Top 76 The Great Alexander Quotes

#1. This Aristotle knew definitely: the truth has the power to force or constrain men, all men alike, whether it be the great Parmenides and the great Alexander or Parmenides' unknown slave and the least of Alexander's stable-men

Lev Shestov

The Great Alexander Quotes #1625759
#2. I have both held and beheld unlimited power and of it I know but one thing. It drives men mad.'
- Alexander the Great

Matthew Reilly

The Great Alexander Quotes #1344979
#3. A captured pirate was brought before Alexander the Great. "How dare you molest the sea?" asked Alexander. "How dare you molest the whole world?" the pirate replied, and continued: "Because I do it with a little ship only, I am called a thief; you, doing it with a great navy, are called an emperor.

Noam Chomsky

The Great Alexander Quotes #1366809
#4. Tall people are naturally confident. History has proven this - Alexander the Great, Wilt Chamberlain, Gisele.

Chuck Klosterman

The Great Alexander Quotes #1330148
#5. It is surely no coincidence that Napoleon's two greatest heroes were Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. In certain respects, he would outdo them both.

Saul David

The Great Alexander Quotes #1273536
#6. Alexander the great was ask how he conquered the world he said, "by not waivering".

Billy Graham

The Great Alexander Quotes #1240993
#7. Lord Chatham, the King of Prussia, nay, Alexander the Great, never gained more in one campaign than the noble lord has lost-he has lost a whole continent.

David McCullough

The Great Alexander Quotes #1186552
#8. In the midst of Our great grief,' announced Alexander III, 'the voice of God bids Us to stand staunchly for government relying on God's design with faith in the truth of autocratic power.

Simon Sebag Montefiore

The Great Alexander Quotes #1168750
#9. A horse must be a bit mad to be a good cavalry mount, and its rider must be completely so.

Steven Pressfield

The Great Alexander Quotes #1158262
#10. If war is to have any meaning at all, its purpose must be to establish control over peoples and territories, and ultimately, this can be done only as Alexander the Great did it, on the ground.

T.R. Fehrenbach

The Great Alexander Quotes #1132380
#11. One must live as if it would be forever, and as if one might die each moment. Always both at once.

Mary Renault

The Great Alexander Quotes #1124270
#12. I personally have dealt with any adversity in my life with humor. That's why I told America to 'Read my hips!' on 'Dancing With the Stars' or was happy to play along with Jason Alexander and Jerry Seinfeld in the great restaurant scene on 'Seinfeld.'

Marlee Matlin

The Great Alexander Quotes #1110874
#13. Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, you all had great moments, but you never tasted the supreme triumph; you were never a farm boy riding in from the fields on a bulging rack of new-mown hay.

Grant Wood

The Great Alexander Quotes #1098306
#14. Read over and over again the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus, Turenne, Eugene and Frederic ... This is the only way to become a great general and master the secrets of the art of war.

Napoleon Bonaparte

The Great Alexander Quotes #1039271
#15. Looking back through history, there are a lot more men who thought they were Alexander the Great than men who actually were.

James S.A. Corey

The Great Alexander Quotes #1021800
#16. 'Born to play? Hmmm. Probably Romeo ... or Hamlet, I guess. Also, I'd be a great Alexander the Great.

David Carradine

The Great Alexander Quotes #992370
#17. Alexander the Great once said that 'I would rather live a short life of glory than a long one of obscurity!' What a great illusion is this! Wise man is he who always chooses to live longer and he who blesses the obscurity!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

The Great Alexander Quotes #979051
#18. It seems likely that Jesus, being a scholarly young man, learned some Hebrew, but that's conjecture. It's more likely that Jesus spoke some Greek, as this language dominated the region after the conquests of Alexander the Great in the fourth century.

Jay Parini

The Great Alexander Quotes #900546
#19. For God's sake, madam, when you write to me, talk of yourself; there is nothing I so much desire to hear of; talk a great deal of yourself, that she who I always thought talked best may speak upon the best subject.
Alexander Pope to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Michael Kelahan

The Great Alexander Quotes #891286
#20. She knew neither that she was living in the first century BC nor in the Hellenistic Age, both of them later constructs. (The Hellenistic Age begins with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and ends in 30 BC, with the death of Cleopatra.

Stacy Schiff

The Great Alexander Quotes #887095
#21. I've walked the yellow brick road with Dorothy. Sneaked through the mines of Moria with the fellowship, conquered the known world with Alexander the great, climbed atop the tower with the last gunslinger and revelled as Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord, all through this chest...

Jon Degnan

The Great Alexander Quotes #1577052
#22. Alexander could transmit imagination as some other could transmit lust.

Mary Renault

The Great Alexander Quotes #1821420
#23. Alexander Hamilton has been on the $10 since 1928, he's been well honored by the country, he was a great Secretary of the Treasury. But of all the people on the currency, the only one who isn't a president.

Grover Norquist

The Great Alexander Quotes #1789842
#24. This story began with a single, starving family, hunted and alone on the plains of Mongolia - and ends with Kublai Khan ruling an empire larger than that of Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar. Over just three generations, that is simply the greatest rags-to-riches tale in human history.

Conn Iggulden

The Great Alexander Quotes #1773839
#25. We were not told how Alexander the Great was the last person in history to successfully 'pacify' what would become Afghanistan, over 2,000 years ago.

Jake Wood

The Great Alexander Quotes #1745173
#26. If we have not achieved our early dreams, we must either find new ones or see what we can salvage from the old. If we have accomplished what we set out to do in our youth, we need not weep like Alexander the Great that we have no more worlds to conquer.

Rosalynn Carter

The Great Alexander Quotes #1740423
#27. A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough.
[Alexander's tombstone epitaph]

Alexander The Great

The Great Alexander Quotes #1713859
#28. (The Hellenistic Age begins with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and ends in 30 BC, with the death of Cleopatra. It has been perhaps best defined as a Greek era in which the Greeks played no role.)

Stacy Schiff

The Great Alexander Quotes #1697491
#29. He thought himself a mighty prince, but before the Lord (that is, in God's account) he was but a mighty hunter. Note, Great conquerors are but great hunters. Alexander and Caesar would not make such a figure in scripture-history as they do in common history;

Matthew Henry

The Great Alexander Quotes #1657004
#30. He stood between death and life as between night and morning, and thought with a soaring rapture, 'I am not afraid.

Mary Renault

The Great Alexander Quotes #1603952
#31. The only history is a mere question of one's struggle inside oneself. But that is the joy of it. One need neither discover Americas nor conquer nations, and yet one has as great a work as Columbus or Alexander, to do.

D.H. Lawrence

The Great Alexander Quotes #882360
#32. Alexander the Great, who said on his wedding night, It's only a nickname. Never got a dinner!

Red Buttons

The Great Alexander Quotes #1510352
#33. [Napoleon has now] surpassed ... Alexander & Caesar, not to mention the great advantage he has over them in the Cause he fights in.

Charles James Fox

The Great Alexander Quotes #1486203
#34. In the foreign country, we call the past, crucifixion was a common punishment. It was invented by the Persians, carried back to Europe by Alexander the Great, and widely used in Mediterranean empires.

Steven Pinker

The Great Alexander Quotes #1483763
#35. He would be billed, in short, as being something like Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein, Alexander the Great, and Santa Claus all rolled into one. Not

James Friend

The Great Alexander Quotes #1473585
#36. I like to think I am the best there is at what I do, and so I have conquered the world like Alexander. But I don't believe I am the reincarnation of Alexander the Great.

Alex Spanos

The Great Alexander Quotes #1450749
#37. Greece is internationally famous for three reasons. First it has more islands than people. Second, it used to be a part of Turkey. Third, its national hero, Alexander the Great, was a Yugoslavian.

Fatima Bhutto

The Great Alexander Quotes #1441249
#38. No history of the world can be complete which does not mention Mary Helen Keller ... whose overcoming of her blindness and deafness were arguably victories more important than those of Alexander the Great, because they have implications still for every living person.

Theodore Zeldin

The Great Alexander Quotes #1387514
#39. Where did he go!" he bellowed, gloved hands clenching. "I had him in a snare
that would take Alexander the Great a lifetime to untwist, and he did it in a
week!" Al took a step, pinwheeling as his booted heel found an ice cube.

Kim Harrison

The Great Alexander Quotes #1371901
#40. Hamish Alexander stood on Benjamin the Great's flag deck with his hands clasped behind him and tried very hard not to feel a sense of godlike power.

David Weber

The Great Alexander Quotes #203425
#41. Alexander the Great slept with
'The Iliad' beneath his pillow.
Though I've never led an army,
I am a wanderer. I cradle
'The Odyssey' nights while the
moon is waning, as if it were
the sweet body of a woman.

Roman Payne

The Great Alexander Quotes #475221
#42. Alexander the Great and his mule driver both died and the same thing happened to both.

Marcus Aurelius

The Great Alexander Quotes #449850
#43. Normally, if someone's legacy will outlast their life, it's apparent when they die. On the day when Alexander the Great, or Caesar Augustus, or Napoleon, or Socrates, or Muhammad died, their reputations were immense. When Jesus died, his tiny, failed movement appeared clearly at an end.

John Ortberg

The Great Alexander Quotes #397244
#44. Of course, Alexander the Great was a hero, but why smash the chairs?

Nikolai Gogol

The Great Alexander Quotes #337300
#45. I'm sure that the average person thought we would fold up right there. That's all everyone thinks we're about, anyway. Alexander, Alexander, Alexander. But it's about the brotherhood. Shaun's a great player, but we have a lot of weapons around here.

Chuck Darby

The Great Alexander Quotes #316610
#46. A man's contentment is in his mind, not in the extent of his possessions. Alexander the Great, with all the world at his feet, cries for another world to conquer.

Charles Spurgeon

The Great Alexander Quotes #314056
#47. I'm for fighting a war on terrorism, not a war in Southwest Asia that Alexander the Great couldn't win, the British Empire couldn't win, the Soviet Union couldn't win. That's stupid. It's a waste of resources; a waste of America's best and brightest.

Kurt Schrader

The Great Alexander Quotes #268236
#48. The basic lesson of Indian history was already established. Material power like kingdoms, and kings, including Alexander the Great, comes and goes. But spiritual power, embodied in religion and caste and spiritual unity with Brahman, the changeless essence of the universe, lasts forever. Prime

Arthur Herman

The Great Alexander Quotes #236034
#49. The streets of New York and some wards of its venerable institutions were packed with people who, despite being entirely forsaken, had episodes of glory that made the career of Alexander the Great seem like a day in the life of a file clerk.

Mark Helprin

The Great Alexander Quotes #235847
#50. When Alexander the Great visited the philosopher Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for him, Diogenes is said to have replied: 'Yes, stand a little less between me and the sun.' It is what every citizen is entitled to ask of his government.

Henry Hazlitt

The Great Alexander Quotes #475365
#51. Alexander III of Macedon is known as Alexander the Great because he killed more people of more different kinds than any other man of his time.

Will Cuppy

The Great Alexander Quotes #167350
#52. Socrates had a student named Plato, Plato had a student named Aristotle, and Aristotle had a student named Alexander the Great.

Old Tom Morris

The Great Alexander Quotes #161980
#53. The new king [Alexander the Great] should perform acts so important and glorious as would make the poets and musicians of future ages labour and sweat to describe and celebrate him.


The Great Alexander Quotes #159512
#54. Nor public flame, nor private, dares to shine;
Nor human spark is left, nor glimpse divine!
Lo! thy dread empire, Chaos! is restored;
Light dies before thy uncreating word:
Thy hand, great Anarch! lets the curtain fall;
And universal darkness buries all.

Alexander Pope

The Great Alexander Quotes #158428
#55. There is more evidence that Jesus rose from the dead than there is that Julius Caesar ever lived or that Alexander the Great died at the age of thirty-three.

Billy Graham

The Great Alexander Quotes #140264
#56. I honestly never wanted to direct. It was only when I started to work on 'Alexander the Great' that I realized I had to direct. I saw something so specifically in my mind, I could not leave it to someone else.

Christopher McQuarrie

The Great Alexander Quotes #133809
#57. It would change everything, gentlemen. It would shift the entire balance of power in Europe-maybe the world. Alexander conquered half of it. Think what he would have done with arrows dipped in monster snot!

Rick Yancey

The Great Alexander Quotes #19793
#58. He is Jesus, only. God has revealed Himself to us through Jesus. Jesus is what God wanted us to know and to love. He is not Napoleon the Great. He is not Alexander the Great. He is Jesus only. He is enough. My purpose in life is to worship Jesus and, in so doing, become more Christ-like

David Paul Kirkpatrick

The Great Alexander Quotes #8992
#59. When Alexander the Great addressed him with greetings, and asked if he wanted anything, Diogenes replied Yes, stand a little out of my sunshine .


The Great Alexander Quotes #602691
#60. Like all men is distress,Gideon decided to do what Napoleon, what Shakespeare, what Alexander the Great would have done. There remained only the minor question, what is that?

Robert Louis Stevenson

The Great Alexander Quotes #814309
#61. Alexander Gonzalez Inarritu is a great director. He's the one I first worked with. He's amazing.

Gael Garcia Bernal

The Great Alexander Quotes #791191
#62. Then perhaps we should force you to help Petra."Alexander returned with barely disguised menace."She needs your blood.Now."
"That's unfortunate for her."Syn jerked his chin in the direction of the Great Room."As you can see,I am otherwise engaged."
"He's lost,"Luca uttered."Fucking lost.

Laura Wright

The Great Alexander Quotes #748822
#63. Young Alexander conquered India.
He alone?
Caesar beat the Gauls. Was there not even a cook in his army?
Philip of Spain wept as his fleet was sunk and destroyed. Were there no other tears?
Frederick the Great triumphed in the Seven Years War. Who
Triumphed with him?

Bertolt Brecht

The Great Alexander Quotes #738706
#64. I perceive your lovers purely as the successors of Alexander the Great, incompetent joint rulers of an empire where I once ruled supreme.

Pierre-Ambroise Choderlos De Laclos

The Great Alexander Quotes #728561
#65. If his drunkenness had legs, it would be Alexander the Great and conquer the known world. Then it would puke for a week into a solid gold toilet it stole from Zeus's guest room.

Richard Kadrey

The Great Alexander Quotes #696405
#66. If it was in the interest of Rome to extend her conquests towards the East, and to enter on the inheritance of Alexander the Great there in all its extent, the circumstances were never more favourable for doing so than in the year 716.

Theodor Mommsen

The Great Alexander Quotes #671277
#67. Alexander the Great found the philosopher looking attentively at a pile of human bones. Diogenes explained, I am searching for the bones of your father but cannot distinguish them from those of a slave.

Diogenes Of Sinope

The Great Alexander Quotes #642245
#68. Not all gays respond to the same stuff. Would Alexander the Great have loved Auntie Mame?

Bruce Bawer

The Great Alexander Quotes #860683
#69. You're like, both like, Alexander the Great.'
We can't both be Alexander.'
Well sometimes I think you're two side of the same coin, and I'm the metal in between.

Orson Scott Card

The Great Alexander Quotes #574769
#70. Gordian knot, a knot impossible to unravel, and Alexander the Great solved the problem by cutting through it with his sword, in other words by cheating.

Patricia Cornwell

The Great Alexander Quotes #565459
#71. There are few people who exemplify the ideals of opportunity, entrepreneurship and commitment to the collective good than the great New Yorker and the face of the $10 bill, Alexander Hamilton.

Eric Schneiderman

The Great Alexander Quotes #562234
#72. Do you believe in the existence of Socrates? Alexander the Great? Julius Caesar? If historicity is established by written records in multiple copies that date originally from near contemporaneous sources, there is far more proof for Christ's existence than for any of theirs.

Dinesh D'Souza

The Great Alexander Quotes #517443
#73. Warriors like Alexander the Great seek sovereignty over the soil; masters like Sri Yukteswar win a farther dominion - in men's souls. It

Paramahansa Yogananda

The Great Alexander Quotes #509339
#74. Alexander the Great valued learning so highly, that he used to say he was more indebted to Aristotle for giving him knowledge than to his father Philip for life.

Samuel Smiles

The Great Alexander Quotes #508391
#75. And when the book of Daniel was showed to him (Alexander the Great) wherein Daniel declared that one of the Greeks should destroy the empire of the Persians, he supposed that himself was the person intended.


The Great Alexander Quotes #507659
#76. Don Quixote is not an imaginary person; he is as real as Alexander the Great.

Dejan Stojanovic

The Great Alexander Quotes #500083

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