Top 68 Those Brown Eyes Quotes
#1. That memory made a lump form in my throat as I remembered his face, serious and gorgeous, those brown eyes intense and passionate as he spoke up for me and convinced the others of my value.
Richelle Mead
#2. Those shiny eyes like the stars in the sky; but black and brown,
And those beautiful lips like the flowers but sugary
And those kind smells, lovable but with no purpose
All meant to be for me?
Someone must have been praying and wishing me the whole world
M.F. Moonzajer
#3. His name was as exotic as his looks. The deadly combination of lush chocolate brown hair, those intense pale blue eyes and his lithe figure that just screamed he would look like a god naked, was too much for her.
Jennifer Ashley
#4. He is never far, and every time I glance in his direction, I see huge brown eyes lingering on me, bright with feeling. He is aware of me in a way Alejandro never was, and it gives me a little thrill each time I notice him noticing me.
Rae Carson
#5. Uh.. you'er Sophie?" Mrianda ventured
"That's me"
"How old areyou?"
Sophie rolled ker wide brown eyes,
"Ahunderd and forty-eight" she relied. "I got to live back when women coulden't vote, isn't that awesome?
Dianne Sylvan
#6. He could not stand Alexia Tarabotti, even if her lovely brown eyes twinkled when she laughed, and she smelled good, and she had a particularly splendid figure.
Gail Carriger
#7. His eyes, searching deep into mine, felt like danger and safety all rolled into one.
Jennifer Brown
#8. As I brush my long, brown hair, the girl in the mirror with blue eyes too big for her head stares back at me. Wait ... I don't have blue eyes! Then I realize I haven't been looking into the mirror. I've been staring at a poster of Kristen Stewart for five minutes. My own hair is actually fine.
Andrew Shaffer
#9. His eyes met mine. Brown eyes. I couldn't read anything and as he turned away I realised he didn't intend to tell me anything either.
J.A. Rogers
#10. As always, there was an all-American war hero look to him, coded in his tousled brown hair, his summer-narrowed hazel eyes, the straight nose that ancient Anglo-Saxons had graciously passed on to him. Everything about him suggested valor and power and a firm handshake.
Maggie Stiefvater
#11. And what a man he is. Tall, but not too tall. Five o'clock shadow. Late twenties, early thirties. Piercing blue eyes. Short, brown hair that juts forward, matching his angular face. He's wearing an untucked, button-down white shirt and dark-grey slacks. He looks disheveled in the best way possible.
Samantha Riley
#12. We grew together, and now are grown. In her eyes, I see my heart. In her breath, I hear my soul. She is my land. She is my kin. My love.
Pierce Brown
#13. He then eyed Tristan and took a step back, stumbling over his cloak. "You must be the earl's twin brother. But your eyes ... how are they so green?"
"They were brown until your heathen of a cousin shot me through the heart," Tristan said crossly.
Chelsea Fine
#14. You shine like the sun and you move like water. Your eyes are the perfect mix of gray and brown, like fog in the woods, and you smell like lilacs in the summer. I think if you laughed, it would sound like music.
M. Leighton
#15. my blue eyes peering into their brown eyes and seeing there some essential part of myself, some irreducible aspect of my being, which in turn gave them back the same reflected version of themselves
Russell Banks
#16. The female in his carriage didn't say a word, merely turned and stare at him with doelike brown eyes.
Was she too afraid to speak?
Karen Ranney
#18. My grandfather taught me how important it is to have your eyes open, because you never know what's going to come your way.
Bobbi Brown
#19. Whenever he looks at me with those big brown eyes, I feel like giving him a nut, she said. She even started calling the squirrels running around in the park Mr. Whitmans.
Kerstin Gier
#20. Bennie has light brown skin and excellent eyes, and he irons his hair in a Mohawk as shiny black as a virgin record.
Jennifer Egan
#21. You cannot find comfort in ducks.
Stoop to look into those beady brown eyes,
and they will tell you nothing.
- The Bridge, St. James's Park
Virginia Graham
#22. I stared into his eyes and waited his response. Neither one of us moved. Dear God, Lila and Natalie were right. He was hot. How could i have missed a body built like this? His unzipped jacket exposed hit t-shirt, so tight i could see the curve of his muscles. And those dark brown eyes ...
Katie McGarry
#23. The gleam in those green-brown eyes was positively rakish. She hadn't thought City had a speck of rakishness in him.
Ruthie Knox
#24. Her white skin and those dark brown eyes and the way she always smiled at the world - always, it seemed - as if her face had been designed that way. The smile never went away.
Tim O'Brien
#25. I would be curious about one of those Jane Austen women
you know
long-suffering, dutiful
but all right in the end
a plump 19th century type, five foot four, ringlets, brown eyes, long fingers.
Peter Greenaway
#26. God, she was one big nerve ending, that girl, and those big brown eyes got just a little wider when she was close. And those bruises. And how she begged for them.
I knew she was special the night I met her, I just didn't know how special.
C.D. Reiss
#27. Those eyes. So dark, a brown that held mysteries and promises I knew better than to think were for me. Yet when they were trained on me like they were now, my insides melted like gooey Nutella.
Jenny B. Jones
#28. In the gaunt, brown face in the mirror - unseen since late September - the blue eyes in a monkish skull seem eerily clear, but this is the face of a man I do not know.
Peter Matthiessen
#29. You're asking for trouble, woman." At the gruff tone of his voice, I raised my head and met his dark, chocolate-brown eyes, rimmed by long lashes that didn't take an ounce away from his masculinity. I wanted to drown in those eyes.
"I like trouble, remember?
Suzanne Johnson
#30. Christ can forgive you," he whispered, though he didn't believe it. There wasn't a hint of compassion in those ice-blue eyes.
"That's grand," she said.
Her features became again those of the pleasant brown-haired nurse. She smiled, pulled the pillow from under his head, and covered his face.
Stephen M. Irwin
#31. If you take 12 waters from the coconut - not the ones you buy in the store, although that's good - but the fresh coconuts, the little brown ones with the three eyes, if you take 12 of those within 24 hours, your blood will go back to the way it was when you were born.
Dick Gregory
#32. But the moment I saw you, I knew there was something more. There was something behind those big, beautiful brown eyes that I had to get to know, and, damn girl you've kept me in a trance ever since.
Magan Vernon
#33. Take the brown eyes of my father,
those gun shots, those mean muds.
Bury them.
Take the blue eyes of my mother,
naked as the sea ...
Anne Sexton
#34. Allie's eyes followed him as he walked away. He filled out those jeans really well and she could imagine what that tight butt would look like with nothing on it at all. Good lord, she had to get a grip.
Carolyn Brown
#35. Adam glanced up. Brown eyes took my measure. He looked just like he did in all those photographs. Okay. Now I needed to not get fried as I talked his handsome ass into surrendering.
Ilona Andrews
#36. My eyes are brown. So are my teeth.
Just kidding about the teeth.
Richard Laymon
#37. I almost never say what I really think. Sometimes I'm so full of shit my eyes could turn brown.
Emma Chase
#38. Lord Rodrik Harlaw was neither fat nor slim; neither tall nor short; neither ugly nor handsome. His hair was brown, as were his eyes, though the short, neat beard he favored had gone grey. All in all, he was an ordinary man, distinguished only by his love of written words.
George R R Martin
#39. Only the chicken-lover will understand me. He will give me a kindly look, maybe mildly desirous. His eyes will tell me: You might look a lot better with some reddish-brown feathers.
John Irving
#40. A health to the nut-brown lass, With the hazel eyes: let it pass ... As much to the lively grey 'Tis as good i' th' night as day: ... She's a savour to the glass, And excuse to make it pass.
John Suckling
#41. Come on, Trouble. Let's go before you start farting bunnies and rainbows or some shit. Luke started laughing hard, and clamped his hand over his stomach, squeezing his brown eyes almost shut.
#42. Her light brown eyes were the color of sherry, fringed with long, thick, gold-tipped lashes.
Anne Rivers Siddons
#43. to myself as I glanced over at her thick ass lying naked next to me. I was so in love with her smooth cocoa skin and that fat ghetto ass. She had me hypnotized by her big brown eyes... that long black hair...and her smell!!! Damn my bitch was fine and I loved the shit out of her, but
Niki Jilvontae
#44. He feels it, too. His eyes widen. A lovely hazel. Green with flecks of brown and gold. The colors I love. The colors of the earth.
Sophie Jordan
#45. There was warmth in his large piercing brown eyes. The kind of warmth that tucks a child into bed. The same kind of warmth that dries your wet hair on a rainy December afternoon.
Malak El Halabi
#46. He had brown hair, piercing green eyes and jaw line that screamed 'I might just let you kiss me here'.
Fisher Amelie
#47. I stop and look up at him. "Brad?" I whisper.
"What, baby?" he says as he continues nibbling on my neck.
"It's yours ... " I say breathlessly.
He pauses and looks up. "What is?"
I gaze into his brown hazy eyes. "My heart.
Beth Michele
#48. He lounged on his side, bare-chested and barefooted, his jeans unbuttoned to show both the waistband of his underwear and the sleek lines of his ripped abs. His dark brown hair was sexily mussed and his emerald eyes were bright with mischief.
Sylvia Day
#49. Can I help you? She was middle height and very pretty. He had an overall impression of fine bones and white linen, topped with a wealth of curly brown hair in a sort of half-tamed chignon. And in the middle of it all, the most extraordinary pair of light eyes, just the color of well-aged sherry.
Diana Gabaldon
#50. All the humor evaporates from his face and his honey-brown eyes. Within seconds he has me in his arms and he hugs me like I'm the most important thing in the world to him.
Jessica Sorensen
#51. To sell John Brown what John Brown buys, you've got to see things through John Brown's eyes.
#52. Your eyes will be brown, a color that holds secrets well.
Dawn Kurtagich
#53. I'm married to a white man, and then my daughter came out looking like the whitest white child with blonde hair and blue eyes. And I'm like, 'Omigosh, now what am I going to do?' She has my mom's features and is lighter than my husband. And my boy is browner than I am. Brown eyes and really tan.
Karyn Parsons
#54. But none of them are you." Luka pointed to his eye again. "We match. Why would I want anyone else? Nobody else if you. Long brown hair, blue eyes and tanned skinned beautiful you.
Tillie Cole
#55. He was tall, dark and handsome, the complete trifecta. His unique grey eyes and his tousled dark brown hair, made him look like he belonged on the cover of a romance novel.
Nicole Gulla
#56. Staring into the mirror, I was surprised to see a haunted look in my brown eyes. There was pain there, pain and loss that even the nicest dress and makeup couldn't hide.
Richelle Mead
#57. I'm sure you despise me," she sobbed, looking up at him through tearful eyes.
"Despise you?!" Langdon exclaimed. "I don't have the slightest idea who you are! All you've done is lie to me!"
"I know," she said softly. "I'm sorry. I've been trying to do the right thing.
Dan Brown
#58. The Greeks described her eyes as 'oxlike'. Believe it or not, that was a compliment. It meant she had large, soft brown eyes that you could get lost in. I guess the Greeks spent a lot of time staring at oxen.
Rick Riordan
#59. God gave me eyes so that I might see you, and God gave you eyes, so that I might see myself.
Brad Brown
#60. So there you have it, the extent of my charms: brown hair and eyes like unbarfed chocolate. I'm a lucky girl. -Max
James Patterson
#61. If envy is red and doubt is black then happiness is brown. I looked from the little brown stone to the tiny brown freckle to her huge brown eyes.
Annabel Pitcher
#62. My makeup artist likes to define my brows with Maybelline Brow Drama. We brush up on the part closest to my nose and it's straight after that. Then, I like to use the matte brown shades from Maybelline The Nudes Palette to shadow my eyes, but without it looking like I'm wearing much.
Gigi Hadid
#63. I like your eyes when you get mad," I said. "They glow like embers.
William Hjortsberg
#64. Hailey Dashford Reid, with her silky brown hair and big, smoky blue eyes, all prim and proper and so fucking sexy it makes my nuts ache. Also, totally off-limits.
Ainsley Booth
#65. Yours is the only face I'm capable of seeing, the only face I want to see. All my life and knowledge, the whole world, is right there in your face, your brown eyes. You give cohesion to everything I know. Without you in my life, I'd be worse than an amnesiac.
Neha Yazmin
#66. She thought she was wrong? He was the one who got a hard-on every time she looked up at him with those desperate, brown eyes. Everything in his brain screamed: Prey. Take. Use. He wasn't exactly proud of it, but there it was.
Kitty Thomas
#67. For reasons he couldn't understand a sadness came over him and it was then he saw the girl standing on the other side of the dirt road, her eyes pools of absolute sorrow, her light brown hair glowing in the splinters of sunlight that forced their way through the trees.
Melina Marchetta
#68. His eyes were locked on me. We looked like Bambi and Faline, twitterpated, unable to be around normal people, at least I did.
Tara Brown
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