Top 100 Quotes About Living Well

#1. You should know I disagree with a lot of traditional advice. For instance, they say the best revenge is living well. I say it's acid in the face - who will love them now?

Mindy Kaling

Quotes About Living Well #122414
#2. It is futile to wish for a long life, and then to give so little care to living well.

Thomas A Kempis

Quotes About Living Well #203677
#3. Life is so precious because it's short. Even the most resilient people are fragile. Life isn't about dying or not dying. It's about living well. Living so you can be proud and happy.

Ilona Andrews

Quotes About Living Well #213071
#4. Necessity demands that one should carefully examine who it is that comes to the position of spiritual authority; and coming solemnly to this point, how he should live; and living well, how he should teach; and teaching rightly, with what kind of self-examination he should learn of his own weakness.

Gregory The Great

Quotes About Living Well #232883
#5. It didn't get better, not in my book. I mean if you weren't looking too hard at what just happened or who might be down the road or at some other stuff. Maybe living well is the art of not looking at that, at the other stuff, when you don't have to. Or being okay with it.

Peter Heller

Quotes About Living Well #236788
#6. God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.


Quotes About Living Well #248693
#7. But Tuesday teaches me that part of living well in ordinary time is letting this day be good. Letting this day be a gift. Letting this day be filled with plenty. And if it all goes wrong and my work turns to dust? This is my kind reminder that outcomes are beyond the scope of my job description.

Emily P. Freeman

Quotes About Living Well #276883
#8. The best revenge is living well without you.

Joyce Carol Oates

Quotes About Living Well #328674
#9. There is still an overwhelming social compulsion-an insanity of consensus, if you will-to get rich from life rather than live richly, to "do well" in the world instead of living well.

Rolf Potts

Quotes About Living Well #329278
#10. Living well and beautifully and justly are all one thing.


Quotes About Living Well #367906
#11. Living is the same thing as dying. Living well is the same thing as dying for others.

N.D. Wilson

Quotes About Living Well #435669
#12. Living well is the best revenge.If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

Max Eastman

Quotes About Living Well #447418
#13. Taking time out each day to relax and renew is essential to living well.

Judith Hanson Lasater

Quotes About Living Well #474873
#14. Revenge is living well, without you.

Junot Diaz

Quotes About Living Well #484159
#15. I love to garden and cook whenever I get the chance and escape anywhere that's peaceful and quiet. My philosophy on living well is to always stay positive in life.

Francisco Costa

Quotes About Living Well #527831
#16. ...among whom the art of living well and getting the most out of life at a moderate expense has been attained to a very high degree.

Maria Gentile

Quotes About Living Well #535288
#17. The ultimate end of human acts is eudaimonia, happiness in the sense of living well, which all men desire; all acts are but different means chosen to arrive at it.

Hannah Arendt

Quotes About Living Well #544011
#18. Living well is an art that can be developed: a love of life and ability to take great pleasure from small offerings and assurance that the world owes you nothing and that every gift is exactly that, a gift.

Maya Angelou

Quotes About Living Well #547505
#19. There is fundamental importance in living well even in hard times. By "living well," I mean finding a way to live that rings true to you and your values and that brings pleasure to your life.

Robin Mather

Quotes About Living Well #550284
#20. Ceremonies are important. But our gratitude has to be more than visits to the troops, and once-a-year Memorial Day ceremonies. We honor the dead best by treating the living well.

Jennifer Granholm

Quotes About Living Well #553298
#21. We don't beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully.

Randy Pausch

Quotes About Living Well #623558
#22. If there are several virtues the best and most complete or perfect of them will be the happiest one. An excellent human will be a person good at living life, living well and 'beautifully'.


Quotes About Living Well #709853
#23. Living well is the best revenge.

George Herbert

Quotes About Living Well #768612
#24. Dying well is easy,it only takes a moment of courage. It's living well that I couldn't do. What's death compared to that.

Brent Weeks

Quotes About Living Well #827239
#25. Living well eliminates the need for revenge.

Kanye West

Quotes About Living Well #843832
#26. But my mom says the best revenge is living well, and I believe her.

Emery Lord

Quotes About Living Well #857230
#27. My wife taught me the importance of living well.

Robert Mondavi

Quotes About Living Well #899419
#28. The best revenge is living well, my dad told me once.

Barry Lyga

Quotes About Living Well #918042
#29. I realized that all my life, my values were based upon typical middle-class American values: hard work, doing good, living well, owning things, following the rules & being the best I can be ... but God clearly says, those are not MY values. I value justice, mercy & humility.

John Green

Quotes About Living Well #963992
#30. I had once thought that I wanted to get revenge by dying. But getting revenge by living, and living well, was much, much sweeter.

Leila Sales

Quotes About Living Well #988084
#31. Since the same human mire remains beneath, does not all civilization reduce itself to the superiority of smelling nice and living well?

Emile Zola

Quotes About Living Well #1014348
#32. Might it be that the Transition approach, of creating vibrant local economies with increased community ownership, meeting practical needs from as nearby as possible, and living well while consuming far less energy than we do today, could actually better meet our needs?

Rob Hopkins

Quotes About Living Well #1052913
#33. Living well is the best revenge (Margot Radcliffe)

Laura Moore

Quotes About Living Well #1053852
#34. The peoples of the Andes believe in the concept of 'living well' instead of wanting to 'live better' by consuming more, regardless of the cost to our neighbors and our environment.

Evo Morales

Quotes About Living Well #1060072
#35. There is indeed one element in human destiny that not blindness itself can controvert: whatever else we are intended to do, we are not intended to succeed; failure is the fate allotted. It is so in every art and study; it is so above all in the continent art of living well.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Quotes About Living Well #1075898
#36. Living well is a courageous act.

Alexandra Stoddard

Quotes About Living Well #1119201
#37. Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.


Quotes About Living Well #1135771
#38. I love cities, I spend most of my life talking about cities. And the design of cities does have an effect on your life. You're lucky if you can see trees out of your window and you have a square nearby, or a bar, a cornershop, a surgery. Then you're living well.

Richard Rogers

Quotes About Living Well #1140419
#39. We keep the wolves outside by living well.

Angela Carter

Quotes About Living Well #1161972
#40. Living well and ripping your enemy's still-beating heart out with your bare hands is the best revenge.

Michael O'Donoghue

Quotes About Living Well #1187869
#41. Sweep the broom
Over sand and stone.
Softly, gently,
Brush away the dust.
Listen to the leaves
As they sing in the tree.
Peace fills the soul
When living well.

Teresa Garcia

Quotes About Living Well #1259311
#42. Verbally there is very general agreement; for both the general run of men and people of superior refinement say that it is happiness, and identify living well and doing well with being happy; but with regard to what happiness is they differ, and the many do not give the same account as the wise.


Quotes About Living Well #1276620
#43. Religion, art, and science flourish best in a free society. True, freedom does not afford much opportunity for grand gestures. It has little room for martyrs. But life is not supposed to be about dying well. It is about living well.

Virginia Postrel

Quotes About Living Well #1307908
#44. Living well is an art which can be developed.

Maya Angelou

Quotes About Living Well #1317628
#45. George Herbert was wrong. Living well isn't the best revenge; loving well is.

Stephen King

Quotes About Living Well #1317761
#46. Wherever you are, be there. Lifestyle is not something we do; it is something we experience. And until we learn to be there, we will never master the art of living well.

Jim Rohn

Quotes About Living Well #1328858
#47. They say living well is the best revenge but sometimes writing well is even better.

James Franco

Quotes About Living Well #1335278
#48. I know I'm gonna die so my revenge is living well.

Robbie Williams

Quotes About Living Well #1336424
#49. We want to raise the art of living well.

Robert Mondavi

Quotes About Living Well #1368179
#50. Teach the art of living well.

Seneca The Younger

Quotes About Living Well #1418774
#51. I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.

{His teacher was the legendary philosopher Aristotle}

Alexander The Great

Quotes About Living Well #1421062
#52. Even by proving that a certain view is indispensable for living well, one proves merely that the view in question is a salutary myth: one does not prove it to be true.

Leo Strauss

Quotes About Living Well #1428726
#53. Have you ever heard the phrase, Living well is the best revenge?"
"Where I come from, someone's head in a bag is generally considered the best revenge

Lois McMaster Bujold

Quotes About Living Well #1468556
#54. The cultural propaganda embodied in two liquor advertisements, "Living well is the best revenge" and "Sip it with arrogance," have a curious, perhaps demonic appeal. Consumerism indeed has its own spirituality.

Brennan Manning

Quotes About Living Well #1491250
#55. Decorating is a footnote to real life for me, a means to an end: Living well.

Charlotte Moss

Quotes About Living Well #1557201
#56. If life is really for the living, then the trick to living well is to learn to live it fully, to soak it up, to revel in it.

Joan D. Chittister

Quotes About Living Well #1564492
#57. The best revenge is living well.

Jerry Seinfeld

Quotes About Living Well #1590005
#58. So today, with our average life span in much of the world climbing past eighty years, we are already oddities living well beyond our appointed time.

Atul Gawande

Quotes About Living Well #1599337
#59. If we don't watch out, the pleasure o be gained from the discriminating enjoyment of food will be lost. It may not be long before the art of fine cooking is viewed as the invention of a handful of snobs ... A whole aspect of living well, of civilization itself, is threatened with extinction.

Benoite Groult

Quotes About Living Well #1636722
#60. But we're never content with living well if we think we can live better.

Jacob Grimm

Quotes About Living Well #1649924
#61. We forget our health and comfort and notice a pinching shoe. Much of living well is detaching from our boring stories of pain and shifting focus

Derren Brown

Quotes About Living Well #1667046
#62. You youngsters nowadays think you're to begin with living well and working easy; you've no notion of running afoot before you get on horseback.

George Eliot

Quotes About Living Well #1672903
#63. Living well has something to do with the spirituality of wholeheartedness, of seeing life more as a grace than as a penance, as time to be lived with eager expectation of its goodness, not in dread of its challenges.

Joan D. Chittister

Quotes About Living Well #1684197
#64. I used to think that if I had a choice between writing well and living well, I would choose the former. But now I think that's sheer lunacy. Writing weighs so much less, in the great cosmic equation, than living.

Nicole Krauss

Quotes About Living Well #1709390
#65. What makes for freedom and fluency in the practice of writing? Knowledge of how to write. The same goes for the practice of playing an instrument. It follows that, in the conduct of life, there must be a science to living well.


Quotes About Living Well #1713631
#66. The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.


Quotes About Living Well #1785685
#67. There is no elegance in hate, but there is tremendous beauty in the unintended revenge of living well and being happy.

Victoria Malin Gregory

Quotes About Living Well #1835505
#68. Life is a gift of the immortal Gods, but living well is the gift of philosophy.

Seneca The Younger

Quotes About Living Well #1860421
#69. Always keep in mind that the strongest factor of your Feng Shui is you.

Stefan Emunds

Quotes About Living Well #7836
#70. Well, if it isn't Daniel X himself," Seth said with a yawn. "Become tired of living in this dump of a city already, eh? What can I do for you today? Death? Eternal enslavement? What's it going to be?

James Patterson

Quotes About Living Well #8997
#71. And with all of the enemy's citizens living at the bottom of huge gravity wells, we don't even have to aim particularly well. Einstein was right. We will be fighting the next war with rocks. But the Belt has rocks that will turn the surface of Mars into a molten sea.

James S.A. Corey

Quotes About Living Well #10395
#72. Why wilt thou be so sottish, such an enemy to thyself, as to prefer puddle-water, and that poisoned too and stolen, before pure living waters out of thy own well?

Matthew Henry

Quotes About Living Well #12030
#73. You keep waiting for the moral of your life to become obvious, but it never does. Work, work, work: No moral. No plot. No eureka! Just production schedules and days. You might as well be living inside a photocopier. Your lives are all they're ever going to be.

Douglas Coupland

Quotes About Living Well #15741
#74. The big pay-off was to work as an artist and gain some shred of respect from your friends, who were also artists. But there was never any notion that you could make a living out of art. On the rare occasions you had a gallery show, and sold a little work, well, that was just gravy.

Edward Ruscha

Quotes About Living Well #15978
#75. Learn your theories as well as you can, but put them aside when you touch the miracle of the living soul

Carl Jung

Quotes About Living Well #17954
#76. There is so much trouble in coming into the world, and so much more, as well as meanness, in going out of it, that 'tis hardly worth while to be here at all.

Viscount Henry St. John Bolingbroke

Quotes About Living Well #19693
#77. That was par for the course but I also found that commissions were being canceled and in fact I considered this directly libelous - I write biographies for a living as well as being a journalist - for a non fiction book to be called fiction from beginning to end.

Anthony Holden

Quotes About Living Well #21501
#78. Gregory: Well, Dane, you could share your impression with my alma mater instead.
Dane: It's a challenge.
Gregory: Glad to hear that hasn't changed. And which part do you find the most challenging?
Dane: Living up to your reputation.

Anne Osterlund

Quotes About Living Well #23232
#79. Children, together with women, constitute 90 percent of all refugee populations on the planet as well as the vast majority of those living in absolute poverty: the 'feminization of poverty' means that children are poor, too, since most parenting is done by mothers.

Robin Morgan

Quotes About Living Well #27781
#80. Well, I started conducting kind of by accident. I wanted to give myself a special birthday present for my fortieth birthday, and I was living in San Francisco at the time and I started attending some of the concerts and then simply dropping hints.

Bobby McFerrin

Quotes About Living Well #29415
#81. Live life, love life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Living Well #34310
#82. When one told Plistarchus that a notorious railer spoke well of him, "I 'll lay my life," said he, "somebody hath told him I am dead, for he can speak well of no man living.


Quotes About Living Well #36060
#83. Christian living does not mean to be good but to become good; not to be well, but to get well; not being but becoming; nor rest but training. We are not yet, but we shall be. It has not yet happened, but it is the way. Not everything shines and sparkles as yet, but everything is getting better.

Martin Luther

Quotes About Living Well #36846
#84. Things are pretty good in Canada. We weathered the recession fairly well. And, of course, were up here up living here, we're watching American news and we're constantly saying, wow, it's not as bad as it is in the United States.

Rick Mercer

Quotes About Living Well #38199
#85. Bipolar depression really got my life off track, but today I'm proud to say I am living proof that someone can live, love, and be well with bipolar disorder when they get the education, support and treatment they need.

Demi Lovato

Quotes About Living Well #38867
#86. Well, have you ever thought of bathing?' I asked, turning away. 'No one wants to hire a wizard who smells worse than their outhouse. And who knows what creatures are living in that hair?

Alexandra Bracken

Quotes About Living Well #39613
#87. Hope is what keeps the soul alive.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Living Well #42965
#88. Someday, he thought, it'll be mandatory that we all sell the McDonald's hamburger as well as buy it; we'll sell it back and forth to each other forever from our living rooms. That way we won't even have to go outside.

Philip K. Dick

Quotes About Living Well #46317
#89. Driven living makes us the center of our well-planned schedules. It may stem from a passion to live with eternal purpose, but it signifies that we believe God's work depends on us and neglects to acknowledge that God created us as finite resources dependent upon Him.

Paul Chappell

Quotes About Living Well #46527
#90. I really, honest to God, didn't know what to read until I was out of college and living in Boston, and someone said, 'Well, why don't you read Hemingway?' And I thought, 'OK. I guess I'll try this Hemingway fellow.'

Tom Drury

Quotes About Living Well #48858
#91. Well, who's real? The living or the dead?

Scott Nicholson

Quotes About Living Well #52455
#92. You do not wish to earn your living, to have a task, to fulfil a duty! It bores you to be like other men? Well! You will be different. Labor is the law; he who rejects it will find ennui his torment. You do not wish to be a workingman, you will be a slave.

Victor Hugo

Quotes About Living Well #60533
#93. Food without wine is a corpse; wine without food is a ghost; united and well matched they are as body and soul, living partners.

Andre Simon

Quotes About Living Well #65973
#94. Wellness is not a 'medical fix' but a way of living - a lifestyle sensitive and responsive to all the dimensions of body, mind, and spirit, an approach to life we each design to achieve our highest potential for well-being now and forever.

Greg Anderson

Quotes About Living Well #69494
#95. You can't stay well without telling
and living
the truth.

Martha Beck

Quotes About Living Well #70907
#96. The best life could be best live by you.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Living Well #76114
#97. Well something's lost but something's gained in living every day.

Joni Mitchell

Quotes About Living Well #83826
#98. If you can't change your mind, you can't change anything.

Orna Ross

Quotes About Living Well #87445
#99. I have always enjoyed cemeteries. Altars for the living as well as resting places for the dead, they are entryways, I think, to any town or city, the best places to become acquainted with the tastes of the inhabitants, both present and gone.

Edwidge Danticat

Quotes About Living Well #88081
#100. We start our sometimes tedious, sometimes exciting, often times sad and stressful march to the grave the moment we're born, so it might as well be a march worth remembering.

Donna Lynn Hope

Quotes About Living Well #89134

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