Top 15 Unseeing Eyes Quotes

#1. Forbid that I should walk through Thy beautiful world with unseeing eyes.

John Baillie

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #252618
#2. NIGHT. No one was praying for the night to pass quickly. The stars were but sparks of the immense conflagration that was consuming us. Were this conflagration to be extinguished one day, nothing would be left in the sky but extinct stars and unseeing eyes.

Elie Wiesel

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #329154
#3. He wanted to leave his mom and her unseeing eyes. He was the invisible boy looking for the place where no one could find him, where he did not have to feel invisible anymore.

Anne Ursu

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #337978
#4. My prodding me didn't elicit a reaction. His unseeing eyes stared straight through me. Which was odd. He'd seemed so sane huddled in Cookie's trunk.

Darynda Jones

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #568349
#5. I know I was writing stories when I was five. I don't know what I did before that. Just loafed, I suppose.

P.G. Wodehouse

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #5512
#6. I really wanted to make a dungeon crawler, but this game came out, 'Legend of Grimrock 2,' which was, like, the perfect dungeon crawler. It basically destroyed the genre for me, and no way could I make a game that good in that genre.

Markus Persson

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #156955
#7. What earth is this
so in want of you
they rise up on high
to seek you in heaven?
Look at them staring
at you
right before their eyes,
unseeing, unseeing, blind.

Mansur Al-Hallaj

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #339150
#8. I was fortunate to work with Corigliano for a few years in the mid nineties. Meeting and working with him during those formative years was an important experience.

Michael Hersch

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #568609
#9. She looked at me then everything emptied out of her eyes and they looked like the eyes in statues blank and unseeing and serene put

William Faulkner

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #687173
#10. My first open mic was fantastic. I crushed. And my second mic was as bad as my first one was good.

Dana Gould

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #804818
#11. Up here my eyes are green leaves, unseeing.

Virginia Woolf

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #823697
#12. He who has two cakes of bread, let him dispose of one of them for some flowers of the narcissus; for bread is the food of the body, and the narcissus is the food of the soul.


Unseeing Eyes Quotes #1290843
#13. Being born again happens in an instant. Learning to live as a child of God takes a lifetime.

Derwin L. Gray

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #1456340
#14. Our fate lies
in the hands
of the things we love
and sometimes
the things we love
are the things
that lead us
to the fatal destruction
of ourselves.

Robert M. Drake

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #1507670
#15. I dont know what it is about the open road that makes it so appealing. Maybe its because when youre headed somewhere, you dont have to be where youve already been.

Steve Hofstetter

Unseeing Eyes Quotes #1818413

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