Top 99 2012 S Quotes

#1. The rest of 2012's big winners are romances, all but one (The Lucky One, by Nicholas Sparks) of the sexed-up genre now known as mommy-porn.

Stephen King

2012 S Quotes #650804
#2. With the second record (2012's Anxiety), I was quite jaded, and exhausted, and tired. With this third record, I feel that I've come full circle. I had gotten to the absolute pinnacle of how bad someone could feel.


2012 S Quotes #266895
#3. In New York, FEMA granted the Mamaroneck Beach & Yacht Club's request to be remapped from the high-risk flood zone in August 2012 - just two months before the club was damaged and its outbuildings destroyed by Hurricane Sandy, which stacked up yachts at its docks like pick-up sticks.

Bill Dedman

2012 S Quotes #1388742
#4. I finished 'Ice Age: Continental Drift' in 2012, and I'm living in my agent's guest bedroom in Los Angeles because you don't make a ton of money writing an animated film. The movie makes a billion dollars, and you make 'twelve cents.'

Jason Fuchs

2012 S Quotes #1034772
#5. The most recent edition of the test - called the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) - was conducted in 2012, and it found that among the OECD's thirty-four members, the United States ranked twenty-seventh, twentieth, and seventeenth in math, science, and reading, respectively.

Fareed Zakaria

2012 S Quotes #1388152
#6. I'm not a fan of mysteries, so to prepare for this experience of writing a mystery I started reading the most successful ones in the market in 2012 ... And I realized I cannot write that kind of book. It's too gruesome, too violent, too dark; there's no redemption there.

Isabel Allende

2012 S Quotes #1387926
#7. Anyway, hope springs eternal. If I lose today, there's hope that tomorrow will be better." - RBG, 2012

Irin Carmon

2012 S Quotes #1381137
#8. But if government is in the business of promoting what is good and suppressing the bad, that is a license for it to stick it's nose into virtually every human activity.

John Stossel No They Can T Pg 32 Threshold Editions New York New York 2012

2012 S Quotes #1376509
#9. It's not just you ... I guess it's been a slow week for news." I laughed. "We're now the hottest story in town."
He smirked at me. "Oh, good, and I was worried that this would be awkward."
Stephens, S.C. (2012-08-16). Effortless (Thoughtless Book 2) (p. 282). Gallery Books. Kindle Edition.

S.C. Stephens

2012 S Quotes #1367307
#10. The Tea Party definitely scored a significant victory with Senator Cruz's election in 2012 and scored victories in some statewide primaries. But to me, as the Tea Party gets stronger within the Republican Party in Texas, the prospect of a blue Texas becomes stronger and stronger.

Julian Castro

2012 S Quotes #1360112
#11. OK, publishing a book and releasing a movie is all very well, but Tottenham beating Man. U. 3-2 ... priceless.

Salman Rushdie

2012 S Quotes #1334560
#12. I have to say that being a vegan in 1986 or whenever was a lot different than being a vegan in 2012. You'd go to health foods stores and basically your choice was between Mung beans and nutritional yeast, and that's about it.


2012 S Quotes #1334129
#13. I have to take the positives from 2012 and the negatives as well because you learn more than you do from the positives. It has been a great season last year, a lot of learning, and now it's another approach. The way I will approach this year is totally different, so we are ready to fight for it.

Sergio Perez

2012 S Quotes #1333135
#14. It's great to get insight into the era of 80's rock-n-roll via a treasure trove
of photographs skillfully captured in front of Mark Weiss' camera lens. This
event is the perfect time capsule for Mark's work finally being released
upon the masses in 2012.

Phil Collen

2012 S Quotes #1311237
#15. When you have kids, your castle becomes their bouncy castle. In my case, this is literally true. Jimmy Kimmel bought Sonny and Natalia this inflatable castle in 2012. It's the real deal. At first, I thought he had rented it. No, he bought it.

Adam Carolla

2012 S Quotes #1292658
#16. If you can read the book and say, 'Space Marines, YEEEAAAHHH!' That's Military Science Fiction." (Brigham Young writing lecture, March 2012)

Brandon Sanderson

2012 S Quotes #1236766
#17. "The only abject failure my mind can think of is ones failure to spend Eternity in God's Heaven"

~R. Alan Woods [2012]

R. Alan Woods

2012 S Quotes #1224337
#18. I see myself as Kiki de Montparnasse, trying to get Man Ray's attention. (Sofia Navarro, 7th July 2012).

Sofia Navarro

2012 S Quotes #1215979
#19. On Sunday August 5, 2012, I was among a group of people who witnessed the Rover landing on Mars in real time at NASA's Caltech-managed Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.

Ahmed Zewail

2012 S Quotes #1204905
#20. Even in 2012, if there's a black character in the movies or on television that's a professional, if we even hear about their backgrounds they're always 'up from the streets.'

Stephen Carter

2012 S Quotes #1175601
#21. I have stuff from 1979, 1980 in my collection. But I also have things from 2012. So I don't know if it's memorabilia as much as it is holding on to things that I find relevant that most people might not.

Ian MacKaye

2012 S Quotes #1135741
#22. A life lived following one's dreams and passions is the purest form of existence. It is the only way to truly understand the music of the universe.

Vincent Lowry

2012 S Quotes #1103647
#23. This is a nation that professes to be a Christian nation," [Suelo] tells me, surveying his temporary kingdom. "And yet it's basically illegal to live according to the teachings of Jesus.

Mark Sundeen

2012 S Quotes #1057917
#24. I miss my kids, and they miss me. It's very difficult, but I have to do it for my country and fulfill my dreams coming to the 2012 London Olympics.

Mary Kom

2012 S Quotes #1042114
#25. It's no wonder that new ventures such as The Daily look first to Gawker Media when staffing up. We should not wait for a poaching expedition to pay someone what they deserve. I apologize if that has been the case and will do better in 2012.

Nick Denton

2012 S Quotes #1041960
#26. When I first turned elite in gymnastics, when I was 14, that's when I really became more inspired than ever. I just always kept that in the back of my mind, and always thought about making the 2012 team.

Aly Raisman

2012 S Quotes #1876598
#27. or the need for a Trump 2012 presidential campaign ("This is what I've been waiting for my whole life, a president who's not afraid to tell the truth about being a lying asshole!"),

Chris Smith

2012 S Quotes #1682756
#28. Maybe it's not to much to hope that the Disney Company might one day get over its self-imposed fears and finally find its own Laughing Place.
-Floyd Norman
Disney Legend
June 2012

Jim Korkis

2012 S Quotes #1866514
#29. 2012 has been an extraordinary year for our country. We cheered our Queen to the rafters with the Jubilee, showed the world what we're made of by staging the most spectacular Olympic and Paralympic Games ever and - let's not forget - punched way above our weight in the medals table.

David Cameron

2012 S Quotes #1847628
#30. I am honored to be selected as the 2012 Miss Golden Globe. It's very exciting to be a part of an awards show like the Golden Globes so early on in my career.

Rainey Qualley

2012 S Quotes #1833636
#31. Mitt Romney's email was hacked! So if you start getting messages that sound like they're from a bot, he's fixed the problem.

Stephen Colbert

2012 S Quotes #1816376
#32. A November, 2012 article in India Times claims software developers are obsolete by age 40. That's a tough age to start a new career.

Robert Oshana

2012 S Quotes #1815229
#33. The oldest profession [prostitution] is the most honest, for it exposes the bare bones of what civilization is all about. It's the root of all professions.

Daniel Suelo

2012 S Quotes #1770454
#34. Paul Scholes should be included in England's Euro 2012 squad.

Harry Redknapp

2012 S Quotes #1760914
#35. My guest Newt Gingrich shut down the government during the Clinton administration. I'll ask him when it's gonna start working again.

Stephen Colbert

2012 S Quotes #1755083
#36. I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in 2012.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

2012 S Quotes #1751317
#37. Being a parent is dirty and scary and beautiful and hard and miraculous and exhausting and thankless and joyful and frustrating all at once. It's everything. (Confessions of a Scary Mommy, Gallery Books 2012).

Jill Smokler

2012 S Quotes #1727619
#38. The inclusiveness of the invitation to be reconciled to God through Christ's work of Atonement- acknowledgement of who He is (God) and what He has done (Redemption)- aligns itself perfectly with the paradigm shift intrinsic to the New Covenant".

~R. Alan Woods [2012]

R. Alan Woods

2012 S Quotes #1690912
#39. There is a religious hallelujah, but there are many other ones[ ... ] When one looks at the world, there's only one thing to say, and it's hallelujah. That's the way it is.

Leonard Cohen

2012 S Quotes #1402034
#40. I think people are enticed by indie rap and every time you have a group going against the grain, they're gonna be like, 'Wow, you did it yourself in 2012, that's impressive - how did you do it? What're you doing that's different? And how can I be a part of it?'


2012 S Quotes #1629187
#41. Once a popular Alaska governor with a modest record of accomplishment, Palin could conceivably revive her reputation in this era of short memories. But it's hard to imagine her name atop the GOP ballot in 2016, when a cast of heavyweights who sat out 2012 will be vying for the nomination.

Ron Fournier

2012 S Quotes #1610700
#42. Can't wait for tomorrow when I get to exercise my patriotic duty as an American: Complaining about how long it's taking to VOTE.

Stephen Colbert

2012 S Quotes #1604950
#43. In 2012 the best venue I played was Union Chapel in London. It's a beautiful room, the sound is exceptional, and they treated us very well.

Ron Pope

2012 S Quotes #1598209
#44. On behalf of NARAL Pro-Choice America - and our one million member activists - I am honored to be here to talk to you about what's at stake for women in 2012. I am proud to say that the Democratic Party believes that women have the right to choose a safe, legal abortion with dignity and privacy.

Nancy Keenan

2012 S Quotes #1596624
#45. God also gave Theologians, Biblical scholars, and Christian authors to mature the Saints and to promote the cause of Christ and God's Kingdom".

~R. Alan Woods [2012]

R. Alan Woods

2012 S Quotes #1579872
#46. Flurries early, pristine and pearly. Winter's come calling! Can we endure so premature a falling? Some may find this trend distressing- others bend to say a blessing over sage and onion dressing.

Old Farmer's Almanac

2012 S Quotes #1567655
#47. It's not about an organized religious system, it's about a supernatural, intimate relationship with the creator God of Christianity".

~R. Alan Woods [2012]

R. Alan Woods

2012 S Quotes #1520940
#48. Marissa Mayer, who became one of Silicon Valley's most famous working mothers not long after she took over as Yahoo's CEO in 2012, says that burnout isn't caused by working too hard, but by resentment at having to give up what really matters to you.

Eric Schmidt

2012 S Quotes #1493924
#49. It's the ideology, stupid. Unless the long-term decline of moderates and rise of conservatives is reversed during the next two years, the ideological balance of the electorate in 2012 could look a lot like it did this year.

William Galston

2012 S Quotes #1434100
#50. In 2012, the Liberal Party affirmed overwhelmingly at the policy convention that we are a pro-choice party. It means that we are a party that defends women's rights, and therefore, it would be inconsistent for any Liberal MP to be able to vote to take away women's rights.

Justin Trudeau

2012 S Quotes #1423119
#51. It's the spring of 2012, that the [Barak] Obama administration would be embracing the argument that the Affordable Care Act was a tax, and that was going to, itself, be a political albatross.

Donald Verrilli Jr.

2012 S Quotes #210165
#52. Black Fergusonians have shown that they will vote when they have something to vote for and know that their vote will count. Seventy-six percent of them turned out in November 2012, when Missouri was a key swing state for Barack Obama's reelection.

Rick Perlstein

2012 S Quotes #481969
#53. I was arrested in September 2011 and detained for nine months before I was found guilty in June 2012 under Ethiopia's overly broad Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, which ostensibly covers the 'planning, preparation, conspiracy, incitement and attempt' of terrorist acts.

Eskinder Nega

2012 S Quotes #466954
#54. Let the blood and the bruises define your legacy.

Lady Gaga

2012 S Quotes #422589
#55. The woman's essence has always been the most powerful force
much like nature has always been Satan's church.
Quote from the Vampire exhibit at Hallands Kulturhistoriska museum 2012


2012 S Quotes #393647
#56. We need responsible regulations, not regulations that have gone wild. For example, the EPA has a rule that is going to be implemented Jan. 1, 2012, where they're going to begin to regulate dust. That's right, dust. It's called PM 2.5. That is focusing on the wrong thing.

Herman Cain

2012 S Quotes #390967
#57. It's why we oppose Citizens United from that right-wing Supreme Court. In 2012, I also said the Tea Party "acted like terrorists" and called a donut shop manager in Milwaukee who wanted lower taxes a "smartass." And I said the number one issue is a three-letter word, J-O-B-S." I'm proud of who I am.

Joe Biden

2012 S Quotes #390495
#58. I'm American to the core. So please forgive me if I say some foolish things when I'm overseas. It's my birthright." The Best Way--El Camino de Santiago (2012)

Bill Walker

2012 S Quotes #390460
#59. Humankind spends so much time admiring and ritualizing the inventions of humankind! And yet humankind is such a tiny part of all there is.
Nigel S. Hey, Wonderment(Matador, 2012)

Nigel Hey

2012 S Quotes #332172
#60. Fink, boasted to The Wichita Eagle in 2012, "I think that's actually one of the things that happened at the Obama administration, is that every rock they overturned, they saw people who were against it, and it turned out to be us.

Jane Mayer

2012 S Quotes #316183
#61. On Dreams
Only one thing supersedes the importance of thinking about a better tomorrow. It's taking action today.

Vincent Lowry

2012 S Quotes #301977
#62. At least 3,527 U.S. monthly records for heat, rain, and snow were broken in 2012. We can't let this continue unchecked, and we don't have to.

Frances Beinecke

2012 S Quotes #267887
#63. While looking up news from the North Caucasus on Twitter, I was linked to the sanguinely titled 'Seven Wonders of Chechnya Tour' on the website of Chechnya Travel, the postwar republic's first tourism outfit, founded in 2012.

Anthony Marra

2012 S Quotes #238081
#64. So why are we having to fight in 2012 against politicians who want to end access to birth control? It's like we woke up in a bad episode of 'Mad Men.'

Cecile Richards

2012 S Quotes #483448
#65. The minute you become something they don't want to look at, they stop looking at you. It's that simple. You join the void. That much I'm sure of."

Ford, G.M. (2012-07-17). Who In Hell Is Wanda Fuca? (A Leo Waterman Mystery) (Kindle Locations 2431-2432). AmazonEncore. Kindle Edition.

G.M. Ford

2012 S Quotes #151432
#66. Statistically, 2012 was the safest year to travel on a plane, in the history of aviation. Not one major passenger plane crashed. It's pretty amazing. And when you see them being taken apart and you see the work that goes into keeping those things in the air, you think, "Wow!"

Dallas Campbell

2012 S Quotes #140209
#67. [O]nce demagogy and falsehoods become routine, there isn't much for the political journalist to do except handicap the race and report on the candidate's mood.

George Packer

2012 S Quotes #139057
#68. Barack Obama's victories in 2008 and 2012 were dismissed by some of his critics as merely symbolic for African Americans. But there is nothing "mere" about symbols.

Ta-Nehisi Coates

2012 S Quotes #123920
#69. But stop thinking what you think I'm thinking because you're wrong. Pike's just pissed I won't go play in his sandbox. Well, my sandbox is full. No room for more than one and he's already here. -Grace from Tainted (Fey Court Trilogy) Book 2 Release July 2012

Cyndi Goodgame

2012 S Quotes #103219
#70. The dedication of Don Winslow's novel 'The Cartel' is nearly two pages long: a list of journalists who were either murdered or 'disappeared' in Mexico between 2004 and 2012 - the period covered in this hugely hypnotic new thriller.

Alan Cheuse

2012 S Quotes #82158
#71. In 2012, a five-year-old girl in Shandong province described to me how ten officials had chased her six-months-pregnant mother through the fields to prevent the birth of the family's second child, a boy. She died during the procedure.

Barbara Demick

2012 S Quotes #80374
#72. And remember whatever discipline you're in, whether you're a musician or a photographer, fine artist or a cartoonist, writer, a dancer, a singer, a designer... whatever you do, you have a thing that's unique. You have the ability to make art.

Neil Gaiman

2012 S Quotes #79468
#73. I don't want to describe either Governor Mitt Romney or the Republicans as stupid, but I will say this - if you look at their platform, the 2012 platform, it looks like it's from another century and maybe even two. It looks like the platform of 1812.

Antonio Villaraigosa

2012 S Quotes #78246
#74. Anyone who has followed the U.S. economy in recent years can tell you while corporate America and their wealthy executives have recovered from the last recession, middle-class families have not. About 95 percent of income gains between 2009 and 2012 went to the top one percent.

James P. Hoffa

2012 S Quotes #74441
#75. Yes! I know who the father is ... bitch.
Stephens, S.C. (2012-08-16). Effortless (Thoughtless Book 2) (p. 365). Gallery Books. Kindle Edition.

S.C. Stephens

2012 S Quotes #63955
#76. To tirelessly promote the cause of Christ and his Father's Kingdom is the fire that should burn bright in the hearts of all men"

~ R. Alan Woods [2012]

R. Alan Woods

2012 S Quotes #757352
#77. We all get one life to live here. It's 2012, and for gay and lesbian couples who are in love, not to be able to be married is so absurd.

Howard Stern

2012 S Quotes #968968
#78. The primary claim made by the IPCC and other warmists was that there was a 'consensus' among the world's scientists, but anyone familiar with science knows that it does not operate on consensus.
--Shouting from the Rooftops, Warning Signs blog, December 20, 2012

Alan Caruba

2012 S Quotes #961639
#79. The surprising thing is that so many teenage cancer novels are very good. John Green's 'The Fault in Our Stars,' recently published by Penguin, was voted 'Time Magazine's book of the year in 2012 ahead of Hilary Mantel and Zadie Smith.

Mal Peet

2012 S Quotes #950362
#80. The Words 2012, one world is ruin and one new world is build. One twisted pictures, one couple which loved each other... just their relationship dies... And another person just steal somebody's life and then he finds the truth...

Deyth Banger

2012 S Quotes #946313
#81. As my other obligations are beginning to take an inordinate amount of time, I have asked to step down as WMG's board chairman, effective January 31, 2012. However, I will remain a director of the company and in that way, continue my association with Warner Music and its extraordinary people.

Edgar Bronfman Jr.

2012 S Quotes #938266
#82. My top priority for 2012 will be to make a renewed push for women's economic empowerment and political participation.

Michelle Bachelet

2012 S Quotes #909545
#83. "Being most concerned with God's righteous judgments rather than the biased judgments of mere men, I have been standing...for the cause of Christ".

~ R. Alan Woods [2012]

R. Alan Woods

2012 S Quotes #888519
#84. Seeing what someone's reading is like seeing the first derivative of their thinking.

Ben Casnocha

2012 S Quotes #869056
#85. "If we are truly the Lord's, we all walk with a limp" ~R. Alan Woods [2012]

*Note: 'Jacobs Ladder'.

R. Alan Woods

2012 S Quotes #841459
#86. In 2012, I received a phone call from the family of Arsala Rahmani, the Afghan senator with whom I'd become friendly. That morning, a gunman had pulled up alongside Rahmani's vehicle, idling in a crowded intersection, and shot him point blank.

Anand Gopal

2012 S Quotes #789977
#87. According to the Mayans, the world is supposed to end in the year 2012. Are you buying that? When's the last time you even ran into a Mayan?

Jay Leno

2012 S Quotes #776591
#88. Spanish rain,
A maiden's dress,
Apothecary pills
And ancient thrills;
Melancholy kills
A girl's caress.

Roman Payne

2012 S Quotes #970556
#89. I think Senator [Ted] Cruz's strategy is that there's 4.5 million, 5 million Republicans that didn't vote in 2012. This is the conventional wisdom and they didn't vote because they didn't like the nominee, wasn't conservative enough, or there was a religious component. Who knows what?

Rush Limbaugh

2012 S Quotes #735297
#90. To those who say it would be too difficult to repeal and replace Obamacare, I say it's a two step process. We repeal the Pelosi Congress in 2010 and replace the Obama Administration in 2012.

Mike Pence

2012 S Quotes #716482
#91. Since 2006, we have surpassed Alaska, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and California in oil production to become the second largest oil-producing state in the nation, trailing only Texas. In 2012, North Dakota produced more than 245 million barrels of oil and provided nearly 11 percent of all U.S. output.

John Hoeven

2012 S Quotes #686177
#92. To be the master of tomorrow's dreams, you must first be the servant of today's planning.

Vincent Lowry

2012 S Quotes #666364
#93. It's common to go from 'crashing the gate' to guarding it.

Glenn Greenwald

2012 S Quotes #619043
#94. In December 2012, the U.S. 9th district court granted a temporary injunction to the Japanese whalers that ordered the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society U.S.A. to not approach within 500 yards of the whaling vessels.

Paul Watson

2012 S Quotes #618389
#95. During the summer of 2009, conservative activists turned up the heat on Democratic politicians to protest the innovation-destroying, liberty-usurping Obamacare mandate. In the summer of 2012, it's squishy Republican politicians who deserve the grassroots flames.

Michelle Malkin

2012 S Quotes #579621
#96. Of course I'm proud of what I've done, but I'm interested in what's next. I want to be relevant now, in 2012. I've done my bit for the past. I've only ever been about what's next, really, and I'll be that way until I keel over.

Paul Weller

2012 S Quotes #527551
#97. Is it a coincidence that in 1998, Barack Obama talks about a majority coalition of welfare recipients and in 2012 we got a record number of Americans on food stamps while he's president? I don't think it's a coincidence.

Rush Limbaugh

2012 S Quotes #498290
#98. I would be lying if I said I'm not flattered being voted as the 'Time's' Most Desirable Man of 2012. Frankly, I have no idea how the desirability quotient is arrived at. If it is just drop dead good looks, then I have to thank God and my parents for it.

Arjun Rampal

2012 S Quotes #496375
#99. Oprah's quitting in 2011. Now we know why the Mayans ended their calendar in 2012

Craig Ferguson

2012 S Quotes #495569

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