Top 43 Quotes About Street Food

#1. Ish #303 It's a street food vendor! Stop asking for the health score rating.

Regina Griffin

Quotes About Street Food #214288
#2. Street food, I believe, is the salvation of the human race.

Anthony Bourdain

Quotes About Street Food #133676
#3. I was very impressed with the street food of Singapore. I was very impressed with the dishes that they did.

Jose Andres

Quotes About Street Food #1299171
#4. I'd heard street food was a big thing here in Mexico but I didn't think it meant the creatures that lived on the street.

Karl Pilkington

Quotes About Street Food #1273972
#5. From food trucks to hot dog stands to county fair favorites, 'street food' has enjoyed a rich and storied history in American cuisine. However, street food has been around for thousands of years. In fact, street food is believed to have originated as far back as Ancient Rome.

Homaro Cantu

Quotes About Street Food #1127102
#6. I'd love to visit Thailand just for the street food and the energy of a city like Bangkok.

Bobby Flay

Quotes About Street Food #772356
#7. I think of [street food] as the antidote to fast food; it's the clear alternative to the king, the clown and the colonel.

Anthony Bourdain

Quotes About Street Food #698158
#8. In Sicily where food is love and the street is a stage street food is more than a cheap meal it's Communion.

Theresa Maggio

Quotes About Street Food #473928
#9. There is so much more vegetable use in Thailand, India and China than meat. Yes, when you go to the markets or buy street food, you see shrimp or chicken - but mostly vegetables.

Jean-Georges Vongerichten

Quotes About Street Food #247378
#10. When I was a kid, there was always food to be had on the street in Jerusalem, but anything above a falafel stand was mediocre or worse.

Yotam Ottolenghi

Quotes About Street Food #1168151
#11. We have these weapons of mass destruction on every street corner, and they're called donuts, cheeseburgers, French fries, potato chips, junk food. Our kids are living on a junk food diet.

Joel Fuhrman

Quotes About Street Food #1765537
#12. I'm not keen on the English way of eating outside, on the street. I want food that is clean, not impregnated with toxic fumes.

Marie Helvin

Quotes About Street Food #1170136
#13. Given these proclivities on the part of food companies - competitive, beholden to Wall Street, and in utter denial about their culpability - an intervention by Washington would certainly seem to be in order.

Michael Moss

Quotes About Street Food #1184795
#14. If we want to improve American food and make it much cheaper, we should deregulate the food trucks and the other street vendors, provided they meet certain sanitation standards. Many cities have already moved down this path, and people are not keeling over with salmonella.

Tyler Cowen

Quotes About Street Food #1188299
#15. I always wanted to experience the street life because my teenage life in Aberdeen was so boring. But I was never really independent enough to do it. I applied for food stamps, lived under the bridge, and built a fort at the cedar mill.

Kurt Cobain

Quotes About Street Food #1219275
#16. They called it the bamboo-shoot existence, the onion life, every layer you peeled away made you cry more, and even if you could find the food you couldn't get it home because dysentery was breeding in the street mud and you might trail it back to your family.


Quotes About Street Food #1283918
#17. When you're on the street and, in love, you hand someone a sandwich because he or she has no food, even if you don't say a word, your actions are prophesying to the person the heart and mind of God - and that's demonstration of love.

Shawn Gabie

Quotes About Street Food #1292935
#18. [Conservatives] go to church, they do lots of things for free for each other. They hold potluck dinners ... They serve food to poor people. They share, they give, they give away for free. It's the very same people leading Wall Street firms who, on Sundays, show up and share.

Lawrence Lessig

Quotes About Street Food #1330773
#19. I had a long-lasting love affair with the flavors from Japan and the hustling New York street vendors. And, of course, a life-changing return to Ethiopia has made huge impacts on my life in food.

Marcus Samuelsson

Quotes About Street Food #1376810
#20. It distresses me when I take my seven-year-old nephew out. I cook healthy food, and he wants to go to McDonald's. He doesn't even like the food; he just wants the toys, the Happy Meals. I can't stand to see people walking down the street eating fast food.

Julia Sawalha

Quotes About Street Food #1403425
#21. Backpackers can pack much more meows than baggers. Beggars never feed stray cats as street cats are self-sustaining.

Will Advise

Quotes About Street Food #1428724
#22. The fight to save family farms isn't just about farmers. It's
about making sure that there is a safe and healthy food supply for all of us.
It's about jobs, from Main Street to Wall Street. It's about a better

Willie Nelson

Quotes About Street Food #1460664
#23. Acceptable food rots while we are chased from bins behind restaurants, chased from sleeping on the street, chased from relieving ourselves unless we pay for food or gas, until finally we are so hungry, sleepless, smelly, constipated and beaten-down that we simply die of lack of will to live.

Jane Siberry

Quotes About Street Food #1551831
#24. I love, love, love the street-cart food. Gyros are like a meat-flavored fruit roll-up. A meat roll-up.

Kumail Nanjiani

Quotes About Street Food #1729637
#25. Even on Central Avenue, not the quietest dressed street in the world, he looked about as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food.

Raymond Chandler

Quotes About Street Food #1734620
#26. Food Stamp recipients didn't cause the financial crisis; recklessness on Wall Street did.

Barack Obama

Quotes About Street Food #1738125
#27. In New York, I'll walk down the street and someone will say, 'Nice show,' and that's it. If I'm at a food festival, it's open season.

Tom Colicchio

Quotes About Street Food #753648
#28. He could hear his granny speaking. "No one's too poor to buy soap." Of course, many people were. But in Cockbill Street they bought soap just the same. The table might not have any food on it but, by gods, it was well scrubbed. That was Cockbill Street, where what you mainly ate was your pride.

Terry Pratchett

Quotes About Street Food #16982
#29. Working at the Food Bank with my kids is an eye-opener. The face of hunger isn't the bum on the street drinking Sterno; it's the working poor. They don't look any different, they don't behave any differently, they're not really any less educated. They are incredibly less privileged, and that's it.

Mario Batali

Quotes About Street Food #227506
#30. Let's see what's going on over in Iraq. A Burger King has opened up and prostitutes are back on the street of Baghdad after 20 years. Fast food and hookers - they are truly living the American Dream.

David Letterman

Quotes About Street Food #253972
#31. Pecans are not cheap, my hons. In fact, in the South, the street value of shelled pecans just before holiday baking season is roughly that of crack cocaine. Do not confuse the two. It is almost impossible to make a decent crack cocaine tassie, I am told.

Celia Rivenbark

Quotes About Street Food #330580
#32. If you see a homeless person on the street, and they need food, housing, medical attention - if you can give that, do it. But at the same time, work with tonglen, because that is how you start dissolving the barrier between you and them.

Pema Chodron

Quotes About Street Food #369114
#33. Every day, families in Africa go without food and water, never knowing when their next meal might be; but we can change that if we all work together. In order to make a difference, every purchase of my new energy shot, Street King, will provide a meal for a child in need.

Curtis Jackson

Quotes About Street Food #554919
#34. Sometimes I've looked at a plate of food and wondered if it wouldn't look better as a hat.

Janet Street-Porter

Quotes About Street Food #567971
#35. Even though I had a fantastic family, I always felt lonely - not lonely in the melancholic way but knowing that, to really survive, I have to do everything for myself. I had to work and study, and I was out in the street really surviving, bringing food back home.

Riccardo Tisci

Quotes About Street Food #655769
#36. If you want more joy in your daily life, smile at the people you meet in the street, the woman sitting beside you on the bus or standing next to you in the queue at the airport, the waiter who brings your food, your colleagues or your employer. There's a great chance they'll smile back.

Thorbjorg Hafsteinsdottir

Quotes About Street Food #1140791
#37. I believe in using words, not fists. I believe in my outrage knowing people are living in boxes on the street. I believe in honesty. I believe in a good time. I believe in good food. I believe in sex.

Bertrand Russell

Quotes About Street Food #820601
#38. I'd love to see a new form of social security ... everyone taught how to grow their own; fruit and nut trees planted along every street, parks planted out to edibles, every high rise with a roof garden, every school with at least one fruit tree for every kid enrolled.

Jackie French

Quotes About Street Food #827845
#39. In the Seventies, my children played in the street, read politically incorrect stories, ate home-cooked food and occasional junk and, yes, were sometimes smacked.

Laurie Graham

Quotes About Street Food #840087
#40. The confluence of people, smells and tastes that you are privy to merely by eating on the street is very special. And it is not something that can be replicated indoors. If food is a lens through which to see the world, a seat at one of those tiny tables offers the best view.

Jodi Ettenberg

Quotes About Street Food #933279
#41. Every time the good giants try to cut back on salt, sugar, fat calories, inevitably Wall Street raises its hand and is looking at the sales figures and the revenue and saying, 'Thou shalt not result in any loss of profit.' There's huge continuing pressure on the food companies.

Michael Moss

Quotes About Street Food #1015814
#42. Whether it is Obamacare, the stimulus, Wall Street bailouts, the food safety bill - on vote after vote, Bill Nelson has chosen to side with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and President Obama over the people of Florida.

Adam Hasner

Quotes About Street Food #1101999
#43. This was only one of many recent changes along the capitalist food chain. Wall Street had gone from being the celebrities of the money culture to being its lackeys.

Michael Lewis

Quotes About Street Food #1108215

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