Top 48 When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes

#1. When your back is against the wall financially, creative juices flow.

Anita Roddick

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #617245
#2. The impossible becomes possible when your back is against the wall

Robert Evans

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #671458
#3. When your back is against the wall, there is only one thing to do, and that is turn around and fight.

John Major

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #754516
#4. When your back is against the wall, you will find it is a good place to push off.

Jeffrey Fry

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #1313197
#5. You only really discover the strength of your spine when your back is against the wall.

James Geary

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #1535130
#6. But sometimes, in tight corners, when your back is against the wall and the world is against you, you have to fight back in unexpected ways.

Caroline B. Cooney

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #1703341
#7. Our trials and our times of pain get the most recognition, but 'Straight Outta Compton' speaks to triumph. When it's doubtful, when nobody is on your side, when your back is against the wall, you triumph and make it through. Showing growth through movies promotes growth.

O'Shea Jackson Jr.

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #467174
#8. Most people come up against a wall they give up, not you. You don't let go, you don't back down ... it's what makes you extraordinary. Castle to Beckett

Richard Castle

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #872428
#9. I need you to go talk to a girl who may have some information about Emma."
"Where is she?"
"Someplace you're not going to want to go."
( ... )
"I give up. Where?"
"Institution 37."
I felt a hitch in my breathing. I leaned back against the wall.
"Could I pick hell instead?

Lissa Price

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #577110
#10. If you close your eyes when you sing in Latin, and if you stand right at the back so you can keep one hand against the cold stone wall of the church, you can pretend you're in the Middle Ages. That's why I did it. That's what I was in it for.

Carol Rifka Brunt

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #838703
#11. I like having my back pressed against a wall and being made to work harder so I don't embarrass myself.

Mark Haddon

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #828736
#12. I always wanted to make an abstract photograph. I would photograph walls, sports interiors, marks on the walls people made. Even looking back it makes so much sense. It's like it was a fight against the photograph.

Idris Khan

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #808693
#13. I sit with my back against a wall, put on my headphones, listen to the music, and imagine galaxies and stars and the Universe above, and I imagine all the light from space flowing into my head and down into my body, going wherever it needs to go.

Kamal Ravikant

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #758805
#14. Anyway, he's [Simon] obviously not here. Go back to what you were doing. What's the point in wasting a perfectly good brick wall when you have someone to throw against it, that's what I always say. And she [Isabelle] stalked off, back toward the bar. - City of Fallen Angels pg 188 hardcover

Cassandra Clare

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #723770
#15. Holy fuck,' Corcoran said, leaning back against the wall. 'I am going home and drinking a whole bottle of Bacardi. Someone can pour the Coke into me after I pass out.

M.R. Carey

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #716811
#16. A man's character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall.

John Cena

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #621241
#17. You'll pardon me," he finally said, "if the suggestion that the minuscule black turnip you call a heart is suddenly overflowing with generosity toward me leaves me wanting to arm myself and put my back against a wall.

Scott Lynch

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #1837565
#18. Started as a flicker, meant to be a flame. Skin has gotten thicker, but it burns the same. Still a baby in a cradle, got to take my first fall ... baby's getting next to nowhere with her back against the wall.

Sara Bareilles

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #884374
#19. He hangs on now, pressing his hand lightly against the wall, below the window, waiting for the familiar arrow of pain. Only there is none. An oddly pleasant swell of memory, a wave of warmth flooding over him, sliding back, slowly. It is a first

Judith Guest

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #885722
#20. Claire stretched out against the wall and kissed it. "Glad to see you, too," she whispered, and pressed her cheek against the smooth surface. It almost felt like it hugged her back.
"Dude, it's a house," Shane said from behind her. "Hug somebody who cares.

Rachel Caine

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #901327
#21. Man is a strange animal, he doesn't like to read the handwriting on the wall until his back is up against it.

Adlai E. Stevenson II

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #933712
#22. Okay, well, I guess I'm still a kid. Because when I get really angry and fired up and I feel like my back is up against the wall, I will say vicious things.

Howard Stern

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #945966
#23. My palms flat against the wall of the tile, I clenched my eyes shut. "Please come back" I said quietly. She couldn't hear me, but it didn't stop me from wishing she would come and save me from the terrible pain I felt without her there.

Jamie McGuire

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #979352
#24. In life, you'll have your back up against the wall many times. You might as well get used to it.

Bear Bryant

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #1005672
#25. If you bounce a tennis ball against a wall it will come back to you the same way every time. But if you shift the wall a few degrees it will come back another way.

Tom Shadyac

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #1006219
#26. As soon as he was gone I blew my breath out and leaned back against the wall. Awkward. First the cop who'd arrested me, then the paramedic who'd kept me from accidentally killing myself. I didn't even want to think what a third thing might be.

Diana Rowland

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #1024935
#27. When all hope is gone and your back is against the wall, 'Pray.'
Ask God to guide you and he will take good care of you.

Ellen J. Barrier

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #1101613
#28. Sometimes when life seems to place your back against the wall
It's then that you realize you are in the deepest recesses of His heart
Therefore all is well


When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #308122
#29. Then forgive yourself!" she shouted, pushing herself back up. She pressed her palm against the wall for support. "Everyone has a dark side! But it's their choice whether or not they cultivate it. Don't you understand? Lira's exploited hers, but not you. Not you, Emery Thane.

Charlie N. Holmberg

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #108499
#30. You saw me."
Sara gasped and whirled around.Naked and aroused,nostrils flaring and fangs bared,Alexander towered over her,his mere presence forcing her back against the stone wall of the frigid tunnel.

Laura Wright

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #119398
#31. You almost died."
"But you brought me back."
She cupped his face in her hands. "I always knew you were there. Death didn't have a chance against the Wall.

Nalini Singh

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #127160
#32. And suddenly I am blindingly angry at Raven
for her lectures, and her stubbornness, and for thinking that the way that you help people is by driving them against a wall, by beating them down until they fight back.

Lauren Oliver

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #148541
#33. We are not killers," Gideon says firmly.
"In my experience everyone is a killer." Baz's eyes go cold. He leans back against the wall. "Or a victim. Some people just need a little coaxing to choose a side.

Paula Stokes

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #223023
#34. Writing is when I fly, writing is when I start fires. Writing is when I take death out of my left pocket, throw him against the wall and catch him as he bounces back.

Charles Bukowski

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #223240
#35. Henry said, and sat up. His hands clawed at the air, as if for holds which only Henry could see. His gouged eye leaked and dribbled; its bottom arc now bulged pregnantly down onto his cheek. He looked around, saw Eddie shrinking back against the wall, and tried

Stephen King

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #245766
#36. We sit against the tiles of the bathroom wall with our legs sprawled out in front of us, passing the brain back and forth, taking small, leisurely bites and enjoying brief flashes of human experience.
'Good ... shit,' M wheezes.

Isaac Marion

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #271995
#37. Arms crossed over his chest,leaning against the wall that led to the back of the business,Nick Rixey appeared for all the world to be nonchalant and unaffected.

Laura Kaye

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #286751
#38. With the weight of his body, he pressed her back against the wall, and licked the soft spot below her earlobe. "Tell me how much you f***ing want me," he breathed.

Gail McHugh

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #287474
#39. Grant pressed his back against the outside wall of the turquoise and white two-story home he and a team of Miami PD officers were about to storm. On the surface the place fit in perfectly into the upper middle class neighborhood. On the inside, however, it was a fully functioning cocaine lab.

Katie Reus

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #565688
#40. Me and success are two things you don't wanna find yo ass between. Back against the wall like plasma screens.


When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #329956
#41. Can you help me move those tables against the wall?" Mama pointed to five tables in the back corner. "The funeral home said they needed four feet of clearance all the way around.

Katie Graykowski

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #338519
#42. At town meetings, you can see the shy folks, the ones who have trouble sounding off in public, leaning against the back wall or bending over their knitting. On talk radio, those people are invisible, but they're there. It's a mistake to think that the blowhards who call in speak for the nation.

Donella Meadows

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #360334
#43. Oh, I'm not a Berkeleian. I believe my back's against this wall. I believe there's a sten gun over there.

Graham Greene

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #360674
#44. He pressed his forearms flat against the wall, caging me with his body. Electric heat sparked in the space between us. He pulled back. His irises swirled with silver flecks, twisting into a metallic pool. His Wolf stared down at me. I don't want anyone touching you, except me.

Elizabeth Morgan

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #422119
#45. You really think you can buy some rope without drawing attention?"
Lopen lounged back against the wall. "My cousin's never failed me."
"How many cousins do you have, anyway?" Earless Jaks asked.
"A man can never have enough cousins," Lopen said.

Brandon Sanderson

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #431445
#46. Every writer I had ever known wrote his best work when he had his back up against the wall and thought he would never write another word.

Adam Langer

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #438773
#47. In the struggle against sexual discrimination on Wall Street, Pamela K. Martens is a latter-day Rosa Parks - a woman who, metaphorically speaking, refused to sit in the back of the bus.

Gary Weiss

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #455911
#48. I fell back into the sofa, letting my head thump against the wall. Of course, there would be something else to complicate things. I couldn't catch a break with a net the size of Texas.

K.J. McPike

When Your Back Is Against The Wall Quotes #464433

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