Top 30 Abominations Unto Quotes

#1. Oh yes, I kept all of the abominations at bay while Kaliel played with his favorite sheep behind the bushes.

Christopher Moore

Abominations Unto Quotes #871217
#2. Remote villages and communities have lost their identity, and their peace and charm have been sacrificed to that worst of abominations, the automobile.

James Norman Hall

Abominations Unto Quotes #1735514
#3. There are no chairs or tables in my tiny room. Vera says that only savages sit down. Only a prone position is beautiful and becoming to the body. She has spread carpets on mattresses along the walls and scattered pillows over them...

("Thirty-Three Abominations")

Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal

Abominations Unto Quotes #1673577
#4. Is not cant the materia prima of the devil, from which all falsehoods, imbecilities, abominations, body themselves, from which no true thing can come? For cant is itself the properly a double-distilled lie, the second power of a lie.

Thomas Carlyle

Abominations Unto Quotes #1471295
#5. Now of all the idealist abominations that make society pestiferous I doubt if there be any so mean as that of forcing self-sacrifice on a woman under the pretense that she likes it.

George Bernard Shaw

Abominations Unto Quotes #1422525
#6. From space this Earth is incandescent with abominations - the gods write their signature in our entrails

Steve Aylett

Abominations Unto Quotes #1397337
#7. But it was dreadful to think of Henry, slowly or swiftly corrupted by his detestable father and mother, growing up with the fat slime of their abominations upon him.

Arthur Machen

Abominations Unto Quotes #1382496
#8. Know what they say about abominations," Caldenia said. "We make the worst enemies." "Was that a threat?"" Dagorkun's eyes narrowed. "A warning." Caldenia folded her hands on her lap. "There is only one time to make threats: when you intend to negotiate. I do not.

Ilona Andrews

Abominations Unto Quotes #1374349
#9. There's a lot of crap out there. Most of the science fiction films alone are abominations, you know. They're mindless. So you can't learn from those kinds of films.

Ray Bradbury

Abominations Unto Quotes #1354083
#10. Too often have we believed the old lie that says we're bad, we're perverted, we're abominations. But those who spread the lie don't know. They don't know how we love, how we hurt, how we live.

William J. Mann

Abominations Unto Quotes #1260263
#11. Knicks and dull edges are abominations, so use knives and hatchets for nothing but they were made for.

Horace Kephart

Abominations Unto Quotes #1125079
#12. How can God allow such abominations to flourish unchecked in this world?
The answer came in a question, Ruby.
God, in reply, asked, "How can you?

Lisa Wingate

Abominations Unto Quotes #1071132
#13. That was luck: I should not then have been a conscientious objector; but I am quite sure that the abominations of war would have made me one, as soon as I got to the front.

Laurence Housman

Abominations Unto Quotes #1047290
#14. You misunderstand the point of a symbol of faith then." He walked towards the vampires. "You're abominations, of course it doesn't matter to you. What matters is how much it means to me.

Larry Correia

Abominations Unto Quotes #1014677
#15. The Roman Christian mythology (and theology) discourages the vice of licentiousness, and so this is better than the heathen, but it encourages bigotry, hypocrisy, cant, and many another vice which the older Mother of Abominations kept clear from.

Theodore Parker

Abominations Unto Quotes #984863
#16. The skies are haunted by that which it were madness to know; and strange abominations pass evermore between earth and moon and athwart the galaxies. Unnamable things have come to us in alien horror and will come again.

Clark Ashton Smith

Abominations Unto Quotes #82926
#17. Those are marked for ruin who persist in sin, and are not ashamed of the abominations they have committed, Jer. 8:12.

Matthew Henry

Abominations Unto Quotes #843796
#18. I foresee that man will resign himself each day to new abominations, and soon that only bandits and soldiers will be left.

Jorge Luis Borges

Abominations Unto Quotes #795218
#19. Doing abominations is against the law, particularly if the abominations are done while wearing a lobster bib.

Woody Allen

Abominations Unto Quotes #776022
#20. Social mores change with time, like fashion - who knows where it might all end up? I especially like the idea that waste, impoliteness and overpopulation become "abominations," although I'm not sure recycling one's aunt will ever truly catch on.

Jasper Fforde

Abominations Unto Quotes #748659
#21. For they were the stuff of nightmares; maggoty abominations possessed of incalculable and vile intellect that donned flesh and spines of men and beasts to shield themselves from the sun and enable themselves to walk upright instead of merely slithering.

Laird Barron

Abominations Unto Quotes #721949
#22. I think a woman smothered in cheap scent is one of the greatest abominations known to mankind - Lord Mayfield

Agatha Christie

Abominations Unto Quotes #666297
#23. I am the only wretch who keeps on heaping new iniquities and abominations on myself. O Monsieur, how merciful God is to put up with me with so much patience and forbearance, and how weak and miserable I am to abuse his mercies so greatly!

Vincent De Paul

Abominations Unto Quotes #596068
#24. Kings have no need of masks. A mask is a release from oneself, a respite.

("Thirty-Three Abominations")

Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal

Abominations Unto Quotes #543692
#25. The Devil's minions worked his treacherous plot through the hearts of men, possessing them, ruling them. These hounds of hell ran wild these days through their human hosts, working greater and greater abominations.

Eric J. Martindale

Abominations Unto Quotes #520741
#26. How beautiful the tragic seems when it is beneath a mask, but when it appears so nakedly before me and... when I am so forcibly implicated... I don't know whether I care for it so much. Somehow or other it is as though I were torturing myself.

("Thirty-Three Abominations")

Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal

Abominations Unto Quotes #492887
#27. If you want to be fully convinced of the abominations of slavery, go on a southern plantation, and call yourself a negro trader. Then there will be no concealment; and you will see and hear things that will seem to you impossible among human beings with immortal souls.

Harriet Ann Jacobs

Abominations Unto Quotes #478830
#28. All abuse and violence are abominations against humanity!

Timothy Pina

Abominations Unto Quotes #474614
#29. Children, after being limbs of Satan in traditional theology and mystically illuminated angels in the minds of educational reformers, have reverted to being little devils; not theological demons inspired by the evil one, but scientific Freudian abominations inspired by the unconscious.

Bertrand Russell

Abominations Unto Quotes #447318
#30. What was he supposed to do with five abominations? What would he tell his people?

Tam Linsey

Abominations Unto Quotes #420598

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