Top 38 Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes

#1. Pointing out the emotion in a scene is like laughing at your own jokes.

Diana Gabaldon

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #292401
#2. As you get older as a comedian and keep doing it, what you actually start to cherish on stage is not the build-up to the jokes, but how comfortable you can be in the silence and the non-laughing parts, and how long you can take the audience without a laugh to then get a huge reaction.

Patton Oswalt

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #767692
#3. Jokes that make me laugh out loud when I write them almost always bomb. I have no idea why.

Chris Hardwick

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #561492
#4. Shall I crack any of those old jokes, master, At which the audience never fail to laugh?


Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #575843
#5. I'm more of an older school comedian so Tommy Davidson still makes me laugh a lot no matter how many times I've heard his jokes or not. He's just an animated comedian that I don't mind seeing over and over again.

Joe Torry

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #602861
#6. I really like being able to laugh at my own jokes.

Neil Gaiman

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #641995
#7. I was really enjoying one of the screenings of 'Beautiful Creatures' and there was this little 14-year-old boy sitting next to me in the screening and I was laughing at all the jokes and I just felt really judged. I had to keep it down a bit. It's a bit embarrassing.

Alice Englert

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #663354
#8. I see myself as a huge dork that laughs at my own jokes and forgets to shower sometimes.

Lauren Gardner

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #678282
#9. I consider myself always a humorist. And I think anybody who tells jokes or makes people laugh is humor.

Dick Gregory

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #726289
#10. They all laughed when I said I'd become a comedian. Well, they're not laughing now.

Bob Monkhouse

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #742794
#11. A good joke is life laughing at itself.

Marty Rubin

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #438566
#12. I want every idea I have to make me money. I want every post I write to have 10,000 Facebook likes. I want every talk I give to have people laughing at all the right jokes. I want everyone to like me all the time.

James Altucher

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #874913
#13. There is something about being a director where, for me personally, I get to ... it's the closest I'll ever come to being able to be a stand up. And to use my particular sense of humor, and hear people laughing, without me having to stand up in front of an audience and tell jokes.

Barry Sonnenfeld

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #963255
#14. When we hear jokes against women, and we are asked why we don't laugh at them, the answer is easy, simple, and short. Of course we're not laughing ... Nobody laughs at the sight of their own blood.

Naomi Weisstein

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #982410
#15. People make a lot of jokes about the empty nest. Let me tell you, it is no laughing matter. It is really hard.

Michelle Pfeiffer

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #989391
#16. Why do we have to humiliate someone to crack a joke??? Do what u would like people to do with u..


Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #993754
#17. Somewhere between the smiles, the laughing, the fights about nothing, and all our jokes, I fell in love.

Dawn Williams

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #1003362
#18. Life, like the boring drunk at the office party, keeps seeking you out, leaning on you, killing you with pointless yarns and laughing bad-breathed in your face at its own unfunny jokes.

Glen Duncan

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #1508178
#19. Cut out all these exclamation jokes. An explanation point is like laughing at your own joke. I'm going to delete you from my contacts if you keep sending solely emoji texts. You're a grown-ass man.

F Scott Fitzgerald

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #1597201
#20. It is unpardonable conceit not to laugh at your own jokes. Joking is undignified; that is why it is so good for one's soul. Do not fancy you can be a detached wit and avoid being a buffoon; you cannot. If you are the Court Jester you must be the Court Fool.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #1611535
#21. I use a lot of humor, and I follow the saying that if you want to tell people the truth, you better make them laugh first, otherwise, they will shoot you. So I can tell you a joke and maybe you will laugh at the beginning. But it's not about telling jokes.

Sayed Kashua

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #171613
#22. The Dalai Lama took the Archbishop's hand, and then they were more eight than eighty, laughing and making jokes together as they strolled toward the terminal, yellow umbrella sheltering above them. Even

Dalai Lama XIV

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #22582
#23. Looking back, I remember my family laughing a lot. We were never the kind of people that dwelled on hard times. My family laughs when things are tough. Growing up like that, I got used to making jokes about things that were difficult. So when I started doing stand-up, that's what I went towards.

Cristela Alonzo

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #64447
#24. Oh Lola's Boobs,' he says into my chest, 'I wish we knew each other better.'
I crack up laughing.
'What's that you say?' he jokes, putting his ear to my right breast. 'You wish you could come out to play more often but Lola doesn't let you? Well, that's a shame.

Bianca Giovanni

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #86437
#25. I do a few jokes about the economy but from an everyday person perspective. People like to laugh, and they especially like to laugh during difficult circumstances.

Brian Regan

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #128802
#26. I might appear confident and chatty, but I spend most of my time laughing at jokes I don't find funny, saying things I don't really mean - because at the end of the day that's what we're all trying to do: fit in, one way or another, desperately trying to pretend we're all the same.

Tabitha Suzuma

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #129646
#27. Remember that Cosby show where he harrassed the children? Well I put on a little suit and because I am so small they invited me on but nobody was laughing at my jokes. I guess I'm just, too, particularly smart for them.

Thom Yorke

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #136265
#28. I think people need to laugh everyday. Whether the economy is good or bad, I think the most important thing is to laugh and to feel positive, if you are laughing at something positive. But if you are laughing at mean jokes then it's a wash.

Ellen DeGeneres

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #141426
#29. If I'm laughing, you know I'm either very happy or very sad. I cope with things with jokes.

Cristela Alonzo

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #144291
#30. I don't want to be with someone boring because I'm always laughing. I like to play jokes on people and be sarcastic.

Ashley Benson

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #372737
#31. I seem to get into situations that make people laugh, but I don't consider myself that funny of a person. I'm not witty. I'm kind of slow in conversations. I'm not that articulate with jokes. The first time I made stuff and screened it for an audience, I was surprised what people were laughing at.

Nathan Fielder

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #183252
#32. A joke isn't a joke until someone laughs.

Michael Crawford

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #209412
#33. I'm against eating a human being alive - I don't do it. Somebody might make cannibalism jokes and laugh it off like it's nothing. I don't agree with that. I want to proclaim a rejection of cannibalism.

John Maus

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #219230
#34. I aspire to be
an old man
with an old wife
laughing at old jokes
from a wild youth.

Atticus Poetry

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #222837
#35. Everything we do means something, Ender realized. Them laughing. Me not laughing. He toyed with the idea of trying to be like the other boys. But he couldn't think of any jokes, and none of theirs seemed funny. Wherever their laughter came from, Ender couldn't find such a place in himself.

Orson Scott Card

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #231147
#36. My dad doesn't get any of my jokes. He laughs at them, but he doesn't understand them. He's just laughing because people around him are laughing.

Zach Galifianakis

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #320590
#37. I made some jokes about weed, got some laughs, made some more jokes, got some more laughs; next thing you know, I'm telling a lot of jokes about it.

Doug Benson

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #325681
#38. Bleeding for a decade
For a decade,
We bleed like there is no hell but the earth
We bleed like we were born to dare
We bleed like there is nothing alive inside.
We find a clue
After a decade
Bleeding is just to breath
Simply keeps us alive.

Arzum Uzun

Quotes About Laughing At Your Own Jokes #331028

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