Top 43 Pamphlet Quotes

#1. Maybe you care deeply about the environment or other global issues, or you feel strongly about your local region or community, but you just don't see how local money can help. I hope that this pamphlet will show you connections between what you care about and 'the money problem'.

John Rogers

Pamphlet Quotes #1273245
#2. People say there's a book in everyone but I'm not sure there is. There might be a pamphlet in me.

Sophie Thompson

Pamphlet Quotes #876855
#3. As Mark Twain cuttingly remarked, if you removed all occurrences of the phrase 'And it came to pass', the Book of Mormon would be reduced to a pamphlet.

Richard Dawkins

Pamphlet Quotes #886568
#4. The country of the tourist pamphlet always is another country, an embarrassing abstraction of the desirable that, thank God, does not exist on this planet, where there are always ants and bad smells and empty Coca-Cola bottles to keep the grubby finger-print of reality upon the beautiful.

Nadine Gordimer

Pamphlet Quotes #923809
#5. One of the most celebrated victims of this theocratic policy was Shelley (1792-1811) who was expelled from University College, Oxford, for writing a pamphlet entitled The Necessity of Atheism.

Christopher Hitchens

Pamphlet Quotes #1000790
#6. It was 1538 and John Lambert had been outed as an Edian when, after hearing Frederic Clarence had written a pamphlet denouncing Edian magic, he turned into a dog and ate the papers, prompting Clarence to cry out, "That dog ate my scriptwork!" (277)

Cynthia Hand

Pamphlet Quotes #1029996
#7. I know fuck-all about vampires. It's not like I got an instruction pamphlet when I was bitten.

Rainbow Rowell

Pamphlet Quotes #1086705
#8. I say this often, THINK. There is something in life called common sense. Webster's says common sense is sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts. Perhaps this is why in 1776, Thomas Paine used these words as a title for the most famous pamphlet ever written.

Jack White

Pamphlet Quotes #1184657
#9. When someone gives me either a democratic or republican pamphlet, I throw it in their face. I'm a librarian, damn it! We only take book donations.


Pamphlet Quotes #1218588
#10. I've always liked the tradition of publishing work serially in the comic-book 'pamphlet' format and then collecting that work in book form, so I've just stuck with it.

Adrian Tomine

Pamphlet Quotes #1246796
#11. The rules are all in a sixty-four-page pamphlet by Aristotle called 'Poetics.' It was written almost three thousand years ago, but I promise you, if something is wrong with what you're writing, you've probably broken one of Aristotle's rules.

Aaron Sorkin

Pamphlet Quotes #1268327
#12. But - yeah, that was real comforting. Give the Sick Idiot a serious disease pamphlet, then send her home. Makes sense. They

Ashley Boynes-Shuck

Pamphlet Quotes #100290
#13. The official version of Watergate is as wrong as a Flat Earth Society pamphlet.

G. Gordon Liddy

Pamphlet Quotes #1378920
#14. The problem with omens is that they never come with an illustrated pamphlet explaining what they mean.

Dean Koontz

Pamphlet Quotes #1444824
#15. I don't think women are interesting enough to merit a book. They're more of a pamphlet sex.

Alex Linder

Pamphlet Quotes #1504241
#16. What sad, short lives humans live! Each life a short pamphlet written by an idiot! Tut-tut, and all that.

Stephen King

Pamphlet Quotes #1655494
#17. The purpose of this pamphlet is to explain how local currencies work. Alone they cannot solve all the multiple financial, social and environmental crises we face, but they are an increasingly important part of the answer.

John Rogers

Pamphlet Quotes #1665194
#18. My pamphlet did not set the Torrens on fire.

Catherine Helen Spence

Pamphlet Quotes #1776584
#19. Politicians have a lot to deal with these days. It's a different world. You know who I feel bad for? Arab Americans who truly want to get into crop dusting. Could be their life long dream,
and every time they ask for a pamphlet, all hell breaks loose.

Brian Regan

Pamphlet Quotes #1778496
#20. He was one of these men who think that the world can be saved by writing a pamphlet.

Benjamin Disraeli

Pamphlet Quotes #1785186
#21. It almost looked like slow motion. The bag ripped and three pregnancy tests along with a pamphlet on safe sex and one on gonorrhea landed on the front seat with Holiday and Burnett.
Burnett looked down, gasped, and then looked up at Kylie. "For God's sake!" He muttered.

C.C. Hunter

Pamphlet Quotes #1794455
#22. But for me if I'm gonna read about something I'd rather read a pamphlet or the instructions to a synthesizer than a book on Buddhism.

John Frusciante

Pamphlet Quotes #810863
#23. When some political or ecclesiastical pamphlet, or novel, or poem is making a great commotion, you should remember that he who writes for fools always finds a large public.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Pamphlet Quotes #6386
#24. And a pamphlet called Pick me up There is no genuine hatred against Herr Hitler.

Winston Churchill

Pamphlet Quotes #150280
#25. The opening words of the Department of Defense Cyber Strategy pamphlet distributed at the event, reads, "When researchers at the Advanced Research Projects Agency first invented the precursor to the Internet in 1969 ... ." The implicit message in all of this: We helped you. Now, it's payback time.


Pamphlet Quotes #175985
#26. If we could somehow end child abuse and neglect, the eight hundred pages of DSM (and the need for the easier explanations such as DSM-IV Made Easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis) would be shrunk to a pamphlet in two generations.

John Briere

Pamphlet Quotes #213818
#27. I had read it, but nowhere in the pamphlet did

Tina Fey

Pamphlet Quotes #302749
#28. I'm against Capitol Punishment in all forms, and I have written many pamphlets on this subject in the manner of Swift's Modest Proposal pamphlet incorporated into Naked Lunch; these pamphlets have marked Naked Lunch as an obscene book.

William S. Burroughs

Pamphlet Quotes #304348
#29. I listened to it last night for the first time since we started this project. I went out to my car and put it in and went to an empty parking lot and just listened and read the little pamphlet that came with it. After two or three songs I burst into tears.

Randy Bachman

Pamphlet Quotes #309943
#30. I haven't written a brochure yet. It's killing me. I know I have a brochure or pamphlet in me yet.

Alan Zweibel

Pamphlet Quotes #490971
#31. If I get involved in a charity, I really want to be a part of it. I don't want to just put my name on your pamphlet.

Nancy Lopez

Pamphlet Quotes #595382
#32. I wished to God the doctor had handed me a pamphlet that said, 'Hey, sorry about the autism, but here's a step-by-step list on what to do next.' But doctors don't do that. They say 'sorry' and move you along.

Jenny McCarthy

Pamphlet Quotes #621185
#33. My life is an open pamphlet.

Bob Fosse

Pamphlet Quotes #645251
#34. She tells me life is a story. We can make it a Harlequin romance, a mistery, a memoir. We can make it pamphlet-size or an ongoing series.
"I want mine to be exceptional", she says.

Katie Kacvinsky

Pamphlet Quotes #665894
#35. Consider the Essay as a political pamphlet on the Revolution side, and the fact that it was the Whig gospel for a century, and you will see its working merit.

Frederick Pollock

Pamphlet Quotes #667552
#36. The pamphlet uses my name, my likeness, my 'shtick' (if you will), and my very act, which is derived from my personality, to attract attention and converts.

Jackie Mason

Pamphlet Quotes #674287
#37. My friend Mrs. Maugery bought a pamphlet that once belonged to you, too. It is called 'Was There a Burning Bush? A Defense of Moses and the Ten Commandments'. She liked your margin note, "Word of God or crowd control???" Did you ever decide which?

Mary Ann Shaffer

Pamphlet Quotes #733282
#38. The next day she came to my room and gave me a pamphlet to read. Information in it implied that the union between married couples was, while performed by men, to be endured by women. Meanwhile,

Kathleen Grissom

Pamphlet Quotes #734527
#39. Only to he avoid misunderstandings, I must say that even last year, when I wrote my pamphlet, I heartily wished that Prussia should declare war against Napoleon.

Ferdinand Lassalle

Pamphlet Quotes #751326
#40. He even let me smoke a cigarette in his office, but he urged me to quit smoking because of the health risks. He even had a pamphlet in his desk that he gave me. I now use it as a bookmark.

Stephen Chbosky

Pamphlet Quotes #751757
#41. In the early 1980s, I wrote a book called 'The Complete Guide to Financial Privacy.' If I would write that book today, it would be a pamphlet. There is precious little privacy left.

Mark Skousen

Pamphlet Quotes #788442
#42. [The pamphlet] was very patriotic. That is, it talked about killing foreigners.

Terry Pratchett

Pamphlet Quotes #830015
#43. Clary- "How to Come Out to Your Parents," she read out loud. "LUKE. Don't be ridiculous. Simon's not gay, he's a vampire.

Cassandra Clare

Pamphlet Quotes #1369960

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