Top 52 Miss Your Voice Quotes

#1. When we walk I hear your footsteps
and miss your voice

Jennifer Clement

Miss Your Voice Quotes #761841
#2. For those who like that sort of thing," said Miss Brodie in her best Edinburgh voice, "That is the sort of thing they like.

Muriel Spark

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1343000
#3. What are these voices outside love's open door
Make us throw off our contentment, and beg for something more?
I'm learning to live without you now
But I miss you sometimes
The more I know, the less I understand
All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again

Don Henley

Miss Your Voice Quotes #962162
#4. God, I miss you," he said in a voice that cracked. "Every night. Every day ...

J.R. Ward

Miss Your Voice Quotes #997879
#5. Voice, according to Miss Wilcox, is not just the sound that comes from your throat but the feeling that comes from your words

Jennifer Donnelly

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1003121
#6. I kind of miss that "becoming" stage, as most times you really don't know what's around the corner. Now, of course, I've kind of knocked on the door and heard a muffled answer. Nevertheless, I still don't know what the voice is saying, or even what language it's in.

David Bowie

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1008326
#7. Hello, Miss Adler. Irene Adler. Wow," he said, his voice hushed. "This is so weird.

Colleen Gleason

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1109558
#8. Detective work is neither a happy nor a satisfying business, Miss Rook," said Jackaby, settling in as the amber buildings sailed past our window. "Marlowe will understand." "I don't understand at all." Commissioner Marlowe kept his voice low and even as we sat across from him the following morning.

William Ritter

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1110928
#9. They spoke truth and a lot of people listened ... that voice, Kurt we miss you.

Michael Stipe

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1135109
#10. Miss Manners' meager arsenal consists only of the withering look, the insistent and repeated request, the cold voice, the report up the chain of command and the tilted nose. They generally work.

Judith Martin

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1191160
#11. God's voice isn't all that difficult to hear. In fact, you almost have to be closing your eyes and stopping your ears to miss it.

Charles R. Swindoll

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1199565
#12. And the true realism, always and everywhere, is that of the poets: to find out where joy resides, and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the joy is to miss all.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1227024
#13. We often miss hearing God's voice simply because we aren't paying attention.

Rick Warren

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1261642
#14. We tune down a full step when we play but I never miss a note. I've learned how to keep my voice.

Kip Winger

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1288833
#15. Miss Taggart," he said, with an odd note of sternness in his voice, "just remember that he represented a code of existence which - for a brief span in all human history - drove slavery out of the civilized world. Remember it, when you feel baffled by the nature of his enemies.

Ayn Rand

Miss Your Voice Quotes #948538
#16. Miss Kwan said, putting her voice into its "kindly" mode, which was only slightly less scary than full-on shouting.

Patrick Ness

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1350723
#17. I think it was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"I can't believe I don't have my camera," Jane said again, her voice almost reverent.
"You couldn't ever get this into a picture," I said. "And you'd miss it while you were trying to.

Emily M. Danforth

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1356141
#18. But when the other end of the line picked up, it was his voicemail that answered, not the man himself. "I know how devastated you must be to miss me," his cheery voice said, "but leave a message, and I'll try to ease your agony as soon as possible.

Richelle Mead

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1364098
#19. I found I quite enjoyed having you under the same roof. Being able to see you, hear your voice many times a day. I miss that." His eyes locked on hers. "I miss you.

Julie Klassen

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1426642
#20. Now, hold on just one minute there, little miss disembodied voice. Thorne

Marissa Meyer

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1450912
#21. If you care about the 2012 election and value the voices of regular Americans who lost hope in their hope and change candidate, this is one documentary you won't want to miss.

Jedediah Bila

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1465036
#22. One does see so much evil in a village,' murmured Miss Marple in an explanatory voice.

Agatha Christie

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1476448
#23. My subject is History of Magic," he said in his dry, wheezy voice. "I deal with facts, Miss Granger, not myths and legends." He

J.K. Rowling

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1544808
#24. His voice deepened. "I miss you, too, Peanut." There was a pause between us. I didn't know what else to say to him then. My mind went blank. He mumbled something away from the phone like he was talking to someone else. "I've got to go. Stay with the others, okay?


Miss Your Voice Quotes #1573578
#25. I miss singing every day. I can't sing anymore. My voice doesn't work. I have Parkinson's disease, and it sometimes takes my words away from me.

Linda Ronstadt

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1591569
#26. The way Hollywood portrays mothers - you're either all good and saint-like, or you're all bad. And I think the real honesty of motherhood is not given a voice in movies. I miss that as an audience member.

Ellen Barkin

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1689681
#27. I called you because I wanted to hear your voice," I said. "You're learning," Sig observed. "You didn't miss a beat there." "Buy toothpaste." "What?" Sig asked. "Oops, sorry," I said. "I read off the wrong note card." She

Elliott James

Miss Your Voice Quotes #1720746
#28. I don't want to die," she repeated, her voice trembling. "I want to live. I want to live life with all its emotions, all its experiences. I don't want to miss anything. But i feel like i will. I feel like i'm living on borrowed time.

M. Leighton

Miss Your Voice Quotes #504178
#29. He isn't mine to miss,' I say a minute later, after I control the quiver I know would have crept into my voice if I'd responded right away.
'No one belongs to anyone, Clem. Especially not when you're sixteen years old.

Melissa C. Walker

Miss Your Voice Quotes #56857
#30. Her first week on the job a caller went silent in surprise on the other end of the line, expecting to hear Miss Jacobs' voice. Bertie's response: "Speak ass, 'cause the mouth won't!

Dawn Shamp

Miss Your Voice Quotes #66746
#31. I did so want to hear a singer. I miss the sound of a woman's voice, the way they look and smell.

J.A. Willoughby

Miss Your Voice Quotes #119625
#32. I miss the sound of your voice
And I miss the rush of your skin
And I miss the still of the silence
As you breathe out and I breathe in

Matt Nathanson

Miss Your Voice Quotes #147777
#33. Behave, Miss Greaves," he murmured under his breath, his voice husky and deep. "Fine words for a man who runs about St. Giles at night in a mask," she whispered. He frowned, glancing around. "Hush.

Elizabeth Hoyt

Miss Your Voice Quotes #192834
#34. He had a voice you couldn't miss: strong and penetrating with strange vowels that sounded different from the accents of other English speakers even to me. I later discovered that he was Canadian.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Miss Your Voice Quotes #224431
#35. You die." Thad's voice was heavy; the fire was gone. "It's like everyone has a personal window of time that the gateway to Nil stays open for them. It's always one year. Exactly three hundred sixty-five days. If you miss that window, you're done.

Lynne Matson

Miss Your Voice Quotes #268537
#36. Until I say otherwise, we're still on my terms, Miss Gates," he warned her, his voice rough and thick with promise. "Don't think I'm finished with you yet.

Lara Adrian

Miss Your Voice Quotes #286045
#37. Madam Frout the headmistress, who had to worry about reputations and costs and fees, just occasionally heard the distant voice of Miss Frout who had been quite a good if rather shy teacher, and it was whistling and cheering Susan on.

Terry Pratchett

Miss Your Voice Quotes #329946
#38. That's why I hadn't talked to you for a while. But man, did I miss hearing your sweet voice." Sandy was surprised. Mark was never the type to talk about "missing" anything,

Kim Brooks

Miss Your Voice Quotes #345432
#39. I miss everything. I miss talking to her, hearing about her day. I miss her voice all gravelly and smoky, I miss hearing her laugh, I miss getting her letters, writing her letters. I miss her eyes, and the smell of her hair, and the way her breath tasted. I fucking miss everything.

James Frey

Miss Your Voice Quotes #378263
#40. Quite alone. No voice, no touch, no hand ... How long must I lie here? For ever? No, only for a couple of hundred years this time, miss ...

Jean Rhys

Miss Your Voice Quotes #448637
#41. I miss the sound of your voice, the loudest thing in my head

Matt Nathanson

Miss Your Voice Quotes #907610
#42. I was very glad afterwards to have had the interview; for, in her face and in her voice, and in her touch, she gave me the assurance, that suffering had been stronger than Miss Havisham's teaching, and had given her a heart to understand what my heart used to be.

Charles Dickens

Miss Your Voice Quotes #534605
#43. You have everyone else at your feet, Miss Lydia. Why should you need me as well?"
For a moment she couldn't speak, mesmerized by the torment she saw in the dark depths of his eyes. "Because you're the one I want," she said in a hushed voice.

Anne Stuart

Miss Your Voice Quotes #560376
#44. I did miss the music a bit - but only in the wings, when I was waiting to go on. It seemed dreadfully quiet, rather unnerving. But the wonderful thing was that one didn't have to be quite so obsessive about one's health, and one's voice.

Elaine Paige

Miss Your Voice Quotes #574976
#45. You ask if I miss you. I think of your voice, your hands, and your eyes when you look straight into mine. I remember your courage that I hadn't suspected, and it gives me courage.

Patricia Highsmith

Miss Your Voice Quotes #582952
#46. The thing that most critics miss about Faulkner is that his famous storytelling voice is, in fact, a standard Southern storytelling voice that is typical of the Gulf Coast - Mississippi, Alabama and so on.

Gregory Benford

Miss Your Voice Quotes #611536
#47. I wanted to hold you until I heard one voice. I stood without intention of moving and realized we see every punch coming in a boxing movie but in real life we miss a lot of them.

Bill Callahan

Miss Your Voice Quotes #620964
#48. Dad loves my stuff. No matter how many times my voice cracks or I miss a tap, he doesn't care. He's like some businessman making it to his kid's recital.

Peter DeLuise

Miss Your Voice Quotes #629243
#49. When we listen to the voice of the Dreamer and hide behind our somedays, we miss out on the gifts of today.

Emily P. Freeman

Miss Your Voice Quotes #650051
#50. She let a teasing tone enter her voice. 'Is there any emergency for which you are not prepared, Mr Swift?'
'Miss Bowman, if I had enough pockets I could save the world.

Lisa Kleypas

Miss Your Voice Quotes #719930
#51. I know what it feels like to miss everything about him
the way he smells, the way his mouth curls up when he laughs, his voice.

Travis Neighbor Ward

Miss Your Voice Quotes #738411
#52. He bumped into a pay phone and said, 'Excuse me, miss,' on our way in," said Julian.
"It's polite to apologize," said Mark with the same small voice.
"Not to inanimate objects.

Cassandra Clare

Miss Your Voice Quotes #792955

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