Top 80 Span Of Time Quotes
#1. Some would suggest that there has been a dramatic change in our perception of the world and ourselves within the world. Others have observed that there has been an almost complete about-face in a relatively short span of time.
Alex Campbell
#2. To effectively contain a civilization's development and disarm it across such a long span of time, there is only one way: kill its science.
Liu Cixin
#3. Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met.
Barack Obama
#4. 'Star Wars' is mythology. It's like Greek mythology or Shakespeare. It's the story of good versus evil over a very long span of time. The storytelling is universal and timeless.
Michael Franti
#5. But in one short span of time winds quickly shift direction, veering back and forth.
#6. Our lives are nothing but a short span of time. And if we spend tons of time earning money that we simply throw away, then we're throwing away part of our potential.
Shmuley Boteach
#7. It's not the span of time that matters. It's the quality of love you have in that time that counts. For some people a thousand years would never be enough.
Dan Skinner
#8. An army, great in space, may offer opposition in a brief span of time. One man, brief in space, must spread his opposition across a period of many years if he is to have a chance of succeeding.
Roger Zelazny
#9. The Synod of Bishops has existed for forty years. In that long span of time it has been for all of us a good school for introducing us to the universal dimension of the Church.
Karl Lehmann
#10. That's the rub with dogs. We pack a lifetime of love into a too-short span of time. We have to watch them die. We have to let them go.
Meg Donohue
#11. A life of adventure is ours for the taking, whether we're seven or seventy. Life for the most part is what me make it. We have been given a responsibility to live it fully, joyfully, completely, and richly, in whatever span of time God grants us on this earth.
Luci Swindoll
#12. I never set out to write prayers at all. But there was a span of time when I didn't find it easy to pray, but, when I went to write one of the things I had to write, a prayer would come.
Gloria Gaither
#13. The Earth has been lawned with life for something over 3.5 billion years. That's a span of time great enough to encompass some honest-to-goodness catastrophe. For example, 700 million years ago, Earth underwent a planet-wide deep freeze, with ice covering the oceans from the poles to the equator.
Seth Shostak
#14. In so many years in the movie business, you have a lot of doors slammed in your face, and a lot of people say mean things. Every time, I'm constantly surprised at how the span of time gets quicker that I get okay with it, and I'm over it. That's been an interesting thing to learn.
Jennifer Love Hewitt
#15. Three million years! The infinitely crowded panorama of written history, with its empires and its kings, its triumphs and its tragedies, covered barely one thousandth of this appalling span of time.
Arthur C. Clarke
#16. Represented purity, beauty, family, all of the things that had been taken from her. He was a glimmer of goodness in her dark fucking world, a warm spark she could hold, if only for a fleeting span of time.
Pepper Winters
#17. Cameras began duplicating the world at that moment when the human landscape started to undergo a vertiginous rate of change: while an untold number of forms of biological and social life are being destroyed in a brief span of time, a device is available to record what is disappearing.
Susan Sontag
#18. Interestingly, modern science has estimated that the age of the earth is about 4 billion years. Scholars feel it is uncanny that the Vedic Aryans could have conceived of such a vast span of time over 3,500 years ago that would be similar to the same figure estimated by science today.
Subhash Kak
#19. I suppose we don't rely on comparison enough to tell us whom it is that we are talking to. We give people the liberty of fashioning themselves in the moment-a span of time that is so much more manageable, stageable, controllable than is a lifetime.
Amor Towles
#20. Great minds are related to the brief span of time during which they live as great buildings are to a little square in which they stand: you cannot see them in all their magnitude because you are standing too close to them.
Arthur Schopenhauer
#21. I don't need protection." Not that she minded, of course. She always protected. It's what she did every moment of the day, and that small span of time when he'd protected her had been, well like a present.
"Don't need it, no." He gave her the coordinates, and she got moving. "Deservie it, yes.
Lauren Dane
#22. As soon as I look up, his eyes click onto my face. The breath whooshes out of my body and everything freezes for a second, as though I'm looking at him through my camera lens, zoomed in all the way, the world pausing for that tiny span of time between the opening and closing of the shutter.
Lauren Oliver
#23. Yet though a man gets many wounds in breast, He dieth not, unless the appointed time, The limit of his life's span, coincide; Nor does the man who by the hearth at home Sits still, escape the doom that Fate decrees.
#24. Good theories of the mind must span at least three different scales of time: slow, for the billions of years in which our brains have survivied; fast, for the fleeting weeks and months of childhood; and in between, the centuries of growth of our ideas through history.
Marvin Minsky
#25. To be alive means to live in a world that proceeded one's own arrival and will survive one's own departure. On this level of sheer being alive, appearance and disappearance, as they follow upon each other, are the primordial events, which as such mark out time, the time span between birth and death.
#26. You could play probably a span of 50 years of me playing St. Louis Blues, and most of the time it will be different every time.
Dave Brubeck
#27. The richness of Africa, culturally, is vast. That's the challenge that we have to face, because most of the time, people in the western world, their attention span is really narrow.
Angelique Kidjo
#28. I want to create a body of work that is entertaining and speaks to people for a long time. Longer than my life span.
Jack O'Connell
#29. If no one is barfing, then none of us is likely to die, at least over a time span of weeks.
Neal Stephenson
#30. Always take the time of 180 days before you call yourself committed to someone.
It takes at least a time span of six months to shed the fake skin.
#31. A great industrial nation may conquer the world in the span of a single life, but its Achilles' heel is time. Its children, what of them?
Charles Lindbergh
#32. I enjoy working on a series and having a long stretch of time to get to know and connect with my cast and crew. It also gives me the ability to play a character over the span of countless hours of television.
Sasha Roiz
#33. Among so many things, 'Time Passes' has shown me subversive ways of portraying time, of looking away from the human to the far more terrifying, far more immense texture of time beneath the minute span of a human life.
Lauren Groff
#34. I have not long to live. I have lasted more than a man's average allotted span, and while I still am hale and hearty, I know full well the hand of time , while it may miss a man at one reaping, will get him at the next.
Clifford D. Simak
#35. I don't go on the Internet. I never go on the Internet. I don't go on Twitter. I'm not on Facebook. I've seen friends go into dark, dark holes of sadness because of that. Frankly, I don't have the time or the attention span for it.
Amy Sherman-Palladino
#36. In this age of micro-blogging and two second sound bites, almost no one has the attention span, or time, to read more than a few sentences.
Tim Frick
#37. The concept of Time is but the span of our memory.
Marie Sabillo
#38. I've got a very short attention span, and this has been part of the reason I'm so kind of dumbfounded at the fact that I've still stayed with music. Nothing has ever stuck for me, and music's the only thing that's managed to stick out for a long period of time.
Gin Wigmore
#39. The complex organic device that creates and thereafter drives consciousness, is the human brain. Consciousness evolved hand in hand with the evolution of the human brain throughout a time span of six million years.
Abhijit Naskar
#40. Thoughts were nothing. Memories were nothing. They were nothing you could touch. They took no time. You could fit them all on the point of a pin. You could bring your entire world into doubt in a span of a few seconds.
Ann Brashares
#41. They fail to recognize the broad biological principle that organic material is constantly being recycled. Everything has a time of being - a birth, a life span, and a death.
Dixie Lee Ray
#42. Giger's work disturbs us, spooks us, because of its enormous evolutionary time span. It shows us, all too clearly, where we come from and where we are going.
Timothy Leary
#43. Romeo had the attention span of a slice of bread.
Which is none at all.
Every time I start to explain something, it's like not only his eyes glazed over, but his entire body. At one point, I wondered if it were possible for him to be asleep with his eyes open.
And God, he smelled good.
Cambria Hebert
#44. Perhaps one of the more creative promotions of all time was
in 1969, when a marketer with the Procter & Gamble Company
came up with the idea of giving away goldfish with each purchase
of a king-size box of Spic and Span.
Mary Potter Kenyon
#45. Books are a form of magic - " the doctor lifted the volume he had just laid on the stack, " - because they span time and distance more surely than any spell or charm.
Tad Williams
#46. Time's relativity
is considered and abandoned,
for the more revelatory
experiences of starlight
in strands, and pearly
floors that span as far as
absolute compassion...
Kristen Henderson
#47. So today, with our average life span in much of the world climbing past eighty years, we are already oddities living well beyond our appointed time.
Atul Gawande
#48. My life's memories take up space with no regard to when they happened, or to their actual time span. The memories of brief incidents occupy almost all time, while years of my life have left no tract.
spoken by Astrid
Linda Olsson
#49. Paris with its multitude of art directions calls continuously to the deepest penetration and recognition of your inner essence. Only in this way it is possible to create work that refers the time span.
Bram Van Velde
#50. Most people are not auditory learners and struggle to keep focused for any period of time, especially now in the era of the short attention span.
Jim Putman
#51. It is no coincidence that ours is a time afflicted by a widespread sense of attentional crisis, at least in the West - one captured by the phrase 'homo distractus,' a species of ever shorter attention span known for compulsively checking his devices.
Tim Wu
#52. You do not necessarily lose concentration; you only allow something else to take control of a greater portion of your attentiveness and attention at any given moment of time.
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
#53. The truth of the matter is that the Quran was not revealed in the complete form in which it exists today. It was revealed from time to time, according to the circumstances, over a time span of 23 years.
#54. You look at me but never see the love I feel for you. But in your eyes, I see the skies. The endlessness of time and blue. Like water that span the raging sea. And break upon the sandbar of your heart.
Kristin Walker
#55. Learning lines is hard for me because I have the attention span of a six year old. That's why being on planes all the time is so useful - I'm forced to learn out of boredom.
Eddie Redmayne
#56. Time, if this is what you want; you can have it since it is of minuscule significance in the life span of infinity.
Shaine Lake
#57. Abridge your hopes in proportion to the shortness of the span of human life; for while we converse, the hours, as if envious of our pleasure, fly away: enjoy, therefore, the present time, and trust not too much to what to-morrow may produce.
#58. The compulsion to read and write - and it seems to me it should be, even must be, a compulsion - is a bit of mental wiring the species has selected, over time, in order, as the life span increases, to keep us interested in ourselves.
Lorrie Moore
#59. We hurt ourselves when we give our time, the minutes of our life span, to pursuits that don't match our own values.
Anne Katherine
#60. Was there ever in anyone's life span a point free in time, devoid of memory, a night when choice was any more than the sum of all the choices gone before?
Joan Didion
#61. Feeling and experiencing infinity within this finite body, living timelessness within the time span of life - this is what you are here for
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
#62. History is representational, while time is abstract; both of these artifices may be found in museums, where they span everybody's own vacancy.
Robert Smithson
#63. Why did the two most important things in her life have to require her attention at exactly the same time?
Rachel Spangler
#64. There was the time I bought three cars in the span of three or four weeks. It was crazy; it wasn't greedy. It was mine, my girl's, my mom's. I got Benzes for my ladies. But I felt crazy. You have to understand I come from a world where we're very modest. But that's not greedy. That's nice, right?
J. Cole
#65. The span of three or four minutes is pretty insignificant in the scheme of things. People lose hundreds of minutes everyday, squandering them on trivial things. But sometimes in those fragments of time, something can happen you'll remember the rest of your life.
Lisa Kleypas
#66. I always want to sing, but I don't always want to be trying to have No. 1 records. I don't think you can do it forever. I don't know what the time span of that is going to be. I want to sing because I want to sing.
Trisha Yearwood
#67. My adult life has been a patchwork of projects, most of which were fleeting fancies of overreaching vision. I tend to seize on things, only to abandon them due to a lack of time, talent or inclination.
Susan Wiggs
#68. Hardly has the universe stretched its wings to span
When it gathers to egg once more
J. Aleksandr Wootton
#69. Anything made out of destructible matter Infinite time would have devoured before. But if the atoms that make and replenish the world Have endured through the immense span of the past Their natures are immortal-that is clear. Never can things revert to nothingness!
#70. Ten million years, Earthman ... can you conceive of that kind of time span? A galactic civilization could grow from a single worm five times over in that time. Gone.' He paused.
Douglas Adams
#71. How many radio shows I did is lost to memory now; it's in the hundreds - maybe even close to being in the thousands - for the span of years from the time I was eight till I was about fifteen.
Mel Torme
#72. One has only to set a loved human being against the fact that we are all in peril all the time to get back a sense of proportion. What does anything matter compared to the reality of love and its span, so brief at best, maintained against such odds?
May Sarton
#73. Our attention span is shot. We've all got Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD or OCD or one of these disorders with three letters because we don't have the time or patience to pronounce the entire disorder. That should be a disorder right there, TBD - Too Busy Disorder.
Ellen DeGeneres
#74. Autumn is the eternal corrective. It is ripeness and color and a time of maturity; but it is also breadth, and depth, and distance. What man can stand with autumn on a hilltop and fail to see the span of his world and the meaning of the rolling hills that reach to the far horizon?
Hal Borland
#75. By some estimates, income and wealth inequality are near their highest levels in the past hundred years, much higher than the average during that time span and probably higher than for much of American history before then.
Janet Yellen
#76. Instead of delaying long-term goals with an attitude I will do it one day, one should have an approach to act now. Divide the time span into smaller units and reward yourself on their completion. This will keep you motivated and surely work as a magic
Ankit Singh
#77. Simply put, you can read a story in a single sitting and hold it all in your mind. You can experience all of its rhythms, beginning to end, during that span. Consequently it has, I think, greater emotional power than a novel because of this real-time effect. Stories can stun you.
Adam Ross
#78. Luckily, he had the memory span of a particularly dim goldfish, so with any luck he'd have forgotten all about the comment by the time they'd completed their mission.
Eoin Colfer
#79. Even as the unborn babe is in the womb of his mother, these five are fixed as his life destiny: his life span, his activities, his acquisition of wealth and knowledge, and his time of death.
#80. It's not always about survival, this life we are given; it's usually so much easier than that. It's about trusting the eternal life force that is flowing within us-letting that force lead the way through all of the inevitable changes we will face across the span of our time here on Earth.
Elizabeth Lesser
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