Top 100 Response Time Quotes

#1. Optimizing Oracle response time is, for the most part, a solved problem.

Cary Millsap

Response Time Quotes #1231660
#2. In many of our [online] courses, the median response time for a question on the question and answer forum was 22 minutes - which is not a level of service I have ever offered to my Stanford students.

Daphne Koller

Response Time Quotes #807021
#3. It gives us more flexibility, so we can do more, but it also creates the expectation of the instant response. It can take away your sense of control over your time.

Ellen Galinsky

Response Time Quotes #1315546
#4. When a human being is oppressed, the natural tendency is to feel anger. Jazz is a response to oppression that is not bullets and blood. Jazz is the expression of harmony ... and at the same time of hope and freedom.

Herbie Hancock

Response Time Quotes #863015
#5. Pavlov's findings were that some animals learned more quickly if rewarded (by affection, by food, by stroking) each time they showed the right response, while others learned more quickly when the penalty for not learning was a painful stimulus.

Joost Meerloo

Response Time Quotes #1308890
#6. What I'm primarily saying,' he says, 'is that this is a time for knowledge assimilation, not backstabbing. We learned a lesson, you and I. We personally grew. Gratitude for this growth is an appropriate response. Gratitude, and being careful never to make the same mistake twice.

George Saunders

Response Time Quotes #1297703
#7. That's kind of fuse for the show - those first 10-15 seconds you're onstage. The curtain drops and you see the crowd for the first time and they see you for the first time. The response and the energy that's going on right there - to me, that sets the tone for the rest of the night.

Jason Aldean

Response Time Quotes #1276285
#8. Nick was giving me the same look. And this time,instead of being taken aback or feeling squicky about it,my heart raced and my face grew hot. My body's response to the call of Nick.

Jennifer Echols

Response Time Quotes #1235363
#9. As I had collaborated with visual artists before whether on installations, on performance pieces, in the context of theatre works and as I had taught for a time in art colleges the idea of writing music in response to painting was not alien.

Gavin Bryars

Response Time Quotes #1223479
#10. If somebody takes the time, a: to read a book that I have written, and then to b: care about it enough to write me and ask questions, surely I owe them a response.

Lois Lowry

Response Time Quotes #1207633
#11. There was a time in the United States when most of our financial institutions were local. Which essentially meant that local communities were able to create their own credit, or their own money, in response to their own needs. We still depended on banks, but it was a much more democratic process.

David Korten

Response Time Quotes #1206148
#12. I'm honest about expressing my opinions. At the same time, I'm diplomatic in how I do critique things if I have a negative response.

Tim Gunn

Response Time Quotes #1202018
#13. Mindfulness has never been more important considering how the events of the world move in such an accelerated, frantic time. Our attention goes from here to the next thing to the next thing, and we're triggered from one response of fear to one of connection to the threat of loss.

Barnet Bain

Response Time Quotes #1167476
#14. Fans these days seem to almost expect a response from band-members any time they tweet or leave a comment etc.

Beau Bokan

Response Time Quotes #1152241
#15. I can let you in, Eva. I'm trying. But your first response when I screw up is to run away. You do it every time and I can't stand feeling like any moment I'm going to do or say something wrong and you're going to bolt.

Sylvia Day

Response Time Quotes #1108377
#16. Fuck off," some of them seem to be yelling at coalition forces. A lot hinges on the appropriate military response. "Fuck you" might be risky. "OK, off we fuck, then" might buy some valuable time.

Christopher Hitchens

Response Time Quotes #1097533
#17. My nature is happy. And all I can control is my response to input. If you come around me and tell me bad news all the time, I can say, "You know what? I don't want to hear it." If its just gossip, you know, I can choose not to hear it. And that, in effect, can control my mood.

John Travolta

Response Time Quotes #1081395
#18. In order to optimize health, the body needs to be in relaxation response the majority of the time so the body's natural disease-fighting mechanisms can operate properly.

Lissa Rankin

Response Time Quotes #1075841
#19. DID is about survival! As more people begin to appreciate this concept, individuals with DID will start to feel less as though they have to hide in shame. DID develops as a response to extreme trauma that occurs at an early age and usually over an extended period of time.

Deborah Bray Haddock

Response Time Quotes #1052671
#20. No," I snapped. "I mean, no. I'm answering. I'm just collecting my response."
Another few seconds passed.
Is there a time limit for this?" he asked. I shot him a look. "Just wondering.

Sarah Dessen

Response Time Quotes #987186
#21. A lot of people felt I was getting work because I was Boy George. My response at the time was that there's a lot of DJs making records, they're not all making good records, but they have the right to do that.

Boy George

Response Time Quotes #985560
#22. In other cases of unadmitted bias, I had used the time-honored movement tactic of reversing the race or sex or ethnicity or sexuality involved, then seeing if the response would be the same.

Gloria Steinem

Response Time Quotes #967950
#23. When an accident or a crime happens, there's a period of time before the yellow tape goes up, before the official response becomes formalized. That allows the nightcrawlers to get very close.

Dan Gilroy

Response Time Quotes #962957
#24. I'm not necessarily a happy person. I don't think that happiness is always the right response to a situation. I think we've come to a point in time where people are saying, "Oh, you know, loss and change, that's just normal."

Melissa Holbrook Pierson

Response Time Quotes #914254
#25. When a dead man knocks on the car window, I think fainting is a reasonable response.

Marjorie F. Baldwin

Response Time Quotes #913959
#26. Prayer finds its source in God's holiness and it is at the same time our response to this holiness.

Pope John Paul II

Response Time Quotes #913523
#27. But make no mistake about it, Jordan. When the time is right and you're ready" - he trailed his forefinger along the edge of her palm and stilled when she shivered in response - "I have every intention of getting you into bed. And sleeping will have little to do with it.

Sara Humphreys

Response Time Quotes #1663747
#28. My craziest on-set story comes from during the Goonies, when I came up to Spielberg and said that I wanted to climb the walls of the tunnels and that it represented my mother's womb, for some odd reason. I was reading Stanislawski at the time and Spielberg's response was "Why don't you just act."

Josh Brolin

Response Time Quotes #1456622
#29. The next time someone says, "Hey, you fight like a
girl!" your response is going to be, "You bet I do!

Kym Rock

Response Time Quotes #1633034
#30. The baby, a girl, is born at 6:24 a.m.
She weighs six pounds, ten ounces.
The mother takes the baby in her arms and asks her, "Who are you, my little one?"
And in response, this baby, who is Liz and not Liz at the same time, laughs.

Gabrielle Zevin

Response Time Quotes #1632042
#31. At each turning, there's a call. You may not always see it as a call. Sometimes it's 'Why am I doing this now, and what am I doing here?' But it's a call. You have to see it as a call, and with God's grace, you do. .. each time there is a response to a call, you see a different dimension of Christ.

Francis George

Response Time Quotes #1606537
#32. How am I supposed to know what you want when you never ask for anything? You just give all the time, you're always there, and when I ask, you give. You give even when I don't ask. Jamie's response to Mark's news

Mari Donne

Response Time Quotes #1560713
#33. It takes 90 seconds from the time we have a thought that is going to stimulate an emotional response. When we have an emotional response it results in a physiological dumpage into our bloodstream. It flushes through and out of our body in less than 90 seconds.

Jill Bolte Taylor

Response Time Quotes #1556169
#34. In fact," Cinder continued, "my understanding is that, under Kai - Emperor Kai - Kaito?" She raised her eyebrows at him, realizing this was the first time she'd ever been expected to be formal in his presence.
In response, Kai looked like he wanted to laugh. She glared at him.

Marissa Meyer

Response Time Quotes #1555437
#35. I was the candidate first time a Green or any progressive third party has ever been in a national televised debate. I was in five of them. And the response from the public was overwhelming.

Peter Camejo

Response Time Quotes #1519894
#36. Leaders are made one response at a time.

Andy Stanley

Response Time Quotes #1498757
#37. Safety is the preeminent concern of all creatures and it clearly justifies a seemingly abrupt and rejecting response from time to time.

Gavin De Becker

Response Time Quotes #1477639
#38. A song." I said aloud. "What?" "The whole time Adam and I were together, he never wrote a song for me." Vera looked like she was trying to think of an appropriate response to such a stupid desire. "He was a drummer. You hate it when drummers sing.

Tiffanie DeBartolo

Response Time Quotes #1475883
#39. At any time of day, hundreds of different versions of Facebook are running on the Internet - with a changed color here, a moved button there - and the user response to each variation is measured. And the same is done with advertising.

Kurt Eichenwald

Response Time Quotes #1471462
#40. You know, young actors say all the time, 'Should I use my own life experience?' And my response is, 'What choice do you have?'

David Mamet

Response Time Quotes #1323263
#41. Hearing the record and seeing the response is affirming that it was the right time and right choice.

Balthazar Getty

Response Time Quotes #1449123
#42. Glaring at the Gasman, ter Borcht said, "Your time is coming to an end, you
pathetic failure of an experiment. Vhat you say now is how you vill be
Gazzy's blue eyes flashed. "Then you can remember me telling you to kiss
"Enough!" ter Borcht said.

James Patterson

Response Time Quotes #1445082
#43. Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.

Barack Obama

Response Time Quotes #1422100
#44. Now, now my good man, this is no time to be making enemies.
(Voltaire on his deathbed in response to a priest asking him that he renounce Satan.)


Response Time Quotes #1407392
#45. God's response to the belittlement of his name, from the beginning of time, has been the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on a Roman cross.

Matt Chandler

Response Time Quotes #1397364
#46. Journalists ask me all the time, 'Akshay, do you believe in the numbers game?' My standard response: 'I can't count, that's why I have producers and accountants who calculate for me. As long as I have them in my life, I don't need to worry about numbers!'

Akshay Kumar

Response Time Quotes #1373252
#47. There, at the centre, are the artists who really form the consciousness of their time; they respond deeply, intuitively to what is happening, what has happened, and what will happen, and their response is expressed in metaphor, in image and in fable.

John Wain

Response Time Quotes #1352433
#48. 'Scissorman' is terrifying. The studio at the time didn't want Scissorman because they were afraid that he'd look silly to which my response was, 'Well, then why did buy this because that's what the game is.' But I lost that battle.

Todd Farmer

Response Time Quotes #1350529
#49. Actually I feel more sure than I ever have in my life that I am obeying the Lord and am on the way He wills for me, though at the same time I am struck and appalled (more than ever!) by the shoddiness of my response.

Thomas Merton

Response Time Quotes #1340686
#50. I would like the colors, their shapes and positions to be arrived at in response to and dictated by the condition of the total space at the time they are considered.

Richard Diebenkorn

Response Time Quotes #1340074
#51. Prayer is an investment. The time you dedicate to prayer isn't lost; it will return dividends far greater than what a few moments spent on a task ever could. If we fail to cultivate this discipline, prayer winds up being our last resort rather than our first response.

Charles R. Swindoll

Response Time Quotes #1338255
#52. Very often we support change, and then are swept away by the change. I think that ... you just make your own response to your own generation. A response adequate to your time.

Nadine Gordimer

Response Time Quotes #149646
#53. Watch your thoughts as you watch the street traffic. People come and go; you register without response. It may not be easy in the beginning, but with some practice you will find that your mind can function on many levels at the same time and you can be aware of them all.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Response Time Quotes #437335
#54. It's a good time for me to pursue acting, I suppose since I'm enjoying having another medium in which to express myself. I've been getting a great response to my work.

Lenny Kravitz

Response Time Quotes #398358
#55. People pitch me the crazy mystery mind-blowing thing all the time. My response is, 'Great, but how do the characters feel about it, and how do we reveal new facets and new dimensions of who they are?'

Eric Kripke

Response Time Quotes #363488
#56. If Web users do not get a response in seven seconds, then the user's attention could be lost forever.

Andrew Holdsworth

Response Time Quotes #328776
#57. The response to Pride has been so overwhelming. I mean, people have really loved it. And it's so rewarding because we had such a fun time making that film, and it was made with so much heart, that it's lovely that people seem to be responding in kind to that.

Rosamund Pike

Response Time Quotes #312099
#58. My response, a dubious and hesitant one, is that it has been and may continue to be, in the time that is left to me, more productive to live out the question than to try to answer it in abstract terms.

J.M. Coetzee

Response Time Quotes #312054
#59. Evacuation on September 11. It was aided greatly by changes made by the Port Authority in response to the 1993 bomb= ing and by the training of both Port Authority personnel and civilians after that time. Stairwells remained lit near


Response Time Quotes #305410
#60. Ty swore. "Next time I'll be sucking you off instead of watching it hit your belly," he growled, earning a desperate, plaintive groan from his lover in response. Ty

Abigail Roux

Response Time Quotes #303587
#61. The response to stress is not less time in God's Word, but more.

Dillon Burroughs

Response Time Quotes #264970
#62. You people get so closed up inside those little brains. Their structure changes in response to thought, you know, like your muscles respond to use. The used parts bulk up. Bad training develops uneven strength; it takes time and painful work to balance unbalanced muscles.

Max Gladstone

Response Time Quotes #252171
#63. A horse that has made a positive change in his behavior needs an opportunity to 'soak', to concentrate on & digest what he has learned. He needs his quiet time. Given this opportunity, his response will be better the next time you work with him.

Buck Brannaman

Response Time Quotes #198342
#64. I think it is not necessary at this time to put forth a grand vision such as an East Asian Community. What we must do before that is create scenarios for Japan's response in case of a serious territorial incident.

Yoshihiko Noda

Response Time Quotes #193402
#65. that in modern life we overuse the "fight, flight, or freeze" response, because we respond to many situations as if they are life-threatening when they are not. As a result, our nervous systems don't have time to recover, because we are activating this response too frequently.

Linda Lantieri

Response Time Quotes #438736
#66. Women had to deal with the men's response when the women wanted more time out of the home; men now must deal with the women's response as men want more time in.

Kyle D. Pruett

Response Time Quotes #133431
#67. I'd been hurt, and in response I had acted violently, destroying a little of myself each time I did so.

John Connolly

Response Time Quotes #124043
#68. Besides, when I take you to bed, we're going to stay there for a long, long time. I don't want the sun to interrupt us, which it would in just a few hours." Did he say hours? Gabriel kissed my slack mouth and asked, "No response?" "Yay?

Molly Harper

Response Time Quotes #111235
#69. At a time when everybody in our culture is talking about tolerance, it seems that tolerance has the highest premium of any response - "If we just tolerate one another ... " But my feeling is: Who wants to be tolerated? People don't want to be tolerated; they want to be loved.

Derek Webb

Response Time Quotes #99813
#70. 1. What do you want to accomplish in your life? 2. What is important to you? 3. Where do you want to live? Make sure to consider your response to question 2 when answering this one. 4. How do you want to spend your time?

Liisa Vexler

Response Time Quotes #93603
#71. I mean you really can target your answers to get the instant response and I think that is a very manipulative type of polling. I really have no time for that worm at all.

Jim Bolger

Response Time Quotes #60165
#72. Music speaks directly to the heart. This response, this echo within the heart, is proof that human hearts can transcend the barriers of time and space and nationality. Exchanges in the field of culture can play an important role in enabling people to overcome mistrust and prejudice and build peace.

Daisaku Ikeda

Response Time Quotes #55764
#73. When friends abandoned him, Paul asked God not to count their actions against them. He followed the example of Jesus, who prayed for the Father to forgive His persecutors. What's your response when friends let you down? Forgiveness is the choice that pleases God every time.

Charles Stanley

Response Time Quotes #43615
#74. I, ever knowing the living beings Who tread the Path and those who do not In response to those who may be saved Preach to them a variety of dharmas, Each time having this thought: 'How may I cause the beings To contrive to enter the Unexcelled Path and quickly to perfect the Buddha-body?'

Gautama Buddha

Response Time Quotes #37104
#75. She was beautiful in the way people call the desert beautiful, which is to say that although some people actually believed it, most of the time it was said in response to someone else's denigration of it.

Chris McCormick

Response Time Quotes #26285
#76. Grief isn't a luxury; it's an appropriate response to loss. You don't just will it away. If you allow it to run its course, it will fade with time, but if you ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist, it only gets worse.

Richard Paul Evans

Response Time Quotes #16148
#77. You never know how you're going to be received, after all this time. The initial response we had was just overwhelming, particularly that tour of the States.

Roger Andrew Taylor

Response Time Quotes #687153
#78. It seemed that hell could appear day or night, at any time, at any place, simply in response to one's thoughts or wishes. It seemed that we could summon it at our pleasure and that instantly it would appear.

Yukio Mishima

Response Time Quotes #831788
#79. The art of one's own time tends to be formidable ... because we have to learn how and where to take hold of it, what response is being asked of us, before we can get involved. It's truly new, and therefore truly a bit frightening.

Ursula K. Le Guin

Response Time Quotes #829783
#80. If I've already thought through a situation and have a response prepared ahead of time in the event temptation rears its ugly head, it is that much easier to resist.

Tim Tebow

Response Time Quotes #788716
#81. I do think the first time you read a script, that gut response is very important, and that probably plants a seed that continues to blossom throughout the whole experience.

Paul Dano

Response Time Quotes #774075
#82. Some criticize me, thinking I'm too tolerant of the clerical regime in Iran. In response, I have to say, I have served time in prison, I have lost my position [as a judge]. Do I need to prove that I am brave? Do I need to be killed?

Shirin Ebadi

Response Time Quotes #766273
#83. Although the events we appear to perceive in dreams are illusory, our feelings in response to dream content are real. Indeed, most of the events we experience in dreams are real; when we experience feelings, say, anxiety or ecstasy, in dreams, we really do feel anxious or ecstatic at the time.

Stephen LaBerge

Response Time Quotes #758656
#84. ... And when the time comes to choose yet another dream, I shall smile knowing that I had a life with no less challenges than others, but I chose to respond to them with love.

Raphael Zernoff

Response Time Quotes #753162
#85. The fact that the most powerful and significant connections in our lives are (at the time) invisible to us seems to me a compelling argument for religious reverence rather than skeptical empiricism as a response to life's meaning.

David Foster Wallace

Response Time Quotes #725377
#86. Aly smiles nervously. "So where you taking me?"
By the grace of God, I choke down the response I'd like to give - back to my room - and force a nice, lighthearted smile as I back out of her long driveway.
"All will be revealed in time.

Rachel Harris

Response Time Quotes #722084
#87. Truth will always reassert itself, given a symbolic three days. Three days represents the time it takes between the crucifixion and the resurrection, between an open-hearted response to hurt and the experience of rebirth that will always follow.

Marianne Williamson

Response Time Quotes #712020
#88. The big-time journalists generally had kidnapping insurance through their news organizations. Usually, it would pay for a crisis response company to help negotiate for a hostage's release. Freelancers most often had none.

Amanda Lindhout

Response Time Quotes #704704
#89. Daemon," a voice whispered from the shadows of my front porch. "What in the world are you doing out here?" Debating on whether or not burning down a house next time they head to the store is a reasonable response to getting new neighbors? Yeah, I was gonna keep that one to myself.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Response Time Quotes #857565
#90. I'd forced myself to interact with so much pornography, I no longer regarded my wife in a sexual manner. Each time I tried, my mind filled with images of fetish porn. I could admire her dress, legs and hips, but the response was aesthetic and intellectual, as if studying art I couldn't afford.

Chris Offutt

Response Time Quotes #634780
#91. Does he really expect me to vocalize a response while his fingers are touching my face? It's pretty hard to speak and hold your breath at the same time.

Colleen Hoover

Response Time Quotes #546990
#92. As we tell stories about the lives of others, we learn how to imagine what another creature might feel in response to various events. At the same time, we identify with the other creature and learn something about ourselves.

Martha C. Nussbaum

Response Time Quotes #535894
#93. Each time you send love in response to hate, you diffuse the hate.

Wayne Dyer

Response Time Quotes #534686
#94. The call-and-response rituals of geeks were a thing of beauty, and allowed said geeks to identify each other across time and space.

Atom Yang

Response Time Quotes #508508
#95. I believe that it may be normal, healthy, and even productive to experience mild to moderate depression from time to time as part of the variable emotional spectrum, either as an appropriate response to situations or as a way of turning inward and mentally chewing over problems to find solutions.

Andrew Weil

Response Time Quotes #495806
#96. A novelist writes a novel, and people read it. But reading is a solitary act. While it may elicit a varied and personal response, the communal nature of the audience is like having five hundred people read your novel and respond to it at the same time. I find that thrilling.

August Wilson

Response Time Quotes #490499
#97. Evolution has geared the human stress response to last about thirty seconds. It's enough time to facilitate fight or flight. Evolution has not adapted our brains or bodies to handle weeks or months of prolonged stress.

David Amerland

Response Time Quotes #480973
#98. Silence doesn't mean he or she doesn't know the answer. Just in time, you will know what his or her response.

Shim Steward

Response Time Quotes #446829
#99. Let me introduce you to my wife." It was the first time Edward had said that word since it was officially true; he seemed like he would explode with satisfaction saying it now. The Denalis all laughed lightly in response. "Tanya, this is my Bella.

Stephenie Meyer

Response Time Quotes #446278
#100. Sound continues to be a mystery to me, in that one could create infinite songs focusing on the same subject, but depending on the melody, instrument choice, minor or major key, time signature, etc., each song could elicit an entirely different response.

Josh Garrels

Response Time Quotes #440964

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