Top 56 Quotes About Making Him Smile

#1. He smiles a lot. But I think there might be worms inside him making him smile.

Stephen King

Quotes About Making Him Smile #950625
#2. A soft moan escapes me, making him smile even more. He's too good at this.

Collette West

Quotes About Making Him Smile #1533387
#3. I like making him smile. It doesn't take much to make the corners of his mouth twitch, but to actually get his lips to curve all the way up, I have to be extra sassy.

Colleen Hoover

Quotes About Making Him Smile #1558412
#4. He slid her a look, and she held up her hand in a solemn vow, making him smile. "Were you a Girl Scout?" he asked.
"Not even a little bit," she said.
-Matt and Amy

Jill Shalvis

Quotes About Making Him Smile #391048
#5. Jude used to try to make me laugh, and when I'd crack a smile he'd keep the joke going , like breath on an ember, making it grow into a fit of giggles that'd echo around the whole forest and make all the birds in the trees quiet.

Stephanie Oakes

Quotes About Making Him Smile #793771
#6. I'm a great believer in life to saying yes and not saying no, and hopefully making people smile and just having fun in life.

Richard Branson

Quotes About Making Him Smile #496079
#7. Never say goodbye" he demands. His smile fades. "I'm making my own Rules, Never say goodbye, that's rule number one

Rachel Robinson

Quotes About Making Him Smile #790474
#8. I had just kissed somebody whose smile had faded, who was watching me now with tranquil eyes and making not the least effort to bridge the little space between our bodies.

Rosamund Hodge

Quotes About Making Him Smile #756471
#9. Smile! Make them comfortable with your size. Deal with their fears and your fears will go away.

Allan Dare Pearce

Quotes About Making Him Smile #752821
#10. The challenge of life is regretless decision making, relentless pursuit of vision with faith, forgiving others, enduring pain with a smile & achieving goals with an extra MILE

Sujit Lalwani

Quotes About Making Him Smile #716383
#11. There's one good thing about making mistakes.' Thea turned to her with a smile. 'You learn not to make them again.

Amanda Hocking

Quotes About Making Him Smile #625404
#12. The heart, yeah, sometimes I didn't get it. But if we were making each other laugh and smile, maybe it was part of the way human beings loved each other.

Benjamin Alire Saenz

Quotes About Making Him Smile #615956
#13. Are you going to be nice to me now?"
"I'm always nice to you." Sure. Law ground his chin into Tom's groin, making
Tom jump.
"Why would I suddenly start being nice to you?" Law said. "You put out for an asshole. That guy is still here.

Jez Morrow

Quotes About Making Him Smile #615942
#14. Something making you smile, Hunter?"
"Yeah! I never got a round of applause before."
"Maybe she was applauding me."
"Nah, she thinks I'm a stud, I can tell.

Jane Harvey-Berrick

Quotes About Making Him Smile #607057
#15. Sometimes you say things with a smile with the precise intention of making it clear that you are not being serious, and are only kidding. If I salute a friend with a smile and say, 'How are you, you old scoundrel!' clearly I don't really mean he's a scoundrel.

Umberto Eco

Quotes About Making Him Smile #604302
#16. Y'know, smile, dance, get crazy ... we sure do while we're making it, because music is our leeezshure; it's my fun.

Bernard Edwards

Quotes About Making Him Smile #499344
#17. Max cuffed his brother good-naturedly on the ear as River slid in past him and bent to kiss Sophia on the cheek. "Hello, are you sure you're with the right brother?"
Sophia had never had a younger sibling. But this man with his laughing eyes and bright smile ... "Are you making me an offer?

Nalini Singh

Quotes About Making Him Smile #1765780
#18. What are you looking at, foreigner?" the guard demanded roughly. The smile was a little unsettling. A prisoner shouldn't smile at his captors like that.
"I'm just making sure I can remember you," Gilan told him. "Never know when that might be useful.

John Flanagan

Quotes About Making Him Smile #796151
#19. A day doesn't go by without me dreaming of your smile and your beautiful love

My heart aches everyday that goes by when your not at my side

It's a bittersweet feeling, because as long as I have tomorrow then I will always have a second chance at making you smile

Austin V. Songer

Quotes About Making Him Smile #844418
#20. Making Ronan Lynch smile felt as charged as making a bargain with Cabeswater. These were not forces to play with.

Maggie Stiefvater

Quotes About Making Him Smile #861833
#21. I love making people smile. I get so much energy through interacting and feeling like I've made a difference, a small difference.

Debbi Fields

Quotes About Making Him Smile #888496
#22. But when he was with Chess he wasn't the bad guy no more. He was the one keeping her safe, making her smile. He still wasn't good enough for her, but he were better than he'd ever been. That mattered.

Stacia Kane

Quotes About Making Him Smile #899547
#23. Making you smile gives me life. Making you laugh gives me hope. Making you happy is all I want, other than to keep you.

Staci Hart

Quotes About Making Him Smile #920422
#24. You have to smile after making trouble. This way you get in less trouble.


Quotes About Making Him Smile #1047578
#25. She nodded and somehow found her voice. You're going too slow," she whispered.
A wicked smile spread across his face that she felt all the way to her toes. It softened his normally harsh expression, making him look years younger. That look should be illegal.

Katie Reus

Quotes About Making Him Smile #1052047
#26. You keep talking, but you're not making any sense. Of course you upset someone in the government. You pretended to be the governor of New Jersey and confessed to a bunch of crimes."
I can't help the small smile that's playing at the corners of my mouth. "So," I say, "how did it go over?

Holly Black

Quotes About Making Him Smile #1077148
#27. Every woman needs secrets,' her mother said with a smile then, her eyes meeting Sally's in the rearview mirror. 'Remember that when you're old like me, pumpkin, because the world has a way of making a woman's life everyone else's business
you have to dig out a little place that's only yours.

J. Courtney Sullivan

Quotes About Making Him Smile #1080620
#28. Enjoy it, kid. Enjoy feeling that you can make a difference.' Floyd flashed him a smile. 'It won't last for ever.

Alastair Reynolds

Quotes About Making Him Smile #1662546
#29. When we'd started working together, I'd assumed it would be a question of putting up with Pritkin; then suddenly the stupid hair was making me smile, and the sporadic heroics were making my heart jump and the constant bitching had me wanting to kiss him quiet.

Karen Chance

Quotes About Making Him Smile #1711304
#30. She smiled at him, making sure that the smile gathered up everything inside her and directed it toward him, making him a profound promise of herself for so little, for the beat of a response, the assurance of a complimentary vibration in him.

F Scott Fitzgerald

Quotes About Making Him Smile #1717640
#31. What I enjoy most about performing is making people happy. Just to make a person smile means more to me than anything.

Michael Jackson

Quotes About Making Him Smile #230964
#32. I love the live performances and Las Vegas. I also like making films that are being discovered by another generation. Having been a teen idol of the '60s is great because you realize you left your generation with a smile and good memories.

Connie Stevens

Quotes About Making Him Smile #42731
#33. What's with the strange clothes?"
I smile through my labored breath, pleased to be making progress. "Where I'm from, you'd be the one dressed strangely."
Thank goodness, she slows a bit. "And what planet is that again?"
"Er. Canada.

Cyn Balog

Quotes About Making Him Smile #49910
#34. Jane smiled the Making Lemonade smile that adults learn to do when they get used to the world stomping on their heads.

Michael R. Underwood

Quotes About Making Him Smile #60110
#35. So are you going to marry me or what?
He smiled that smile that had been making me feel something like drunk these past few months, and I felt all my sensibility and reason start to beat their wings as they prepared to fly away. Again.

Dorothy Koomson

Quotes About Making Him Smile #120090
#36. He smiled the most wicked smile she'd ever seen himi unleash.

"No. Just keep your eyes open. I want you to see who you're making love to."


Tina Folsom

Quotes About Making Him Smile #147885
#37. We hold on STEVE's still smiling face as MICHAEL passes by. STEVE's eyes follow MICHAEL out of the room and then the smile disappears.
It is replaced by a look of hunger and desolation.

Stephen Fry

Quotes About Making Him Smile #148491
#38. Tell me," he said when he was at her back, "what do you see when you look out at the water?"
"Endless possibilites."
His lips were ghosting over the shell of her ear, and she could feel the smile pulling at them, making goosebumps break out all over her arms. "That's how I see us.

London Miller

Quotes About Making Him Smile #149632
#39. I enjoy jokes, smiling, and making people smile. I may be a little different, but that's OK, who wants to be normal anyway?

Tim Duncan

Quotes About Making Him Smile #171010
#40. Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Making Him Smile #179885
#41. I turn my head so that he doesn't see my smile and secretly curse him for making me feel special.

Kasie West

Quotes About Making Him Smile #195017
#42. You'll see the heartbreak linger in my eyes, and dream of making me forget what came before you walked into the hallway of this house. Bringing a little summer in your glance, and with your smile. While

Neil Gaiman

Quotes About Making Him Smile #214819
#43. Don't break my heart," he heard her whisper, making him stop for just a second to look her in the eyes.
"I won't. Don't break mine," he responded, making her smile as she pulled him back to her. She wanted his lips on hers again.

Kat Green

Quotes About Making Him Smile #218982
#44. Most blue-based colors help make the smile appear whiter and have the added benefit of making you look younger. Shimmering nude gloss also works well if bright pops of color are not your thing.

Tim Quinn

Quotes About Making Him Smile #488717
#45. I smile at you, hinting at the pleasures ahead, and silently point to the zip at the back of my dress ...

James Lusarde

Quotes About Making Him Smile #232249
#46. Making one person smile can change the world - maybe not the whole world, but their world.

John Spence

Quotes About Making Him Smile #259235
#47. Now he turned on to the side street, making his way to number thirty-three, resisting the urge to smile, resisting the urge to sob or even imagine the safety that might be awaiting him. He reminded himself that this was no time for hope.

Markus Zusak

Quotes About Making Him Smile #259578
#48. Stop making me fall in love with you."
I smile now, taking her face in my hands. "I'll never stop that, babe, ever." I kiss her slowly, until I can no longer taste the tears on her lips. Until she knows that she owns every part of me. Forever.

Jay McLean

Quotes About Making Him Smile #276643
#49. Then Alec had smiled at one of Magnus's jokes, and the smile had lit a lamp in his solemn face, making his blue eyes brilliant, and briefly taking Magnus's breath away

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Making Him Smile #283259
#50. Be angry, it's okay. To be angry, that is very human. And to learn how to smile at your anger and make peace with your anger is very nice.

Nhat Hanh

Quotes About Making Him Smile #352728
#51. Stand up for the things that are right. Try to talk things out instead of fight.

Robert Alan Aurthur

Quotes About Making Him Smile #353541
#52. I just want you to see out there, where it's blue and wild and full of adventure. And then I want you to see in here, where there's a warm yellow glow and your family is making dinner and your mom and dad are dancing and your little sister is hoping that you'll throw a smile her way.

Melissa C. Walker

Quotes About Making Him Smile #383436
#53. Fail not to call to mind, in the course of the twenty-fifth of this month, that the Divinest Heart that ever walked the earth was born on that day; and then smile and enjoy yourselves for the rest of it; for mirth is also of Heaven's making.

Leigh Hunt

Quotes About Making Him Smile #424097
#54. The family we're born into is important, sure, but they're not all we have. They're not all we are. A part of life is making your own family. That's the beauty of it all." I smile softly. "Do you have a big family?" "I do," he says, "but most of us aren't blood related.

J.M. Darhower

Quotes About Making Him Smile #430693
#55. Lobbyists in Washington are making six figure salaries selling our government out to the corporate interests and we just sit and smile as if nothing is happening while the poor folks are getting poorer and their pharmaceutical bills rise.

Hal Holbrook

Quotes About Making Him Smile #463264
#56. I just want to keep making movies that hopefully makes some kids smile.

Nicolas Cage

Quotes About Making Him Smile #466052

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