Top 100 Quotes About The Virtues

#1. Of all the virtues, discretion began to seem the most rewarding: it kept people guessing and sometimes, by default, admiring.

Julia Glass

Quotes About The Virtues #1337228
#2. One must have all the virtues to sleep well. Shall I bear false witness? Shall I commit adultery? Shall I covet my neighbor's maid? All that would go ill with good sleep.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quotes About The Virtues #839492
#3. The principle elements of a puzzle all require the application of energy and persistence, which are the virtues of youth. Mysteries demand experience and insight.

Malcolm Gladwell

Quotes About The Virtues #842417
#4. while courage is not in itself one of the primary virtues, it is the quality that makes the exercise of the virtues possible.

Christopher Hitchens

Quotes About The Virtues #846459
#5. In order to become soundly virtuous, it is advisable to make good practical resolutions concerning particular acts of the virtues and to be faithful in carrying the out afterwards. Without doing that, one is often virtuous only in one's imagination.

Vincent De Paul

Quotes About The Virtues #853858
#6. Man hazards the condition and loses the virtues of a freeman, in proportion as he accustoms his thoughts to view without anguish or shame, his lapse into the bondage of debtor.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton

Quotes About The Virtues #864734
#7. Son, you walked into the den of a master. If you aren't able to extol the virtues of your mattress, Mara will guide you to one that you are. So, while you're here, you need to let Mara show you our Spring Deluxe

Kristen Ashley

Quotes About The Virtues #869262
#8. We are, in the end, a sum of our parts, and when the body fails, all the virtues we hold dear go with it.

Susannah Cahalan

Quotes About The Virtues #884984
#9. There are good points about all ... wars. People forget self. The virtues of magnanimity, courage, patriotism, etc., are called into life. People are more generous, more sympathetic, better, than when engaged in the more selfish pursuits of peace.

Rutherford B. Hayes

Quotes About The Virtues #894701
#10. Prayer is a pasturage, a field, wherein all the virtues find their nourishment, growth, and strength. - ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA.


Quotes About The Virtues #898491
#11. Plato defined good as threefold in character: good in the soul, expressed through the virtues; good in the body, expressed through the symmetry and endurance of the parts; and good in the external world, expressed through social position and companionship.

Manly P. Hall

Quotes About The Virtues #906814
#12. If a man be without the virtues proper to humanity, what has he to do with music?


Quotes About The Virtues #912003
#13. The virtues have gone mad because they have been isolated from each other and are wandering alone. Thus some scientists care for truth; and their truth is pitiless.

G.K. Chesterton

Quotes About The Virtues #913146
#14. Replace your religiosity with the virtues of personal work with God

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About The Virtues #927249
#15. I am about courting a girl I have had but little acquaintance with. How shall I come to a knowledge of her faults, and whether she has the virtues I imagine she has? Answer. Commend her among her female acquaintances.

Benjamin Franklin

Quotes About The Virtues #947288
#16. Justice is the most "political" or institutional of the virtues. The legitimacy of a state rests upon its claim to do justice.

Alan Ryan

Quotes About The Virtues #952209
#17. In much of today's popular culture, the virtues of forgiveness and kindness are belittled, while ridicule, anger, and harsh criticism are encouraged. Let us not hurt the ones we love the most by selfish criticism!

David E. Sorensen

Quotes About The Virtues #958297
#18. It is the inevitable effect of religion on public policy that makes it a matter of public concern. Advocates of religiosity extol the virtues or moral habits that religion is supposed to instill in us. But we should be equally concerned with the intellectual habits it discourages.

Wendy Kaminer

Quotes About The Virtues #980540
#19. In the human race, the frequency of the virtues that are identical in us all is not more wonderful than the multiplicity of the defects that are peculiar to each one of us. Undoubtedly, it is not common sense that is "the commonest thing in the world"; it is human kindness.

Marcel Proust

Quotes About The Virtues #1009963
#20. 8. EARTH comprises distances, great and small; danger and security; open ground and narrow passes; the chances of life and death. 9. The COMMANDER stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.

Sun Tzu

Quotes About The Virtues #1027141
#21. you assume the vices you have not, and conceal the virtues you possess." "My

Alexandre Dumas

Quotes About The Virtues #1035094
#22. With ancient history writers most immediately in view, the author indicates tendency to look to the virtues and vices of individuals when seeking causes.

Peter Heather

Quotes About The Virtues #1037225
#23. Ideas ... [are] like babies - everything about their environment [says] they shouldn't exist. But they do. You can't dwell on problems too early, or they will swamp the virtues and you will decide not to do the project.
(Attributed to Mike Jones)

Steven Levy

Quotes About The Virtues #1039612
#24. If men were stubborn just in proportion as they were right, stubbornness would take her seat among the virtues; but men are generally stubborn just in proportion as they are ignorant and wrong.

Josh Billings

Quotes About The Virtues #1044381
#25. He has all of the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.

Winston Churchill

Quotes About The Virtues #1048340
#26. Righteousness, or justice, is, undoubtedly of all the virtues, the surest foundation on which to create and establish a new state. But there are two nobler virtues, industry and frugality, which tend more to increase the wealth, power and grandeur of the community, than all the others without them.

Benjamin Franklin

Quotes About The Virtues #1051191
#27. Oh, for a forty-parson power to chant Thy praise, Hypocrisy! Oh, for a hymn Loud as the virtues thou dost loudly vaunt, Not practise!

Lord Byron

Quotes About The Virtues #1052320
#28. Other nations of different habits are not enemies: they are godsends. Men require of their neighbours something sufficiently akin to be understood, something sufficiently different to provoke attention, and something great enough to command admiration. We must not expect, however, all the virtues.

Alfred North Whitehead

Quotes About The Virtues #1055846
#29. Let's be wise as the silence, strong as the wind, useful as the light; let's make of our lips a censer of the virtues.

Abdu'l- Baha

Quotes About The Virtues #1056226
#30. All the vices are seasoned with pride just as the virtues are seasoned and enlivened by charity.

St. Catherine Of Siena

Quotes About The Virtues #1056611
#31. Charity is the form, mover, mother and root of all the virtues.

Thomas Aquinas

Quotes About The Virtues #1075544
#32. We are living on what we believe and the virtues upon which we stand.

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About The Virtues #1076529
#33. Good men seek it by the natural means of the virtues; evil men, however, try to achieve the same goal by a variety of concupiscences, and that is surely an unnatural way of seeking the good. Don't you agree?


Quotes About The Virtues #1080554
#34. You don't love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults.

William Faulkner

Quotes About The Virtues #1080811
#35. I'm interested in what the virtues of all those things are, especially for the kind of person who's made their own world that revolves around them, like writers do. It seems especially precious.

Miranda July

Quotes About The Virtues #1081753
#36. Envy is blind, and is only clever in depreciating the virtues of others.


Quotes About The Virtues #1083363
#37. They think virtues are man-made, only exist because they exist, but if no human had ever existed, The Virtues would persist for they hold their being from the very Presence of the Adversary Himself.

Geoffrey Wood

Quotes About The Virtues #1100624
#38. Justice came from a fight amid complexities, and required all the virtues in the world merely to be perceived.

Mark Helprin

Quotes About The Virtues #1108129
#39. My dear Watson," said [Sherlock Holmes], "I cannot agree with those who rank modesty among the virtues. To the logician all things should be seen exactly as they are, and to underestimate one's self is as much a departure from truth as to exaggerate one's own powers.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Quotes About The Virtues #1108794
#40. Henry of England had all the virtues and all the faults, and solved the contradiction by making scapegoats and sin-eaters of half his entourage.

Dorothy Dunnett

Quotes About The Virtues #1140636
#41. A wine cellar requires order, forethought and good taste,' the old man used to say. 'These are the virtues that made Britain great.

Ken Follett

Quotes About The Virtues #1164288
#42. I'm very much a Christian in ideals and ethics, especially in terms of belief in fairness, a deep set obligation to others, and the virtues of charity, tolerance and generosity that we associate with traditional Christian teaching.

E. O. Wilson

Quotes About The Virtues #1164361
#43. Of all the virtues necessary to the completion of the perfect man, there is none to be more delicately implied and less ostentatiously vaunted than that of exquisite feeling or universal benevolence.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton

Quotes About The Virtues #1173104
#44. Hear the words of prudence, give heed unto her counsels, and store them in thine heart; her maxims are universal, and all the virtues lean upon her; she is the guide and the mistress of human life.


Quotes About The Virtues #1188594
#45. Try to acquire the virtues you believe lacking in your brothers. Then you will no longer see their defects, for you will no longer have them yourself.

Saint Augustine

Quotes About The Virtues #1189510
#46. The sphere of influence is noticed if your actions reflect the virtues of the kingdom

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About The Virtues #1194094
#47. But what has America to boast? What are the graces or the virtues which distinguish its inhabitants? What are their triumphs in war, or their inventions in peace?

Thomas Day

Quotes About The Virtues #1201182
#48. I courted fame but as a spur to brave and honest deeds; who despises fame will soon renounce the virtues that deserve it.

David Mallet

Quotes About The Virtues #1201469
#49. Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it all others depend.

Winston Churchill

Quotes About The Virtues #1201801
#50. We've all started to put down the virtues of the other factions in the process of bolstering our own. I don't want to do that. I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest." He clears his throat. "I continually struggle with kindness.

Veronica Roth

Quotes About The Virtues #1206005
#51. Steve's sales pitch on the NeXT operating system was dazzling," according to Amelio. " He praised the virtues and strengths as though he were describing a performance of Oliver as Macbeth.

Walter Isaacson

Quotes About The Virtues #1209913
#52. Disobedience, the rarest and most courageous of the virtues, is seldom distinguished from neglect, the laziest and commonest of the vices.

George Bernard Shaw

Quotes About The Virtues #1210705
#53. CHAP. III. The Master said, 'If a man be without the virtues proper to humanity, what has he to do with the rites of propriety? If a man be without the virtues proper to humanity, what has he to do with music?' CHAP.


Quotes About The Virtues #1212485
#54. Courage, energy and patience are the virtues which appeal to my heart.

Fritz Kreisler

Quotes About The Virtues #1222178
#55. Nothing can be more puritanical in application than the virtues.

Muriel Spark

Quotes About The Virtues #1224747
#56. The neuroses parody the virtues.

Mason Cooley

Quotes About The Virtues #1227329
#57. The church must be involved in all the seven spheres of life extending the virtues and principles of the kingdom of God

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About The Virtues #1234363
#58. Failure.
That is a word so little to our taste that many think it a virtue to claim that they never admit it. But blind stupidity is not one of the virtues; it is a weakness ...

John Wyndham

Quotes About The Virtues #1244214
#59. Of all the virtues we can learn no trait is more useful, more essential for survival, and more likely to improve the quality of life than the ability to transform adversity into an enjoyable challenge.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Quotes About The Virtues #1247873
#60. I commend to you the virtues of thrift and industry. In doing so, I do not wish you to be a "tightwad," if you will pardon that expression, or to be a freeloader, or anything of the kind.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Quotes About The Virtues #1282660
#61. The amiable is a duty most certainly, but must not be exercised at the expense of any of the virtues. He who seeks to do the amiable always, can only be successful at the frequent expense of his manhood.

William Gilmore Simms

Quotes About The Virtues #1291193
#62. Extolling the virtues of conservation of energy, Churchill advised, Never stand when you can sit, and never sit when you can lie down.

Winston S. Churchill

Quotes About The Virtues #1292932
#63. We see so much that we in fact see nothing, and we know so much that we no longer possess anything that is our own, that is to say, something we could not have learned, something that arises out of the virtues and errors of our own self

Johann Gottfried Herder

Quotes About The Virtues #1297626
#64. No man can be a sound lawyer in this land who is not well read in the ethics of Moses and the virtues of Jesus.

Fisher Ames

Quotes About The Virtues #1304989
#65. Our agricultural colleges continue to graduate specialists who become vocational agricultural teachers in the schools, and county agents, who go forth to extol the virtues of poison insecticides, herbicides, and commercial fertilizers.

Joe Nichols

Quotes About The Virtues #1326382
#66. In many ways he was like America itself, big and strong, full of good intentions, a roll of fat jiggling at his belly, slow of foot but always plodding along, always there when you needed him, a believer in the virtues of simplicity and directness and hard labor.

Tim O'Brien

Quotes About The Virtues #1326650
#67. Truth is inclusive of all the virtues, is older than sects and schools, and, like charity, more ancient than mankind.

Amos Bronson Alcott

Quotes About The Virtues #1328338
#68. In every age poets and social reformers have tried to stimulate the people of their own time to a nobler life by enchanting stories of the virtues of the heroes of old.

Alfred Marshall

Quotes About The Virtues #1737437
#69. I never thought I would hear you expound the virtues of caring about people."
I frowned. "I care about people. I just don't like them.

Daniel Friedman

Quotes About The Virtues #1580258
#70. Ideas, Mike Jones, an engineer at Google explained, were like babies - everything about their environment said they shouldn't exist. But they do. You can't dwell on problems too early, or they will swamp the virtues and you will decide not to do the project.

Steven Levy

Quotes About The Virtues #1581695
#71. Neither by nature, then, nor contrary to nature do the virtues arise in us; rather we are adapted by nature to receive them, and are made perfect by habit.


Quotes About The Virtues #1595692
#72. My parents had always preached the virtues of hard work. But hard work is one thing; economic struggle is another.

Sargent Shriver

Quotes About The Virtues #1602631
#73. Purity strikes me as the most mysterious of the virtues and the more I think about it the less I know about it.

Flannery O'Connor

Quotes About The Virtues #1604323
#74. I'm sure the other kids wouldn't mind not being lectured by another toddler over the virtues of sharing and the mental benefits of toy blocks.

Hayden Thorne

Quotes About The Virtues #1605770
#75. It is undoubtedly the case that the practice of the virtues makes one happier. We've somewhat lost sight of that essential truth, now that we, as a society, admire selfishness and vanity so much.

Alexander McCall Smith

Quotes About The Virtues #1611923
#76. Let woman share the rights and she will emulate the virtues of man; for she must grow more perfect when emancipated ...

Mary Wollstonecraft

Quotes About The Virtues #1614717
#77. Let a man be endowed with ten virtues and have but one fault and the one fault will eclipse and darken all the virtues.

Martin Luther

Quotes About The Virtues #1614874
#78. The good life for man is the life spent in seeking for the good life for man, and the virtues necessary for the seeking are those which will enable us to understand what more and what else the good life for man is.

Alasdair MacIntyre

Quotes About The Virtues #1620141
#79. One can never speak enough of the virtues, the dangers, the power of shared laughter.

Francoise Sagan

Quotes About The Virtues #1660326
#80. The virtues of science are skepticism and independence of thought.

Walter Gilbert

Quotes About The Virtues #1676695
#81. In the garden of the soul, the virtues of faith, hope, and love form the centerpiece. Traditionally called theological virtues, they come as free gifts from God and draw us to God. We cannot earn these virtues; God has already freely planted them in our soul.

Robert Morneau

Quotes About The Virtues #1679141
#82. The virtues of a superior man are like the wind; the virtues of a common man are like the grass; the grass, when the wind passes over it, bends.

Henry David Thoreau

Quotes About The Virtues #1687299
#83. Compliment others on the virtues they have; and they're not half as pleased as being complimented for the ones they don't have.

Malcolm Forbes

Quotes About The Virtues #1710923
#84. The virtues of valor and love of liberty; the only virtues which can have place among an uncivilized people, where justice and humanity are commonly neglected.

David Hume

Quotes About The Virtues #1736425
#85. If you combine all the spectral rays into a single beam, you get white light; and, if you combine all the virtues into a single beam, you get charity.

Austin O'Malley

Quotes About The Virtues #1811782
#86. All religion teaches the virtues of love, altruism and patience, while showing us how to discipline and transform ourselves to achieve inner peace and a kind heart. Therefore, they are worthy of our respect.

Dalai Lama

Quotes About The Virtues #1861552
#87. When a nation is on the downward path, when it feels its belief in its own future, its hope of freedom slipping from it, when it begins to see submission as a first necessity and the virtues of submission as measures of self-preservation, then it must overhaul its God.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quotes About The Virtues #1858134
#88. POVERTY, n. A file provided for the teeth of the rats of reform. Its victims are distinguished by possession of all the virtues and by their faith in leaders seeking to conduct them into a prosperity where they believe these to be unknown.

Ambrose Bierce

Quotes About The Virtues #1855277
#89. From faith, hope, and love, the virtues of religion referring to God, there arises a double act which bears on the spiritual communion exercised between God and us; the hearing of the word and prayer.

William Ames

Quotes About The Virtues #1851771
#90. Love is the last and secret name of all the virtues.

Iris Murdoch

Quotes About The Virtues #1845059
#91. Liberal dominance of important areas of America's social and political life has undermined many of the virtues that have sustained this country.

Mona Charen

Quotes About The Virtues #1819683
#92. Reading is a gift. It's something you can do almost anytime and anywhere. It can be a tremendous way to learn, relax, and even escape. So, enough about the virtues of reading. Time to read on.

Richard Carlson

Quotes About The Virtues #1816034
#93. Courage is the most common and vulgar of the virtues.

Herman Melville

Quotes About The Virtues #1770063
#94. Prudence is a necessary ingredient in all the virtues, without which they degenerate into folly and excess.

Jeremy Collier

Quotes About The Virtues #1752689
#95. we must by every means implant in the field of our heart the seeds of the virtues, faith, hope in God, and love for God and our neighbour,

John Of Kronstadt

Quotes About The Virtues #1756913
#96. No place is ugly to those who understand the virtues and sweetness of everything that God has made.

George Sand

Quotes About The Virtues #1759534
#97. One of the virtues of the NHS ... it doesn't worry you about money at the moment when you're least capable of doing anything about it.

Clive James

Quotes About The Virtues #1797505
#98. But why discourse Upon the Virtues of the Horse? They are too numerous to tell Save when you have a Horse to Sell.

Josh Billings

Quotes About The Virtues #1810339
#99. Restfulness is a quality for cattle; the virtues are all active, life is alert.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Quotes About The Virtues #1575046
#100. To exercise power costs effort and demands courage. That is why so many fail to assert rights to which they are perfectly entitled - because a right is a kind of power but they are too lazy or too cowardly to exercise it. The virtues which cloak these faults are called patience and forbearance.

Oscar Wilde

Quotes About The Virtues #1782996

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