Top 100 Sayings About Bad Memory
#1. Drunkenness is the vice of a good constitution or of a bad memory of a constitution so treacherously good that it never bends till it breaks; or of a memory that recollects the pleasures of getting intoxicated, but forgets the pains of getting sober.
Charles Caleb Colton
#2. I don't remember my childhood very well for one reason or another, possibly childhood trauma or possibly just a very bad memory. My early life has sort of been erased from my memory banks.
Michel Faber
#5. I have a good memory. But I would be interested in memory even if I had a bad memory, because I believe that memory is our soul. If we lose our memory completely, we are without a soul.
Umberto Eco
#6. But complaining that you have a bad memory for names or numbers is a bit like whining about your smartphone functioning poorly underwater.
Dean Buonomano
#7. You have a bad memory for details. You can tell her the date of the Spanish Armada, but you couldn't even guess at the balance of your checkbook.
Jay McInerney
#8. If you think Wall Street has a short memory, you're dead wrong. No, the folks who work on Wall Street, regulate Wall Street - and, above all, invest in its wares, notably its hedge funds - don't have a bad memory. They don't have any memory at all.
Gary Weiss
#9. I think that's the greatest gift one can have: point of view. You know? I've come to believe that if you have a bad memory of something, change it.
Liza Minnelli
#10. a clear conscience is usually a sign of bad memory.
Ashwin Sanghi
#12. I have always had a bad memory, as far back as I can remember.
Lewis Thomas
#13. A clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory.
Mark Twain
#14. I love being at home now, improving my cooking. I've got a really bad memory, so my first attempts were a disaster - I'd forget what ingredients to put in. But I do a lasagna that's a crowd-pleaser, and a good lemon drizzle cake, which I take to my mom's for the Sunday roast to fatten the family up.
Katy B
#15. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. - STEVEN WRIGHT
Darynda Jones
#16. The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#17. Memory is the friend of wit, but the treacherous ally of invention; there are many books that owe their success to two things; good memory of those who write them, and the bad memory of those who read them
Charles Caleb Colton
#18. I talk different, I walk different, everything. I don't have one single bad memory [there]. Not one. It was my sanctuary. I hated school, wasn't good in school, and me and my dad butted heads about that. But nothing mattered when I went home to Alabama.
Channing Tatum
#19. I have a bad memory for facts.
#20. Librarians. He'd never met one with a bad memory. He had a theory that words stuck to their minds like flies to flypaper.
Cornelia Funke
#21. I have a two-story house and a bad memory, so I'm up and down those stairs all the time. That's my exercise.
Betty White
#22. I'm here to clean your house and I won't be merciful while doing it. Fuck with me and you'll be nothing more than your mama's bad memory. (Styxx as Acheron)
Sherrilyn Kenyon
#24. We wouldn't pay to rent and watch the same painful movie two hundred fifty times, but somehow we let our mind replay a bad memory over and over, each time experiencing the same distress and shame.
Jan Chozen Bays
#25. Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory.
Franklin P. Adams
#26. But I remember the place with fondness ... not perfect but, all in all, not a bad memory.
Diane Meier
#27. Because with time blocking out the bad, memory is always bound to be a bit naive and stupidly optimistic.
Guy Delisle
#29. I ask you, what would you do if you could erase one bad memory and retain all that was beautiful in your life? Would you not move heaven and earth - and get loads of therapy - to have that?
#30. We dedicate ourselves to working with our neighbors, near and far, day in and day out, to building that peaceful society in which the tragedies we have known are a bad memory and a continuing warning.
Betty Williams
#31. But happiness is good health and a bad memory they say, and I am a happy, happy man.
Tiffany Reisz
#32. Maybe age is kinder to us than we think. With my bad eyes, I can't see how bad I look, and with my rotten memory, I have a good excuse for getting out of a lot of stuff.
Erma Bombeck
#33. There had been in his past, as in every man's, actions, recognized by him as bad, for which his conscience ought to have tormented him; but the memory of these evil actions was far from causing him so much suffering as those trivial but humiliating reminiscences.
Leo Tolstoy
#34. Well, memory can play tricks. Most people, I think, tend to remember the good rather than the bad when someone close to them dies.
Soheir Khashoggi
#35. It is a curious fact that in bad days we can very vividly recall the good time that is now no more; but that in good days, we have only a very cold and imperfect memory of the bad.
Arthur Schopenhauer
#36. The one thing that holds people back from working out together is that they don't want to smell around other people. Your olfactory sense is the primary sense in your memory, and you don't want to be part of anyone's memory thinking that you smell bad.
Dhani Jones
#37. You don't need ghosts to be haunted. Memory does that just fine without any supernatural help at all.
Laurell K. Hamilton
#38. Memory is a great servant, but really bad master. When memory plays its role as a master, it limits our choices. It choices doors for us. We react to every single thing in our life because of our memory.
Ika Natassa
#39. Don't live in regret! It is such a useless idea.
Use the memory to prevent us do bad things!
Regret is a childish wish, or an empty hope,
trying to revise the bitter memory of the past.
Toba Beta
#40. Invention despoils observations, insinuation invalidates memory. A stewpot of bad habits, all of it - so that imaginative writers wind up, by and large, a shifty crew, sunk in distortion, misrepresentation, illusion, imposture, fakery.
Cynthia Ozick
#41. it's worth the loss to have that memory. Big, bad, scary Joe Callahan, security to the stars, losing control and ripping away my underwear.
Kristen Ashley
#42. Mostly what you lose with time, in memory, is the specificity of things, their exact sequence. It all runs together, becomes a watery soup. Portmanteau days, imploded years. Like a bad actor, memory always goes for effect, abjuring motivation, consistency, good sense.
James Sallis
#43. Flee and your bad behavior will be fixed in people's minds. Return, seem in goo spirits, and everyone will doubt their own memory of events.
Jo Beverley
#44. You go to grab your moments and squeeze them dry. Enjoy them while you're having them. Then remember and enjoy them all over again in your memory. And try to have more good ones than bad ones - - or at least remember more of the good ones.
Jean Ferris
#45. Those who did remember probably shrugged off the chill of her memory, turned their heads down to the sports page or up toward the approaching bus. The world is a terrible place, they thought. Bad things happen every day. My bus is late.
Dennis Lehane
#46. We are having wind and rain here, and I am very glad not to be alone. I work from memory on bad days, and that would not do if I were alone.
Vincent Van Gogh
#47. Bad days my memory functions no better than an out-of-focus kaleidoscope, but other days me recall is painfully perfect.
Mordecai Richler
#48. This guy in high school tried to run me over with his dad's SUV.
Bad shoved the vehicle through a store window. The memory brought a smile to
my face.
Darynda Jones
#49. I didn't want it to be one good memory that led to a lot of bad ones. I wanted it to stay what it was, one amazing moment, something that was strong and sweet enough to stand on its own. Something I could remember without any pain.
- Kate
Elizabeth Scott
#50. Stubborn heart,' I said. 'Long memory. Bad mix.
Lauren Groff
#51. If you ask my wife, the biggest fault is my inability around the house. She says the only thing handy about me is that I'm close by. And, I have a terrible memory. I'm bad at saying no. I often double-book. There are a lot of things.
Hugh Jackman
#52. Look," she told me. "A good kreda is very hard to find. I invested a lot of time and memory in you. I had no intention of giving all that up, just because you were going to be in a bad mood for a decade or two.
C.S. Friedman
#53. That was the danger. Not that betrayals happened, not that cruel things happened, but that they could outweigh all the good. That we could forget the good and only remember the bad.
Louise Penny
#54. Such a sweet letter from Lady Conway ... You remember my telling you about her? Her memory's bad. Can't recognize her relations always and tells them to go away."
"That might be shrewdness really," said Miss Marple, "rather than a loss of memory.
Agatha Christie
#55. Men are born with a great asset of weak memory, especially for the bad moments. It's not the same with women though. Good or bad, they would keep the memories intact like permanent data in ROM.
Mita Jain
#56. For a moment Dustfinger felt as if he had never been away- as if he had simply had a bad dream, and the memory of it had left a stale taste on his tongue,a shadow on his heart,nothing more.
Cornelia Funke
#57. Was it a good --" The air was heavy with unspoken knowledge. Sam twisted and the obscene word shot out of him. "-- dance?"
Memory of the dance that none of them bad attended shook all four boys convulsively.
"We left early.
William Golding
#58. Each memory, good and bad, was another invisible thread that bound them together, even when they were foolishly thinking they could lead separate lives. It was as simple and complicated as that.
Liane Moriarty
#60. Traditional autobiography has generally had a poor press. The novelist Daphne du Maurier condemned all examples of this literary form as self-indulgent. Others have quipped that autobiography reveals nothing bad about its writer except his memory.
Craig Venter
#61. Once she was gone, every memory was suddenly precious, even the bad ones, even the times I was irritated with her, or she was irritated with me. Then it seemed a luxury to be irritated.
Lydia Davis
#62. My mother, who died aged 82, had Alzheimer's. Losing your memory is bad enough, but everything shuts down. You can't remember how to eat or go to the toilet. It's a terrible disease and so distressing to watch it take over someone you love.
Bonnie Tyler
#63. God always provides a pleasant memory to help ease the pain of a bad experience.
Peggy Toney Horton
#64. Every memory makes me who I am right now, in this moment. Good or bad, all experiences shape you.
L. H. Cosway
#65. In Los Angeles you get the sense sometimes that there's a mysterious patrol at night: when the streets are empty and everyone's asleep, they go erasing the past. It's like a bad Ray Bradbury story - 'The Memory Erasers'.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
#66. The four movies I can remember seeing as a kid were 'The Elephant Man,' 'The Magnificent Seven,' 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' and 'Mad Max!' Two of those are westerns. So the western genre is emblazoned on my memory from childhood, and those are two great movies.
Casey Affleck
#67. Maybe the reason my memory is so bad is that I always do at least two things at once. It's easier to forget something you only half-did or quarter did.
Andy Warhol
#68. Life is nothing but a memory. People who dwell on the bad ones aren't going to have a whole lot of good ones coming up.
John Daly
#69. Biting my lip, I trace the cigarette-butt scars along Jeb's bared torso. I've often wished he could replace all those bad memories with the good ones we've made together since. But now, more than ever, I realize how important every memory is, bad or good, because they shape who we become.
A.G. Howard
#70. He had understood that memory was a place, a real place that one could visit, and that to spend a few moments among the dead was not necessarily bad for you, that it could in fact be a source of great comfort and happiness.
Paul Auster
#71. He did not have anything on him except her thoughts, except the good times he had once shared and the bad times he so desperately wanted to forget.
Faraaz Kazi
#72. A bad heart and a slippery memory deprive men of the comfort of many mercies, and defraud God of the glory due for them.
John Flavel
#73. ...your name will remain forever in the memory of people. However, it will not be a good memory. Your name will become a household name in all languages, and it will only cause bad associations in humans.
Viktor Shel
#74. Good days are not memorable but bad experiences always in our memory
Osunsakin Adewale
#75. Most of the January firsts in recent memory have involved splitting headaches and roiling stomachs and often being
surprised about where I was waking up. ("No, Officer, I have no idea why I'm wearing this possum costume. I called you what? Oh. My bad.")
Cate Tiernan
#76. Evoke one good memory for each bad one from now on.
David Richo
#77. Chax, I want this. If I am going to die, let me die with a memory that will make all other bad things irrelevant. Let me die knowing I was loved." -Kasadya
Karen Swart
#78. Grief is a bad moon, a sleeper wave. It's like having an inner combatant, a saboteur who, at the slightest change in the sunlight, or at the first notes of a jingle for a dog food commercial, will flick the memory switch, bringing tears to your eyes.
Meghan O'Rourke
#79. You need a fantastic memory in this game to remember the great shots and a very short memory to forget the bad ones.
Mac O'Grady
#80. I will erase every memory of every man you have ever been with, good and bad.
Megan Keith
#81. Worst memory is when I was fighting for a living. You have to fight and train no matter how bad your injuries. This at times made the fun go away.
Duke Roufus
#82. Memory works in different ways for everybody. Different capacities, different directions, too. Sometimes memory helps you think, sometimes it impedes. Doesn't mean it's good or bad. Probably means it's no big deal.
Haruki Murakami
#83. I feel like, with ski racing, you need to have a short memory. You crash all the time, and sometimes it's a really bad one, but sometimes it's not so bad.
Lindsey Vonn
#86. In the cellars of the night, when the mind starts moving around old trunks of bad times, the pain of this and the same of that, the memory of a small boldness is a hand to hold.
John Leonard
#87. A human being survives by his ability to forget. Memory is always ready to blot out the bad and retain only the good.
Varlam Shalamov
#88. But that's what dreams are for - to weave reality and fantasy and memory and stitch together something you can't hope for in waking life. To fulfill that little part of you that wants something so bad.
Kelley Armstrong
#89. Yesterday is gone and nothing but a memory. Maybe a bad one, but there's no way to call it back or change it. Tomorrow is just the whisper of a hope. Today is all you got.
Carolyn Brown
#90. It's not words, but years we should be editing. Remember: time spent on bad art is a form of redundancy, doing the same thing twice is a form of tautology, and wasting precious moments complaining about life is a form of pleonasm. We should all learn to live our lives concisely.
Anthony Marais
#91. If you want to be able to recall everything and anything in detail,
then you need to be strong enough to feel all bad memories as well.
Toba Beta
#94. He had eaten his share of the dinner, but he hadn't really enjoyed it because he was thinking all the time about Turkish Delight - and there's nothing that spoils the taste of good ordinary food half so much as the memory of bad magic food.
C.S. Lewis
#95. It is easy to miss the possibility that every person who crosses your path can become an event and a memory, good or bad, to fill in the hours with experience instead of tedium, to break the monotony of the passing moments.
R.A. Salvatore
#96. I am bad at memory - this is why I shoot pictures.
Gilles Peress
#98. a national government is bad enough, but this administration is the largest collection of scoundrels and morons in recent memory.
Jim Dodge
#99. He was still too young to know that the heart's memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good, and that thanks to this artifice we manage to endure the burden of the past.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#100. The difference between you and I Dre is that i can take a bad experience and make money off it, You just have to live with yours until time blurs your memory of the details.
Most writers i know aren't beautiful by society's standard. Writing is not modelling but Writer's do have beautiful souls.
Crystal Evans
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