Top 44 Paying The Bills Quotes

#1. If growing up means not seeing one's family and friends on the regular - all in the name of paying the bills, then growing up is overrated.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Paying The Bills Quotes #177630
#2. But don't I have any freedom of speech?"
"In your own house. Not in mine."
"Don't I have a right to my own ideas?"
"At your own expense. Not at mine."
"Don't you tolerate any differences of opinion?"
"Not when I'm paying the bills.

Ayn Rand

Paying The Bills Quotes #153777
#3. The United States Postal Service has a problem. People aren't sending as much mail as they used to. That means less postage revenue and difficulty paying the bills.

Matthew Yglesias

Paying The Bills Quotes #1624803
#4. The great thing about having money is that you can actually just get on with your life and not have to think about paying the bills or crouch over 'The Wall Street Journal' or the 'Financial Times' and look at the stock figures and things like that. That bores me rigid.

Peter Mayle

Paying The Bills Quotes #1544586
#5. I have ideas. I hear voices. Words accumulate. It's still an overriding impulse. And I'm self-employed, which means I have to be sensible and motivated about paying the bills.

Sarah Hall

Paying The Bills Quotes #1295086
#6. They thought I was a success as soon as I started paying the bills.

Mahalia Jackson

Paying The Bills Quotes #1280118
#7. The first part of my career, how I was paying the bills was commercials. I was just doing tons of commercials.

Aaron Paul

Paying The Bills Quotes #1213017
#8. You have to be a warrior in order to become enlightened. If you think it's tough paying the bills, think about being everywhere all at once and doing everything in all the universes, simultaneously, past, present, and future.

Frederick Lenz

Paying The Bills Quotes #996832
#9. You know, not everybody can afford to pay $58 for prime rib or $650 for a bottle of wine. My friends and I cook for regular families who worry about feeding their kids and paying the bills.

Paula Deen

Paying The Bills Quotes #919876
#10. For the vast majority of Americans who work hard and play by the rules, paying the bills may be hard some months, but it's something we always do.

Ami Bera

Paying The Bills Quotes #914302
#11. Do your art. But don't wreck your art if it doesn't lend itself to paying the bills. That would be a tragedy.

Seth Godin

Paying The Bills Quotes #829984
#12. The number one lesson I received from my father is to be responsible for yourself and your family. The responsibility you embrace is working, paying the bills, and coming home EACH night, just as a start.

Tony Gaskins

Paying The Bills Quotes #788987
#13. My mother was the one constant in my life. When I think about my mom raising me alone when she was 20, and working and paying the bills, and, you know, trying to pursue your own dreams, I think is a feat that is unmatched.

Barack Obama

Paying The Bills Quotes #232921
#14. Try paying the bills with love. The idea I am trying to espouse is that you can have both love and money, and be rich and generous.

T. Harv Eker

Paying The Bills Quotes #990326
#15. My parents had no money, but they had strong values that I've carried throughout my life - things like not going into debt, never borrowing money, never leveraging, paying your bills on time, keeping your agreements, selling customers the right things, treating employees right, and growing things.

Jack Dangermond

Paying The Bills Quotes #874104
#16. I thought administration was the running of the office. The Xerox machine. Paying bills.

Lesley Stahl

Paying The Bills Quotes #995106
#17. I think that the opportunity to be a kid another year and not have to not worry about the responsibilities of paying bills, and worry about getting an agent and worry about getting an accountant was important.

Jason Williams

Paying The Bills Quotes #1069265
#18. At one point, I had over 800 employees, and I always paid all health care for my people - including a man who was my assistant who got HIV. I wound up paying his medical bills, which went into the hundreds of thousands. I'm not making myself out to be a saint. I did the right thing.

Jerry Della Femina

Paying The Bills Quotes #1074495
#19. At a time of economic recession, the need for Medicaid and other safety net services is even greater. And we don't want to raise taxes on people who are having a tough time paying their bills.

James Douglas

Paying The Bills Quotes #1113567
#20. The typical minimum wage earner is a provider and a breadwinner - most likely a woman - responsible for paying bills, running a household and raising children.

Thomas Perez

Paying The Bills Quotes #1177942
#21. People aren't just paying more to fill their gas tanks or when they pay for their heating bills for their home; they are paying more at the grocery store, on air travel and for many other daily expenses.

Dan Lipinski

Paying The Bills Quotes #1178285
#22. I had, in my legal practice, often encountered really shocking examples of the devastating impact of the costs of long-term medical care on meagre incomes. And, just before I was elected, I had my own personal experience in paying very considerable bills for my mother's terminal illness.

Judy LaMarsh

Paying The Bills Quotes #1263218
#23. Vanity should never tempt a player to engage in a combat at the risk of loss of health. It is bad enough to lose without the additional annoyance of paying doctors' bills.

Emanuel Lasker

Paying The Bills Quotes #1314950
#24. Some of the things I think I learned from that were very educational as far as just paying bills - the basics in dealing with a restaurant like that. It was just life - the education involved in running the organization, even on a small level.

Todd English

Paying The Bills Quotes #1342641
#25. In removing the friction involved in paying bills, electronic billing has substantially increased the friction involved in not paying them.

Timothy Noah

Paying The Bills Quotes #1414492
#26. The neurotic doesn't know how to cope with his emotional bills; some he keeps paying over and over, others he never pays at all.

Mignon McLaughlin

Paying The Bills Quotes #1460146
#27. The grace and mercy by which you are not arrested for not paying your daily oxygen bills, is the grace that is sufficient to take you through successfully. It's the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Enjoy it!

Israelmore Ayivor

Paying The Bills Quotes #1522449
#28. You're going to go on dreaming and imagining and making up stories about me as you walk along the street, and pretending that we're riding in a forest, or landing on an island - '
'No. I shall think of you ordering dinner, paying bills, doing the accounts, showing old ladies the relics -

Virginia Woolf

Paying The Bills Quotes #1802433
#29. From paying off friends' tax bills to rescuing stray dogs and stuffing £20 notes into the hands of homeless people, I can't get rid of my money fast enough.

Julie Burchill

Paying The Bills Quotes #1813230
#30. We're creatures of habit when it comes to mobile contracts and the wires piping high-speed data into our homes. It's a pain to deal with transfers, installations, and customer service interactions, so we shrug and keep paying a premium.

Ian Lamont

Paying The Bills Quotes #868330
#31. You have girls that sing about guys ain't paying their bills and men are this and men are that and I write about women who want to go out for free, they don't want to pay for the dinner, they try to get over, they wanna leave.

Kool Keith

Paying The Bills Quotes #774668
#32. It is only by not paying one's bills that one can hope to live in the memory of the commercial classes.

Oscar Wilde

Paying The Bills Quotes #732378
#33. For far too long, America has been without a comprehensive energy plan, and today consumers are paying the price - literally - at the pump and in their heating bills.

Chris Chocola

Paying The Bills Quotes #611580
#34. My parents were immigrants who started a nursery as a way to get us kids through school. I learned around the dinner table about customer service and cash flow and paying bills.

Jack Dangermond

Paying The Bills Quotes #600111
#35. Online, you're providing each other with the good aspects of being together as far as communication and support, but you don't have to deal with the realities of paying bills together, or being annoyed when they leave the toilet seat up or don't put the food away in the fridge.

Nev Schulman

Paying The Bills Quotes #586376
#36. Let me tell you something: I have members in my charter who, after paying their rent and house bills and taking care of their families, don't even have enough money left over to pay the fifteen dollars a week dues.

Chuck Zito

Paying The Bills Quotes #583048
#37. Ah, the power of two. There's nothing quite like it. Especially when it comes to paying utility bills, parenting, cooking elaborate meals, purchasing a grown-up bed, jumping rope and lifting heavy machinery. The world favours pairs. Who wants to waste the wood building an ark for singletons?

Sloane Crosley

Paying The Bills Quotes #508329
#38. Every time I go to the dentist they say, 'You really need to fix that gap of yours'. I'm like, 'My gap is paying your dentist bills.'

Lara Stone

Paying The Bills Quotes #489892
#39. To defer anything to the Greek Calends is to defer it sine die. There were no calends in the Greek months. The Romans used to pay rents, taxes, bills, etc., on the calends, and to defer paying them to the "Greek Calends" was virtually to repudiate them. (See NEVER.)

E. Cobham Brewer

Paying The Bills Quotes #475898
#40. Hilmar operates at the level of the sublime. The quotidian - parking his car, paying his bills - doesn't interest Hilmar at all. So invariably he parks poorly and forgets to pay his bills.

Eric Weiner

Paying The Bills Quotes #435276
#41. Why should I let the toad work Squat on my life? Can't I use my wit as a pitchfork And drive the brute off? Six days of the week it soils With its sickening poison
Just for paying a few bills! That's out of proportion.

Philip Larkin

Paying The Bills Quotes #399970
#42. With the Australian Government paying more of the hospital bills, it will have the incentive to make sure people are treated through less expensive and more appropriate primary care services.

Kevin Rudd

Paying The Bills Quotes #362184
#43. I just felt like I couldn't deal with the everyday responsibilities of life, paying bills and all of that. I'm terrible at all of that. So I knew I had to make enough money to pay someone else to deal with all of that.

Lily Allen

Paying The Bills Quotes #269920
#44. Surfing is kind of a good metaphor for the rest of life.
The extremely good stuff - chocolate and great sex and weddings and hilarious jokes - fills a minute portion of an adult lifespan.
The rest of life is the paddling: work, paying bills, flossing, getting sick, dying.

Jaimal Yogis

Paying The Bills Quotes #231294

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