Top 100 Quotes About New Friends

#1. That was what made traveling appeal to him - he always made new friends, and he didn't need to spend all of his time with them.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About New Friends #120970
#2. I don't have friends, and it's hard for me to make new friends. Right now, the people that are in my life are the people that I work with.


Quotes About New Friends #1869824
#3. How to Find Your Joylah
1. Try new things
2. Be open to new friends
3. Visit new places
4. Listen to new ideas
5. Remember each day is a new day
6. And it's really no big deal if beads get mixed up every once in a while

Elizabeth Atkinson

Quotes About New Friends #1856393
#4. (About sweeping) ...
What he was in FACT doing was moving the dirt around with a broom, to give it a change of scenery and a chance to make new friends.

Terry Pratchett

Quotes About New Friends #1848877
#5. If you are always persuasive, you would be able to make new friends in society.

Saaif Alam

Quotes About New Friends #1822405
#6. Many divorced or widowed people do with their singleness what they should have done before they married for the first time: live alone, find their own rhythms, date a variety of people, go into therapy, develop new friends and interests, learn how to live with and care for themselves.

Harville Hendrix

Quotes About New Friends #1812618
#7. One way to meet like-minded people is to attend classes or seminars, join clubs, or simply study and learn a new vocabulary. Soon you will meet new friends.

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Quotes About New Friends #1806004
#8. For men, after a certain age, it gets hard to make new friends.

Scott Foley

Quotes About New Friends #1795968
#9. President Bush will come here and there will be new 'friends' of America to open a new relationship with the world, new economic fortunes for those who 'liberated' them.

Robert Fisk

Quotes About New Friends #1781234
#10. When I'm traveling, I always look for a dance studio. It's a great workout and a wonderful way to meet new friends in the community.

Rachel Boston

Quotes About New Friends #1777281
#11. I have no talent for making new friends, but oh such genius for fidelity to old ones.

Daphne Du Maurier

Quotes About New Friends #1774052
#12. You want to go play with your new friends back there? The really pale ones with the taste for plasma?

Rachel Caine

Quotes About New Friends #1771483
#13. For Liza, a greeting is an opportunity to make new friends. For me, it's yet more people I'll have to avoid.

Ariel Leve

Quotes About New Friends #1759400
#14. What do people in prison say when they meet new friends? Give me your cell number.

Dana Gould

Quotes About New Friends #1757138
#15. THOUGH you are in your shining days, Voices among the crowd And new friends busy with your praise, Be not unkind or proud, But think about old friends the most: Time's bitter flood will rise, Your beauty perish and be lost For all eyes but these eyes.

William Butler Yeats

Quotes About New Friends #1753045
#16. New friends," he said, as if it were an important point, "can often have a better time together than old friends." With

F Scott Fitzgerald

Quotes About New Friends #1749144
#17. The difference between old friends and new friends is that new friends just haven't let you down yet.
She told me that everyone has let her down ...
... except for me.
And all I could think was, give me time.

Rick Remender

Quotes About New Friends #1708228
#18. I love making new friends and I respect people for a lot of different reasons.

Taylor Swift

Quotes About New Friends #1706666
#19. Now Doon seemed to care for his new friends more than he did for her. Every time she thought about him she felt a thud of pain, like a bruised place inside her.

Jeanne DuPrau

Quotes About New Friends #1706115
#20. Walking with my doggy is so much fun!
And she makes me laugh, she makes me run.
Licking she likes to make some good new friends,
Kindly enough with cyclists who spin with no end.

Ana Claudia Antunes

Quotes About New Friends #1684180
#21. If it weren't for the difficulties, challenges, and change, I wouldn't be blessed with opportunities, new friends and growth.

Robert J. Braathe

Quotes About New Friends #1665727
#22. Cope? Adapt? Uh, no. These are military kids. They roll with it. I once asked a new student, 'See any familiar faces?' She pointed out various kids and replied, 'Seattle, Tampa, Okinawa, New Jersey.' For military dependents school is literally a non-stop revolving door of old and new friends.

Tucker Elliot

Quotes About New Friends #1662474
#23. Good characters make you feel like you have new friends, don't they? You have to re-read the books just to visit with them again. Grace Awakening. Book one: Awakening Dreams

Shawn L. Bird

Quotes About New Friends #1626517
#24. In the course of your journey it is most likely that your day-to-day companions or friends may change. Some may fall away as your interest in the Spirit pulls you from the worldly interest which brought or kept you together, but new friends who share your current interests will appear. Of

Ram Dass

Quotes About New Friends #1607273
#25. And thence from Athens turn away our eyes
To seek new friends and stranger companies.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About New Friends #1595653
#26. I'm okay. I've finally made a few new friends."
"I know," she sighed. "It makes me miss you more, ...

Devon Monk

Quotes About New Friends #1593401
#27. Dr. Kaunda, although he was running a one-party state, was very close to the West, and that is why he achieved as much as he did. But we drifted away from the West to look for new friends.

Michael Sata

Quotes About New Friends #1516063
#28. My husband and I get along great. We're both introverts, and it's hard to make new friends.

S.E. Hinton

Quotes About New Friends #1508173
#29. How enriched life is by friends! Good friends, new friends, old friends, feathered friends, feline friends,
friends of friends ...

Laurel Burch

Quotes About New Friends #1503761
#30. Sincere deeds invite new friends.

Toba Beta

Quotes About New Friends #1502181
#31. Xander let the full extent of his misery show on his face for his mother. She gave his knee a shake, sharing his misery. She was good that way. "Give it some time," she whispered. "You'll make new friends and find new things to do. Wait and see.

Robert Liparulo

Quotes About New Friends #1486247
#32. Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.

Dalai Lama

Quotes About New Friends #1482799
#33. Practice corporeal politics. Power wants your body softening in your chair and your emotions dissipating on the screen. Get outside. Put your body in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people. Make new friends and march with them.

Timothy Snyder

Quotes About New Friends #1473663
#34. Through my writing, I have made new friends and continued to learn about this world of ours in all its wonder, with all its challenges.

Sonia Levitin

Quotes About New Friends #1471050
#35. Why was it so difficult to make new friends once you were past forty Was it because we didn't have dreams anymore, only regrets?

Jean-Claude Izzo

Quotes About New Friends #1464828
#36. It's weird, It's really weird to be called a breakout star. And some people are referring to my show as the new 'Friends', which I can't really even wrap my head around.

Lizzy Caplan

Quotes About New Friends #1462906
#37. If you're going to help somebody, sneak in, sneak out, do what you can. I just sneak along and do my thing and meet wonderful people, some people I've never met, new friends.

Bobby Orr

Quotes About New Friends #1458596
#38. I started writing this feature comedy in New York - a Chris Farley vehicle. The script was decent. When I got to LA, I met some new friends in film school and had them read my script and give me notes.

David Steinberg

Quotes About New Friends #1448103
#39. Her new friends especially liked the southern phrases she recalled from her childhood, such as her father's remark that 'if I hadn't sold that Coca Cola stock I could just sit and pat my foot.

Sherill Tippins

Quotes About New Friends #1428549
#40. When you're all alone in a world that hates and fears you, you want to find others like yourself. New friends. Elite friends.

Marie Lu

Quotes About New Friends #1425345
#41. Every time I go to Comic-Con, I'm jacked. I want to dress up and walk the floor and answer questions, because I'm excited about it. It's like making new friends.

Mae Whitman

Quotes About New Friends #1419271
#42. Freshman year was really great, actually. Pretty easy transition. We both made some new friends. No emotional trauma that wasn't solved with a Buggy and Floyd marathon. And then you had to get a boyfriend.

Elizabeth Eulberg

Quotes About New Friends #1399569
#43. I can't imagine befriending Goliath and then leading him to the Syrena to be eaten. But I also can't imagine letting Galen or Toraf starve. Probably not Rayna either. It's time to introduce my new friends to the world of pizza ...

Anna Banks

Quotes About New Friends #1356154
#44. Yeah, I love doing ensemble pieces. You get to meet so many new people and make new friends.

Devon Sawa

Quotes About New Friends #1343311
#45. Trust is hard to come by. That's why my circle is small and tight. I'm kind of funny about making new friends.


Quotes About New Friends #1338002
#46. Festivals are unique. They can be the best of times or the worst. You're not playing to the converted. But those are the best shows - to see if you can make new friends and entertain them.

Andrew W.K.

Quotes About New Friends #1336897
#47. I feel like making the mistakes I always wanted to make, but never had the courage to ... I can make new friends and teach them how to be crazy too in order to be wise. I'll tell them not to follow the manuals of good behaviour but to discover their own lives, desires, adventures and to live

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About New Friends #1334949
#48. I used to look like an American flag. The Padre uniform makes me look like a taco. Actually, the transition has been great. I've made 25 new friends, and I never thought I wanted to be anything other than a Dodger, but this is fun.

Steve Garvey

Quotes About New Friends #1333555
#49. The new friends whom we make after attaining a certain age and by whom we would fain replace those whom we have lost, are to our old friends what glass eyes, false teeth and wooden legs are to real eyes, natrual teeth and legs of flesh and bone.

Nicolas Chamfort

Quotes About New Friends #1322164
#50. To make new friends you have be willing to put in the time.

Jamie Lee Curtis

Quotes About New Friends #1302626
#51. Making new friends is tough. You don't really know who to trust when you're away from people that you love a lot.

Selena Gomez

Quotes About New Friends #1276426
#52. But no matter what the outcome, how the friends turn out in the end, it should not stop you from making new friends. Once bitten, twice shy should not be applied to friendship.

Rita Zahara

Quotes About New Friends #1242040
#53. It is easy to say how we love new friends, and what we think of them, but words can never trace out all the fibers that knit us to the old.

George Eliot

Quotes About New Friends #1228329
#54. The good thing about being Dr. Frankenstein is that you can always make new friends.

Aaron Allston

Quotes About New Friends #1219282
#55. There was something between me and the world right then. I saw it like a big sheet of glass, too thick to break through. I could make new friends, but they could never know me.

Ava Dellaira

Quotes About New Friends #1216601
#56. I've never been socially outgoing, but I suspect I've gotten more and more ambivalent about making new friends. I'm irritated by how-do-you-do chit-chat, but that's how new relationships usually begin.

Ariel Gore

Quotes About New Friends #1210531
#57. The WASP style was often portrayed on TV and in movies as a sort of archetypical American look, and some of my new friends seemed to subscribe to it. I decided I'd try it too. I'd tried other looks previously, like Glam dude and Amish geezer, so why not this one?

David Byrne

Quotes About New Friends #1208905
#58. Cath wasn't trying to make new friends here. In some cases, she was actively trying not to make friends, though she usually stopped short of being rude.

Rainbow Rowell

Quotes About New Friends #1178519
#59. The hard fact of friendship is that you need to make time for new friends by first stripping out the people who are using your energy in an unsatisfying way. You have to take that risk of being friendless to make room in your life for others who will be your new best friends

Maggie Stiefvater

Quotes About New Friends #1171867
#60. there are always new friends to be made if you are willing to say hello.

Matt McKinney

Quotes About New Friends #1167058
#61. There's a Girl Scouts song I learned in elementary school: Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other gold.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Quotes About New Friends #1151233
#62. I don't really think you can ever stop making new friends or learning about as many new things as possible.

Taylor Swift

Quotes About New Friends #1125600
#63. I'm not exactly a guy who makes new friends easily.

Tom Petty

Quotes About New Friends #1114871
#64. I'm perpetual tourist, and that's the best way to travel. Nobody gets used to you, you make new friends without having to hear anyone's everyday problems, and you jet back still feeling like a know-it-all.

John Waters

Quotes About New Friends #1107973
#65. I'm not even on Facebook. I've got enough friends I never see. You know how you have a lot of friends you never call? I don't have time for new friends, and I don't want to be friends with someone only online.

Mads Mikkelsen

Quotes About New Friends #1087912
#66. And you didn't get children to trust you by gutting teenagers right in front of them, not even mean, ugly teenagers. That wasn't the way to make new friends.


Quotes About New Friends #1073504
#67. The inclusiveness of the Drama League luncheon is one of the most exciting things about it. I get to see old friends and meet new friends. Of course I can't tell who anybody is if they're under the age of 75. So my old friends become my new friends.

James Earl Jones

Quotes About New Friends #1032567
#68. We need new friends; some of us are cannibals who have eaten their old friends up; others must have ever-renewed audiences before whom to re-enact the ideal version of their lives.

Logan Pearsall Smith

Quotes About New Friends #1015024
#69. I was just 17 years old and had to get some new friends to actually sign up for me to get electricity and utilities because I wasn't even old enough to have things like that.

Blake Shelton

Quotes About New Friends #1003466
#70. It was astounding how a woman, when she struck marital gold, procured not just a new wardrobe and new friends but a new voice straight out of a 1930s gramophone (brittle, mono-stereo) and a vocabulary that reliably included laze, season, and terribly sorry.

Marisha Pessl

Quotes About New Friends #1001751
#71. If people aren't there for you now, when you really need them, they never will be, and it's time to move on. You'll be amazed by how many new friends you have in the after. They'll be the ones who aren't afraid of sorrow, who know we can't avoid it. The best we can do is face it together.

Alice Hoffman

Quotes About New Friends #285960
#72. Aaah, summer - that long anticipated stretch of lazy, lingering days, free of responsibility and rife with possibility. It's a time to hunt for insects, master handstands, practice swimming strokes, conquer trees, explore nooks and crannies, and make new friends.

Darell Hammond

Quotes About New Friends #489506
#73. When you are a success, your old friends will boast of your accomplishments and your new friends will celebrate your achievements. Your old friends will say " i knew you when you were.." Don't worry about them, their story ends there.

Crystal Evans

Quotes About New Friends #475447
#74. I know of no common interest that exceeds gardening as a source of lifelong friendships, nor as a means of making new friends almost constantly.

Allen Lacy

Quotes About New Friends #467132
#75. And so not only did I have all new friends and all new surroundings, I didn't even understand what they were talking about, which was very difficult and kind of started me, I think, on my path to animation. It was a lot easier to draw people than to talk and interact with them.

Pete Docter

Quotes About New Friends #448514
#76. The curve of my waist in a tight fitting summer dress can really make me new friends.

Sara Sheridan

Quotes About New Friends #447494
#77. When Fashion Week ends, I miss the shows and the shot of adrenaline that comes with them. Each day is a new show, a new fitting, and you make new friends. Every season you get to know the other girls a little better.

Magdalena Frackowiak

Quotes About New Friends #442426
#78. People are goofy about the movie business, so you end up counting on friends you knew before you were successful. It is harder to make new friends because you are a little more cautious.

Michael Douglas

Quotes About New Friends #435121
#79. Close friendships with girls come early in life. After thirty it becomes harder to make new friends - there are fewer hopes, dreams or anticipations to share.

Jacqueline Susann

Quotes About New Friends #416676
#80. Even if you do make tons of new friends," I told him, "try not to forget where you came from, okay?

Sarah Dessen

Quotes About New Friends #403272
#81. Jo turns towards me. Her voice is calm but now I see her eyes blaze in a holy hazel fire. She doesn't want to die, but she will, for what she believes in. I need new friends.

Eliza Crewe

Quotes About New Friends #393302
#82. Unknown Make new friends but keep the old ones; one is silver and the other's gold.

Muhammad Ali

Quotes About New Friends #372273
#83. I believe that singing is the key to long life, a good figure, a stable temperament, increased intelligence, new friends, super self-confidence, heightened sexual attractiveness, and a better sense of humor.

Brian Eno

Quotes About New Friends #364825
#84. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for new friends, and for this evening of fellowship. We ask that you guide our conversations, and that they'll be pleasing to you. We thank you for this food and ask your blessing on it, and on the hands that prepared it. In Jesus' name, Amen

Virginia Smith

Quotes About New Friends #355238
#85. Cheer up, Crips, and keep smiling. That's the thing to do. If you go through life with a smile on your face, you'll be amazed how many people will come up to you and say 'What the hell are you grinning about? What's so funny?' Make you a lot of new friends.

P.G. Wodehouse

Quotes About New Friends #341750
#86. But even with new friends and a job with people I really cared about, my life seemed to be missing something.

Abbi Glines

Quotes About New Friends #311530
#87. Going to a restaurant is one of my keenest pleasures. Meeting someplace with old and new friends, ordering wine, eating food, surrounded by strangers, I think is the core of what it means to live a civilised life.

Adam Gopnik

Quotes About New Friends #305557
#88. I'm not serving in office because I desperately needed 99 new friends in the U.S. Senate.

Ted Cruz

Quotes About New Friends #301874
#89. My dad was in the army so we moved around a lot and I changed schools every year and had to make new friends, and I found that if I was the funny guy I could do that easier.

Jason Gann

Quotes About New Friends #185512
#90. To my beloved friends, there's simply no life without you guys. Thanks for the advice and the love and the billion dinners and laughs. Without you all . . . I'd look for new friends and get them.

Martin Short

Quotes About New Friends #999278
#91. Presidents don't make new friends. That's why they've got to keep their old ones. Adm. Fitzwallace

Aaron Sorkin

Quotes About New Friends #44813
#92. I'm very lonely now, Mary, For the poor make no new friends; But oh they love the better still The few our Father sends!

Hariot Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Marchioness Of Dufferin And Ava

Quotes About New Friends #132336
#93. We're a terribly lonesome society. For all I know, all societies are. You can make a few new friends, that's all. You can't change history. History is happening to us now.

Kurt Vonnegut

Quotes About New Friends #137083
#94. Over the years, Forgotten Realms and gaming have taken me all over the world and made me all sorts of new friends.

Ed Greenwood

Quotes About New Friends #148807
#95. The boy knew a lot of people in the city. That was was what made traveling appeal to him
he always made new friends, and he didn't need to spend all if his time with them.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About New Friends #168603
#96. The man who stops making new friends eventually will have none.

James Boswell

Quotes About New Friends #172552
#97. Hospitality is the key to new ideas, new friends, new possibilities. What we take into our lives changes us. Without new people and new ideas, we are imprisoned inside ourselves.

Joan D. Chittister

Quotes About New Friends #183918
#98. To balance China, the democracies will need new friends - and India with its fast-growing economy, youthful population, and democratic politics seems the obvious candidate.

David Frum

Quotes About New Friends #283831
#99. We regard America and Europe as old friends. We keep old friends, but we make new friends in Japan, India, and China.

Olusegun Obasanjo

Quotes About New Friends #275934
#100. It's not easy to come somewhere new and have to find your place. You might feel someone doesn't like you, or you might need to find new friends. It's not easy, and I don't like this kind of thing. It's not easy, so you want to protect the players who are alone.

Fernando Torres

Quotes About New Friends #269408

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