Top 40 Quotes About Hate And Jealousy

#1. The other side of love is hate; the other side of love is jealousy. So if a woman gets caught in hate and jealousy, all the beauty of love dies and she is left only with poison in her hands. She will poison herself and she will poison everybody who is around. To


Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #956270
#2. It seemed sometimes as if love and hate and jealousy and adverse winds at sea might also find their proper remedies among the curious wild-looking plants in Mrs. Todd's garden.

Sarah Orne Jewett

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1543749
#3. Innately, there are qualities in human beings that are always repetitive. There are things like love and hate and jealousy that are just going to be there forever.

Shiloh Fernandez

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #250232
#4. Philosophers see no harm in the Jesuits other than in their effect on humanity and the sciences. The vulgar and especially the prejudiced only hate them from an envy and jealousy born out of conspiracy and intrigue at an organisation which overshadows them.

Cesare Beccaria

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #956935
#5. Hate Sits on a Stool
Hate sits on a 3-legged stool of
suspicion, jealousy and fear.
Kick away any one of these legs
and the hater will fall flat on his ass.

Beryl Dov

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1872590
#6. Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!

Bob Marley

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #983909
#7. Genius attracts more hate than love and more disrespect than respect; at least for the first few hundred years.

Steve Fowler

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1058000
#8. Hate or Jealousy will not Give any Solution only Tears on the Long Run, because a Winner is a Fighter for their Rights and Chances in Life.

Jan Jansen

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1154100
#9. Don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief, and jealousy.

Bob Marley

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1183713
#10. If a person's mind is controlled by forces of revenge and jealousy, it cannot express love & sympathy. And even if they show love and sympathy to others it will yield no good result. The thought will not be reflected in love but in hate.

Virchand Gandhi

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1256817
#11. As we grow up, we are exposed to hate and greed and anger and jealousy and peanut brittle and all kinds of things, our subtly body erodes.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1280992
#12. Respect kindly all religions that teach loving kindness, and have no respect for envy and jealousy. Never follow hate.

Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1294707
#13. I think that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but the Bible also teaches that pride is a sin, jealousy is a sin, and hate is a sin, evil thoughts are a sin. So I don't think that homosexuality should be chosen as the overwhelming sin that we are doing today.

Billy Graham

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1300374
#14. Love sees sharply, hatred sees even more sharp, but Jealousy sees the sharpest for it is love and hate at the same time.

Sarah Brightman

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1397161
#15. Well, be careful," she said, her words deliberate. She quickly twisted her head, as if making certain no one was behind her. When she turned back around, her green eyes were hard and filled with hate. "Because wouldn't it be terrible if you slipped and hurt yourself?

Kate White

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1496957
#16. Jealousy is not a nice feeling, I hate feeling jealous. But if you can admit it and laugh at yourself, then that's a good way of dealing with your feelings.

Kate Nash

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1608335
#17. You may think it all very fine, Mr. Huntingdon, to amuse yourself with rousing my jealousy; but take care you don't rouse my hate instead. And when you have once extinguished my love, you will find it no easy matter to kindle it again.

Anne Bronte

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1612553
#18. Have you ever seen a jealous person acting nice? Jealousy and hate are really close. They don't hate you;they hate what you stand for.

Cameron How To Be A Girl

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1629565
#19. We hide in relationships. We hide in material possessions. We hide in ambitions, secret desires, hates, frustrations, jealousy, self-ptiy, in our insecurity - and more than anything our vanity and our egotism.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1668125
#20. Even now, Dickon was upstairs, writing sonnets to his new love, while back at Seadown House, Marianne was writing 'Ella' on scraps of paper and then burning them.

Jessica Day George

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1672998
#21. Meditation is not doing anything directly to your violence, not doing anything to your jealousy, to your hate. It
is simply brining light into your house, and the darkness disappears.


Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #1810407
#22. She was polite, charming, and damn pretty. Braith wanted to hate her, but she just couldn't. The bitch.

G.A. Aiken

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #515652
#23. People who hate you because of a mere jealousy over your success hurt themselves in disguise. This is because you carry an image of who they wish they had become. Don't hate them back because they may also become like you one day and it will mean hurting that image you carry!

Israelmore Ayivor

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #26265
#24. Emotions are subject to change, they make one irrational instead of logical, and are impossible to predict. Fear, anger, frustration. Lust, jealousy, hate. And yes, even love, are to be avoided.

Tiffany Snow

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #62393
#25. Only the ego can fear, experience hate, lust and jealousy. Humility experiences none of these things - it merges into the transcendental awareness of perfection.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #70277
#26. "Haters only hate things they can't have and the people they can't be. It's just a little thing called jealousy."

Lil' Wayne

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #163946
#27. Greed, fear, lust, hate, jealousy, these are part of reality too ... bundles of consciousness wrapped tightly, barbs on which you can injure yourself, volatile energies that serve as separations between yourself and perfect stillness.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #340089
#28. I'm not comfortable in this stadium," I explained, trying to look calm.
"I know. And you hate Fang looking at those girls. But we're still having
fun, and Fang still loves you, and you'll still save the world. Okay?

James Patterson

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #354264
#29. Nature is at work. Character and destiny are her handiwork. She gives us love and hate, jealousy and reverence. All that is ours is the power to choose which impulse we shall follow.

David Seabury

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #360988
#30. Jealousy destroys the matrimonies; jealousy destroys the friendships, jealousy provokes religious wars, fratricidal hates, murderers and all kind of suffering.

Samael Aun Weor

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #482640
#31. Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.


Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #512191
#32. I wish to live without hate, whim, jealousy, envy, and fear. I wish to be simple, honest, frank, natural . to face any obstacle and meet every difficulty unabashed and unafraid.

Elbert Hubbard

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #863446
#33. Success causes others to be jealous and hate.

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #542183
#34. Some people hate it when I make a tough job look easy. Jealousy is evident.Then they give me more tasks.I make those look easy to.Then I show off and let it eat you alive.

Ricky Star

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #554318
#35. Jude was good. But he let his fear and jealousy get to him." Daniel shrugged. "'Fear leads to
anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to the dark side.

Bree Despain

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #566787
#36. Then August knew. Thomas didn't dwell on things. Thomas was strong, and he didn't know what it was to be afraid. He knew he could get what he wanted, never questioning his identity or who he would be the next day.
He was everything August wasn't, and that's why August hated him.

Kris Noel

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #634204
#37. Jealousy is an ugly thing. It makes you hate someone that you barely know. And to make it worst, you're the one who gets hurt, not that 'Someone'.

Nurilla Iryani

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #645855
#38. with the pain jealousy instils and the love hate relationship it creates surely its just easier to appreciate what you have then what you could loose

Richard Kent

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #724062
#39. There will always be haters. And the more you grow the more they hate; the more they hate the more you grow.

Anthony Liccione

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #815846
#40. How much better life would be if we began the day with a poem rather than the empty prattle of newspapers, with their diet of fear, hate, envy and jealousy.

Tom Hodgkinson

Quotes About Hate And Jealousy #832798

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