Top 100 Mock-serious Quotes

#1. Well, the only reason we're friends is because you can rock a tweed suit," she informed, tone mock serious. "So if you want to keep me around, I expect more tweed.

Laura Kreitzer

Mock-serious Quotes #65387
#2. The ironic, too-cool meta satire, the sneering and mocking? Is actually just a contemporary version of the bourgeois sentimentality it's trying to mock. It is not new. Really it's almost quaint. The backlash has already outlasted it.

Tony Tulathimutte

Mock-serious Quotes #443821
#3. So many large words, as though the syllables will hide the truth.

Sharon Mock

Mock-serious Quotes #449913
#4. Better be," Eve said. She mock-bit at his finger. "I could totally date somebody else, you know."
"And I could rent out your room."
"And I could put your game console on eBay."
"Hey," Shane protested. "Now you're just being mean.

Rachel Caine

Mock-serious Quotes #442057
#5. Nothing is dead: men feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals and mournful obituaries, and there they stand looking out ofthe window, sound and well, in some new and strange disguise.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mock-serious Quotes #441219
#6. The bottom half of the page had descended into a doodle of a tiny man giving the middle finger to a giant, angry eagle with razor-sharp talons. Beneath it, the caption: To Mock a Killing Bird.

Seth Grahame-Smith

Mock-serious Quotes #439434
#7. What's burning down is a re-creation of a period revival house patterned after a copy of a copy of a copy of a mock Tudor big manor house. It's a hundred generations removed from anything original, but the truth is aren't we all?

Chuck Palahniuk

Mock-serious Quotes #439307
#8. When we are high and airy hundreds say
That if we hold that flight they'll leave the place,
While those same hundreds mock another day
Because we have made our art of common things ...

William Butler Yeats

Mock-serious Quotes #437029
#9. Yes, I call my scooter Jessie, and I don't think that's weird in the slightest."
(...) "Doesn't your truck have a name ?" she asked Blake with mock surprise.
"Sure. Toyota...

M.J. Hearle

Mock-serious Quotes #436051
#10. Metal has its own code of cool, but it's not really trying to be cool. And that was very refreshing to me, that metal is very much about expressing something that seems awesome to you even if, at the time, much of the world was going to mock and reject it.

John Darnielle

Mock-serious Quotes #433096
#11. She is a girl who feels things strongly, and though cynics might mock her for that, I never will, as it perhaps the best of graces: to feel deeply, to care profoundly.

Dean Koontz

Mock-serious Quotes #425018
#12. It's so much easier if you just tell yourself you're strategically heading in the opposite direction of those that wish to do you harm so that you may mock them at a later time.

Brian Lynch

Mock-serious Quotes #420960
#13. He shook his head in mock sympathy. I tell you, Sage. Sometimes I think I am the one who needs to take out the restraining order on you.

Richelle Mead

Mock-serious Quotes #406413
#14. Tell them a lie big enough, they'll worship you as a sage. Tell them a truth big enough and they'll mock you.

Abhijit Naskar

Mock-serious Quotes #404879
#15. Patriotic'? Dear, dear me!" Scarlett covered her mouth in mock astonishment. "I didn't know that was 'patriotism.' I believe what you intended has ruder names, though no well-bred Georgia lady would admit to knowing them.

Donald McCaig

Mock-serious Quotes #394628
#16. The first two projects I did out of my dorm room were mock film soundtracks.

Danger Mouse

Mock-serious Quotes #392312
#17. We look for things or people that are incorruptible. There is nothing incorruptible, merely uncorrupted. We neglect the role we play. We value innocence, but only the kind we cannot alter. We throw mud at purity and mock it for its stain.

James Rozoff

Mock-serious Quotes #391225
#18. Xearn is a great place to create a mock portfolio.

Gregory Bresiger

Mock-serious Quotes #386377
#19. The mock rationality of the debate conceals the arbitrariness of the will and power at work in its resolution. It

Alasdair MacIntyre

Mock-serious Quotes #384403
#20. Jealousy is a terrible thing. "It doth mock the meat it feeds upon" is an understatement. Jealousy is completely consuming, totally irrational, and absolutely debilitating. The most wonderful people in the world are nothing but raging animals when trapped in the throes of jealousy.

Arthur C. Clarke

Mock-serious Quotes #384174
#21. It's certainly easy to mock some things ... Oddly enough though I've never found it easy to mock anything of value. Only things that are tawdry and fatuous - perhaps it's just me.

Stephen Fry

Mock-serious Quotes #383955
#22. America has a love-hate relationship with celebrity. We love to follow celebrities, but we also love to mock them. And secretly, we believe we're better than they are.

Chuck Todd

Mock-serious Quotes #378493
#23. When you are mocking somebody,
you are just trying to get rid of something embarassing within you
that makes you doing so.

Toba Beta

Mock-serious Quotes #362115
#24. I'm warning you, stay back! This sword has magic.'
'Magic!' the dragon gasped in mock fright. It put a claw to its breast. 'Oh, please, brave man, don't slay me with your magic sword!

Terry Goodkind

Mock-serious Quotes #355866
#25. The divine injunction to be perfect, even as He is perfect, was not given man to mock him. The possibility of our waking in His likeness is literally true.

Orison Swett Marden

Mock-serious Quotes #350776
#26. But if we never hug a harlot, befriend a beggar, or forgive our enemy seventy times seven, then we confess grace with our lips but mock it with our lives.

Preston Sprinkle

Mock-serious Quotes #336871
#27. Who else is there to lead the masses? The smart kids? Please. They have no interests in politics. They're hoping simply to attract as little attention as possible until high school is over. Then they can escape to some college where no one will mock them for knowing how an adverb works.

Jesse Andrews

Mock-serious Quotes #521995
#28. I did what I have been told to do by my queen. In so doing, I fell into a trap I couldn't escape. I still can't."
"The trap of LUUUUVVVV, I thought sarcastically. But he was too serious, too calm, to mock.

Charlaine Harris

Mock-serious Quotes #1744826
#29. It can be so difficult to train up the peasants," she said, pretending to commiserate, her voice heavy with irony. "They find it so hard to project the kind of snobbery that comes so naturally to their betters.

Caitlin Crews

Mock-serious Quotes #575816
#30. When all the people in the world love one another, then the strong will not overpower the weak, the many will not oppress the few, the wealthy will not mock the poor, the honored will not disdain the humble, and the cunning will not deceive the simple.

Motsi Mabuse

Mock-serious Quotes #567879
#31. Index-learning turns no student pale,
Yet holds the eel of Science by the tail.
Index-learning is a term used to mock pretenders who acquire superficial knowledge merely by consulting indexes.

Alexander Pope

Mock-serious Quotes #563898
#32. People often describe the journey of transsexual people as a passage through the sexes, from manhood to womanhood, from male to female, from boy to girl.

Janet Mock

Mock-serious Quotes #558812
#33. Kier, do friends kiss each other good luck?" "Hell, yes," he replied in mock seriousness. "I gave Con a good bit of lip loving this afternoon to cheer him on.

R.J. Prescott

Mock-serious Quotes #555295
#34. There's this magical place,' he says with mock solemnity, 'called a library--I don't know if you've heard of it, but they have books, and also newspaper, and back issues of newspapers...

Moira Fowley-Doyle

Mock-serious Quotes #552526
#35. Why should thinkers mock the simple pieties of the people?

Simon Blackburn

Mock-serious Quotes #548747
#36. A lot of people mock fandom and fan fiction, like it's lazy to base your own creativity and passion on someone else's work. But some of us need a stepping-stone to start. What's wrong with finding joy in making something, regardless of the inspiration?

Felicia Day

Mock-serious Quotes #544179
#37. The urge to transform one's appearance, to dance outdoors, to mock the powerful and embrace perfect strangers is not easy to suppress.
Barbara Ehrenreich, Dancing in the Streets, 260.

Barbara Ehrenreich

Mock-serious Quotes #542635
#38. Don't be discouraged by people who tease you out of your dreams. What you have in your heart is bigger than what they have on their lips!

Israelmore Ayivor

Mock-serious Quotes #533321
#39. If you can mock a leek, you can eat a leek!

William Shakespeare

Mock-serious Quotes #523261
#40. Don't fight the system, mock the system

Trevor Noah

Mock-serious Quotes #334353
#41. Washington is an endless series of mock palaces clearly built for clerks.

Ada Louise Huxtable

Mock-serious Quotes #520270
#42. Typical reaction to scrutiny: attack and mock messenger and message, minimize the problem, hope attention dies down.

Anat R. Admati

Mock-serious Quotes #515256
#43. The obsessions of others are opaque to the unobsessed, and thus easy to mock. NASCAR, jazz, baseball, roses, poetry, quilts, fishing. If we're lucky, we all have at least one.

Roberta Smith

Mock-serious Quotes #500260
#44. Come,
Let's have one other gaudy night. Call to me
All my sad captains. Fill our bowls once more.
Let's mock the midnight bell.

William Shakespeare

Mock-serious Quotes #499425
#45. Comedy is tragedy revisited or hostility. It is mock hostility, of course, or it would be ugly; we would have a war.

Phyllis Diller

Mock-serious Quotes #496927
#46. We need to mock false gods publicly.

Robert Barron

Mock-serious Quotes #493050
#47. You mock those who blindly follow the majority ... turn your attention now to those who are so dedicated to deviating from the norm that they would gladly cease breathing if it were suggested to them that inhalation was a form of conformity; for they deserve just as much scrutiny and ridicule.

Demetri Martin

Mock-serious Quotes #488426
#48. Defining oneself is a revolutionary act, and, as described in her memoir, Janet Mock fiercely fought to free herself with exquisite bravery and sensitivity. Redefining Realness is full of hope, dreams, and determination. It is a true American girl story.

Michaela Angela Davis

Mock-serious Quotes #484686
#49. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. - GALATIANS 6: 7

Paul The Apostle

Mock-serious Quotes #479923
#50. The good thing about a self-help book is that if you misunderstand something then it won't mock you.

Stephen Richards

Mock-serious Quotes #472241
#51. Those of you who speak only English, applaud [audience applause]. Those of you who speak only Spanish, applaud [audience applause]. [In mock incredulity] Then how do you know what I just said?

Gloria Estefan

Mock-serious Quotes #466168
#52. As a child, I thought that war and peace were opposites. Yet I lived in peace when Vietnam was in flames and I didn't experience war until Vietnam had laid down its weapons. I believe that war and peace are actually friends, who mock us.

Kim Thuy

Mock-serious Quotes #97448
#53. Oh! Stars and clouds and winds, ye are all about to mock me; if ye really pity me, crush sensation and memory; let me become as nought; but if not, depart, depart, and leave me in darkness.

Mary Shelley

Mock-serious Quotes #157435
#54. What is closer to the truth is that when confronted with the love you deserve, it is easier to mock it than accept it. Especially when everything else you have experienced of love and connection is based on something more like control or disdain.

Jessica Valenti

Mock-serious Quotes #155473
#55. Pg. 231-232: They'd given me a minivan. They could have picked any car and they picked a minivan. A minivan. O God of the Vehicular Justice, why dost thou mock me? Minivan, you albatross around my neck! You mark of Cain! You wretched beast high ceilings and few horsepower!

John Green

Mock-serious Quotes #151734
#56. Look at what you've done,' Sanguine said, shaking his head with mock severity. 'You have foiled out insidious little plot. You have emerged triumphant and victorious. Curse you, do-gooders. Curse you.

Derek Landy

Mock-serious Quotes #150585
#57. I thought of the old proverb: Where there are three physicians, there are two atheists.

Regina O'Melveny

Mock-serious Quotes #146633
#58. The outrageous madonna/whore duality that we mock in Women's Studies 101 has its subtle, and very insidious, expression in the good/bad mother paradigm that we grapple with every day of our lives.

Shannon Drury

Mock-serious Quotes #145703
#59. What sort of life would his be if, day and night, shadows of his crime were to peer at him from silent corners, to mock him from secret places, to whisper in his ear as he sat at the feast, to wake him with icy fingers as he lay asleep!

Oscar Wilde

Mock-serious Quotes #137790
#60. A happy people I call them still, whose peace and genuine morals have not been contaminated with European vices; and whose errorsare only the errors of ignorance, and not the rooted depravity of a pretended civilization, and a spurious and mock Christianity.

John Gabriel Stedman

Mock-serious Quotes #137529
#61. Raven sighed and looked up the tree. "Maybe it's asleep," he murmured.

Myche grinned. "Want me to take a look?"

Raven blinked. "What?"

His friend gave a mock-suffering sigh. "I'm a squirrel. I know trees.

Mari Evers

Mock-serious Quotes #122833
#62. Bottom half of the page had descended into a doodle of a tiny man giving the middle finger to a giant, angry eagle with razor-sharp talons. Beneath it, the caption: To Mock a Killing Bird. Sadly, this was the best idea I'd had in weeks.

Seth Grahame-Smith

Mock-serious Quotes #116650
#63. To mock at a soul in pain is a dreadful thing.

Monica Lewinsky

Mock-serious Quotes #115188
#64. Never mock a tender heart.

Orson Scott Card

Mock-serious Quotes #99167
#65. You can mock a wise person,
but you'll remember him when you're in trouble.
If you mock God, remember,
you'll need Him when you're in trouble.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Mock-serious Quotes #160991
#66. Italianate Englishmen are incarnate devils ... for they first lustfully condemn God, then scornfully mock his word, and also spitefully hate and hurt all the well wishers thereof ... They count as fables the holy mysteries of religion.

Roger Ascham

Mock-serious Quotes #79934
#67. What do you want?" Jake asked.
"Nothing. Can't I sit down for a chat with someone I once shared an egg with?"
"Trevor, you never chat with me. You mock me, you torment me, and sometimes you even say something profound. But you never chat. So spit it out and put me out of my misery.

Kat Attalla

Mock-serious Quotes #76913
#68. There's no way to really mock up or simulate what I'm doing until I'm there. An exhibition for me is not a statement but an experiment.

Robert Irwin

Mock-serious Quotes #74064
#69. We do not smirk at the misery or the merrymaking of immoral culture. We weep. Being pilgrims does not mean being cynical. The salt of the earth does not mock rotting meat. Where it can, it saves and seasons. And where it can't, it weeps.

John Piper

Mock-serious Quotes #64500
#70. Remember, if you keep living your life on your terms,people can mock you all they want, but they'll respect you in the end

Cassidy Calloway

Mock-serious Quotes #41128
#71. I liked, as I like still, to make words look self-conscious and foolish, to bind them by mock marriage of a pun, to turn them inside out, to come upon them unawares. What is this jest in majesty? This ass in passion? How do god and devil combine to form a live dog?

Vladimir Nabokov

Mock-serious Quotes #38835
#72. Rafaela, we all hurt people." Tobias' voice was sharp. "That's universal. We're all broken and those shards will cut those around us.

Elizabeth C. Mock

Mock-serious Quotes #32993
#73. True humor is fun - it does not put down, kid, or mock. It makes people feel wonderful, not separate, different, and cut off. True humor has beneath it the understanding that we are all in this together.

Hugh Prather

Mock-serious Quotes #28801
#74. Kindness and compassion are sisters but not twins. One you can buy, the other is priceless.

Janet Mock

Mock-serious Quotes #25569
#75. Poor England! thou art a devoted deer,
Beset with every ill but that of fear.
The nations hunt; all mock thee for a prey;
They swarm around thee, and thou stand'st at bay.

William Cowper

Mock-serious Quotes #1790
#76. Be stingy with your time and spend it in spaces that fill you up.

Janet Mock

Mock-serious Quotes #255
#77. Over there!"
"Where?" Enna asked in mock panic "Do you see something?

Shannon Hale

Mock-serious Quotes #271413
#78. Those too stupid to comprehend often mock,

Terri Reid

Mock-serious Quotes #326588
#79. You know, every country needs another country to mock, and Australians seem to be pretty good at impersonating American people. Maybe it's because all the movies and music and TV you see there is from America, so we just have the knack for it.

Callan McAuliffe

Mock-serious Quotes #319058
#80. The primary carnivalistic act is the mock crowning and subsequent decrowning of the carnival king.

Mikhail Bakhtin

Mock-serious Quotes #316867
#81. This house was the only home he'd ever had, and he'd shared it with his mother up until two years before, when Dad and Chad moved

Janet Mock

Mock-serious Quotes #313729
#82. My hope is that feminist, racial justice, reproductive rights and LGBT movements build a coalition that centers on the lives of women who lead intersectional lives and too often fall in between the cracks of these narrow mission statements.

Janet Mock

Mock-serious Quotes #311256
#83. The poem says you only think you're alive but about to be born your radioactive heliographs mock the moon's tongue."
- Philip Lamantia, "Fin Del Mundo

Philip Lamantia

Mock-serious Quotes #309296
#84. This doesn't mean you're getting a discount."
Audrey heaved a mock sigh. "Oh well. I guess I'll have to ply you with sexual favors, then."
Gnome choked on the soup. "I'm old enough to be your grandfather!"
Audrey winked at him, gathering the empty bags. "But you're not.

Ilona Andrews

Mock-serious Quotes #306410
#85. You see mock death in movies every day, but when it really happens, you're not used to it. Most things in life, you get better the more that you do them, but this is one of those things you don't really want to get any better at.

Joe Elliott

Mock-serious Quotes #300899
#86. He will love this music to death. In a few more years, he'll snort at its sentiment and mock its stirring progressions. Once you've loved like that, the only safe haven is resentment.

Richard Powers

Mock-serious Quotes #293150
#87. Violet Eden!" Steph said sternly, sucking me out of my trance. "We have your dad's Amex, a green light and no specified limit." Her mock rebuke morphed into a devious grin. "What more could a girl want as a birthday present?

Jessica Shirvington

Mock-serious Quotes #286283
#88. Michaela, Sara, Michaela, Sara," she murmured in a mock-thoughtful voice.
"Bitch Goddess angel versus my best friend, gee, which side do you think I'll choose?

Nalini Singh

Mock-serious Quotes #281562
#89. In our small chess community in Marylebone it would be mock modesty on my part to deny that I have built up for myself a considerable name without ever actually having won a single game. Even the best players are sometimes beaten, and that is precisely what happens to me.

Stephen Potter

Mock-serious Quotes #329377
#90. You almost threw it back!' she repeated, and her voice filled with mock horror.
'You foolish boy! Are you always so careless with items of value?'
'No,' he said, abruptly sober. 'I know what matters. And I never throw those things away. I hold on to them as long as I can.

Sharon Shinn

Mock-serious Quotes #265688
#91. Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds uncommon nonsense.

Lewis Carroll

Mock-serious Quotes #252278
#92. Its not staying alive, its being alive

J.A. Mock

Mock-serious Quotes #242140
#93. Huge blocks of ice, weighing many tons, were lifted into the air and tossed aside as other masses rose beneath them. We were helpless intruders in a strange world, our lives dependent upon the play of grim elementary forces that made a mock of our puny efforts.

Ernest Shackleton

Mock-serious Quotes #241698
#94. Tool interrupted, 'do you mock me, or your own ignorance? Not even the lichen of the tundra is at peace. All is struggle, all is war for dominance. Those who lose, vanish.

Steven Erikson

Mock-serious Quotes #240432
#95. No metaphor reinvents the job of the nurture of children except to muddy or mock.

Grace Paley

Mock-serious Quotes #206661
#96. Demos are mock battles, never the real thing. Everybody knows where they're going to happen, and when and why. Nobody gets seriously hurt. Well, not unless they ask for it. (ch. 4)

John Le Carre

Mock-serious Quotes #197795
#97. Gage wants to know more about his neighbor, Miss Dupree the one who keeps getting undressed at night with the curtains open and the lights on.In mock horror,Parker swung in his chair. Hey! you and Ashley are Gage's neighbors!

Richie Tankersley Cusick

Mock-serious Quotes #180826
#98. We are all so injured, daughter-- all of us. Even him-- perhaps especially him. This name-- haramu-fal-- was made to mock him. But perhaps it mocks us all. Perhaps it speaks to all of our losses.

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Mock-serious Quotes #180810
#99. Your skin reminds me of everything beautiful I've ever loved ...
how the moon gets jealous at how you mock her crescent figure with the shape of your mouth ...
echo of unborn galaxies bounce forth through your vocal chords ...

Brandi L. Bates

Mock-serious Quotes #180519
#100. You have a lovely castle," she noted, looking around while sitting on a couch and crossing her legs before she tipped her face up to Lucien and asked mock petulantly. "Why don't we have a castle, darling?"
"You want a castle, sweetling, I'll get you a castle," Lucien answered casually.

Kristen Ashley

Mock-serious Quotes #173888

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