Top 40 Water Source Quotes

#1. You know your gut instincts are spot on about a person when you can also detect a water source in the soil beneath them.

Dane Cook

Water Source Quotes #1076525
#2. Water Source and earthbound substance in endless theme and variation. There is need of rest, renewal and appreciation of the ever-changing landscape.

Lynne Hurd Bryant

Water Source Quotes #1242574
#3. I would rather live out on the desert alone, like an old prospector. All I needed was a small water source. What was the point in such loneliness among people. At least if you were by yourself, you had a good reason to be lonely.

Janet Fitch

Water Source Quotes #717468
#4. Water will not flow from a faucet that is not connected to its source.

Mary Morrissey

Water Source Quotes #942564
#5. Wherever love comes from, whatever is its genesis, it isn't like a quantity of gold or diamonds, even water in the earth-a fixed quantity, Fos thought. You can't use up love, deplete it at its source. Love exists beyond fixed limits. Beyond what you can see or count.

Marianne Wiggins

Water Source Quotes #1864071
#6. I've always thought my attraction to water was because it offers an unending source of renewal. It's there with each wave - with each tide. Always wiping the shore clean of all imperfections in time for the next tide.

Karen White

Water Source Quotes #1144124
#7. The situation is quite serious - groundwater is important source for water use, including drinking water, and if it gets contaminated, it's very costly and difficult to clean.

Ma Jun

Water Source Quotes #1194071
#8. Huge open source organizations like Red Hat and Mozilla manage the collaboration of hundreds of people who don't know one another and have spent no time hanging around the water cooler.

Margaret Heffernan

Water Source Quotes #1280189
#9. As I walked, I began to hear the sound of running water. It's impossible to hear that sound and not go searching for the source.

Sue Monk Kidd

Water Source Quotes #1333184
#10. The best fragrance is the scent of water, the fragrance of dew and rain falling on plants. Water is the essential element, a source of life and energy. A perfume that, like a garment, moves to suit the woman, her skin. A perfume that embraces a woman.

Issey Miyake

Water Source Quotes #1361612
#11. Access to a secure, safe and sufficient source of fresh water is a fundamental requirement for the survival, well-being and socio-economic development of all humanity. Yet, we continue to act as if fresh water were a perpetually abundant resource. It is not.

Kofi Annan

Water Source Quotes #1372366
#12. In the desert, the only god is a well.

Vera Nazarian

Water Source Quotes #1396917
#13. My counsel is, that we draw water from the true source and fountain, that is, that we diligently search the Scriptures. He who wholly possesses the text of the Bible, is a consummate divine.

Martin Luther

Water Source Quotes #1553625
#14. It is often difficult to definitively link a specific instance of disease to one particular cause, like water pollution. Even when tests show that drinking water is polluted, it can be hard to pinpoint the source of the contamination.

Charles Duhigg

Water Source Quotes #1554608
#15. Leukemia is evidently psychosomatic in origin and at least eight cases of leukemia
had been treated successfully by Dianetics after medicine had
traditionally given up. The source of leukemia has been reported to be
an engram containing the phrase 'It turns my blood to water.

L. Ron Hubbard

Water Source Quotes #1577260
#16. It's funny how cucumber water can taste so much better than pickle juice, even though they come from the same source.

Ellen DeGeneres

Water Source Quotes #1601174
#17. Even before the earthquake in Haiti, only half the country's population had a source of safe drinking water.

Marcus Samuelsson

Water Source Quotes #1686853
#18. Water gushing out of thousands of springs at different places cannot move the wheels of a big engine to carry out very heavy tasks. But the channeled flow of the same water in the bed of a stream will, however, be irresistible and can become a source of tremendous energy.

Gulzarilal Nanda

Water Source Quotes #1760857
#19. The value of land must, in the future, be assessed on its yield of potable water. Those property-owners with a constant source of pure water already have an economically-valuable "product" from their land, and need look no further for a source of income.

Bill Mollison

Water Source Quotes #1760985
#20. The energy that moves life is the force of the Feminine. She is unstoppable. She is the source of all life, the mover of blood, the breather of breath, the flow of the river's water. The Feminine is life. We can feel Her moving and living in any moment we are open to Her, or as Her.

David Deida

Water Source Quotes #1813743
#21. Having lived in the arid deserts of Southern California since the 1970s, my interest in water conservation is a very personal concern. Water! The source of life! Some people are squandering the world's most precious resource while others have too little clean water to drink.

Eric Burdon

Water Source Quotes #1821442
#22. It was remarkable to see from space how predictable people are. Our homes and towns are almost all in places with moderate temperatures, and they generally have the same shape - a thinly occupied outer blob of suburb surrounding a densely populated core, all based around a ready source of water.

Chris Hadfield

Water Source Quotes #393997
#23. Obviously, I'm not looking in the core of the reactor, but I am looking at what, at that time, was considered the source of the trouble, which was the water and where it was.

William Scranton

Water Source Quotes #52518
#24. The environmental benefits of hydrogen are also outstanding. When used as an energy source, hydrogen produces no emissions besides water. Zero polluting emissions, an amazing advance over the current sources of energy that we use.

Dan Lipinski

Water Source Quotes #95467
#25. If there is but little water in the stream, it is the fault, not of the channel, but of the source.

St. Jerome

Water Source Quotes #152390
#26. stole the ambrosia of the gods and was cursed by Zeus to be trapped forever between a bountiful fruit tree and a pool of water. Whenever he tries to eat, the branches rise away. When he tries to drink, the water recedes. It's the source of the English word tantalize.

Yudhi Raman

Water Source Quotes #167291
#27. You can drink from all sorts of wells, but unless the source of your water is the Living Water Himself, you will never be satisfied.

Beth Moore

Water Source Quotes #272936
#28. We've gotten so far away from our food source. It's been hijacked from us. But if you get soil, plant something in it and water it, you can feed yourself. It's that simple.

Ron Finley

Water Source Quotes #277943
#29. Controlling speech and breath, and diving deep within oneself - like one who, to find a thing that has fallen into water, dives deep down - one must seek out the source whence the aspiring ego springs.

Ramana Maharshi

Water Source Quotes #331214
#30. Your shadow stealthily leaves nothing of where you go, like a poisoned needle that sews together my footsteps. Your light pliantly strikes the water tower, like a lightning bolt that severs the source of my life. -Soifon

Tite Kubo

Water Source Quotes #370871
#31. In reality there are no separate events. Life moves along like water, it's all connected to the source of the river is connected to the mouth and the ocean.

Alan W. Watts

Water Source Quotes #371061
#32. Water cannot rise higher than its source, neither can human reason.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Water Source Quotes #929847
#33. A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Water Source Quotes #432289
#34. The bridges were quite popular as building sites,because they had a very convenient sewage system and, of course, a source of fresh water.

Terry Pratchett

Water Source Quotes #441538
#35. God is like the ocean and we're like that glass of water. We try to sustain life and do all that the source tells us that we are capable of doing, but if we do it alone, we wither away and collapse instead.

Wayne Dyer

Water Source Quotes #649708
#36. Water symbolizes the whole of potentiality - the source of all possible existence.

Mircea Eliade

Water Source Quotes #709060
#37. Water from a fountain quenches the excessive heat which would destroy this life. Thus water can be called the only everlasting source of continuous being.

Nicola Salvi

Water Source Quotes #751417
#38. Everybody says women are like water. I think it's because water is the source of life, and it adapts itself to its environment. Like women, water also gives of itself wherever it goes to nurture life ...


Water Source Quotes #761000
#39. I believe that water will one day be employed as fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity of which coal is not capable.

Jules Verne

Water Source Quotes #788516
#40. As a Michigan senator, I feel a special responsibility to protect the Great Lakes. They are not only a source of clean drinking water for more than 30 million people but are also an integral part of Michigan's heritage and its economy.

Debbie Stabenow

Water Source Quotes #851093

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