Top 100 Quotes About A New Job

#1. At one point I took on a new job, and I just didn't have time to do anything but work.

Sharon Olds

Quotes About A New Job #35970
#2. They said my friends were just an unruly mob, and I should get a hair cut and get a new job.

George Thorogood

Quotes About A New Job #96627
#3. Al Gore has found a new job. He is going to teach journalism at Columbia University, which is ironic isn't it? The guy who did all the coke winds up going to the White House, the guy who didn't do coke goes to Columbia.

Jay Leno

Quotes About A New Job #127193
#4. You make alterations, affecting your pose, a new house, a new car, a new job, a new nose.

Ray Davies

Quotes About A New Job #145388
#5. Barnes & Noble CEO William Lynch just announced that he is stepping down after three years. When asked if he's looking for a new job, he was like, 'Nah, just browsing.'

Jimmy Fallon

Quotes About A New Job #259605
#6. Publishing a new book is like adding anything new to your life--marriage, a child, a new job, a new house. It takes time to adjust to a different status.

Annette Wood

Quotes About A New Job #300638
#7. I was making crappy beats since I was, like, 17 or 18, using Florida rappers, where I'm from. Then I started DJ'ing because I just wanted to have a new job.


Quotes About A New Job #307625
#8. Dad lost his job. Then he got a new job. Then he got his old job back and went back to it. They were all in the same building.

Aimee Bender

Quotes About A New Job #353450
#9. Telling a story about something you know nothing about is like starting a new job without the training.

Joshua Hartzell

Quotes About A New Job #418986
#10. The biggest hurdle to writing Fargo Rock City was that I couldn't afford a home computer - I had to get a new job so I could buy a computer. It could all change though. In five years, I could be back at some daily newspaper, which wouldn't be so bad.

Chuck Klosterman

Quotes About A New Job #466626
#11. If you need an alarm clock, you need a new job.

Ziad K. Abdelnour

Quotes About A New Job #480016
#12. If I'm wrong, and you find yourself in an organization where sucking up is in fact a good way to get ahead, look for a new job. It's not a quality organization after all, no matter how glittering its public reputation may be. Life is too short to work there.

Charles Murray

Quotes About A New Job #509408
#13. If you're dating a man who you think might be "Mr. Right," if he a) got older, b) got a new job, or c) visited a psychiatrist, you are in for a nasty surprise. The cocoon-to-butterfly theory only works on cocoons and butterflies.

Rita Rudner

Quotes About A New Job #539324
#14. Men turn to formal wear when they want a new job or when they think their current one is in danger. They try to present themselves as powerful and successful.

Peter York

Quotes About A New Job #594697
#15. With the average tenure of sales directors being three years, it's not too great a stretch to conclude that they spend their first 12 months finding out what's broken, the next 12 months papering over the cracks, and the final 12 months shopping their CV for a new job.

Nicholas A.C. Read

Quotes About A New Job #610827
#16. I got a new job. Patch locked eyes with me, and I warmed in a lot of places. In fact, I was dangerously close to feverish.

Becca Fitzpatrick

Quotes About A New Job #665864
#17. Every dollar released from taxation, that is spent or invested, will create a new job and a new salary.

John F. Kennedy

Quotes About A New Job #690564
#18. Now, if your boss is a sadist, then you have a big problem. In that case, fire your boss and get a new job.

Donald Trump

Quotes About A New Job #707620
#19. It is an awful thing to say, but if I was a Rover worker I would not be pinning my hopes on a deal by next Monday, I'd be looking for a new job.

Jeff Randall

Quotes About A New Job #724297
#20. I'd lose what little independence I still have. A new job. Your dad would be working all the time. I'd lose him, too.

Lisa Genova

Quotes About A New Job #840665
#21. It is not the conscious changes made in their lives by men and women-a new job, a new town, a divorce-which really shape them ... but a long slow mutation of emotion, hidden, all-penetrative ...

Nadine Gordimer

Quotes About A New Job #873516
#22. You can look for a new job as much as you want,my wolf, but I'm planning on keeping you." , "Plan all you want, Alpha, but my will is my own.

Amber Kell

Quotes About A New Job #924074
#23. The time to look for a new job is when you don't need one. The time to switch jobs is before it feels comfortable.

Seth Godin

Quotes About A New Job #924716
#24. It is no good thinking about how life will get better once you have a new television or a new job. You must stop hoping for change. You must simply be it.

Rachel Joyce

Quotes About A New Job #941085
#25. I love to hang out and talk to people on set, especially when I start a new job to get to know them. I like to learn things from the crew so I sit around and ask them technical questions, when I think of them.

Claudia Black

Quotes About A New Job #946950
#26. Getting a new job will not change your life. To change your life, change your choices.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About A New Job #1054060
#27. SCUM will become members of the unwork force, the fuck-up force; they will get jobs of various kinds and unwork... SCUM office and factory workers, in addition to fucking up their work, will secretly destroy equipment. SCUM will unwork at a job until fired, then get a new job to unwork at.

Valerie Solanas

Quotes About A New Job #1063309
#28. I still get the jitters every time I start a new job! I love it - makes you feel alive.

Camille Guaty

Quotes About A New Job #1156010
#29. Third choice was to strike off toward some new projection - a new job, a better (different) relationship, a seductive ideology, or sometimes to drift into some unconscious "self-treatment plan" such as an addiction or an affair.

James Hollis

Quotes About A New Job #1291550
#30. Every time you start a new job, you're starting from the beginning again and it's terrifying. And you feel like you're going to be fired and told to go home and never to darken the doors of these people ever again.

Emily Mortimer

Quotes About A New Job #1334855
#31. The only reason you should move to a new job is if you are not getting the opportunity to do what you want to do and what you believe you can do.

Lee Clow

Quotes About A New Job #1421713
#32. Most of 'All Hail West Texas' was written during orientation at a new job I had. I had basically worked this job before, I knew this stuff, so I was writing lyrics in the margins of all the Xeroxed material.

John Darnielle

Quotes About A New Job #1434688
#33. There's always anxiety when you start a new job, you're the one guy who doesn't know where the ketchup is.

Jon Stewart

Quotes About A New Job #1460156
#34. I learned that I had to work triply hard every time I started a new job in a newsroom to prove my value and worth.

Gretchen Carlson

Quotes About A New Job #1516851
#35. Everyone gets laid off and everyone in Hollywood gets unemployment for six months while they're looking for a new job. So I would just do stand-up for six months and think I was really making it, and when my unemployment ran out, I had to get another job immediately.

Anthony Jeselnik

Quotes About A New Job #1522598
#36. I apply for a new job twice a week, every week. I am applying for the position of millionaire but so far my numbers haven't come up.

Brian Randleas

Quotes About A New Job #1580270
#37. Together we will build an America where hope is a new job with a paycheck, not a faded word on an old bumper sticker.

Mitt Romney

Quotes About A New Job #1637191
#38. The best computer programmers never write a new program when they can use an old one for a new job.

Gerald M. Weinberg

Quotes About A New Job #1646652
#39. Women in the workplace - we still have big strides to make. Girlfriend of mine just got a new job. First question the new boss asked her was if she could make a good cup of coffee ... Yeah, she stormed right out of that Starbucks.

Carol Leifer

Quotes About A New Job #1654335
#40. Starting a new job is always scary, or at least for me it's always scary. It's like the first day of school.

Sean Maher

Quotes About A New Job #1701536
#41. Researchers at Harvard say that taking a power nap for an hour in the afternoon can totally refresh you. They say that by the time you wake up you'll feel so good, you'll be able to start looking for a new job.

Jay Leno

Quotes About A New Job #1710838
#42. I forgot what we were celebrating. Because we were always celebrating something, a new job, a new poem, a new love, a new dream.

Audre Lorde

Quotes About A New Job #1739381
#43. When you start a new job or a particular journey, you really don't know what to expect. I mean, you hear about your name being on the bestsellers list, but it doesn't really mean anything. Like, really, what does that translate to?

Eric Jerome Dickey

Quotes About A New Job #1825235
#44. Has no prospects of being either, then you don't just need a remote position - you need a new job. Only the office can be secure Companies often go to great lengths to make employees

Jason Fried

Quotes About A New Job #1863571
#45. I'm lucky enough to say my day job is acting. I cut my teeth as a theater actor and playwright in New York.

Christopher Denham

Quotes About A New Job #6833
#46. America is a magical place, and I think my job, or the job of a lot of us European filmmakers is to just hold up America to Americans and present it to you in a new way. All I wanted to do is in a funny way say, "Look at your country. It's magnificent."

Hans Zimmer

Quotes About A New Job #14117
#47. I've been a foodie most of my life. I started when I lived for a year in Germany in my early 20s, and here was this new food environment, and I decided I needed to make sense of it. And I found it was the rules of economics that do the best job. Food is a capitalist product of supply and demand.

Tyler Cowen

Quotes About A New Job #19108
#48. The younger generation of rocket engineers is just beginning. They are of the new generation to which space travel is not going to be a dream of the future but an everyday job with everyday worries in which they will be engaged.

Willy Ley

Quotes About A New Job #20822
#49. I see a New York where people who are down on their luck can get back on the road to responsibility, a job and dignity.

Carl Paladino

Quotes About A New Job #21256
#50. Every day was filled with surprises. What a change from the network affiliate. Her new boss was an undead automaton from hell, true, but no job was perfect.

Daniel Suarez

Quotes About A New Job #22848
#51. My advice: Don't quit. When I got to New York City, I lived so far below the poverty line, because I didn't give in and get a job at 7-Eleven. I think you can thrive in misery.

Rob Zombie

Quotes About A New Job #25401
#52. Peace is a new father
Searching for a job
With courage and vigor
With a smile and rigor
But with a great need for money.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About A New Job #27696
#53. The more she thought about it, the more she realised both sides had lost an important alternate perspective. And maybe that was what she'd been created for.
A girl from both worlds, who'd seen the follies and triumphs of each side.
And her job was to shake things up and do something new.

Shannon Messenger

Quotes About A New Job #32821
#54. On the small scale, 'Ico,' I think, actually delivered a small new thing: holding a character's hand and really feeling like your job is to rescue this person, and establishing a personal connection.

Warren Spector

Quotes About A New Job #56982
#55. You write a book and you finish the book. That's your job done, right? You win the Booker and you have a whole new job. You have to be the thing, right? So instead of writing the story, you somehow are the story. And that I found that sort of terrible.

Anne Enright

Quotes About A New Job #60133
#56. To people I know in the bottom income brackets, living paycheck to paycheck, the Gig Economy has been old news for years. What's new is the way it's hit the demographic that used to assume that a college degree from an elite school was the passport to job security.

Tina Brown

Quotes About A New Job #69388
#57. My job is never boring. It's always new, exciting, and challenging, and I get a rush every time I go to work. I'm the luckiest person on the planet to be able to do what I love for a living.

Jewel Staite

Quotes About A New Job #75814
#58. Without a solution to the problems of the poor, we will not solve the problems of the world. We need projects, mechanisms and processes to implement better distribution of resources, from the creation of new jobs to the integral promotion of those who are excluded'.

Pope Francis

Quotes About A New Job #84963
#59. You know, it's kind of a shame in a way but the more seasoned directors a lot of times have more difficult getting a job than first time guys. New kid on the block kind of thing.

Jeff Bridges

Quotes About A New Job #107144
#60. It is more than A Job. It is A Mission.
A vision. A complete New Message.
Religious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans
Religion of Blue Circle
September 26, 2016

Petra Hermans

Quotes About A New Job #108090
#61. Your reactions, whether positive or negative, are creative of future circumstances. In your imagination, you can hear words congratulating you on getting a wonderful new job. That imaginal act now goes forward and you will encounter this pleasant experience in the future.

Neville Goddard

Quotes About A New Job #108298
#62. I still think of myself as the new kid, even though I've been on the air for two and a half years. But my job is the same as it ever was, which is to make 9:00 P.M. as good as I can.

Rachel Maddow

Quotes About A New Job #121627
#63. After college I got a job and started working. This new career had absolutely nothing to do with my degree.

Jason Najum

Quotes About A New Job #123251
#64. Although it was constructed in 1536, the New York subway system boasts an annual maintenance budget of nearly $8, currently stolen, and it does a remarkable job of getting New Yorkers from Point A to an indeterminate location somewhere in the tunnel leading to point B.

Dave Barry

Quotes About A New Job #139369
#65. Once you made that decision to split New Order up, you were like, 'Woo-hoo! I better get out there and get a job.'

Peter Hook

Quotes About A New Job #158455
#66. We live in New York. To be able to have a steady job and take your kids to school, and be around and work hard, is the perfect life.

Brooke Shields

Quotes About A New Job #159318
#67. I started acting when I was 13 in New York. Worked there for a couple years, then auditioned for a show there that was going to be filming here. Ended up coming out, getting the job and just staying.

Kristanna Loken

Quotes About A New Job #162879
#68. My job is my sport so I have to make sure that I stay focussed on it. I train almost every day so it takes up a lot of my life and you don't want to bring any new distractions into your life.

Sally Pearson

Quotes About A New Job #165101
#69. When I'm having a rehearsal and there are new guys who come in to try out for the job, I always let my conductor rehearse them. Because I don't want the guy to get bent out of shape, because I walk in.

Ray Charles

Quotes About A New Job #170870
#70. A newly elected representative quickly discovers that his job in government-aside from making new laws-is to act as a broker, middleman, special pleader and finagler.

William Greider

Quotes About A New Job #171164
#71. I came from Texas, I was studying theater at NYU, and I thought for sure that my lot in life would be to get the best bartending job I could find and do theater in New York. And that was a good life.

James Roday

Quotes About A New Job #180045
#72. Being the first Olympic medallist of my country means that I have some obligations and it was a very tough job for me to resume a proper training schedule due to the (new) status I have in my country.

Benjamin Boukpeti

Quotes About A New Job #182421
#73. My first waitress job was at Johnny Rockets in New Jersey, and then I waited tables at a sports bar.

Melissa Rauch

Quotes About A New Job #188907
#74. My worst boss was a departmental chair who never learned to appreciate new developments in the field. He had contempt for students and younger researchers, and he saw the job of running the department as a nuisance.

Steven Pinker

Quotes About A New Job #189022
#75. NASCAR does a good job of trying to keep things equal with new rules. We're not allowed to have computers in our cars to tell the crew what's going on. So the only thing you have is the driver, and the driver-crew chief relationship. That's the most important thing.

Jimmie Johnson

Quotes About A New Job #193351
#76. Life is just a set of experiences. As long as there are new experiences for me in a corporate job, I don't think I have to be an entrepreneur.

Sam Yagan

Quotes About A New Job #196188
#77. Everybody thinks that when new technologies come along that they're transparent and you can just do your job well on it. But technologies always import a whole new set of values with them.

Brian Eno

Quotes About A New Job #196483
#78. All-good, like the vain, capricious, cruel God of Job? With all of eternity at His disposal, what fiendish new tortures might He not devise? A limited

William Peter Blatty

Quotes About A New Job #205492
#79. The United States is locked in a new arms race for that most precious resource - the future entrepreneurs upon whom economic growth depends. Substantial research shows that immigrants play a key role in American job creation.

Eric Ries

Quotes About A New Job #207139
#80. All my graduation money went to paying for bartending classes so I could have a side gig. I bartended for two months before I was supposed to move to New York and then two months later I got the job as an understudy in 'Sister Act' and haven't looked back since.

Patina Miller

Quotes About A New Job #209115
#81. Whether you want to learn a new skill or simply be better at the job you were hired to do, it's now your job to train and invest in yourself.

Reid Hoffman

Quotes About A New Job #209624
#82. What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done.

Tim O'Reilly

Quotes About A New Job #214519
#83. We are all Julian Assange. Serious reporters discuss classified information every day - go to any Washington or New York dinner party where real journalists are present, and you will hear discussion of leaked or classified information. That is journalists' job in a free society.

Naomi Wolf

Quotes About A New Job #231534
#84. My favorite job is the next one. It's such a gratifying experience getting to creatively keep trying something new and push things in a different direction.

Roger Craig Smith

Quotes About A New Job #239572
#85. The Saints are doing a good job adjusting. I think their focus is on trying to make the best of their season, but also to try and help the people of New Orleans in the process. From everything I've seen and heard they are doing a good job of it.

Archie Manning

Quotes About A New Job #279377
#86. When I was forty, I was getting divorced, living in a low-class, dirty hotel in New York. My mother was dying of cancer. I owed $20,000. That was about the lowest. I came back to show business, and I couldn't get a job. I was turned down by every small-time agent in New York.

Rodney Dangerfield

Quotes About A New Job #281408
#87. What we do with our lives every day, whether at school, a desk job, or keeping the home in order, is our most basic opportunity to glorify God. That's what your role in His story looks like day in and day out. Instead of waiting to be offered a new role, play the current one well.

Trip Lee

Quotes About A New Job #287200
#88. So I graduated from college with a degree in journalism and was ready to find my dream job at a newspaper in addition to one good man who owned his own car and was certain about his sexuality, my two new, revised qualifying criteria for a potential date.

Laurie Notaro

Quotes About A New Job #288238
#89. My only job is to write in such a way that the reader gets a new handle on humanity.

Thomas Steinbeck

Quotes About A New Job #301535
#90. You're training a new employee,' says Mrs. Clark, 'to take over your boring old job.' When you raise a child.

Chuck Palahniuk

Quotes About A New Job #304133
#91. But even with new friends and a job with people I really cared about, my life seemed to be missing something.

Abbi Glines

Quotes About A New Job #311530
#92. When I did TV, I only did little guest parts, and it hasn't been that long. There is a kind of pressure in this job that comes from your work every day being there forever. But this is all part of the brand-new world that I'm discovering.

Emma Stone

Quotes About A New Job #333319
#93. Eventually, I decided that if I was going to really write a novel, I couldn't do it in New York City while holding down a job. You need a constant money source to live in New York City unless you're independently wealthy, which I'm not.

Rachel Kushner

Quotes About A New Job #347828
#94. My daughter wrote a book. She is a New York Times Bestselling Author. Fabulous. Couldn't be more proud. She also has no health insurance. A 401 K? Dream on! My daughter left her stable corporate job to be a writer without dental benefits or a savings account, a.k.a. my worst nightmare.

Kate Siegel

Quotes About A New Job #347885
#95. So far he'd been there for three hours, hadn't gotten a thing done, was heading out for a free lunch, and was getting paid for it. Jobs were awesome.

J.P. Barnaby

Quotes About A New Job #351598
#96. Joblessness gives you the resource through which you can create a new you

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About A New Job #352014
#97. I was a hostess in a restaurant in New York when I was 21, and I was too good of an employee. I was putting most of my energy into that instead of acting. But my father told my sister and me to look at whatever needed to be done and do that job well, no matter what it was.

Emily Deschanel

Quotes About A New Job #359331
#98. Impertinent submissive," Raoul snapped, and his dark brown eyes turned mean. "Nothing new for this one. You're doing a lousy job of bringing her to heel, Marcus."
"Bring me to heel? Like I'm a dog?" Without thinking, Gabi instinctively yanked away and snapped out, "Bite me.

Cherise Sinclair

Quotes About A New Job #359696
#99. I know how to create and make people feel something. Honestly, if I didn't do this, I would just have some minimum-wage job in New Mexico, and I would go out on the weekends and make just enough money to pay my insurance and pay for a couple beers, and that would be it.

Freddie Prinze Jr.

Quotes About A New Job #363221
#100. If you are looking for a lover, a job, a new house, or a serial killer, Snoop is for you. It's great science and a fun read by a world-renowned personality researcher.

James W. Pennebaker

Quotes About A New Job #375235

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