Top 100 Quotes About A Beautiful Sky

#1. A beautiful poem is like a beautiful sky and a beautiful sky is like a beautiful poem!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1361146
#2. I have always thought beach weddings are beautiful. A sunset ceremony with a beautiful sky, white drapes and fire lanterns.

Ricky Whittle

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #44238
#3. I think about other things while she describes her recent past: air, water, sky, time, a moment, a point somewhere when I wanted to show her everything beautiful in the world.

Bret Easton Ellis

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1140139
#4. I've had people say to me, 'Look at the sky, the fields, the ocean, the beautiful sunset. Isn't that proof positive of God?' Following that line of thought, look at the magnificent rainbows after a big rainstorm. Isn't that proof positive that God is gay?

Ray Romano

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #828000
#5. And her heart burst like the stars do in the end, and She fell on her knees. But the whole world looked her in awe. She lit the whole universe with her fire for a moment. In the end, she was as beautiful as the stardust falling from the sky and her heart didn't ache anymore.

Akshay Vasu

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1124434
#6. Today I will find something beautiful.
Delicate pink blossoms on a cherry tree.
The dove resting near the lemon buds.
Sunbeams smiling from sky to earth.
Smiling on me.
"Creating" in BREATHE IN

Eileen Granfors

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1112286
#7. I am inspired by anything beautiful. Sometime it's a pair of eyes or flowing gorgeous hair, other times it's the sky or a sunset. I've been inspired by supple skin or the texture of a soft shirt.

Nadine Velazquez

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1057075
#8. The scenery of mountains painted on the ever-changing azure canvas of the sky, the mysterious mechanism of the human body, the rose, the green grass carpet, the magnanimity of souls, the loftiness of minds, the depth of love - all these things remind us of a God who is beautiful and noble.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1050040
#9. In Scotland, beautiful as it is, it was always raining. Even when it wasn't raining, it was about to rain, or had just rained. It's a very angry sky.

Colin Hay

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1009263
#10. Saw the sun rise. A lovely apricot sky with flames in it and then solemn pink. Heavens, how beautiful...I feel so full of love to-day after having seen the sun rise.

Katherine Mansfield

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #992621
#11. It's time, Perry. He let her go. She took a step back, taking in his face one last time. His green eyes. The bend in his nose and the scars on his cheek. All the tiny inperfections that made him beautiful. Without a word, she turned and made her way downhill.

Veronica Rossi

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #990407
#12. Not Cassie for Cassandra. Or Cassie for Cassidy. Cassie for Cassiopeia, the constellation, the queen tied to her chair in the northern sky, who was beautiful but vain, placed in the heavens by the sea god Poseidon as a punishment for her boasting. In Greek, her name means she whose words excel.

Rick Yancey

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #979303
#13. In a beautiful night, under the stars, man always feels himself above the sky, beside the God!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #969200
#14. she'd forgotten snow could be quite so beautiful. Snow, in her experience, was something that needed to be removed. It was a chore that fell from the sky. But

Louise Penny

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #943692
#15. Rama glanced at her whenever a beautiful object caught his eye. Every tint of the sky, every shape of a flower or bud, every elegant form of a creeper reminded him of some aspect or other of Sita's person.

R.K. Narayan

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #939534
#16. It was a beautiful bright autumn day, with air like cider and a sky so blue you could drown in it.

Diana Gabaldon

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #937859
#17. The sky is so tragically beautiful. A graveyard of stars.


Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #923830
#18. This morning
the beautiful white heron
was floating along above the water
and then into the sky of this
the one world
we all belong to
where everything
sooner or later
is a part of everything else
which thought made me feel
for a little while
quite beautiful myself.

Mary Oliver

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #911130
#19. My favourite conversations are those with the universe, I speak all that I am and the most beautiful response flies a shooting star across the sky, it's proof ~ vibrations of light have the capacity to change our world.

Nikki Rowe

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #882531
#20. He clutched her to him with a desperate strength that almost hurt. "I will love you for your light, if you can love me through the dark times. And that love will be like the clear night sky when the moon is full. Not like the sun....but beautiful and bright enough to find our way.

Kerrigan Byrne

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #869921
#21. Watching them was like watching the sunset and the sunrise, equally beautiful in different ways.

Shannon A. Thompson

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #863326
#22. The sky was incredibly far away, and beautiful enough to make a person wonder why our hearts are never so free.

Banana Yoshimoto

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #862207
#23. The evening sky was awash with peach, apricot, cream: tender little ice-cream clouds in a wide orange sky.

Philip Pullman

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #860096
#24. And a beautiful world we live in, when it is possible, and when many other such things are possible, and not only possible, but done
done, see you!
under that sky there, every day.

Charles Dickens

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #853715
#25. Grief colours you like a beautiful sunset colours the sky.

Elise Icten

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #851138
#26. A beautiful day for beheading isn't it? Not a cloud in the sky a nice cool breeze, if I were going to be executed I think I'd prefer a day such as this.

Melissa Myers

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #849088
#27. I was sitting, starring into the sky with a tear in my eye thinking: what a beautiful world that the MAKER has allowed us to enjoy for a moment - not to destroy - to enjoy. So let us remove the strife, seize the moments we are blessed with and love this life.

Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1551863
#28. Somebody once said that the Irish derived the greatest benefit from the English language. They court it like a beautiful woman. They make it bray with donkey laughter, they fling it at the sky like paint pots full of rainbow colors.

Malachy McCourt

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1375474
#29. She glanced upwards for a second at the soft blue vault of the midsummer night sky. Not a cloud misted its solemn depths. Tomorrow would be a beautiful day.

Stella Gibbons

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1550932
#30. And do you see how beautiful and graceful the birds are when they are flying and soaring? The ground has many comforts for them to enjoy... But in the sky they are truly what a bird is meant to be. So it is with the human heart.

Aleksandra Layland

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1547539
#31. A story that began with, and exists because of, my love of the remoter parts of Scotland, where the bones of the Earth show through, and the sky is a pale white, and it's all astoundingly beautiful, and it feels about as remote as any place can possibly be.

Neil Gaiman

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1533429
#32. Why did the stars seem to be looking down at me with pity, making me feel ant-sized, overwhelmed, completely insignificant? It was too big, that close sky, too beautiful, and it filled me with a strange sense of foreboding.

V.C. Andrews

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1532000
#33. I know someday you'll have a beautiful life. I know you'll be a sun in somebody else's sky. But why can't it be mine?

Eddie Vedder

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1500263
#34. Nothing was more powerful than the sun before it went down, nor more beautiful. She took a long deep breath. She could watch the sky for hours but then she knew that Mark really did deserve some sort of an answer.

Jennifer Lynch

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1487576
#35. Telling a story is like sowing a seed - you always hope to see it become a beautiful tree, with firm roots and branches that soar up in the sky. But it is a peculiar sowing, for you will never know whether your seed sprouts or dies.

Laila Lalami

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1485167
#36. Nothing made by the hand of man has ever been so beautiful as starlight on the water or moonlight on the snow. And the same hand that made trees and fields and flowers, the seas and hills, the clouds and sky, has been making a home for us called heaven.

Billy Graham

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1468173
#37. Rainbows are said to be beautiful!
Rainbows are said to be colourful!
Rainbows may possibly be magical!
But, I have never seen a rainbow appearing in the sky!


Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1454072
#38. A flock of small birds took off from the wall of the fort. They moved like a length of dark silk caught by the breeze as they headed out to sea. Behind them, the sky was the colour of forget-me-nots. The sun blazed.

Sara Sheridan

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1432604
#39. It's a beautiful thing to build your own fan base and pay the bills knowing that you're staying true to your music at the end of the day. I look at life like this, the sky's the limit!


Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1421752
#40. One feeling at least grows stronger in me with each year that passes - a longing to see the cranes. At this time of year I stand on a hill and watch the sky. Today they did not come. There were only wild geese. Geese would be beautiful if cranes did not exist.

Julian Barnes

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1143029
#41. Forget-me-nots... She loved those flowers more than any other in their big beautiful garden or in the whole wide world for that matter. They were sky blue, just like his eyes, they held a promise... Forget me not.

Melanie Sargsian

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1371400
#42. The moon is a stone and the sky is full of deadly hardware, but oh God, how beautiful anyway.

Margaret Atwood

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1348408
#43. There was no sun; there was no light. I was dying. I couldn't remember what the sky looked like. But I didn't die. I was lost to a sea of cold, and then I was reborn into a world of warmth.

Maggie Stiefvater

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1333021
#44. It was dark and misty for 2 weeks, and I didn't come up with a thing. Suddenly the sun shone and it was, 'Wow, look at those beautiful Alps.' I wrote 'Mr. Blue Sky' and 13 other songs in the next two weeks.

Jeff Lynne

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1307307
#45. Wouldn't it be strange, she thought, to have a blue sky? But she liked the way it looked. It would be beautiful - a blue sky.

Jeanne DuPrau

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1276069
#46. The dusk had arrived on the wings of a night moth, silent and soft. The sky above me darkened to a deep, beautiful purple. Stars glowed high above, and below them, as if inspired by their light, tiny fireflies awoke and crawled from their shelter in the leaves.

Ilona Andrews

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1272250
#47. You only need to walk in mindfulness, making peaceful, happy steps on our planet. Breathe deeply, and enjoy your breathing. Be aware that the sky is blue and the birds' songs are beautiful. Enjoy being alive and you will help the living Christ and the living Buddha continue for a long, long time.

Nhat Hanh

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1267741
#48. The fire was silent, the little houses collapsing into the flames without complaint, flocks of sparks rising to the sky. At a distance it seemed beautiful, and I thought it was strange that powerful violence is often so pleasing to the eye ...

David Benioff

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1248514
#49. A beautiful bright blue sky; up above so high; how happy i am; to feel fully satisfied.

Santosh Kalwar

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1239887
#50. Paul's last words to Linda: "You're up on your beautiful Appaloosa stallion. It's a fine spring day. We're riding through the woods. The bluebells are all out, and the sky is clear-blue".

Paul McCartney

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1229151
#51. How true it is that, if we are cheerful and contented, all nature smiles, the air seems more balmy, the sky clearer, the earth has a brighter green ... the flowers are more fragrant ... and the sun, moon, and stars all appear more beautiful, and seem to rejoice with us.

Orison Swett Marden

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #1157125
#52. When you start your meditation, picture a beautiful blue sky without any clouds in it. Feel that your body is growing lighter. Visualize that you are floating in the sky and that all tension, fatigue, worry and problems have left you.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #176477
#53. We are strong and proud and beautiful and there are not enough stars in the night sky to measure our worth.
I will honor my mother and take care of my family.
Yes, I think. I am just a woman.

Kristen Simmons

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #406949
#54. You're like a grey sky. You're beautiful, even though you don't want to be.

Jasmine Warga

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #361984
#55. Then, with a stately leap, the sun bounded into the sky, and the whole, messy, beautiful, broken world was stained with fire.

Kate Constable

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #355707
#56. Then, like a shimmering disk too rich and clear to be described, the sun slipped over the horizon and lined everything with gold. It was like seeing the world being born, and we were the sole witnesses.

Sarah J. Maas

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #355593
#57. I began to see how deep the well of her loving was, and how much her happiness and confidence depended on drawing that love into the light, and sharing it. And love was beautiful in her. It was a clear sky she gave us with those eyes, and a summer morning with her smile.

Gregory David Roberts

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #340259
#58. I thought: yes, Lila is right, the beauty of things is a trick, the sky is the throne of fear; I'm alive, now, here, ten steps from the water, and it is not beautiful, it's terrifying; along with this beach, the sea, the swarm of animal forms, I am part of the universal terror.

Elena Ferrante

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #335973
#59. And on some nights in bed, in that moment before sleep erased the day, I would picture the way the sky in Lapland looked the morning I left, how the train had sped south beneath a sky that was brighter than it had been in weeks. It had pulsed with reds and oranges, as though hiding a beating heart.

Vendela Vida

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #332093
#60. There was no slow build. No peaceful meander to the summit. It was like sheet lighting stretching across a stormy sky - beautiful and blinding. I leaned forward and seized his mouth with mine.

E.M. Denning

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #295361
#61. From a thread of sky
to the warp and weft of your being
You're beautiful, graceful,
like no other;
You're pretty damn good as you are.

Imogen Heap

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #294694
#62. An open umbrella is just a closed beautiful sky.

Xavier Forneret

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #268899
#63. Why is it that when someone says there are billions upon billions of stars up there in that beautiful sky you believe them, but when a sign says 'wet paint' you just have to touch it?

Allie Little

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #247917
#64. How do you catch a beautiful bird without killing it? By becoming the sky.

Antero Alli

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #217740
#65. When hope is fleeting, stop for a moment and visualize, in a sky of silver, the crescent of a lavender moon. Imagine it
delicate, slim, precise, like a paper-thin slice from a cabochon jewel.
It may not be very useful, but it is beautiful.
And sometimes it is enough.

Vera Nazarian

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #419694
#66. From outside comes a light tinkling, fragments of glass, perhaps, falling into the streets. It sounds both beautiful and strange, as though gemstones were raining from the sky.

Anthony Doerr

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #144739
#67. They cannot understand that the figure of a laborer - some furrows in a plowed field, a bit of sand, sea and sky - are serious objects, so difficult but at the same time so beautiful, that it is indeed worth while to devote one's life to the task of expressing the poetry hidden in them.

Brenda Ueland

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #120104
#68. A poem often begins in the midst of wonderful wandering thoughts that are eager to open wings to fly in the beautiful blue sky of imagination.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #109423
#69. Speaking with her always felt like sitting on a seashore. Hearing the waves and feeling them crashing into my feet, While gazing the setting sun and the way he colours the whole sky. I never got tired of it.

Akshay Vasu

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #107599
#70. A few fires flickered, plumes of dark smoke marring the ruby sky.

Sarah J. Maas

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #99287
#71. The Haitians, who knew something about suffering and survival, had a beautiful phrase ... The Translation is not perfect, but the nut of it was: 'The season of pain is never over until the sky begins to cry.

Rick Bragg

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #97113
#72. The mountains were breathtakingly beautiful. It was so serene and tranquil. The rising sun with other balloons around it painted the sky with a silhouette that was major eye candy.

Jenna Roads

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #43541
#73. We think a flower on a cliff is beautiful
Because we stop our feet at the cliff's edge
Unable to step out into the sky
Like that fearless flower
Sosuke Aizen,Flower on the Precipice

Tite Kubo

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #42059
#74. When I look into your eyes it's like watching the night sky or a beautiful sunrise; well, there's so much they hold. And just like them old stars, I see that you've come so far to be right where you are. How old is your soul?

Jason Mraz

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #30983
#75. where we could see the stars. "Whoa," I said. "Isn't it beautiful?" "It's like . . . ," I said. "It's like a squid in love with the sky.

M T Anderson

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #29366
#76. It is a beautiful and delightful sight to behold the body of the Moon.

Galileo Galilei

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #7200
#77. Sometimes the sky looks so beautiful and at the same time earth also looks so beautiful and finally we look so beautiful as well! By just looking at the nature you become the nature itself! Look at the beautiful full moon, you become a beautiful full moon!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #524798
#78. It is true that the sky was always beautiful but I don't remember marvelling at sunset or gazing at the dawn of a new day. Survival does not allow time for poetic reflection.

Izzeldin Abuelaish

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #820496
#79. Seriously?" Spartacus looked amazed. "I thought this looked the same to everyone. We're in a massive library that stretches all the way to the sky. It's beautiful, with oak and teak shelves, gorgeous patterns in the wood, and beautiful books. There's endless amounts to read and look at.

Kaza Kingsley

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #799937
#80. I really, really like you, Sky. But if I don't stop now, your dad will kill me and that will be the end of a beautiful friendship.

Joss Stirling

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #729878
#81. I was, I remember, I still remember when the first time I pointed the telescope at the sky and I saw Saturn with the rings. It was a beautiful image.

Umberto Guidoni

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #704401
#82. It was pouring earlier, great sheets of rain, and now the clouds outside the window are crystal tipped like mountain peaks in the sky, rays emanating downward like an illustration in a children's bible.

Christina Baker Kline

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #662360
#83. Tis the perception of the beautiful, A fine extension of the faculties, Platonic, universal, wonderful, Drawn from the stars, and filtered through the skies, Without which life would be extremely dull

Lord Byron

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #647417
#84. When he reached the last hole he saw, far to the west, a series of rockets bloom in the sky. He watched their green and yellow and red petals arch across the horizon, and fade into the gloom of the earth. It was very beautiful, but he recognized them for Chinese rockets.

Pat Frank

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #615799
#85. This solo piano exploration (Beyond The Sky) by Rob Schwimmer is full of passion and love ... his execution and ideas flow with a beautiful sense of freedom that captures you from his first phrase to the last.

Joe Lovano

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #611255
#86. A fresh lightning tree sprouted in the distance as Mother Nature painted the sky in rapid strokes, strobed the results, and then erased her magnificent creation, leaving its after-image burned into Rolf's retinas. So beautiful. So fleeting. Like life itself.

Richard Phillips

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #580011
#87. All of his life he had feared the darkness and what it could bring; no one, not even his father, had told him how beautiful the night sky was, how it made you feel both small and large at the same time, while also a part of something vast and eternal.

Justin Cronin

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #562012
#88. The rainbow began to appear, and sometimes two rainbows, like a mother and her daughter, the one young and beautiful, and the other an old and faint shadow. The rainbow was called the python of the sky.

Chinua Achebe

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #546283
#89. But the nice man had cold eyes. When interacting with his fascinated lady-harem, they had been blue. But when he turned his attention to me - however briefly - I could have sworn that they turned gray, the color of water beneath a sky from which snow will soon fall.

Stephen King

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #825367
#90. Kiss the sky with me," Connor whispers, a beautiful smile pulling his lips, "and don't ever come down.

Krista Ritchie

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #523960
#91. Sky, you are beautiful. You are possibly the most exquisite creature in the universe and if anyone tells you otherwise, I'll cut a bitch.

Colleen Hoover

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #513556
#92. Because your soul, on this soulless planet, sticks out like one star in a starless sky. And it's beautiful.

Shelly Crane

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #509671
#93. A billion stars above us coat the sky white. It would have been beautiful back home, but not here. Here it is the ever present reminder that we are all alone and insignificant.

Jennifer Arnett

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #498180
#94. Like a child standing in a beautiful park with his eyes shut tight, there's no need to imagine trees, flowers, deer, birds, and sky; we merely need to open our eyes and realize what is already here, who we already are - as soon as we stop pretending we're small or unholy.

Bo Lozoff

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #463845
#95. But, for all that, they had a very pleasant walk. The trees were bare of leaves, and the river was bare of water-lilies; but the sky was not bare of its beautiful blue, and the water reflected it, and a delicious wind ran with the stream, touching the surface crisply.

Charles Dickens

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #460303
#96. But undying memories stood like sentinels in her breast. When the notes of doves, calling to each other, fell on her ear, her eyes sought the sky, and she heard a voice saying, Majella!

Helen Hunt Jackson

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #452722
#97. But whichever form it took it brought with it, in those moments of bitter anguish, such a desperate surge of hope that it was almost untouchable, and flitted away like a golden butterfly into the bright blue sky - beautiful, unreachable and completely transistent.

Tabitha Suzuma

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #435181
#98. Poets create a beautiful blue sky where you can fly with wings of imagination and find yourself again and again.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #431207
#99. The Moon was the most spectacularly beautiful desert you could ever imagine. Unspoilt. Untouched. It had a vibrancy about it and the contrast between it and the black sky was so vivid, it just made this impression of excitement and wonder.

Charles Duke

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #425562
#100. Love is a selfless service to mankind like a showcase done by the twinkling stars in beautiful nightly sky.

Santosh Kalwar

Quotes About A Beautiful Sky #420834

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