Top 83 Quotes About Man And Machine
#1. Can the synthesis of man and machine ever be stable, or will the purely organic component become such a hindrance that it has to be discarded?
Arthur C. Clarke
#2. If you don't understand how to run an efficient operation, new machinery will just give you new problems of operation and maintenance. The sure way to increase productivity is to better administrate man and machine.
W. Edwards Deming
#3. The real problem is what can man and machine do together and not in competition.
Richard Hamming
#4. If computers remain far worse than us at image recognition, a certain over-confident combination of man and machine can elsewhere take inaccuracy to a whole new level.
Tom Chatfield
#5. The function of the machine is to liberate man from brute burdens, and release his energies to the building of his intellectual and spiritual powers for conquests in the fields of thought and higher action.
Henry Ford
#6. I read an article on me once that described my machine-method of silk-screen copying and painting: 'What a bold and audacious solution, what depths of the man are revealed in this solution!' What does that mean?
Andy Warhol
#7. Man does not suffer so much from poverty today as he suffers from the fact that he has become a cog in a large machine, an automaton, that his life has become empty and lost its meaning.
Erich Fromm
#8. Then came the Butlerian Jihad - two generations of chaos. The god of machine-logic was overthrown among the masses and a new concept was raised: "Man may not be replaced." Those
Frank Herbert
#9. A man like you is a god, not just a machine covered with skin, but a theater where fine feelings sprout and grow-and feelings are all that matters, as far as I'm concerned. Is a feeling anything but an entire world poured into a thought?
Honore De Balzac
#10. How can I know for sure if it's my son speaking and not you?"
"You never can, my lord. Just as no man can ever be sure that he alone is a thinking and feeling creature and everyone else a machine that only pretends to feel and think.
Paul Hoffman
#11. Spider-Man: "Why'd it have to be Logan? If it had been Reed or Tony we would've already built a time machine out of bamboo and palm fronds by now and been on our way.
Jason Aaron
#12. I've always been curious as to why one man jumps out of a fox-hole with a grenade and charges a machine gun nest and his buddy, who sits right there next to him, sits there cowering. My feeling is that the different is tiny between the two.
Stephen Lang
#13. Man is a fire-stealing animal, and we can't help building machines and machine intelligences, even if, from time to time, we use them not only to outsmart ourselves but to bring us right up to the doorstep of Doom.
Richard Dooling
#14. The man breathed deeply with his eyes shut and his speech trailed off. Nick approached the patient with the syringe in hand, nodding. He turned the machine up now, almost all the way, and then proceeded with the injection.
I think you're about ready.
Jackie Sonnenberg
#16. The theatre is a machine of transformations: everything is transformed into another thing; a bald man has thick hair on his head; a man with strong legs gains a limp and a sharp-eyed person becomes blind; an actor who is an atheist immediately turns into the most pious priest on earth! ~
Mehmet Murat Ildan
#17. Especially he walked the hospitals with much attention and interest, ever warned by Cupples to beware lest he should come to regard a man as a physical machine, and so grow a mere doctoring machine himself.
#18. Those who know Bertram Wooster best are aware that he is a man of sudden, strong enthusiasms and that, when in the grip of one of these, he becomes a remorseless machine - tense, absorbed, single-minded.
P.G. Wodehouse
#19. The common experience is, that the man fits himself as well as he can to the customary details of that work or trade he falls into, and tends it as a dog turns a spit. Then he is part of the machine he moves; the man is lost.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#20. The only thing of value on this earth is that each of us is an individual and not a cog in a machine. No man is better than another because of circumstance or fortune, but each important to his own.
Harold Robbins
#21. Man studied birds for centuries, trying to learn how to make a machine to fly like them. He never did do the trick; his final success came when he broke away entirely and tried new methods.
John W. Campbell
#22. A man provided with paper, pencil, and rubber, and subject to strict discipline, is in effect a universal machine.
Alan Turing
#23. The clergy, by getting themselves established by law and in-grafted into the machine of government, have been a very formidable engine against the civil and religious rights of man.
Thomas Jefferson
#24. Thousands of engineers can design bridges, calculate strains and stresses, and draw up specifications for machines, but the great engineer is the man who can tell whether the bridge or the machine should be built at all, where it should be built, and when.
Eugene Grace
#25. How inferior the human machine is, compared to man-made machines. They can be decoked, unscrewed, oiled and parts replaced. Decidedly, nature is not a very wonderful thing.
Joris-Karl Huysmans
#26. If you like pray like a praying mantis or fast like a faxing machine, if you have no faith, you are just wasting your time and energy.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
#27. As a young man, every bone in my body wanted to pick up a machine gun and kill Germans. And yet I had absolutely no reason to do so. Certainly nobody invited me to do the job. But that's what I felt that I was trained to do. Now no part of my upbringing was militaristic.
Pete Townshend
#28. The machine has no feelings, it feels no fear and no hope ... it operates according to the pure logic of probability. For this reason I assert that the robot perceives more accurately than man.
Max Frisch
#29. Any machine that can run a browser is not thin. The browser has to be the thickest application man has ever invented, and it's getting thicker faster than anything ever development by man.
Bill Gates
#30. Machines were devised not to do a man out of a job, but to take the heavy labor from man's back and place it on the broad back of the machine.
Henry Ford
#31. Down the road in the rain and snow
The man and his machine would go
Oh the secrets that old car would know
Sometimes I hear him sayin' ...
Marc Cohn
#32. What art seeks to disturb is monotony of type, slavery of custom, tyranny of habit, and the reduction of man to the level of a machine.
Oscar Wilde
#33. His eyes kindled and a slight flush sprang into his thin cheeks. For an instant the veil had lifted upon his keen, intense nature, but for an instant only. When I glanced again his face had resumed that red-Indian composure which had made so many regard him as a machine rather than a man.
Arthur Conan Doyle
#34. There are no words. It was like The Lord of the Rings and All My Children made a baby with the Macho Man Randy Savage and a Whac-A-Mole machine. Butters sputtered
Jim Butcher
#35. God made us: invented us as a man invents an engine. A car is made to run on petrol, and it would not run properly on anything else. Now God designed the human machine to run on Himself.
C.S. Lewis
#36. During a race, it's like I become a machine and the machine becomes a man. I talk to my cars, baby them, shout at them, praise them.
Cale Yarborough
#37. Who is all-powerful in the world? Who is most dreadful in the world? The machine. Who is most fair, most wealthy, and all-wise? The machine. What is the earth? A machine. What is the sky? A machine. What is man? A machine. A machine.
Leonid Andreyev
#38. Escape from Freedom attempts to show, modern man still is anxious and tempted to surrender his freedom to dictators of all kinds, or to lose it by transforming himself into a small cog in the machine, well fed, and well clothed, yet not a free man but an automaton.
Erich Fromm
#39. Nature is a self-made machine, more perfectly automated than any automated machine. To create something in the image of nature is to create a machine, and it was by learning the inner working of nature that man became a builder of machines.
Eric Hoffer
#40. The military mind has one aim, and that is to make soldiers react as mechanically as possible. They want the same predictability in a man as they do in a telephone or a machine gun, and they train their soldiers to act as a unit, not as individuals.
Marlon Brando
#41. Sri Chinmoy is truly unique and special. He has rediscovered the lost art of special strength feats and weightlifting. He has got the biggest, heaviest calf machine in the world. It is a miracle that this man can even support this kind of weight. He is really an inspiration to me.
Bill Pearl
#42. A democracy without faith is just a machine without power. Nothing can make it function except faith in itself, in the ordinary man and woman.
Eleanor Dark
#43. Spray a bug with a toxin and it dies; spray a man, spray his brain, and he becomes an insect that clacks and vibrates about in a closed circle forever. A reflex machine, like an ant. Repeating his last instruction.
Philip K. Dick
#44. Man is improvable. Some people think he is only a machine, and that the only difference between a man and a mill is, that one is carried by blood and the other by water.
Horace Mann
#45. Since the introduction of inanimate mechanism into British manufactories, man, with few exceptions, has been treated as a secondary and inferior machine; and far more attention has been given to perfect the raw materials of wood and metals than those of body and mind.
Robert Owen
#46. It's bad enough to be a baby-making machine with no epidural in sight in exchange for the state-sanctioned title of 'Mrs' before one's name. But to be a 'Miss' with an ever-increasing brood of children, just waiting for the man to grow weary of stretch marks and spit-ups? No thank you?
Laurie Viera Rigler
#47. Man is a machine and in the whole universe there is but a single substance, matter, variously modified.
Julien Offray De La Mettrie
#48. The modern man has become a machine for survival, which is largely the result of work of chemicals and genetic codes.
Lynne McTaggart
#49. A free America ... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it.
Frank Lloyd Wright
#50. The machine does not control the mind of man, though it affects the mind of man; it is the mind of man that can and should control the machine.
Hilaire Belloc
#51. The void is ready to snatch you up like a Pac Man machine and Laskshmi is on vacation. You chant Sring - and you get her answering machine.
Frederick Lenz
#52. A computer program is a message from a man to a machine. The rigidly marshaled syntax and the scrupulous definitions all exist to make intention clear to the dumb engine.
Fred Brooks
#53. Man is a logical machine run by the scoundrels of emotions.
Raheel Farooq
#54. I'm not a machine, Evening. I'm a man. And you made me to be free. You did that, right?"
"Yes. Yes." I made him to be free? No responsibility there. Yes, I made him to be free. I wonder what else I made him to be.
Michael Grant
#55. For instance, Visser, the Dutchman, had sold German machine guns to the Chinese, spied for the Japanese and served a term of imprisonment for killing a coolie in Batavia. He was not an easy man to handle.
Eric Ambler
#56. The end is never the end. A new challenge awaits. A test no man could be prepared for. A new hell he must conquer and destroy. A new level of growth he must confront himself. The machine in the ghost within. This is the journey of the man on the moon.
Kid Cudi
#57. In proportion as the machine is improved and performs man's work with an ever increasing rapidity and exactness, the labourer, instead of prolonging his former rest times, redoubles his ardour, as if he wished to rival the machine. O, absurd and murderous competition!
Paul Lafargue
#58. It was a man taking a machine and a machine taking a man into secret places, into the subliminal.
Christopher Hilton
#59. Of the risks a man has got to take! Now the risk was inevitable, I no longer saw it in the same cheerful light. The fact is that, insensibly, the absolute strangeness of everything, the sickly jarring and swaying of the machine,
#60. The aeroplane is the nearest thing to animate life that man has created. In the air a machine ceases indeed to be a mere piece of mechanism; it becomes animate and is capable not only of primary guidance and control, but actually of expressing a pilot's temperament.
Ross Macpherson Smith
#61. I'm an open Minded Man. How about a threesom? You, me and the machine?
Jennifer Crusie
#62. What a strange machine man is! You fill him with bread, wine, fish, and radishes, and out comes sighs, laughter, and dreams.
Nikos Kazantzakis
#63. My own fault. The equipment had safeties but your primary piece of protective equipment was your brain. There was a presumption that anyone entering this room was intelligent enough to keep away from hot things, sharp things, and things carrying large stores of momentum.
Max Barry
#64. 'Dance to the Music' was just Sly Stone being his natural crazy self right from the beginning. The man was an original and his first AM hit was nothing if it wasn't the example per excellence of the Sly Stone music machine.
Jon Landau
#65. How come we got the grumpy boat of bandy-legged Puritans? How come we didn't get the Italian party boat with the cappuccino makers and the gelato machine? That was the sexy boat, man.
Greg Proops
#66. That's what being a front man is all about - the idea of having something supple underneath you, that machine that roars and can turn on a dime.
Bruce Springsteen
#67. A man is a beggar who only lives to the useful, and, however he may serve as a pin or rivet in the social machine, cannot be saidto have arrived at self-possession.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#68. A man with a machine and inadequate culture is a pestilence.
Wendell Berry
#69. Man seems to be a rickety poor sort of thing, any way you take him; a kind of British Museum of infirmities and inferiorities. He is always undergoing repairs. A machine that was as unreliable as he is would have no market.
Mark Twain
#70. War is a man's game ... the killing machine has a gender and it is male.
Virginia Woolf
#71. Do you know what will soon be the ultimate in truth? - photography, once it begins to reproduce colors, and that won't be long in coming. And yet you want an intelligent man to sweat for months so as to give the illusion he can do something as well as an ingenious little machine can!
Paul Gauguin
#72. The previous regime ... reduced man to a means of production and nature to a tool of production. Thus it attacked both their very essence and their mutual relationship. It reduced gifted and autonomous people to nuts and bolts in some monstrously huge, noisy, and stinking machine.
Vaclav Havel
#73. Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
G.I. Gurdjieff
#74. What is man? ... What a strange union of matter and mind! A machine for converting material into spiritual force.
Benjamin Peirce
#75. Mephistopheles, the machine man, can provide us with all the means, and is thus likely to determine the aims of life as well. But of course the characteristic of Faust, which makes him eligible to be saved, is that he seeks aims that are not those of the machine.
Joseph Campbell
#76. Man is a shrewd inventor, and is ever taking the hint of a new machine from his own structure, adapting some secret of his own anatomy in iron, wood, and leather, to some required function in the work of the world.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#77. I did not fear that I might tread upon a live rail and be killed. I feared something far more intangible-doing what was not contemplated by the Machine. Then I said to myself, "Man is the measure", and I went, and after many visits I found an opening.
E. M. Forster
#78. A tool is but the extension of a man's hand, and a machine is but a complex tool. And he that invents a machine augments the power of a man and the well-being of mankind.
Henry Ward Beecher
#79. Oh yeah In France a skinny man Died of a big disease with a little name By chance his girlfriend came across a needle And soon she did the same At home there are seventeen-year-old boys And their idea of fun Is being in a gang called The Disciples High on crack, totin' a machine gun.
#80. People are like, 'Oh, you can't take humans out of the loop, I'm a human and I'm an awesome driver.' And I'm like, no, man, you're not an awesome driver. You're a monkey, and monkeys suck at making decisions.
Tim Cannon
#81. I've always been curious about why one man jumps out of a foxhole with a grenade and charges a machine gun nest, and his buddy next to him sits there cowering. And my feeling is that the difference is tiny between the two.
Stephen Lang
#82. There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever.
Thomas A. Edison
#83. But a man with a machine and inadequate culture - such as I was when I made my pond - is a pestilence. He shakes more than he can hold.
Wendell Berry