Top 74 Quotes About Road Less Traveled

#1. The road less traveled might just be the ride of your life!

Carolee Dean

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #117468
#2. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn.

Joss Whedon

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #60792
#3. The road less traveled will not be smooth

Megan McCafferty

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1678112
#4. Shake up your life a bit. Get rid of the cobwebs. Take the road less traveled. Most people live within the confines of their comfort zone. Yogi Raman was the first person to explain to me that the best thing you can do for yourself is regularly move beyond it.

Robin S. Sharma

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1627670
#5. Now hurry up. We're taking the road beyond the road less traveled, and being on time will make all the difference.

Robyn Schneider

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1618113
#6. I've always sort of felt a little bit like I was on the road less traveled, so if I come across a story about a person who broke the rules, or did things differently and succeeded, that's really inspiring to me.

Laura Bell Bundy

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1544959
#7. Originality is taking the road less traveled, championing a set of novel ideas that go against the grain but ultimately make things better. Of

Adam M. Grant

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1515191
#8. I took the road less traveled...where the heck am I?

Brant Randall

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1368702
#9. Mom had always taught all of us to examine decisions by reversibility
that is, to hedge our bets. When you couldn't decide between two things, she suggested you choose the one that allowed you to change course if necessary. Not the road less traveled but the road with the exit ramp.

Will Schwalbe

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1337801
#10. that goes well, we will follow with discussions of Raving Fans, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Gung Ho!; and The Road Less Traveled. All of these books can help us understand

Harry Paul

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1241581
#11. I feel a huge responsibility to anyone who's younger than me, in helping them take the road less traveled, or finding no road at all and blazing a new trail.

Sandra Bullock

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1233920
#12. Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason

Jerry Seinfeld

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1059577
#13. I tok the road less traveled. Now I'm lost.

Neil Leckman

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #752606
#14. I took the road less traveled, now I need a map.

Neil Leckman

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #619767
#15. I chose the road less traveled. Now I'm lost.

Darynda Jones

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #504948
#16. Change is a road less traveled, but a remarkable journey to take.

Dr. Milan LaBrey

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #340285
#17. I don't live life a whole lot differently than some of the more notable characters in my books. It has been a road less traveled, but worth every step along the way.

P.S. Meronek

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #306269
#18. We're taking the road beyond the road less traveled, and being on time will make all difference.

Robyn Schneider

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #301289
#19. I knew that I was choosing the road less traveled but I'm not walking it alone.

Jason Collins

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #226848
#20. The road less traveled continues to beckon me onward, towards a journey of transformation and engagement.

Marquita Burke-DeJesus

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1093151
#21. Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity. Why would you be realistic? What's the point of being realistic? I'm going to do it. It's done. It's already done. The second I decide it's done, it's already done.

Will Smith

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1381543
#22. 66/ 'Two roads diverge in a yellow wood,' I think. It didn't ultimately matter which one you took; that was the real point of Frost's poem. The roads were pretty much the same. That stuff about the one less traveled making all the difference was bullshit.

Kim Addonizio

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1335703
#23. Would you that ever find yourself walking the Road, trudging without purpose, seeking some journey's end, I give you this warning. The Road is a living being. She is an enchantress and She has a long reach.

Caiseal Mor

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1330754
#24. Every road i traveled led back to you

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1317976
#25. Everyone chooses one of two roads in life - the old and the young, the rich and the poor, men and women alike. One is the broad, well-traveled road to mediocrity, the other road to greatness and meaning.

Stephen Covey

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1294134
#26. Your soul sees no missed opportunities. In reality every road you traveled offered up an experience as a gift, and as the complex fabric of life wove itself, each experience added to your growth.

Deepak Chopra

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1209598
#27. the feelings you have for someone may never change but the road traveled will always change

Mike Prelee

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1164737
#28. Cheer up O faint-hearted warrior. Not only has Christ traveled the road - but He has slain your enemies!

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1151154
#29. We can lead others only as far along the road as we ourselves have traveled. merely pointing the way is not enough. If we are not walking, then no one can be following, and ware not leading anyone.

J. Oswald Sanders

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1121372
#30. Our story has been told,
our song has been sung.
You're a road I've already traveled,
and from it, I have moved on.
Already Traveled

Shay Leigh

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1114988
#31. Happiness is a road traveled, not a destination.

Mike Dirnt

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1054153
#32. I appreciate you more because of the road I've traveled. My story brought me to you, and I wouldn't revise a word of my past if it led me any where but to your door.

Aaron Polson

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #981220
#33. Let today be the day you embrace your beautiful spirit and shine light for those living in the dark. Light their path so the road traveled will be seen more clearly. You never know how much a simple act of kindness is appreciated if you never try. Be that candle for someone today and shine bright.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1852115
#34. To continue on the road we Americans have traveled for the past century is ultimately to deliver ourselves completely into the hands of an unlimited government. We can have a free society or a welfare state. We cannot have both.

Robert Higgs

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #980968
#35. Life is difficult. This is the great truth, one of the greatest truths-it is a great truth because once we see this truth, we transcend it.

M. Scott Peck

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1393168
#36. According to my parents, I just started drumming when I was two. I traveled with them from five to seven on the road, playing percussion. Between 8 and 12, my dad sort of prepared me by teaching me every aspect of road life.


Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1431748
#37. The original route, whether called U. S. 40 or something else, will furnish the main-traveled road until someone disproves the geometrical proposition that a straight line is the shortest distance between points.

George R. Stewart

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1452610
#38. The people that understand you the most are not always the people you call family. Often, it is the person that has traveled a parallel road because they have seen the same scenery in life and can comment on the view.

Shannon L. Alder

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1464303
#39. Look for chances to take the less-traveled roads. There are no wrong turns.

Susan Magsamen

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1484047
#40. Who said the road doesn't have bumps? It can still be traveled.

L. Ron Hubbard

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1524292
#41. Success is not determined by the amount of accomplishments, but by the road traveled & how you handled the recovery of each failed attempt.

Behdad Sami

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1567647
#42. Johnny Guitar ... just one of my favorite singers of all time. I met him when we were both on the road with Johnny Otis in the '50s when I was a teenager. We traveled the country in a car together. I would hear him sing every night.

Etta James

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1639819
#43. I would not suffer anyone to endure the path I walk. My road must always be traveled alone.

Julie Kagawa

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1658017
#44. My son traveled the world with me on every tour. He wasn't a lover of school, so it was easy with him. I had a tutor on the road, keep him at the same level, so when he'd pop back home he'd go right back in.

Gloria Estefan

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1718470
#45. You know more of a road by having traveled it than by all the conjectures and descriptions in the world.

William Hazlitt

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1804527
#46. The truth is, that MOST of the time MOST of us take the road MOST traveled, the path of least resistance and MOST comfortable.

Jayce O'Neal

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1815481
#47. I believe the measure of a man isn't just the road he's traveled; it's the choices he's made along the way.

Joe Biden

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #1836433
#48. That road to V-E Day was hard and long, and traveled by weary and valiant men. And history will always record where that road began. It began here, with the first footprints on the beaches of Normandy.

George W. Bush

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #573444
#49. Freedom is a road seldom traveled by the multitude.

Frederick Douglass

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #41711
#50. They say that when you're about to die, your life flashes before your eyes. They never tell you that when you watch someone you once loved dying, hovering between this life and the next, it's twice as painful, because you're reliving two lives that traveled one road together.

Becca Fitzpatrick

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #129091
#51. Where a pack of monkeys had traveled over the road, the smell of them lingered for a long time in the air, a dry and stale, mousy smell.

Isak Dinesen

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #149750
#52. If you went in search of it, you would not find the boundaries of the soul, though you traveled every road-so deep is its measure [logos].


Quotes About Road Less Traveled #197374
#53. Life's road is better traveled down in stlye, perferably with a leather jacket and sunglasses

Quitillian Blue

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #218567
#54. I've traveled this road for many decades and I still don't know how to go. I am a wanderer, traversing mountains of time. There is no fault, only fault lines that tremor and quake, barring me, no warning. Aftershocks. -Broken Places

Rachel Thompson

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #268030
#55. Were the paths that we were heading down the right ones for us- or were we simply staying the course because we thought we should? Was the road most frequently traveled the one that we wanted to follow?

Amanda Pressner

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #277824
#56. To undertake a journey on a road never before traveled requires character and courage: character because the choice is not obvious; courage because the road will be lonely at first.

Henry Kissinger

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #336453
#57. With total discipline we can solve all problems.

M. Scott Peck

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #468396
#58. They make you powerful. Each line is a road traveled, an experience you had, whether it was good or bad. Each mark is proof of pain in the past, not the present. You are a survivor, you are a warrior.

T.M. Frazier

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #482757
#59. We never know where life is going to lead, Ethan. What so many small decisions are going to add up to.

Ali Standish

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #495761
#60. Driving in someone elses lane is easy, but remaining in your own seems to be the most challenging self discipline. No matter how big the highway, imagine yours is a singular road traveled in one direction - you're own.

T.F. Hodge

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #546683
#61. When we teach ourselves and our children discipline, we are teaching them and ourselves how to suffer and also how to grow.

M. Scott Peck

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #557835
#62. You can't change the road you traveled from a child, but you can certainly take a different road for the journey into your future.

Shamarion Whitaker

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #951102
#63. He felt a quiet pride about the road he had traveled with this old pack ... He may be scarred and worn in places, but like his pack, he believed he was better for it.

Andrew Peterson

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #579926
#64. But before looking to the future, let's glance back at the road we've traveled these past two years because that is the source of much of the optimism we are all feeling about the future.

Linda Lingle

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #594923
#65. I have traveled a long road from the battlefield to the peace table.

Moshe Dayan

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #626876
#66. I wanted to see how flavors, spices, and grains traveled back and forth along the Silk Road and were interpreted by a multitude of cultures' palates.

Hanya Yanagihara

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #651604
#67. When we traveled for two and half days, we reached the Deads' road from which dead babies drove us, and when we reached there, we could not travel on it because of fearful dead babies, etc. which were still on it.

Amos Tutuola

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #661545
#68. My father shared the ethos of many of the beat writers and was a friend of Allen Ginsberg. Probably for 25 years of my father's life, He had been an itinerant piano player and so traveled the road with bands and that sort of thing.

Anne Waldman

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #693699
#69. At times, the road will be hard, the days will be long, and the journey you've traveled won't feel like a song. But know that I'll always love you, and with love, all is certain.

Laura Miller

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #731120
#70. I'm an off-road racecar driver. And I think every woman in my life has told me that's not a sensible hobby. But when I was growing, even more than I wanted to be funny, I wanted to be a racecar driver. That's all I thought about. I worked for a race team when I was 15 and I traveled with them.

Dax Shepard

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #758470
#71. Ultimately, success is not measured by first-place prizes. It's measured by the road you have traveled: how you have dealt with the challenge and the stumbling blocks you've encountered along the way.

Nicole Haislett

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #762720
#72. The further along we get on our life journey the more we wonder about those who traveled before us and paved the road.

Richard Paul Evans

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #818644
#73. Cameras are simple tools designed to capture images. Images that tell us more about ourselves than we realize. They remind us of the long journey we've taken. The loved ones who traveled alongside of us. Those we lost along the way. And those waiting for us on the road ahead.

Mary Alice

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #826205
#74. Every journey taken always includes the path not taken, the detour through hell, the crossroads of indecision and the long way home.

Shannon L. Alder

Quotes About Road Less Traveled #880795

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