Top 100 Assign Quotes

#1. The most important decisions in organizations are people decisions, and yet only the military, and only recently, has begun to ask, "If we assign this general to lead this base, what do we expect him to accomplish?"

Peter Drucker

Assign Quotes #2007
#2. Things do not have meaning. We assign meaning to everything.

Tony Robbins

Assign Quotes #5952
#3. Somethings you know right away to be final- when you lose your last baby tooth ... Other times, you have to work out the milestone via subtraction, a math you do to assign significance, like when I figured out that I'd just blown through my last-ever wednesday with Mom on the day after she died.

Karen Russell

Assign Quotes #48705
#4. When you hit 'Save' on a spread sheet and you assign a spreadsheet to something, that [stuff] becomes official.

Geoff Ramsey

Assign Quotes #68450
#5. I think there is this thing where people are impressed - it gives you a leg up in the sense that people won't treat you like a run-of-the-mill actress. They'll assign "smart" to your word bank, your adjective bank.

Rashida Jones

Assign Quotes #68551
#6. A volunteer, you assign yourself specific roles and risks according to your judgement of their brilliance and importance, and you see when life itself may be justifiably devoted to them.

Michel De Montaigne

Assign Quotes #92234
#7. What kind of Muslim are you? The question seems odd, but for those who seek to divide and conquer Islam, the answer has become increasingly important. Even more disturbing are the labels we assign ourselves.

Yasmin Mogahed

Assign Quotes #101216
#8. Wherefore the mere practical architect is not able to assign sufficient reasons for the forms he adopts; and the theoretic architect also fails, grasping the shadow instead of the substance.


Assign Quotes #108897
#9. Blowing up a few buildings is a lot better than an exploding planet, but people aren't very interested in simple arithmetic when there's blame to assign.

Perry Moore

Assign Quotes #111512
#10. At all periods of the [English] language it is difficult to assign a beginning date to most new words and meanings. They tend to slip into the language silently, and are placed in date order only when scholars subsequently get to work.

Robert Burchfield

Assign Quotes #142007
#11. I'm an atheist how unfortunate it is to assign responsibility to the higher up for justice amongst people,

Ani DiFranco

Assign Quotes #147077
#12. He loved her very much. She inspired his work. He used to say, 'There is no meaning but what we assign to life, and she is my meaning.

Libba Bray

Assign Quotes #160649
#13. However novel it may appear, I shall venture the assertion, that, until women assume the place in society which good sense and good feeling alike assign to them, human improvement must advance but feebly.

Frances Wright

Assign Quotes #168773
#14. How do people make the judgments and how do they assign decision weights? We start from two simple answers, then qualify them. Here are the oversimplified answers: People overestimate the probabilities of unlikely events. People overweight unlikely events in their decisions.

Daniel Kahneman

Assign Quotes #223141
#15. We have been using foreign affairs ministries to address security issues, but this practice is outdated. It's time to assign the handling of regional security to national organizations and expert institutions.

Enrique Pena Nieto

Assign Quotes #228983
#16. Words are all we have, really. We have thoughts but thoughts are fluid. Then we assign a word to a thought and we're stuck with that word for that thought, so be careful with words. I like to think that the same words that hurt can heal. It's a matter of how you pick them.

George Carlin

Assign Quotes #259944
#17. It seemed to me that one should make an effort to banish artificial classifications from chemistry and begin to assign to each element the place it must occupy in the natural order by comparing it in succession to others ...

Andre-Marie Ampere

Assign Quotes #261910
#18. all the many times I assign thoughts to others that they never actually think. I hold them accountable to harsh judgments they never make. And I own a rejection from them they never gave me.

Lysa TerKeurst

Assign Quotes #311959
#19. If you assign ten new believers the task of studying the Bible to find God's heart for this generation, not one of them would conclude that spiritual gifts are not for today. You have to be taught that stuff!

Bill Johnson

Assign Quotes #339801
#20. To reject wisdom because the person communicates it is uncouth and his manners are inelegant, what is it but to throw away a pine-apple, and assign for a reason the roughness of its coat?

Thomas Hartwell Horne

Assign Quotes #348444
#21. I wonder now whether it isn't dangerous to assign significance to that which is essentially vacant, but we can't seem to avoid it. We cover up the holes with our speech, explaining away the emptiness until we forget it is there.

Siri Hustvedt

Assign Quotes #365815
#22. And now, if we try to assign a value, in and of itself, outside its relations to the dream and with error, to classical unreason, we must understand it not as reason diseased, or as reason lost or alienated, but quite simply as reason dazzled.

Michel Foucault

Assign Quotes #387766
#23. I see Nick's number. I debate whether to assign a name to his number. If I commit to that, then I will truly be heartbroken if he never calls me again; my heart will knot each and every time I use this phone and see his name in there. I would probably end up having to trash the phone entirely.

David Levithan

Assign Quotes #399143
#24. Transformation brings with it the recognition that the meaning we assign to events in the world determines how we react in relation to them.

Teresa DeCicco

Assign Quotes #404654
#25. Under the gold standard gold is money and money is gold. It is immaterial whether or not the laws assign legal tender quality only to gold coins minted by the government.

Ludwig Von Mises

Assign Quotes #422609
#26. In the indigenous world, we assign sacred value to circles. But sometimes a circle just means you keep returning to the same shit again and again. This book is a series of circles, sacred and profane.

Sherman Alexie

Assign Quotes #429191
#27. I never read Civil Disobedience. They did assign it.

Brian Spellman

Assign Quotes #451206
#28. I wonder whose job it was to assign these sexes in the first place. Did he do his work right there in the sanitarium, or did they rent him a little office where he could get away from all the noise?

David Sedaris

Assign Quotes #461382
#29. For some reason, people always assign high cheekbones to some ethnicity, but apparently by their regards, everybody on earth has high cheekbones. So I don't know if that matters.

Mat Johnson

Assign Quotes #463523
#30. A judgment pronounced in accordance with the facts can therefore assign to it an historical place only within that movement of reformation which was brought to a victorious issue by King Josiah.

Julius Wellhausen

Assign Quotes #465762
#31. We assign a moment to decision, to dignify the process as a timely result of rational and conscious thought. But decisions are made of kneaded feelings; they are more often a lump than a sum.

Thomas Harris

Assign Quotes #473430
#32. Who would dare assign to art the sterile function of imitating nature?

Charles Baudelaire

Assign Quotes #487253
#33. Can't it just exist without an explanation? Why do we have to assign meaning to art? Do we need to understand everything? Maybe it exists to evoke feelings and emotions
period. Not to mean something.

Matthew Quick

Assign Quotes #492470
#34. Surveys of personal values in men and women find that the men assign a lopsided value to professional status compared to all the other pleasures of life.108

Steven Pinker

Assign Quotes #503782
#35. Indeed, I should be very stupid or very thankless if I did not congratulate myself every hour of the day on the lot which it has pleased Providence to assign me. My Husband is so kind! So, in all respects, after my own heart!

Jane Welsh Carlyle

Assign Quotes #517330
#36. Parents give birth to a dude. Dude grows up, becomes a vampire. Parents assign me to kill him by burying him in his dreams. Happens to me all the time.

Cameron Jace

Assign Quotes #538852
#37. We must be very careful not to assign this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations

Winston Churchill

Assign Quotes #561070
#38. We trifle when we assign limits to our desires, since nature hath set none.

Christian Nestell Bovee

Assign Quotes #582795
#39. It is one thing to take as a given that approximately 70 percent of an entering high school freshman class will not attend college, but to assign a particular child to a curriculum designed for that 70 percent closes off for that child the opportunity to attend college.

James S. Coleman

Assign Quotes #606603
#40. I'm five minutes late to Russian literature, where Mrs. Mahone and her wig assign us a ten-page paper on The Brothers Karamazov.

Jennifer Niven

Assign Quotes #636147
#41. No operational commander should have to assign a soldier a task that could be done as well by a computer, a remote sensor, or an unmanned airplane.

Richard Perle

Assign Quotes #638787
#42. To be essential to another human being, to be vulnerable, to have another assign themselves generously and selflessly is the ultimate expression of true love, and they understood how lucky they were.

Sharon Lathan

Assign Quotes #655940
#43. People love to do that, to point to some single phenomenon, assign it all the blame, and wipe the slate clean, like when overeaters sue McDonald's for making them fat pigs.

Jonathan Tropper

Assign Quotes #658700
#44. Gross profit margin demonstrates competitive advantage: it is the purest expression of customer valuation of a product, clearly implying the premium buyers assign to a seller for having fashioned raw materials into a finished item and branding it.

Lawrence A. Cunningham

Assign Quotes #668178
#45. In my last year at Hallmark, we finally began putting verses on computer. It had been all in filing cabinets on index cards. They had to assign a 4 digit serial number to each sentiment, for each area of feeling.

Pat Cadigan

Assign Quotes #687980
#46. In most of my photographic pieces I have manipulated the quality of the evidence that people assign to photography, in order to subvert it, or to show that photography lies - that what it conveys is not reality but a set of cultural codes.

Christian Boltanski

Assign Quotes #691792
#47. Just pass the work I assign along to somebody else and trust to luck. We call that delegation of responsibility.

Joseph Heller

Assign Quotes #698483
#48. She was never able, after her education in the movies, to look at a face and not assign it some category in the scale of absolute beauty, and the scale was one she absorbed in full from the silver screen.

Toni Morrison

Assign Quotes #720012
#49. I always assign auditors to strictly supervise the businesses.

Robert Budi Hartono

Assign Quotes #725182
#50. I am of the opinion", Tharkay said, "that you ought not assign to free will something more likely the consequence of a sharp blow to the skull.

Naomi Novik

Assign Quotes #727119
#51. Do you like Moby Dick?" he asks.
"I hate it," she says. "And I don't say that about many things. Teachers assign it, and parents are happy because their kids are reading something of 'quality.' But it's forcing kids to read books like that that make them think they hate reading.

Gabrielle Zevin

Assign Quotes #730946
#52. If I can assign names as well as pictures to objects, the right assignment of them we may call truth, and the wrong assignment of them falsehood.


Assign Quotes #737880
#53. People assign much higher probability to the truth of their opinions than is warranted.

Daniel Kahneman

Assign Quotes #765670
#54. No matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away.

Haruki Murakami

Assign Quotes #774116
#55. Mr. Rochester, I no more assign this fate to you than I grasp at it for myself. We were born to strive and endure - you as well as I: do so. You will forget me before I forget you.

Charlotte Bronte

Assign Quotes #781782
#56. A Kourier has to establish space on the pavement. Predictable law-abiding behavior lulls drivers. They mentally assign you to a little box in the lane, assume you will stay there, can't handle it when you leave that little box.

Neal Stephenson

Assign Quotes #786063
#57. The danger that American society as a whole will over-esteem intellect or assign it such a transcendent value as to displace other legitimate values is one that hardly troubles us.

Richard Hofstadter

Assign Quotes #790477
#58. Our lives are a novel being written. We are its author. Every action we encounter and every person we meet has a role and a place in our ultimate story. It is in our control to decide the level of how, who and what impacts us and how large a role we decide to assign each.

Mark W. Boyer

Assign Quotes #795380
#59. The explanatory stories that people find compelling are simple; are concrete rather than abstract; assign a larger role to talent, stupidity, and intentions than to luck; and focus on a few striking events that happened rather than on the countless events that failed to happen.

Daniel Kahneman

Assign Quotes #797355
#60. It is not human nature which can assign the variable limits necessary to our needs. They are thus unlimited so far as they depend on the individual alone. Irrespective of any external regulatory force, our capacity for feeling is in itself an insatiable and bottomless abyss.

Emile Durkheim

Assign Quotes #806218
#61. It's Christmas, and no matter what historical usage you choose to assign to "mass" be it mission or Lord's Supper, Christ's Mass refers to WHY he came, not THAT he came. Christ's mission was to be a sacrifice.

William Branks

Assign Quotes #810805
#62. I don't assign myself to the names of any religious or non religious groups I prefer my actions and beliefs to be manic or marvelous just like me

Stanley Victor Paskavich

Assign Quotes #812888
#63. That must be the chief reason to become sergeant; so you can assign yourself to monitor the most beautiful security risk.

James Alan Gardner

Assign Quotes #827496
#64. I know about how you need to be left alone to do work. I know why. This job, you'll be allowed to do that. You'll report to me, but when you're here, you'll be working on tasks that I assign and that you'll be able to do by yourself.

Craig Lancaster

Assign Quotes #845257
#65. If the staff does not begin with a discussion on values and instead begins by gathering and analyzing data, the process becomes head-driven. This will lead to a tendency to rationalize and assign blame:

Linda Dier

Assign Quotes #848585
#66. Assign a deadline to your biggest objectives and stick to it so they don't become just another litany of "what ifs" and sad regrets.

Carlos Wallace

Assign Quotes #874231
#67. What happens to us is not as important as the meaning we assign to it. Journaling helps sort this out.

Michael Hyatt

Assign Quotes #879169
#68. I run through all the positive character qualities in my mind, and assign myself a number from 1-10 on where I think I am on each. Surprisingly I score tens on each one until the last one, confidence, where I score myself a one.

Jarod Kintz

Assign Quotes #882233
#69. When we assign ourselves the mission of changing others who show no want or need to change, it blocks our spirit-it drains us-and prevents us from attracting into our lives that which we need to grow.

Charles F. Glassman

Assign Quotes #883842
#70. Whenever there is hard work to be done, I assign it to the laziest man as he is sure to find an easy way of doing it. Be lazy, think crazy.

Bill Gates

Assign Quotes #885355
#71. That's what the movies do. They don't entertain us, they don't send the message: 'We care.' They give us lines to say, they assign us parts: John Wayne, Theda Bara, Shirley Temple, take your pick.

Connie Willis

Assign Quotes #890896
#72. If anything happened to you, I'd be so destroyed they'd have to strap me to a bed and feed me through a tube. After five or six years, I might be capable of taking care of Rex. In the interim, you should assign a guardian.

Janet Evanovich

Assign Quotes #898764
#73. We have failed to protect science against speculative extensions of nature, continuing to assign physical and mathematical properties to hypothetical entities beyond what is observable in nature.

Robert Lanza

Assign Quotes #955925
#74. I saw Lord Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts) assign the angel hosts to go to bloodlines and command familiar and familial spirits to back off and quit speaking from past mistakes and past reproaches.

Chuck Pierce

Assign Quotes #962527
#75. I never assign a product to a writer unless I know that he is personally interested in it. Every time I have written a bad campaign, it has been because the product did not interest me.

David Ogilvy

Assign Quotes #978984
#76. To assign to everybody his proper place in society is the task of the consumers. Their buying and abstention from buying is instrumental in determining each individual's social position.

Ludwig Von Mises

Assign Quotes #985050
#77. People will assign irrational importance to almost anything in quotes on top of a pleasant image

Colin Fletcher

Assign Quotes #997631
#78. Ours is indeed a culture that tends to assign value to a woman based on her sex appeal rather than her character, and that's something we must work to change.

Rachel Held Evans

Assign Quotes #1012291
#79. He shrugged. "I do not assign duties."
She nodded. "Oh."
"Tiger does."
"Tiger is head of security."
Double shit. She'd molested the damn head of security of the NSO at Reservation. Just bitchin'.

Laurann Dohner

Assign Quotes #1013470
#80. Beside all the small reasons we assign, there is a great reason for the existence of every extant fact; a reason which lies grandand immovable, often unsuspected behind it in silence.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Assign Quotes #1021566
#81. Yes, it's vital to make lifestyle choices to mitigate damage caused by being a member of industrialized civilization, but to assign primary responsibility to oneself, and to focus primarily on making oneself better, is an immense copout, an abrogation of responsibility.

Derrick Jensen

Assign Quotes #1023817
#82. The world wants to assign you a role in life. And once you accept that role you are doomed.

Robert Greene

Assign Quotes #1044730
#83. But the problem is, people tend to assign you the role of the person you are at your worst, you know?

Jill Shalvis

Assign Quotes #1060215
#84. Don't hire a master to paint you a masterpiece and then assign a roomful of schoolboy artists to look over his shoulder and make suggestions.

Robert Townsend

Assign Quotes #1105491
#85. The Secret Doctrine is the common property of the countless millions of men born under various climates, in times with which History refuses to deal, and to which esoteric teachings assign dates incompatible with the theories of Geology and Anthropology.

Helena Blavatsky

Assign Quotes #1122656
#86. Recognizing that God is the only deity that exists is the first step toward obeying him. He is absolute; there is no one who can offer an alternative truth nor assign humankind different instructions.

James Mikolajczyk

Assign Quotes #1135757
#87. When we allow the walls around our hearts to become rigid, and stay that way, we assign ourselves a slow death. Like the very air and water that flows through our physical body to sustain it, love must flow through our heart to keep it supple, and to keep us truly alive.

Jeffrey R. Anderson

Assign Quotes #1155568
#88. Since the demon threat is invisible to mundanes, they must assign the threat to others of their own kind. They place the face of their enemy onto the face of their neighbor, and thus are generations of misery assured.

-Valentine Morgenstern

Cassandra Clare

Assign Quotes #1162126
#89. There is a single general space, a single vast immensity which we may freely call void: in it are unnumerable globes like this on which we live and grow, this space we declare to be infinite, since neither reason, convenience, sense-perception nor nature assign to it a limit.

Giordano Bruno

Assign Quotes #1187205
#90. I have new bodyguards ever since I got a TV show. I didn't know, but it's a lot like becoming president. They tell you every single secret, like who shot JFK. When you have a TV show, they not only tell you who shot JFK, but they assign you bodyguards.

Scott Aukerman

Assign Quotes #1194657
#91. In 'A Boy's Own Story' and 'Jack Holmes and His Friend,' my idea was to take someone totally different from my real self and, at the same time, to assign to him my own life trajectory.

Edmund White

Assign Quotes #1195535
#92. Write a prescribed amount every day. I find it easiest to assign myself to write a single blog post every day,


Assign Quotes #1203671
#93. When I teach, I try to assign writers from whom I can learn.

Tom Barbash

Assign Quotes #1216351
#94. The first moments of being awake are neutral, as they always are, waiting for us to assign memory and meaning from the day before.

Sarah Ockler

Assign Quotes #1222648
#95. Love is not reasonable. If we could assign it to the reasonable world, it would not be useful.

Frederick Lenz

Assign Quotes #1234529
#96. Working together, they will dig out the truth and nothing but the truth about what happened in '99, to assign responsibility, and to look at the institutional failings.

Jose Ramos-Horta

Assign Quotes #1305774
#97. The greater part of the people we assign to educate our sons we know for certain are not educated. Yet we do not doubt that they can give what they have not received, a thing which cannot be otherwise acquired.

Giacomo Leopardi

Assign Quotes #1316312
#98. The National Popular Vote is about getting states to convert from the winner-take-all rule. The states that pass the legislation will assign all their electoral votes to the candidate that got the most votes in the country, not just in the state.

Tom Golisano

Assign Quotes #1331489
#99. I would assign every lie a color: yellow when they were innocent, pale blue when they sailed over you like the sky, red because I knew they drew blood. And then there was the black lie. That's the worst of all. A black lie was when I told you the truth.

Steve Martin

Assign Quotes #1350269
#100. Who is apt, on occasion, to assign a multitude of reasons when one will do? This is a sure sign of weakness in argument.

Harriet Martineau

Assign Quotes #1350866

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