Top 15 Raf Officer Quotes

#1. It was the rootlessness that went with being the son of an RAF officer that shaped me. I had been to 11 schools by the time I was 9.

Jonathan Powell

Raf Officer Quotes #1109944
#2. My dad was a musician, and that was his first love, and I think probably, to be really honest, it was my first love as well.

Kim Basinger

Raf Officer Quotes #74526
#3. The campus is an oasis, settled in an otherwise nondescript town in rural America. A place where the grain elevator and the railroad grew together.

Fritz Nordengren

Raf Officer Quotes #237506
#4. Kieran's grin didn't waver as he explained, "I'm not a darling type of guy, pumpkin."
"Well, I'm not a pumpkin type of girl, darling," Jenny shot back.

Kristen Ashley

Raf Officer Quotes #583368
#5. We will also have a more rigorous approach to professional development and managing unsatisfactory performance.

Jay Weatherill

Raf Officer Quotes #643848
#6. as well. Any pretense I had that I was prepared was quickly replaced with the pain I'd become

George Hincapie

Raf Officer Quotes #803575
#7. What is a tiny insignificant seed that, when Spring arrives, It should not be annihilated for a tree to arrive.


Raf Officer Quotes #825588
#8. From the moment you put a piece of bread in your mouth you are part of the world. Who grew the wheat? Who made the bread? Where did it come from? You are in relationship with all who brought it to the table. We are least separate and most in common when we eat and drink.

Thomas Merton

Raf Officer Quotes #845371
#9. I don't like losing the words, as you have to, when I'm asked to turn a play into a movie. It's not a matter of ego ... I'm just better able to create the character for an audience through words rather than through actions.

Neil Simon

Raf Officer Quotes #890177
#10. Bastien's gaze dropped to Terri's behind as he followed her out of the office. He was beginning to understand Lucern's fascination with Kate's behind. Not that he found Kate's rear end fascinating, but Terri's? Well, that was another matter.

Lynsay Sands

Raf Officer Quotes #1013987
#11. You create your future by what you do in the present

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Raf Officer Quotes #1042731
#12. Complaining is finding faults, wisdom is finding solutions

Ajahn Brahm

Raf Officer Quotes #1081085
#13. I took all the courses you would need to be able to go to law school. But my experience in college with football made me want to go into coaching.

Marv Levy

Raf Officer Quotes #1303848
#14. I really like the group tour better than going it alone. First of all, it kind of takes the pressure off a little. I'm not a naturally extroverted person. But I also like it because it brings in new fans. For example, someone who really loves Aprilynne Pike's books might pick up mine and vice versa.

Veronica Roth

Raf Officer Quotes #1441251
#15. The problem is to keep the monkey mind from running off into all kinds of thoughts.

Lee Kuan Yew

Raf Officer Quotes #1636540

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