Top 74 Silence Answer Quotes

#1. She said, right in front of your mother, that you like blow jobs in the morning."

Another beat of silence.

"She's wrong," Lee finally said. "I like 'em anytime."

This time I was silent for a beat, not certain I liked this answer.

Kristen Ashley

Silence Answer Quotes #1016063
#2. Euripides was wont to say, silence was an answer to a wise man; but we seem to have greater occasion for it in our dealing with fools and unreasonable persons; for men of breeding and sense will be satisfied with reason and fair words.


Silence Answer Quotes #1346791
#3. Silence is often the most eloquent answer to our critics.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

Silence Answer Quotes #1300364
#4. Jax, I don't know if I can do this," I murmured.
"Do what?" he asked.
I though for a moment as he watched me in silence. "Survive you," I whispered in answer.
"Maybe you won't have to...

Nicole R. Locker

Silence Answer Quotes #1246479
#5. I know when I have a problem and have done all I can to figure it, I keep listening in a sort of inside silence 'til something clicks and I feel a right answer.

Conrad Hilton

Silence Answer Quotes #1240876
#6. Silence is the only safe answer to Silence.

Talbot Mundy

Silence Answer Quotes #1235865
#7. The only answer that I give to you
is doing it," he said. "A just request
is to be met in silence, by the act.

Dante Alighieri

Silence Answer Quotes #1179604
#8. Our apprehensions were over what we might find, or fail to find, at the end of our journey; for silence continued to answer all calls despatched to the camp.

H.P. Lovecraft

Silence Answer Quotes #1097266
#9. After having struggled madly to solve all problems, after having suffered on the heights of despair, in the supreme hour of revelation, you will find that the only answer, the only reality, is silence.

Emile M. Cioran

Silence Answer Quotes #1081619
#10. The answer to a fool is silence. (Proverb)

Idries Shah

Silence Answer Quotes #1020419
#11. Your silence is answer enough.

Nicole Sager

Silence Answer Quotes #1375268
#12. Come on... come on... I am waiting for answer...

Silence doesn't make it... better


Deyth Banger

Silence Answer Quotes #1006427
#13. Silence can answer the question words may fail to answer. If you want to know what silence can do, keep silence!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Silence Answer Quotes #994051
#14. There should be more sincerity and heart in human relations, more silence and simplicity in our interactions. Be rude when you're angry, laugh when something is funny, and answer when you're asked.

Anton Chekhov

Silence Answer Quotes #988174
#15. Speech one may regret,
Silence no sorrow begets,
Humility be born before honour,
Soft answer turns wrath's corner

Munindra Misra

Silence Answer Quotes #980980
#16. I am speechless: what can I answer?
I put hand on my mouth.
I have said too much already;
now I will speak no more.

Stephen Mitchell

Silence Answer Quotes #902811
#17. God can answer every need.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Silence Answer Quotes #891538
#18. Silence - not dissent - is the one answer that leaders should refuse to accept.

Warren G. Bennis

Silence Answer Quotes #890035
#19. The Man Without a Country, was an orator no one could silence and no one could answer.

Thomas Starr King

Silence Answer Quotes #884971
#20. ON HER DEATHBED, Gertrude Stein is said to have asked, 'What is the answer?' Then, after a long silence, 'What is the question?' Don't start looking in the Bible for the answers it gives. Start by listening for the questions it asks.

Frederick Buechner

Silence Answer Quotes #1699218
#21. And in the depths of music, I didn't find the answer,
And again there was silence, and again the ghost
of summer.

Anna Akhmatova

Silence Answer Quotes #1865436
#22. I don't answer. I'm not staging a rebellion here. I stay quiet because I don't want to break down, and I learnt a long time ago that, sometimes, the only way to silence the cries is by making no sound at all.

Ally Carter

Silence Answer Quotes #1856185
#23. The answer to injustice is not to silence the critic, but to end the injustice.

Paul Robeson

Silence Answer Quotes #1853560
#24. When silence confronts us, the question to which there is no answer rings out in the silence. That ultimate "why," that great "why" is like a light that blots out everything, but a blinding light; nothing more can be made out ...

Eugene Ionesco

Silence Answer Quotes #1826266
#25. Master: When a human being asks 'WHO AM I?', the honest answer is eternal silence.
Disciple: Do we make noise to feel that silence, Master?

Saurabh Sharma

Silence Answer Quotes #1799477
#26. And only when that happens do you realise just how much silence there really is. Silence between lovers, when something really needs to be said; silence from a parent when a child needs some word more than anything else in the world; silences and in betweens and everything which isn't an answer.

Michael Marshall Smith

Silence Answer Quotes #1768428
#27. For answer Mr Flay shot his head forward out of his collar and croaked, 'Silence! you kitchen thing. Hold your tongue you greasy fork.

Mervyn Peake

Silence Answer Quotes #1751261
#28. Silence is the best answer to a fool.

Nnedi Okorafor

Silence Answer Quotes #1727770
#29. A man once asked Rumi, "Why is it you talk so much about silence?" His answer: "The radiant one inside me has never said a word.

Coleman Barks

Silence Answer Quotes #870169
#30. Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer.

Muhammad Ali

Silence Answer Quotes #1663778
#31. Silence prevails once again . . . and I've decided to eat the crushed glass. Final answer.

Jandy Nelson

Silence Answer Quotes #1632667
#32. Ivy? I called as I went belowdecks, fear winding between my soul and reason when she didn't answer. The silence ate away at my hope like bitter acid, drop by drop, breath by breath.

Kim Harrison

Silence Answer Quotes #1578944
#33. Every answer you ever need lies within your own silence..

Ian Tucker

Silence Answer Quotes #1577596
#34. I'm writing a love poem," I answer without thinking. Then I slam my lips together, realizing what I've done.

Dead silence crashes over the kitchen.

Elle Kennedy

Silence Answer Quotes #1534149
#35. And yes, to answer you seriously, I am beginning to be ... well, not bored, but tempted; afraid, but tempted. When you've been in pain for a long time, when you wake up every morning with a rising sense of hysteria, then boredom is what you want, marathon sleeps, a silence in yourself.

Truman Capote

Silence Answer Quotes #1522178
#36. She asked me why I am not answering her questions. I looked at her with love and kept silent. Silence is my best answer for her intriguing questions.

Debasish Mridha

Silence Answer Quotes #1435905
#37. If you attempt an actual argument with a modern paper of opposite politics, you will have no answer except slanging or silence.

G.K. Chesterton

Silence Answer Quotes #1418972
#38. Time will tell

Time will answer


Silence... and time....

Deyth Banger

Silence Answer Quotes #217450
#39. Silence is an answer to a wise man.


Silence Answer Quotes #425241
#40. But there is greater comfort in the substance of silence than in the answer to a question.

Thomas Merton

Silence Answer Quotes #410360
#41. Your mind has a flood of questions.
There is but one teacher
Who can answer them.
Who is that teacher?
Your silence-loving heart.

Sri Chinmoy

Silence Answer Quotes #400889
#42. Silence is sometimes the best answer

Dalai Lama XIV

Silence Answer Quotes #376642
#43. Sometimes I'd yell questions at the rocks and trees, and across gorges, or yodel - "What is the meaning of the void?" The answer was perfect silence, so I knew.

Jack Kerouac

Silence Answer Quotes #365502
#44. Let me tell you what is going to happen. You are going to be executed. You are going to be executed whatever you say or do. But I will spare your women, if they agree to answer my questions.' Silence.

C.S. Pacat

Silence Answer Quotes #350351
#45. I answer her with my silence, understanding the full power of it for the first time. Words are weapons. Weapons are powerful. So are unsaid words. So are unused weapons.

Emily Murdoch

Silence Answer Quotes #264090
#46. When you inquire 'Who am I?' if you are honest, you'll notice that it takes you right back to silence instantly. The brain doesn't have an answer, so all of a sudden there is silence.


Silence Answer Quotes #252279
#47. When I asked Robert Spitzer about the possibility that he'd inadvertently created a world in which ordinary behaviours were being labelled mental disorders, he fell silent. I waited for him to answer. But the silence lasted three minutes. Finally he said, 'I don't know.

Jon Ronson

Silence Answer Quotes #221956
#48. It was better to answer, no matter how ineptly, thank to withhold a reply. Because sometimes silence could wound someone nearly as badly as a bullet.

Lisa Kleypas

Silence Answer Quotes #439792
#49. Silence is the only answer you should give to the fools. Where ignorance speaks, intelligence should not give advices.

Benito Mussolini

Silence Answer Quotes #213720
#50. I don't mind being distracted. I don't want to sit there in utter silence and type. If the phone rings, I usually answer it, speak for a few minutes and return to writing, or go for a walk in and out of the rooms. I don't mind a break.

Ruth Rendell

Silence Answer Quotes #212158
#51. Religion is the answer to that cry of Reason which nothing can silence, that aspiration of the soul which no created thing can meet, that want of the heart which all creation cannot supply.

Isaac Hecker

Silence Answer Quotes #204338
#52. Whilst people wholeheartedly talk wrongly about you openly, wholeheartedly talk rightly to God in silence and in faith! He knows everything! He sees everything! He hears everything! And He has the very right answer to everything!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Silence Answer Quotes #202303
#53. When I was a small boy, old people used to squat down to my eye level and ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, to which my answer was invariably, "a pirate." Their stunned silence was always very reassuring.

Adam Young

Silence Answer Quotes #181520
#54. Yes, you scare me," I told him, after a very long silence, while I processed his answer. "But I'm irrevocably fucked up, so you excite me in equal measures. I find it liberating, to let someone control me ...

R.K. Lilley

Silence Answer Quotes #162358
#55. We drive in silence until I need an answer, "What did he say to you at the elevator?" I look straight ahead when I ask.
"He thanked me for being there for you, even as a boy, when he could not protect you himself. He told me that I had his permission to love you.

Tara Brown

Silence Answer Quotes #110600
#56. Now he understood. This was death. Death was a silence that gave back no answer.

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

Silence Answer Quotes #87452
#57. When a question has no correct answer, there is only one honest response.
The gray area between yes and no.

Dan Brown

Silence Answer Quotes #702589
#58. A virgin's silence is the proper answer to a marriage proposal; it signifies a dignified consent.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Silence Answer Quotes #826065
#59. I make no other answer than the act,
the Master said: "The only fit reply
to a fit request is silence and the fact." [XXIV]

Dante Alighieri

Silence Answer Quotes #794904
#60. Silence Is The Answer Of Every Questions

Purvi Mendapara

Silence Answer Quotes #788182
#61. God's silence is an answer itself.

Paul Gitwaza

Silence Answer Quotes #760524
#62. Hashem may not answer our prayers the way we want him to," he said, clearing his throat. "He did not deliver Joseph from prison right away. But Hashem was there with Joseph, even in hype silence

Lynn Austin

Silence Answer Quotes #758335
#63. People often ask me questions that I cannot very well answer in words, and it makes me sad to think they are unable to hear the voice of my silence.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Silence Answer Quotes #737061
#64. The proverb says that 'The answer to a fool is silence'. Observation, however, indicates that almost any other answer will have the same effect in the long run.

Idries Shah

Silence Answer Quotes #720176
#65. Silence - best answer for all the questions does certainly be,
Your smile - best reaction to all the life's situations positively.
[228] - 4 (Thoughts)

Munindra Misra

Silence Answer Quotes #710683
#66. You say, "But He has not answered." He has, He is so near to you that His silence is the answer. His silence is big with terrific meaning that you cannot understand yet, but presently you will.

Oswald Chambers

Silence Answer Quotes #29872
#67. Silence was never a wrong answer.

Maggie Stiefvater

Silence Answer Quotes #664229
#68. Hey, Reece."
There was nothing but silence for a while and I waited.
Then Reece said, "Expected it to happen eventually, darlin', but didn't expect it to hit me that hard the first time I heard a man answer your phone.

Kristen Ashley

Silence Answer Quotes #633385
#69. People have asked the question "Can a Thing exist without any Attributes belonging to it?" It is a very puzzling question, and I'm not going to try to answer it: let us turn up our noses, and treat it with contemptuous silence, as if it really wasn't worth noticing.

Lewis Carroll

Silence Answer Quotes #601563
#70. Answer them critics with silence and indifference. It works better, I assure you, than anger and argument ...

Gioachino Rossini

Silence Answer Quotes #554808
#71. I was very, very religious. And of course I wrote about it in 'Night.' I questioned God's silence. So I questioned. I don't have an answer for that. Does it mean that I stopped having faith? No. I have faith, but I question it.

Elie Wiesel

Silence Answer Quotes #544495
#72. Q: Why do I love thee, O Night?
A: Because you know I will never answer.

Vera Nazarian

Silence Answer Quotes #493091
#73. Silence doesn't mean he or she doesn't know the answer. Just in time, you will know what his or her response.

Shim Steward

Silence Answer Quotes #446829
#74. Seeing Josh is my homecoming. I didn't tell him I was coming back. He doesn't say anything when he sees me, and neither do I, because the fact that I'm here is an answer. We just look at each other and speak in the silence like we always have and no one interrupts the conversation.

Katja Millay

Silence Answer Quotes #444360

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