Top 78 Skyscraper Quotes
#1. Are you okay?"
"Good," she said, "because if you fall off a skyscraper, I'll be so mad at you.
Joel N. Ross
#2. I find television, and particularly live television, very romantic: the idea that there is this small group of people, way up high, in a skyscraper in the middle of Manhattan, beaming this signal out into the night.
Aaron Sorkin
#3. He has his head in the clouds. He must live in a skyscraper.
Ljupka Cvetanova
#4. We're going to need a bigger skyscraper." She rubbed her eyes with a thumb and forefinger. "Part of me can't believe I just said that.
Thea Harrison
#5. American megalomania is largely responsible for the growth of the Skyscraper School.
Philip Johnson
#6. As people flock to urban centers where ground space is limited, cities with green walls and roofs and skyscraper farms offer improved health and well-being, renewable resources, reliable food supply, and relief to the environment.
Diane Ackerman
#7. For a long time thereafter I stared almost steadily at the bright and ostentatious VERIZON sign on top of one of the tallest buildings - the only branded skyscraper in Manhattan, a fucking blight marring the skyline - and I thought, Why couldn't those cunts have flown into that building?
Joshua Ferris
#8. The city itself swung slowly toward us silent as a dream. No sign of life but puffs of steam from skyscraper chimneys, the motion of the traffic. The mighty towers stood like tombstones in a graveyard, leaning against the sky and waiting for
for what? Someday we'll know.
Edward Abbey
#9. The accent today is on results, not on how well you work. You can't build a skyscraper in a day, but you can build a shack.
Arrigo Sacchi
#10. The search for the ultimate skyscraper goes on ... At worst, overbuilding will make urban life unbearable. At best, we will go out in a blaze of style.
Ada Louise Huxtable
#11. The age of the skyscraper is gone. This is the age of the housing project. Which is always a prelude to the age of the cave.
Ayn Rand
#12. A man in the skyscraper needs to feed a pigeon from his window to remember what great thing missing in his life: The touch of nature!
Mehmet Murat Ildan
#13. The Walker towered over him like a half-built skyscraper with a bad attitude. Its bulbous silver head was home to so many weapons that Nick couldn't even count them. He couldn't even name half of them.
Peter James West
#14. I start with the idea of constructing a treehouse and end up with a skyscraper made of wood.
Norman Mailer
#15. skyscraper would remain one of the most peculiarly American of white-collar institutions, much more a symbol of the prowess, even ruthlessness, of American-style capitalism than what it equally was: an especially tall collection of boring offices.
Nikil Saval
#16. Don't you give me that postmodern bullshit. There is truth, There is a truth. And what you want, or you feel, or you need, isn't going to change the truth. Any more than it's going to topple a skyscraper. There's truth, and there's belief. Don't call a mule a stallion.
Carol Plum-Ucci
#17. The skyscraper is but a physical realization of the information contained in the architect's design.
Brian Greene
#18. Because everyone is the same distance from the sun. Does it really lessen the distance if you live on top of a skyscraper?
Anthony De Mello
#19. And when God steps in, His working is like the difference between a skyscraper and a star.
Charles R. Swindoll
#20. Like the skyscraper, the automobile, and the motion-picture palace, neon signs once symbolized popular hopes for a new era of technological achievement and commercial abundance. From the 1920s to the 1950s, neon-lit streets pulsed with visual excitement from Vancouver to Miami.
Virginia Postrel
#21. Raising a child is very much like building a skyscraper. If the first few stories are slightly out of line. no one will notice. But when the building is 18 or 20 stories high, everyone will see that it tilts.
Jim Bishop
#22. I told myself that if I didn't care, this wouldn't have hurt so much - surely that proved I was alive and human and all those touchy-feely things, for once and for all. But that wasn't a relief, not when I felt like a skyscraper with dynamite on every floor.
Jodi Picoult
#23. We lived in the Portland Avenue Stacks, a sprawling hive of discolored tin shoeboxes rusting on the shores of I-40, just west of Oklahoma City's decaying skyscraper core.
Ernest Cline
#24. By night the skyscraper looms in the smoke and the stars and has a soul.
Carl Sandburg
#25. I'd get demolitions experts to rig mother to implode like a skyscraper.
Doug Stanhope
#26. A skyscraper is a boast in glass and steel.
Mason Cooley
#27. Beauty or beast, the modern skyscraper is a major force with a strong magnetic field. It draws into its physical being all of the factors that propel and characterize modern civilization. The skyscraper is the point where art and the city meet.
Ada Louise Huxtable
#28. When the film was presented in New York, the distributor reproduced the fountain scene on a billboard as high as a skyscraper. My name was in the middle in huge letters, Fellini's was at the bottom, very tiny. Now the name of Fellini has become very great, mine very little.
Anita Ekberg
#29. You want to know what it's like to emigrate to Saturn system? Imagine spending six years in a straitjacket tied to the outside of a skyscraper, with only a couple dozen similar lunatics for company.
Charles Stross
#30. No security guard can stop a refrigerator falling off a skyscraper.
#31. The skyscraper establishes the block, the block creates the street, the street offers itself to man.
Roland Barthes
#32. I love pre-code movies. Some of my favorites are movies with Warren William and there is an MGM film called "Skyscraper Souls" which is the best Warner Brothers movie that MGM ever made.
Mike Royer
#33. People ask what's up with this writing business? What do I hope to accomplish? I tell 'em I'm just a brick mason; words are my bricks and I'm building a skyscraper
one brick at a time.
Quentin R. Bufogle
#34. A great city with water barriers and no bridges is like a skyscraper with no elevators. Bridges are a monument to progress.
Joseph Straus
#35. Taking time to live is taking time to appreciate simple silence as better than any kind of talk, or watching a flower, or watching a guy wash the windows on a skyscraper and wondering what he is thinking.
Douchan Gersi
#36. Right after 9/11 it looked as if the idea of a huge skyscraper might be considered obsolete. It came back, but I think that's more closely connected to the rise of Asian and Middle Eastern cities in the world economy (Dubai, Shanghai, Taipei, etc.) than anything else.
Paul Goldberger
#37. Do you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me? You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am, like I am made of glass, like I am made of paper.Go on and try to tear me down I will be rising from the ground like a Skyscraper ...
Demi Lovato
#38. people who read short stories love endings that make them want to gargle with Drano or nosedive off a skyscraper. But
Benjamin Percy
#39. You're the only man I know willing to jump from the top floor of a skyscraper, naked with an axe just to get the bad guy - Selena
David Gallie
#40. It is common to misconceive how checklists function in complex lines of work. They are not comprehensive how-to guides, whether for building a skyscraper or getting a plane out of trouble. They are quick and simple tools aimed to buttress the skills of expert professionals. And
Atul Gawande
#41. I mean, I know thousands of people died and everything, but if it happened today, there's just no excuse. They'd be much safer inside a movie theater watching one of my movies instead of burning alive in a collapsing skyscraper.
Zach Braff
#42. I can't kill myself, I thought. I'm too insignificant. I'm nothing. I'm a thumbprint on the first-floor window of a skyscraper, a smudge of excrement on a tissue surging out to sea along with millions of tons of raw sewage, a squirrel eating a nut as a car bore down on him.
Rex Pickett
#43. New York means so much to people. If you're inclined to leave the nest, New York is where most people think they have to go, and it's been that way since the first skyscraper.
Griffin Dunne
#44. Data isn't information, any more than fifty tons of cement is a skyscraper.
Clifford Stoll
#45. In a VR setting, you tilt your head up, and you really have the vertigo and the sense that it goes up to infinity, and it's like you're in New York City or Dubai, and you're looking up at a giant skyscraper. You have a sense of awe.
Ramez Naam
#46. Despite my love affair with skyscraper heels, luckily for my feet I rarely wear them - preferring, instead, the comfort and child-handling practicalities of a pair of trainers.
Sheherazade Goldsmith
#47. A skyscraper is at the same time a triumph of the machine and a tremendous emotional experience, almost breath-taking. Not merely its height but its mass and proportions are the result of an emotion, as well as of calculation.
George Gershwin
#48. I peered into the deep-sae canyon, hoping to spot a toppled skyscraper. Maybe even the Statue of Liberty.
Kat Falls
#49. Whats up, Q?" asked Gus.
Oh, we're just scattering some dead fish about town, breaking some windows, photographing naked guys, hanging out in skyscraper lobbies at three-fifteen in the morning, that type of thing.
"Not much," I answered.
John Green
#50. The people are starving. They need food; they need medicine; they need education. They do not need a skyscraper to house the ruling party and a 24-hour TV station.
Wangari Maathai
#51. The problem came down to this: Americans, who had invented the modern assembly line, the skyscraper, the airplane, and the integrated circuit, no longer believed in the future.
George Packer
#52. The contest of world's tallest skyscraper is a childish thing.
Whereas with similar budget, they could construct flying building.
Toba Beta
#53. With everything that I design, from a church to a plate to skyscraper to a spoon. I am always thinking about voluptuous volumes and spaces.
Greg Lynn
#54. Doing a house is so much harder than doing a skyscraper.
Philip Johnson
#55. the absurdity of a smoking skyscraper.
Hugh Howey
#56. A chair is a very difficult object. A skyscraper is almost easier. That is why Chippendale is famous.
Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe
#57. The skyscraper style first advocated by Louis Sullivan - a tower of strongly vertical character with clear definitions among base, shaft, and crown - has remained remarkably consistent throughout the history of this building type.
Martin Filler
#58. I am sure that as a woman I can do a very good skyscraper.
Zaha Hadid
#59. You know what this area needs? he says to no one in particular. A thirty-six floor gothic skyscraper.
Eric Boyd
#60. It's certainly strange to do sketch comedy with cue cards at midnight in a skyscraper as opposed to in a basement with your friends.
Casey Wilson
#61. I think there will be a 200-story skyscraper someday. However, it will require a developer who will not think in conventional terms and for whom economic restraints won't apply.
Helmut Jahn
#62. To me, you can't have style without being inspired. When I design a collection, I am inspired by so many things. The color of a flower. The shape of a butterly's wing. The juxtaposition of an old tenement building next to a shiny new skyscraper.
Isaac Mizrahi
#63. Most old cities are now sclerotic machines that dispense known qualities in ever-greater quantities, instead of laboratories of the uncertain. Only the skyscraper offers business the wide-open spaces of a man-made Wild West, a frontier in the sky.
Rem Koolhaas
#64. The/ supreme end-result of/ early Gothic phallic forms/ is the skyscraper & the/ oil drill & powered/ compressor & pistons of/ great engines ...
Jack Kerouac
#65. I think to be shot in a mountain valley somewhere or other is altogether less glorious than crashing an airliner into a skyscraper.
John Keegan
#66. The skyscraper and the twentieth century are synonymous; the tall building is the landmark of our age ... Shaper of cities and fortunes, it is the dream, past and present, acknowledged or unacknowledged, of almost every architect.
Ada Louise Huxtable
#67. But eggshells were made to be broken, and slamming into a 100-story skyscraper at the speed of light would likely do the deed.
Maureen A. Miller
#68. A skyscraper is a machine that makes the land pay.
Cass Gilbert
#69. I'm very optimistic about the future. I'm just not optimistic about the skyscraper as a building typology that is suited for the future.
James Howard Kunstler
#71. A skyscraper is the incarnate rebellion against the supposedly unattainable; against the mystery of altitude, against the otherworldliness of the cerulean.
Joseph Roth
#72. Once built, the Montauk was so novel, so tall, it defied description by conventional means. No one knows who coined the term, but it fit, and the Montauk became the first building to be called a skyscraper.
Erik Larson
#73. As the smoke clears,
I awaken,
And untangle you from me.
Would it make you feel better
To watch me, while I bleed?
All my windows still are broken,
But I'm standing on my feet.
Demi Lovato
#74. Our concern is not how to worship in the catacombs but how to remain human in the skyscrapers.
Abraham Joshua Heschel
#75. Without knowing it, he had constructed a gigantic vertical zoo, its hundreds of cages stacked above each other. All the events of the past few months made sense if one realised that these brilliant and exotic creatures had learned to open the doors.
J.G. Ballard
#76. Skies are crying,
I am watching,
Catching teardrops in my hands.
Only silence, as it's ending,
Like we never had a chance.
Do you have to make me feel
Like there's nothing left of me?
Demi Lovato
#77. The ragged skyline of the city resembled the disturbed encephalograph of an unresolved mental crisis.
J.G. Ballard
#78. This was an environment built, not for man, but for man's absence.
J.G. Ballard
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