Top 100 You Are In Control Quotes

#1. Accept that diabetes care is up to you. You are the one who decides what to eat, how much to exercise, and when to check your blood glucose. Accept this for what it is - control. You are in control.

American Diabetes Association

You Are In Control Quotes #143087
#2. If you think you are in control, you're fooling yourself. As soon as you start listening, you realize you're not in control. And letting go will yield more and better results.

Charlene Li

You Are In Control Quotes #212595
#3. The greatest triumph of Shaytan is the illusion that you are in control. He lurks on the forking paths, lying in wait for those who become overconfident and lose their way.

G. Willow Wilson

You Are In Control Quotes #338914
#4. You are in control of yourself at all times, Grace. But just know ... you will never, ever be in control of me.

J.A. Huss

You Are In Control Quotes #344614
#5. I'm a working parent and I understand that sometimes you want to have a very productive Saturday to feel that you are in control of your life, which of course you are not. Children and Jimmy Carter ruin all your best-laid plans.

Tina Fey

You Are In Control Quotes #359317
#6. Sometimes you want to have a very productive Saturday to feel that you are in control of your life, which of course you are not.

Tina Fey

You Are In Control Quotes #374590
#7. Your emotions are nothing but biochemical storms in your brain and you are in control of them at any point in time.

Tony Robbins

You Are In Control Quotes #606761
#8. When you are in control of your inner world, then you are in control of your outer world.

Enoch Tan

You Are In Control Quotes #652208
#9. When you are miserable, stressed, doubtful and fearful you are in control. When you are happy, peaceful, confident and faithful God is in control.

Toni Sorenson

You Are In Control Quotes #750337
#10. No matter what anyone "does to you" along your path to either personal or professional happiness, that person cannot interfere with your destiny. Only you are in control of that, within the master plan created with God.

Kathleen McGowan

You Are In Control Quotes #795913
#11. You are in control of your destiny - except in the next twenty-four hours. I'm in control of it for now." He winked and flashed a devious smile. "You're stuck with me whether you like it or not.

Penelope Ward

You Are In Control Quotes #852409
#12. Just change the channel. You are in control of the clicker. Don't replay the bad, scary movie.

Arianna Huffington

You Are In Control Quotes #886991
#13. A big part of dealing with depression is realizing that you are in control of your own happiness.

Brian Michael Good

You Are In Control Quotes #932689
#14. If you don't forgive those who have hurt you, you give them power of you. When you forgive you are in control of yourself and emotions.

Lailah Gifty Akita

You Are In Control Quotes #943012
#15. Remember that, for better or for worse, you are in control of your physical self and surroundings

Kelly Williams Brown

You Are In Control Quotes #991446
#16. Change yourself - you are in control.

Mahatma Gandhi

You Are In Control Quotes #994195
#17. It makes common sense to be managed by results and it's freeing to know you are in control of your own destiny. I'm so passionate about this because I have seen how merit-based judgment has helped create individual successes and yield a better system for everyone.

Maynard Webb

You Are In Control Quotes #1109786
#18. Career is something that fools you into thinking you are in control and then takes pleasure in reminding you that you aren't. Career is the thing that will not fill you up and never make you truly whole.

Amy Poehler

You Are In Control Quotes #1143217
#19. Status quo or grow: You are in control of your future.

Mary Mihalic

You Are In Control Quotes #1144046
#20. At the end of the day, you are in control of your own happiness. Life is going to happen whether you overthink it, overstress it or not. Just experience life and be happy along the way. You can't control everything in your life, but you can control your happiness.

Holly Holm

You Are In Control Quotes #1232625
#21. Do you actually think that you are in control of this world, think again for G-d has control what he allows is for a reason.

Virginia Garcia

You Are In Control Quotes #1234508
#22. If you can't control an emotion, it is not yours. You are in control.

Bobbie Kinkead

You Are In Control Quotes #1256092
#23. Imagine that you are in control of your life. Now, the question is: Why do you have to imagine this?

Ernie J Zelinski

You Are In Control Quotes #1309919
#24. You are in control of your life, when you refuse to be provoke.

Lailah Gifty Akita

You Are In Control Quotes #1341567
#25. What you are aware of you are in control of; what you are not aware of is in control of you.

Anthony De Mello

You Are In Control Quotes #1367876
#26. When you are in control of what the final product is, there is kind of no limitation to what you feel like you can do because you know that if you don't like it, you can just cut it out.

Rachael Taylor

You Are In Control Quotes #1512804
#27. Sin is guerrilla warfare that is deadly. Just when you think you are in control, it seeks to devour you.

Edward T. Welch

You Are In Control Quotes #1581544
#28. Happiness is determined by factors like your health, your family relationships and friendships, and above all by feeling that you are in control of how you spend your time.

Daniel Kahneman

You Are In Control Quotes #1589924
#29. The difference with doing a play is that you are in control. In film you are in the hands of the director and the editor and the producer.

Kyle MacLachlan

You Are In Control Quotes #1602279
#30. You are in control only if you control yourself.

Tapan Ghosh

You Are In Control Quotes #1616577
#31. I don't think you should shape yourself for a boy, or anyone else. I didn't. You need to know deep down, in your own truest self, that you are more powerful when you're not lugging around all that flab. You are in control. You are strong. You are glorious.

Claire Hennessy

You Are In Control Quotes #1631916
#32. The bottom line is: You are in control of your reactions to things and how you view things.

Mary Lambert

You Are In Control Quotes #1702741
#33. You think of yourself
light, fast, free
free of earth, free of bondage to your body. In your 'perfect' body, you are in control, addicted to the light that keeps you out of body. You're a swan maiden, addicted to wings, addicted to spirit. You refused to eat in order to fly.

Marion Woodman

You Are In Control Quotes #1714876
#34. I always say if God didn't allow any bad things to happen, we would already be in heaven. And we are not there. That's where trust and faith comes in. You just say, "Lord, I don't understand it. But one thing I do know is that you understand it and that you are in control and I trust you."

Benjamin Carson

You Are In Control Quotes #1745930
#35. No, Ben. What I'm asking is: Are you the vehicle, and Georgie rides around in you? That is why Ben's the driver, right?

Jonathan Harnisch

You Are In Control Quotes #5418
#36. You create this situation where you are so dependent on each other. That's especially true for film. In theater, the actor has much more say, much more control, for better or worse.

Susan Sarandon

You Are In Control Quotes #6765
#37. People are going to think and take things how they're going to take it, and I have no control over that, so it's kind of like biding time until you get your feedback. So, it's like, once the public can consume what you're putting out there, then you know. Then you know hit, miss, in between.

Phil Anselmo

You Are In Control Quotes #27096
#38. Any time you get into a presidential campaign and the stakes are so high, all candidates - they want to be in complete control whenever they can. And you can't blame them for that.

Bob Schieffer

You Are In Control Quotes #32167
#39. What it taught me was forgiveness. It taught me that when people present themselves in a certain way, there's probably some back story or issue or reason for the way that they are. It's not you. It's them. And a lot of times, its about something that's completely out of their control

Denzel Washington

You Are In Control Quotes #33593
#40. If you think you control things that are in the control of others, you will lament. You will be disturbed and you will blame both gods and men.


You Are In Control Quotes #38245
#41. Are you saying you don't want anything from me?"
"I want this. I want our arrangement. I want you ... " I sucked in a breath, feeling my control slip. " ... to fuck it out of me."
"Fuck what out, Jocelyn?"
Couldn't he see it? Was my mask really that good? I shrugged. "All the nothing

Samantha Young

You Are In Control Quotes #46117
#42. Where I am now, you're very much at everybody else's mercy. You have no control over your career in a lot of ways. It's just important to know what your own goals are, because that's empowering.

Rose Byrne

You Are In Control Quotes #52662
#43. I often ask myself, 'Why is it that most of the lies come out of Islamic countries, and why is it that most of the social corruptions are in the Middle East and in these Islamic countries?' The answer is, when you control something, when you suppress something, people try to do it another way.

Bahman Ghobadi

You Are In Control Quotes #59321
#44. I went through an experience that taught me that as soon as you think that you know how your life is going to be, something in the universe will make you realize that you really are not that in control of it.

Kristen Stewart

You Are In Control Quotes #60526
#45. You should start your life with the illusion that you are completely in control of what you do. You should finish life with the recognition that, all in all, you got better than you deserved.

David Brooks

You Are In Control Quotes #61931
#46. You can't manufacture a career as an actor because you aren't in control of what projects come to you, unless you are No. 1, two, three or four in the world.

David Wenham

You Are In Control Quotes #65374
#47. Are you in control of your life, or are circumstances in control of you.

Steven Redhead

You Are In Control Quotes #73425
#48. If you find that you are short of funds in the field, remember that any paper can be mind augmented to perform in the place of real money.

Matt Kindt

You Are In Control Quotes #85093
#49. Children in their young teens are just moving into the moment when they are most receptive to philosophy and psychology. You can explore these things in stories and, in doing so, give them power and control.

Kate Thompson

You Are In Control Quotes #87612
#50. Some things in life are out of your control. You can make it a party or a tragedy.

Nora Roberts

You Are In Control Quotes #89564
#51. I recognize myself to a lesser or greater extent in everything I read, good and bad, and that's part of being a human being if you're honest enough. And obviously the darker parts are the things you don't let control you.

Rufus Sewell

You Are In Control Quotes #89642
#52. Baumeister's group has repeatedly found that an effort of will or self-control is tiring; if you have had to force yourself to do something, you are less willing or less able to exert self-control when the next challenge comes around. The phenomenon has been named ego depletion. In

Daniel Kahneman

You Are In Control Quotes #110235
#53. Panic attacks are a lot like being drunk in some ways, you lose self-control. You cry for seemingly no reason. You deal with the hangover long into the next day.

Sara Barnard

You Are In Control Quotes #114575
#54. On my walks, that's when the good ideas come. The kind of hard, gritty work is when you're sitting at the computer and it's kind of intense and you're kind of in super control of it - the walks are when you let go. That's when the really big breakthroughs come in, and it's very strange.

Maria Semple

You Are In Control Quotes #118504
#55. Studies show that neurotic and psychiatric disorders are more common among those who attempt to keep conscious control of life and suppress its unwelcome quirks. Sanity, paradoxically, may lie in accepting that you are not in control.

Michael Brooks

You Are In Control Quotes #122272
#56. Either way, you are in charge. Jealousy works against you. It takes control away from you, hands it over to the opposition. Maintain control.

Ellen Hopkins

You Are In Control Quotes #122785
#57. The things that are really out of control, and scary, are emotions - of people around you, that are unpredictable, or those in yourself which are unpredictable.

Spike Jonze

You Are In Control Quotes #134114
#58. Although we try to control it in a million different ways, the only things you can ever really do to time are enjoy it, or waste it. That's it.

A.J. Compton

You Are In Control Quotes #142019
#59. People are leaving trails everywhere they go; automated web crawlers tell you an awful lot about their social activities. The flow of information in fundamentally unobtrusive ways into social control organisations has risen dramatically.

Whitfield Diffie

You Are In Control Quotes #156040
#60. Self-control is a big deal in human performance. Getting better depends upon it. You cannot get better if it's not you who has to get better. You are the performer, period. You are the only thing you can control.

Henry Cloud

You Are In Control Quotes #156896
#61. The only way to take command of your life is to realize that you are never going to be in control of it.

Toni Sorenson

You Are In Control Quotes #160257
#62. One gets tired of the role critics are supposed to have in this culture: It's like being the piano player in a whorehouse; you don't have any control over the action going on upstairs.

Robert Hughes

You Are In Control Quotes #160384
#63. Secrets, however long they are kept, usually still manage to be brought to light. The best you can hope for is that you'll be in control of when a secret gets out, not if it does."

-Melody in CHIMERA-

Vaun Murphrey

You Are In Control Quotes #177072
#64. But if you fake any trait long enough it becomes an essential part of you, like your fingerprint. So there's no point telling yourself not to be scared. You can't control your thoughts and emotions. But you can control your actions. In the end, we are the sum of what we do.

Adam Baker

You Are In Control Quotes #182238
#65. You are only in control of your choices.

Lailah Gifty Akita

You Are In Control Quotes #184554
#66. Shut up," Thoth and I said at the same time. He looked at me with surprise. "So, Sadie ... you are trying to stay in control. It won't last. You may be blood of the pharaohs, but Isis is a deceptive, power-hungry - " "I can contain her," I said,

Rick Riordan

You Are In Control Quotes #184577
#67. A perfect life is to observe - to realize that you have no control over the events in your life, that there are no events in your life, that there is no life.

Frederick Lenz

You Are In Control Quotes #192231
#68. I don't think you have any control over who you are-it just happens. Sometimes in the morning I wake up and don't know who I am. I have to get out of bed and open the closet door, and then I think, oh yes, I'm the girl in the red dress.

MacDonald Harris

You Are In Control Quotes #199172
#69. I think all dancers are control freaks a bit. We just want to be in control of ourselves and our bodies. That's just what the ballet structure, I think, kind of puts inside of you.

Misty Copeland

You Are In Control Quotes #204265
#70. Don't despair: despair suggests you are in total control and know what is coming. You don't - surrender to events with hope.

Alain De Botton

You Are In Control Quotes #218741
#71. You must keep in mind that all of the world's religions are man-made, often as a mechanism to control and intimidate the masses into following the bidding of a few.

Elle Casey

You Are In Control Quotes #233386
#72. Once you shake hands with the devil, you have to accept they are in control.

Alex Ferguson

You Are In Control Quotes #240660
#73. At a time when everything seems so out of control and the people you've elected are bogus and there's so much random violence and hatred, it fills you with such hope and admiration to even be part for a short time in a community where people have connected to strangers to try to put out a hand.

Susan Sarandon

You Are In Control Quotes #249143
#74. [Mandela] had believed all his life that you are very much in control of your own body, and, in the process of healing, your mind had to be stronger than the medicines applied. You also had to have determination to get better.

Zelda La Grange

You Are In Control Quotes #270695
#75. You are always in control of your own destiny.

Dan Wells

You Are In Control Quotes #271120
#76. All men are created equal. It is what you do from there that makes the difference. We are all free agents in life. We make our own decisions. We control our own destiny.

Glenn Beck

You Are In Control Quotes #275009
#77. You can have all the gun control laws in the country, but if you don't enforce them, people are going to find a way to protect themselves. We need to recognize that bad people are doing bad things with these weapons. It's not the law-abiding citizens, it's not the person who uses it as a hobby.

Michael Steele

You Are In Control Quotes #285825
#78. You have control over three things - what you think, what you say, and how you behave. To make a change in your life, you must recognize that these gifts are the most powerful tools you possess in shaping the form of your life.

Sonia Friedman

You Are In Control Quotes #288010
#79. Figure out where you are on the field. If you're past 15 or so yards, the ball is going down the field. When you're in great position, you're able to control the receiver.

Antonio Cromartie

You Are In Control Quotes #290481
#80. When you resort to shouting in conflict, you are reacting in the flesh. You have lost control of the only person you can control: yourself.

Neil T. Anderson

You Are In Control Quotes #303284
#81. I love animals. With animals you never know what you're getting. Everybody says don't mess with animals and little kids in movies but those are the funniest things because you can't be in control. I like to lose control as a director.

David Gordon Green

You Are In Control Quotes #308922
#82. Because God is sovereignly in control, accidents are just incidents in God's good plan for you.

Rick Warren

You Are In Control Quotes #309547
#83. In life there might be rules. In love there are no exceptions to those rules. No one is spared from heartbreak. We all suffer it at some point or another. You simply can't control who you love and in particular, you can't control what kind of person they are.

J.C. Reed

You Are In Control Quotes #313367
#84. You are relying on a waiting on other people in acting and films, so to be able to have something that I have full creative control over is really very therapeutic.

Mia Wasikowska

You Are In Control Quotes #336959
#85. This is how children are at first, when they can't control themselves. Their abilities present in times of stress or fear, until they learn to harness those emotions and use them to their advantage. There's a trigger, and you need to find yours.

Victoria Aveyard

You Are In Control Quotes #349313
#86. The hundred parts of the body are all complete in their places. Which should one prefer? Do you like them all equally? Are they all servants? Are they unable to control one another and need a ruler? Or do they become rulers and servants in turn? Is there any true ruler other than themselves?


You Are In Control Quotes #353289
#87. There are things in your life you can control - and there are variables you can't. The more diligent you are at controlling what you can, the more influence you'll have over your destiny. You just have to figure out which are which.

Carleton Young

You Are In Control Quotes #354211
#88. All the seven deadly sins are man's true nature. To be greedy. To be hateful. To have lust. Of course, you have to control them, but if you're made to feel guilty for being human, then you're going to be trapped in a never-ending sin-and-repent cycle that you can't escape from.

Marilyn Manson

You Are In Control Quotes #358315
#89. Let's say there are 500 sons and daughters like you in each state. Then we could control the government.

Sun Myung Moon

You Are In Control Quotes #371660
#90. You are in charge of your own attitude whatever others do or circumstances you face. The only person you can control is yourself ... worry more about your attitude than your aptitude or lineage.

Marian Wright Edelman

You Are In Control Quotes #372621
#91. You're never in control. That - that is the greatest fallacy of the - you know, there's over 200 people that it requires to make a film. And there's people who are in control of how you look, what your performance is, what takes are used, what - you're only in control of how you say no.

Sandra Bullock

You Are In Control Quotes #374742
#92. You will be much more in control, if you realize how much you are not in control.

Benjamin Graham

You Are In Control Quotes #377059
#93. if you continue allowing external circumstances to dictate how you feel, you'll always be at the mercy of the situations in your life that are completely beyond your control.

Dana Wilde

You Are In Control Quotes #395673
#94. I used to go red when anybody spoke to me. It's awful because you absolutely cannot control it. If you are a child that blushes, or is shy, the one thing you want in the world is to be the child who comes in and says, 'Hi,' to everyone and goes up and makes friends.

Catherine Tate

You Are In Control Quotes #396111
#95. Because I've learned that you can't control what other people are going to think about you. The best you can do in life is not piss yourself off.

Megan McCafferty

You Are In Control Quotes #398823
#96. When someone has the control of the vehicle you are aboard, his problem is your problem. When someone is a part of your journey in life, his problem is your problem. When someone has a stake in your success, his problem is your problem. Confront it. Resolve it.

Priya Kumar

You Are In Control Quotes #402734
#97. With DNS, it's possible to control key components of Internet navigation. Google already controls search, they are quickly gaining market share to control the browser, and when you put in DNS, it becomes the trifecta of complete navigational control.

David Ulevitch

You Are In Control Quotes #405191
#98. Film is mostly a visual medium, and so the director has much more control in terms of painting pictures and painting a performance. For theater, the director does everything he can and then says, 'Out you go,' and the actors are in charge of that stage every night.

David Lindsay-Abaire

You Are In Control Quotes #418792
#99. Throughout my political career, I've believed in the concept of home rule. Some call it local control. Whichever phrase you use, the concept is the same - the best decisions are those made closest to those who will be impacted by the decisions.

Linda Lingle

You Are In Control Quotes #431764
#100. Unplanned occurrences are reminders to check your tendency to think that you're the one in control. In reality, it's someone else....

It is a vivid reminder that in ministry, no matter how hard you work, ultimately it's God's work, not yours. All this puts our work in perspective.

James Martin

You Are In Control Quotes #453422

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