Top 100 Shadow People Quotes

#1. A woman ran at our car screaming, a few of the shadow people chasing her, but before I could even touch the brake she must have changed her mind, because she had already turned into a shadow person herself. It's like, ugh, run from the shadow people or become one. Make up your mind, lady!

Joseph Fink

Shadow People Quotes #1362072
#2. There could be shadow galaxies, shadow stars, and even shadow people.

Stephen Hawking

Shadow People Quotes #1512552
#3. There are more hidden spaces in a city, more hidden lives and hidden emptinesses, and more darkened windows where shadow people pass fleetingly in and out of sight.

Kate Milford

Shadow People Quotes #904844
#4. If you are not discovered yet by the people, that is good, you can work better; if you are discovered already by the people, that is good, you can share your work better! It is good to be in the shadow, it is good to be in the light!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Shadow People Quotes #962567
#5. Philosophically speaking, shadows of people are friendlier than people themselves because they come together very easily!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Shadow People Quotes #659500
#6. People's lives can look so good on the outside and be so much dark shadow on the inside.

Carol Plum-Ucci

Shadow People Quotes #956868
#7. A people always ends by resembling its shadow.

Rudyard Kipling

Shadow People Quotes #925714
#8. I'm attracted to the things that people throw away - the shadow goods, in Jungian terms.

Jim Drain

Shadow People Quotes #918700
#9. F***, some people are so determined to be good that it makes me want to puke.
Bruno Hanson in
In The Shadow of Sadd.

Steen Langstrup

Shadow People Quotes #913275
#10. A person's shadow stood for his legacy, his impact on the world. Some people cast hardly any shadow at all. Some cast long, deep shadows that endured for centuries.

Rick Riordan

Shadow People Quotes #907862
#11. Behold the power of the truth. When people see its shadow on the wall, they don't want to take the time to look away.

Mira Grant

Shadow People Quotes #901155
#12. I can't even begin to visualize myself as a five-star general ... When I think of the people who are five-star generals, I can't even see myself standing in their shadow.

Norman Schwarzkopf

Shadow People Quotes #852111
#13. But at the time of transition, your guides, your guardian angels, people whom you have loved and who have passed on before you, will be there to help you. We have verified this beyond a shadow of a doubt, and I say this as a scientist. There will always be someone to help you with this transition.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Shadow People Quotes #833475
#14. If God is not sending earthquakes, destroying economies and inflicting pain upon human beings, what is God doing? God works through people, calling them to help their neighbors in need. God comforts His people, walking with them even 'through the valley of the shadow of death.'

Adam Hamilton

Shadow People Quotes #829487
#15. I want to create the largest-ever participatory art project and highlight the concept of Shadow Philanthropy, where people help others create work without taking credit for it - through this we can really change the world.


Shadow People Quotes #778548
#16. I like old people, just as I like old trees: in their shadow there is freshness and peace, one admires them, and around them everything is so calm.

Svetlana Alliluyeva

Shadow People Quotes #773116
#17. These things must be done by the rules," said Czernberg. "Yeah," said Shadow. "But nobody tells me what they are. You keep talking about the goddamn rules, I don't even know what game you people are playing.

Neil Gaiman

Shadow People Quotes #766522
#18. I got asked to remix a lot of movie themes, like Mission Impossible, which other people ended up doing quite well. But it was just never my thing.

DJ Shadow

Shadow People Quotes #763496
#19. Not many people like him, he's an angry man. He'd go after his own shadow.

Stephen Hunt

Shadow People Quotes #754209
#20. I would much rather people kick and scream and tear their hair out and accuse me of all kinds of blasphemy, than just have no opinion whatsoever.

DJ Shadow

Shadow People Quotes #753717
#21. We are prudent people. We are afraid to let go of our petty reality in order to grasp at a great shadow.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Shadow People Quotes #751243
#22. the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and w shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.


Shadow People Quotes #745669
#23. Even among familiar faces, people often feel invisible and desolate, like an island in cold waters or a shadow apart from the crowd. Be the reason another never feels alone.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Shadow People Quotes #728479
#24. I knew when I was writing The Angel's Game that a lot of people would be upset that I didn't write Shadow Of The Wind 2. That's okay, that's part of the game. You do what you have to do. If they like it, great. If they don't, too bad. What are you going to do?

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Shadow People Quotes #717386
#25. I think 'The Act of Killing' forced people to look at the problem, but the problem is actually a state run by thugs, or a shadow state, a part of the state that's run by thugs, and a military that enjoys complete legal - not just impunity, but immunity.

Joshua Oppenheimer

Shadow People Quotes #699063
#26. There is no man in this world that God created to be a shadow of other people

Sunday Adelaja

Shadow People Quotes #667016
#27. But sometimes, when she'd be all by herself, walking home late in the evening on a crowded street she'd be afraid of her own shadow following her ...

Sanhita Baruah

Shadow People Quotes #1502041
#28. I should kill you," Kallan whispered, "and watch your blood run with the cries of my people. If I kill you, all my troubles end. And I go home to Lorlenalin, my father's death avenged.

Angela B. Chrysler

Shadow People Quotes #1309769
#29. A painter's eye will often be arrested where ordinary people see nothing remarkable. A casual gleam of sunshine, or a shadow thrown across his path, a time-withered oak, or a moss-covered stone may awaken a train of thoughts and feelings, and picturesque imagings.

Fox Talbot

Shadow People Quotes #1490044
#30. I want immigration reform to pass, I want people to be able to come out of the shadows.

Marco Rubio

Shadow People Quotes #1486228
#31. I'm in no hurry. What for?
The sun and moon aren't in a hurry: they're right.
Hurrying is believing people can get past their legs,
Or that, jumping, they can land past their shadow.
No; I don't know how to hurry.

Alberto Caeiro

Shadow People Quotes #1451854
#32. A man's character is the reality of himself; his reputation, the opinion others have formed about him; character resides in him, reputation in other people; that is the substance, this is the shadow.

Henry Ward Beecher

Shadow People Quotes #1421721
#33. I have written a number of short biographical studies of insignificant personages from literary history. My interest has always been in writing biographies of the also-rans: people who lived in the shadow of fame in their own lifetime and who, since their death, have sunk into profound obscurity.

Diane Setterfield

Shadow People Quotes #1411359
#34. Behjet eased the horse forward again. "The harvest is failing. There will be no crop at all if this rain doesn't stop - not even hay."
The rain. The rain she'd been so grateful for, the rain that concealed the warping of her shadow. It was going to kill people.

Erin Bow

Shadow People Quotes #1400868
#35. How was it that destruction could be so beautiful? Was there something in the scale of it? Was there some shadow in people, lusting for it? Or was it just a coincidental combination of the elements, the final proof that beauty has no moral dimension?

Kim Stanley Robinson

Shadow People Quotes #1393919
#36. People always leave traces. No person is without a shadow.

Henning Mankell

Shadow People Quotes #1368674
#37. People who didn't have deep feelings never experienced deep joy or deep pain. They lived in a trivial, pale shadow of life where nothing was ever a big deal, and

Mark Nolan

Shadow People Quotes #1333264
#38. People who avoid shadow scare me.

Fierce Dolan

Shadow People Quotes #1320790
#39. My core values are still the same about music, and my work ethic, and what I want to represent to people.

DJ Shadow

Shadow People Quotes #1311621
#40. Bad people aren't happy ... Wickedness often wears fancy clothes, dines on rich food, has money, controls armies, rules nations ... but it never seems to know joy. Peace, laughter, trust, ease: these things flee from wickedness like sparrows from the shadow of a hawk.

Sonya Hartnett

Shadow People Quotes #962627
#41. The shadow of death slowly, slowly eats away at the region of life, and before you know it everything's dark and you can't see, and the people around you think of you as more dead than alive. I hate that. I couldn't stand it.

Haruki Murakami

Shadow People Quotes #1305738
#42. In talking, shyness and timidity distort the very meaning of my words. I don't pretend to know anybody well. People are like shadows to me and I am like a shadow.

Gwen John

Shadow People Quotes #1304662
#43. Shadow found himself starting to like Smith. He told himself that liking this man was not a sensible thing to do. He had met people like Smith before, people without consciences, without scruples, without hearts, and they were uniformly as dangerous as they were likeable.

Neil Gaiman

Shadow People Quotes #1300339
#44. I had betrayed my daughter, my son, my husband and now my people. I was hollow and empty, nothing more than a shadow. But shadows have the power to kill. And in that shadow, I became the Raven Queen.

R.J. Madigan

Shadow People Quotes #1261899
#45. We need each other more then some people think, their behavior is like a shadow from themselves in a dream, they will realize this when one day wake up, together strong, United unbeatable.

Jan Jansen

Shadow People Quotes #1207354
#46. It's nice that psychedelic music is kind of a buzzword. When I started with Vincent Black Shadow, stoner-rock was getting big, but it was more of a riff-oriented thing. Now people are starting to get into the 60's-Pink Floyd-acid-pop viewpoint.

Mike Romano

Shadow People Quotes #1198176
#47. The thought of people reading in the sun, on a beach, tempts me to recommend dark books, written in the shadow of loneliness, despair, and death. Let these revelers feel a chill as they loll on their towels.

Anatole Broyard

Shadow People Quotes #1187490
#48. The other day when I was walking through the woods, I saw a rabbit standing in front of a candle making shadows of people on a tree.

Steven Wright

Shadow People Quotes #1182282
#49. Ir's just that nowadays people are so quick to boil you down to the bare bones of info and upload you into a system, you know? And I think no one can ever really know another person unless you really pay attention ... I don't want to just see someone's face; I want to know his shadow, too.

Alexandra Bracken

Shadow People Quotes #1179117
#50. Grace is above praise and blame. I never read the bad stuff people write, but I never read the good stuff, either. Ever. I know who I am, and I know that God looks down on me and smiles. I know that - without a shadow of a doubt.

Suze Orman

Shadow People Quotes #1152806
#51. I've no doubt that those photographs i took will make people look at everything in a more interesting way - the little tear on one piece of paper, the shadow on another. But good painting has always done that - made you see things. And the most ordinary can be the most extraordinary.

David Hockney

Shadow People Quotes #1143202
#52. Shadows sometimes people don't see shadows. The Chinese of course never paint them in pictures, oriental art never deals with shadow. But I noticed these shadows and I knew it meant it was sunny.

David Hockney

Shadow People Quotes #97105
#53. I realized that people don't quite understand what I do when I was the new kid on the block and a lot of Hollywood was offering me fairly cheesy projects.

DJ Shadow

Shadow People Quotes #233928
#54. I would rather have 10 people working on a record that are really committed and believe in it and love it, than 50 people who have no idea who I am or what I'm for.

DJ Shadow

Shadow People Quotes #218337
#55. The shadow of an exit of Greece from the euro zone takes on ever clearer shape, repeated apparently final attempts to reach a deal are starting to make the whole process look ridiculous. There is an ever greater number of people who feel as if the Greek government is giving them the run-around.

Sigmar Gabriel

Shadow People Quotes #217977
#56. The boat is very close now, its noises filling the air along with the smell of fuel. Mark can see the faint shadow of two people behind the darkened window

James Dashner

Shadow People Quotes #203999
#57. The wakefulness was always there beside me. I could feel its chilling shadow. It was the shadow of myself. Weird, I would think as the drowsiness overtook me, I'm in my own shadow. I would walk and eat and talk to people inside my drowsiness.

Haruki Murakami

Shadow People Quotes #180293
#58. Truly great people emit a light that warms the hearts of those around them. When that light has been put out, a heavy shadow of despair descends.

Banana Yoshimoto

Shadow People Quotes #177251
#59. The shadow of years was not as big on his small body. He knew I was away . But when people left they always came back.

Alice Sebold

Shadow People Quotes #168303
#60. Millions of people toil in the shadow of the law we make, and much of their livelihood is made possible by the existence of intellectual property rights.

Alex Kozinski

Shadow People Quotes #140900
#61. After doing a bunch of movies as a stuntman, I realized that being a stuntman, you are in the shadow of the actor, and they don't get to see your true ability, and I wanted people to see that it was really me doing those stunts, and it was really my true abilities.

Tony Jaa

Shadow People Quotes #106323
#62. Though no one else noticed this, he thought his shadow on the ground was paler, lighter, than that of other people.

Haruki Murakami

Shadow People Quotes #104210
#63. God your love is so precious! You
protect people in the shadow of your
wings. Psalms 36:7


Shadow People Quotes #100686
#64. Yet the love we experience through other people is just a shadow of the love of the inner self. There is a sublime place inside us where love dwells. The love that pulses in the cave of the heart does not depend on anything outside. It does not expect anything. It is completely independent.

Swami Muktananda

Shadow People Quotes #99896
#65. People eat and sleep in the shadow of what we do

Don DeLillo

Shadow People Quotes #235117
#66. History is full of people who thought they were right
absolutely right, completely right, without a shadow of a doubt. And because history never seems like history when you are living through it, it is tempting for us to think the same.

John D. Barrow

Shadow People Quotes #90629
#67. Human beings are good, they have shadow, every single one of us has redeeming qualities and every single one of us has qualities that people can hold against us. That's what makes us human.

Matt Bomer

Shadow People Quotes #76288
#68. Portugal was born in the shadow of the Catholic Church and religion, from the beginning it was the formative element of the soul of the nation and the dominant trait of character of the Portuguese people.

Antonio De Oliveira Salazar

Shadow People Quotes #75626
#69. A truth was being revealed to me: that I had always tried to attach myself to the light of other people, that I had never had any light of my own. I experienced myself as a kind of shadow.

Zadie Smith

Shadow People Quotes #63918
#70. The one thing for which we are all being disciplined is to know that God is real. As soon as God becomes real, other people become shadows. Nothing that other saints do or say can ever perturb the one who is built on God.

Oswald Chambers

Shadow People Quotes #56605
#71. About shadows: do we see shadows? Loads of people don't. A camera will notice a shadow, but how many people have got a shadow in front of them when they take a picture and don't notice it, and then they see it in the photograph because the photograph will catch the shadow.

David Hockney

Shadow People Quotes #54944
#72. Being a ghost is like being invisible, so being invisible must be like being a ghost. Like being inside the shadow, always blundering towards people with your hands out, angry that can't see to comfort you.

Gemma Files

Shadow People Quotes #52368
#73. I knew that every time I saw a person on the street, I saw only his public shadow. The rest, the important part, lies in layer after layer beyond our view.
We have no idea what wonders lie hidden in the people around us.

Anne Nelson

Shadow People Quotes #44719
#74. The TV's the altar. I'm what people are sacrificing to.'
'What do they sacrifice?' asked Shadow.
'Their time, mostly,' said Lucy. 'Sometimes each other.

Neil Gaiman

Shadow People Quotes #42540
#75. They say some people ' cast a thin shadow', a turn of phrase that fitted my father like a glove. Too weak, too kind, he couldn't even say goodbye to my mother and me when he left. Weak and pathetic, pathetic and sad - that Dad.

Rika Yokomori

Shadow People Quotes #38653
#76. King Cygnus dozed in his chair, and a dark shadow curled up in the window seat. That dark shadow happened to have a name, which happened to be Darcy; but nobody really notices dark shadows, even named ones. They have a habit of lurking about. People learn to ignore them after a while.

Emma Clifton

Shadow People Quotes #7106
#77. The claustrophobia of the forest. The first few trees visible before her, monochrome contrasts of black shadow and white moonlight, and beyond that an entire continent, wilderness uninterrupted from ocean to ocean with so few people left between the shores.

Emily St. John Mandel

Shadow People Quotes #445194
#78. If we wander around as politicians jumping at every shadow and desperately afraid of having our words taken out of context or attacks layered on in an unfair way, I think we're actually doing a disrespect to Canadians, to people's intelligence.

Justin Trudeau

Shadow People Quotes #620606
#79. Everything right now tends to be the same and very aggressive, and I think people are getting a little burned out on it.

DJ Shadow

Shadow People Quotes #585875
#80. The most dangerous kind of person ... is one who is afraid of his own shadow.

Philip K. Dick

Shadow People Quotes #575721
#81. That crap about doing something with your life are luxury problems. People like us have to play by a different rules.
#ShadowofSadd #Books

Steen Langstrup

Shadow People Quotes #567666
#82. Nhb stared at the blade reverently. Here was a token of past victories and the valor of long dead people. "With this I can fulfill my duty to my people and defeat the Shadow," Nhb thought.

Rachel Wetsriru

Shadow People Quotes #560349
#83. If you are not yourself people will look right through you and see the pale shadow of someone else

Rasheed Ogunlaru

Shadow People Quotes #560311
#84. I love you' is what people say when they have run out of words and can't say anything else. It is like reaching out a hand in desperation.

Thomas Perry

Shadow People Quotes #537752
#85. There is a Shadow World, like our own but different, existing alongside ours but never touching. Some people call it the world of dreams, but it is as real as anything else.


Shadow People Quotes #533558
#86. The crucial thing is to arouse the awareness that as a matter of human conscience we can never permit the people of any country to fall victim to nuclear weapons, and for each individual to express their refusal to continue living in the shadow of the threat they pose.

Daisaku Ikeda

Shadow People Quotes #533197
#87. I used to be followed by a moon shadow. Now I'm followed by all these misconceptions, and they're like a ball and chain. I just want to write music from my heart and give people a message of hope and the search for a better place.

Cat Stevens

Shadow People Quotes #508906
#88. Some people does really tek yuh shadow.

Gaiutra Bahadur

Shadow People Quotes #472561
#89. I think people would actually be surprised by what we put out. Unfortunately the shadow that the original founders cast was that they were just artists that can't write books so people swept the whole of Image with that paintbrush.

Todd McFarlane

Shadow People Quotes #633988
#90. The truth casts a shadow over the kitchen - people like us in situations like this become hashtags, but they rarely get justice.

Angie Thomas

Shadow People Quotes #431364
#91. I thought this the first time I laid eyes on you, that the shadow you cast on the ground is only half as dark as that of ordinary people.


Shadow People Quotes #425286
#92. In France, the people were the sport of a king's caprice. Everywhere was the shadow of the Bastille. It fell upon the sunniest field, upon the happiest home.

Robert Green Ingersoll

Shadow People Quotes #404935
#93. It is particularly in contacts with people of the same sex that one stumbles over both one's own shadow and those of other people. Although we do see the shadow in a person of the opposite sex, we are usually much less annoyed by it and can more easily pardon it.

C. G. Jung

Shadow People Quotes #404910
#94. War kills people; war kills animals; war kills plants; war kills buildings; war kills even shadows, because it annihilates the owner of the shadow! War is the psychopathy of the psychopaths!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Shadow People Quotes #399962
#95. O people who take pleasure in a life that will vanish, falling in love with a fading shadow is sheer stupidity

Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Shadow People Quotes #399851
#96. Things go wrong when the people who control that world stop listening to their own instincts and start catering to their fan base.

DJ Shadow

Shadow People Quotes #336163
#97. The Labor Party is not going to profit from having these proven unsuccessful people around who are frightened of their own shadow and won't get out of bed in the morning unless they've had a focus group report to tell them which side of bed to get out.

Paul Keating

Shadow People Quotes #334879
#98. Frequently, when I'm compared to someone, I'm like, "Is that really what people think I sound like?"

DJ Shadow

Shadow People Quotes #307789
#99. You musn't be afraid of the dark.'
'I'm not,' said Shadow. 'I'm afraid of the people in the dark.

Neil Gaiman

Shadow People Quotes #290148
#100. I'm not sure a lot of other people would walk up to the same artwork and see the shadow on the person's face from the hat and be like "Do you see that!" It's about noticing things that interest you, and that definitely happens with the natural world as well.

Laura Owens

Shadow People Quotes #260773

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