite as long to try to save our bodies, but leading up to the competition we try to keep things similar to the rest of the year.

Jonathan Horton

Best Gym Quotes #54020
#13. In Gym, the kids on my team learned not to pass me the ball and to step quickly in front of me if the other team tried to take advantage of my weakness. I happily stayed out of their way.

Stephenie Meyer

Best Gym Quotes #53257
#14. I go to the gym five days a week and I have a personal trainer. I am on a strict diet, which is kind of hard to keep up with on the road, but I stick to it as well as I can.

Lou Gramm

Best Gym Quotes #52753
#15. With Aerobic Strip Tease, you can do it at home - it makes it easier for women that don't want to go to the gym.

Carmen Electra

Best Gym Quotes #51436
#16. I had old bunk beds that my dad got from Seabrook Farms. They were first used by German prisoners during World War II, who were sent to work the farms during the war. The metal beds with their thin mattresses could easily be used as a jungle gym and I loved them.

David Mixner

Best Gym Quotes #51061
#17. I'm in my best shape when I'm really anxious, because I have to get to the gym. Physically I'm in the best shape.

Vinny Guadagnino

Best Gym Quotes #1809723
#18. What they call "play" (gym, travel, sports) looks like work.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Best Gym Quotes #66754
#19. I can't be bothered to go to the gym, though. I honestly just can't be bothered - it's the most boring thing on Earth. I have tried and every six months I go 'right, I'm going to the gym'. Then I do it for two weeks and get so bored by it.

Carol Vorderman

Best Gym Quotes #66937
#20. Since I'm homeschooled, I don't get much kid interaction, so I started at this gym and I got to meet other kids. I actually met one of my best friends there; we hang out all the time.

Jake Short

Best Gym Quotes #370924
#21. Don't be fooled into thinking that you have the capacity to achieve your best on your own. A training partner in the gym is a great asset because when you think you have reached your limit, there is someone who can push you to go further.

Brian Houston

Best Gym Quotes #371319
#22. As a kid, what brought me in the gym, what got me in there every day was a chance to break your personal best, a chance to be strong; I just really, really dig that.

John Cena

Best Gym Quotes #488060
#23. My routine definitely starts with brows. I do add a little bit of mascara - even to the gym. I have to! I love Maybelline and Covergirl, just drugstore brands. I'm telling you, they're the best.

Selenis Leyva

Best Gym Quotes #634605
#24. I joined a gym recently. I don't have the best history in the world of sticking with my fitness regimens, but I feel like this time's gonna be different. I figure one of two things is gonna happen: either I'll get into shape, or I'll just resign myself to paying an $85 a month fat tax.

Christian Finnegan

Best Gym Quotes #1047999
#25. To me it's sexier when it doesn't look like you go to the gym. I feel best when I'm not really thin and not really heavy - when I'm still curvy.

Beyonce Knowles

Best Gym Quotes #1088114
#26. The gym is the best place you'll ever be.

Skip Prosser

Best Gym Quotes #1115729
#27. Now I think that going to the gym is the best drug. I go four times a week and it gives me the buzz I need.

Amy Winehouse

Best Gym Quotes #1145820
#28. My worst day in the gym is still more fun than my best day in the office!

Rob Mills

Best Gym Quotes #1148542
#29. My mom is a gym teacher, and shes not musically inclined, but she always wanted to help me out with music as best she could.

Annaleigh Ashford

Best Gym Quotes #1172935
#30. I feel like I'm really blessed and lucky that I have a very good social life outside of the gym, and I have a really amazing family. My parents are so supportive. I have a younger brother and two younger sisters, and they're really awesome. So I feel like I get the best of both worlds.

Aly Raisman

Best Gym Quotes #1365561
#31. I do not go to the gym. I do not train. I am not that careful about what I eat. I cannot give you any advice about keeping fit. The best advice I can give is choose your parents wisely.

Harrison Ford

Best Gym Quotes #1486379
#32. I roll out of bed, walk into the garage, work out, and go about my day. I'll bring my daughter out there in her ExerSaucer. I don't know if I'll ever go back to a gym.

Mike Vogel

Best Gym Quotes #26147
#33. I do tumbling and flips; there's a gym I go to for that.

Jake Short

Best Gym Quotes #528
#34. Here's how it goes: I'm up at the stroke of 10 or 10:30. I have breakfast and read the papers, and then it's lunchtime. Then maybe a little nap after lunch and out to the gym, and before I know it, it's time to have a drink.

E.L. Doctorow

Best Gym Quotes #4910
#35. I like reading, going to the gym, hanging out with my family. That's it.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Best Gym Quotes #5561
#36. Use what you have in your gym. Try to do my training program, you will lose your fat and gain muscles at the same time.

Serge Nubret

Best Gym Quotes #10553
#37. I love figure skating, so I do that as often as I can. Other than that I just go to the gym or swim. I love swimming.

Jennette McCurdy

Best Gym Quotes #12818
#38. One of those people who paid for a monthly gym membership as if it were a charitable donation.

Michele W. Miller

Best Gym Quotes #13890
#39. I'm totally active. I am just this side of hyper. I jog and go to the gym every day. When I'm on the computer, I'm reading, I'm writing, I'm never quiet. My brain is very rarely not engaged. Every now and again I will fall asleep under the parasol in the sun, but that's a rarity.

Suzi Quatro

Best Gym Quotes #13987
#40. Life's too short to spend all the time in the gym. I just like to have a few beers and enjoy myself too.

Ian Woosnam

Best Gym Quotes #17029
#41. I have a terrible habit of shopping after I go to the gym or hitting eBay.

Edie Campbell

Best Gym Quotes #17258
#42. I get up 5:30-6 every morning. I'm in the gym. I run a couple miles.

Magic Johnson

Best Gym Quotes #18544
#43. I'm lucky to have parents who used to be bodybuilders! They help me keep fit by going to the gym and training with me. I'm also addicted to Cardio Barre classes and hiking.

Janel Parrish

Best Gym Quotes #18857
#44. Dance you guys!" Thalia ordered. "You look stupid just standing there."
I looked nervously at Annabeth, then at the groups of girls who were roaming the gym.
"Well?" Annabeth asked.
"Um, who should I ask?"
She punched me in the gut. "Me, Seaweed Brain."
"Oh. Oh right.

Rick Riordan

Best Gym Quotes #20770
#45. A lot of us lead relatively sedentary lifestyles, so you have to motivate yourself and force yourself to go to the gym and do active things. The folks that have figured it out, found that thing that they love and made it a big part of their lives, it's easy for them to stay in shape.

Randy Couture

Best Gym Quotes #25289
#46. Life is much like going to the gym. The most painful part is deciding to go. Once you get past that, it's easy.

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Best Gym Quotes #25533
#47. One aspect of fast London life I have never understood, for example, is the custom of the gym. Why do people go to gyms?

Tom Hodgkinson

Best Gym Quotes #50461
#48. Women are using makeup to make their eyes look puffy, their noses look red, and instead of going to the gym, they start their day with a brisk walk of shame.

Peter Sagal

Best Gym Quotes #28391
#49. People tell me I shouldn't smoke because it is makes you look like a tit. I use exactly the same argument when people tell me they go to the gym.

Robert Clark

Best Gym Quotes #28588
#50. Corban Hayes," he says. "I'm a friend of Will's from the gym." I

Kimberly Belle

Best Gym Quotes #29608
#51. Except for thinking up reasons I'm allowed to skip the gym, my schedule is almost totally empty. (Today's reason is because I have a cold. Yesterday's was the dogs seemed sad.

Jen Lancaster

Best Gym Quotes #30517
#52. I do this system called TRX. It was developed by a Navy SEAL and is basically a simple cord that you can wrap around something anywhere, anytime, and you use your body weight as resistance. We installed one in our home gym, but you can also attach it to a tree. It's very easy to travel with.

Elizabeth Banks

Best Gym Quotes #31093
#53. A lot of people in my family have high blood pressure. Dre told me I better start hitting the gym ... so I took his advice.

Warren G

Best Gym Quotes #37101
#54. Nancy Herman, my new gym partner and locker neighbor, puts her hand on my shoulder and whispers, Don't worry April. I have foot fungus too.

Amy Holder

Best Gym Quotes #37480
#55. We play in the jungle gym of sexuality until our spirit takes us out into a clear field where we can see the stars, the ten thousand radiances of enlightenment. One of those radiances is the dance of sexuality.

Frederick Lenz

Best Gym Quotes #38826
#56. Last period of the day was new gym class. It was her only class that didn't include Evan, which was a relief. She should be functioning at a peak concentration, but he and his luminous eyes kept distracting her. First opprtunity I have, she thought. I'll bite him.

Sarah Beth Durst

Best Gym Quotes #44065
#57. I don't know what that gas is made of, but it can't smell any worse than Ernie Johnson 's gym bag.

Charles Barkley

Best Gym Quotes #44149
#58. He could not bear the thought of training, not only because of the effort he could never summon from himself now, but also because the idea of fighting was disorienting in its repugnance. He felt that everyone at the Lido Gym was insane. One

Leonard Gardner

Best Gym Quotes #46460
#59. Another thing I learned: it's one thing to climb a rope in gym class. It's a completely different thing to climb a rope attached to a moving pig's wing while you're flying at a hundred miles an hour.

Rick Riordan

Best Gym Quotes #47259
#60. I was not allowed to take spherical trigonometry because I'd sprained my ankle. Because I'd sprained my ankle, I had an incomplete in gym, phys ed. And the rule was that if you had an incomplete in anything, you were not allowed to take an overload.

William Shockley

Best Gym Quotes #48803

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