Top 100 Lord Of Always Quotes

#1. The Lord and His Church have always encouraged education to increase our ability to serve Him and our Heavenly Father's chlidren. For each of us, whatever our talents, He has service for us to give. And to do it well always involves learning, not once or for a limited time, but continually.

Henry B. Eyring

Lord Of Always Quotes #620463
#2. I tried to read the Bible, I did, but it always felt like a much less awesome Lord of the Rings.

Kevin Nealon

Lord Of Always Quotes #843083
#3. Mary is the sure path to our meeting with Christ. Devotion to the Mother of the Lord, when it is genuine, is always an impetus to a life guided by the spirit and values of the Gospel.

Pope John Paul II

Lord Of Always Quotes #815663
#4. Our Lord's teaching is always anti-self-realization. His purpose is not the development of a man; His purpose is to make a man exactly like Himself, and the characteristic of the Son of God is self-expenditure.

Oswald Chambers

Lord Of Always Quotes #766094
#5. The end is never the end. It's always the the beginning of something.

Kate Lord Brown

Lord Of Always Quotes #700770
#6. We can express our worship to God in many ways. But if we love the Lord and are led by His Holy Spirit, our worship will always bring a delighted sense of admiring awe and a sincere humility on our part.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

Lord Of Always Quotes #687261
#7. There is no doctrine which I would more willingly remove from Christianity than the doctrine of hell, if it lay in my power. But it has the support of Scripture and, especially, of our Lord's own words; it has always been held by the Christian Church, and it has the support of reason.

C.S. Lewis

Lord Of Always Quotes #677102
#8. [God the Spirit] will never lead you contrary to the Word of God. I hear people saying, "The Lord led me to do this ... " I am always a little suspicious unless what the Lord has said is in keeping with His Word.

Billy Graham

Lord Of Always Quotes #676883
#9. Hi, this is Ganymede, cup-bearer to Zeus, and when I'm out buying wine for the Lord of the Skies, I always buckle up!

Rick Riordan

Lord Of Always Quotes #668400
#10. When you're involved in the work of the Lord, the power behind you is always greater than the obstacles before you.

Dallin H. Oaks

Lord Of Always Quotes #655559
#11. Apart from my absolute belief in National Socialism and my conviction of Hitler's superhuman heroism, I had always been attracted to Germany.

Lord Haw Haw

Lord Of Always Quotes #645468
#12. I think even back as far as 'Lord of the Rings,' there was always the chance that 'The Hobbit' would be made, even way back then. Of course at that point, Peter Jackson didn't probably think at that point that he'd be directing it.

Andy Serkis

Lord Of Always Quotes #644822
#13. The right to life is not a woman's issue. The Lord is the giver of life and only He can make choices about life. It is always a reward to have life ... only the Lord gives and takes life.

Margaret Heckler

Lord Of Always Quotes #644087
#14. Missionary work essentially is a priesthood responsibility, and all of us who hold the priesthood are the Lord's authorized servants on the earth and are missionaries at all times and in all places - and we always will be.

David A. Bednar

Lord Of Always Quotes #848079
#15. Lord of the Rings was something I always wanted to do. I read the book when I was about 25, and I was always hoping if it was ever made into a feature film that I would be involved in some way. And then I finally got it, and I was over the moon. It was fantastic news.

Sean Bean

Lord Of Always Quotes #602841
#16. May the Lord lay His hand on all that I do so that it may be in accordance with His holy will; this is always my desire, although my actions may be as imperfect as I myself am.

Teresa Of Avila

Lord Of Always Quotes #597324
#17. Always check your inner state
with the lord of your HEART.


Lord Of Always Quotes #594066
#18. I have won for you a fish, my fair one," he said, and kissed her on the cheek.
It was a sweet kiss, gentle and soft, and Mark smelled like he always did: like cold outside air and green growing things.

Cassandra Clare

Lord Of Always Quotes #593691
#19. The Lord doesn't always make our paths smooth sailing, but He does make it possible to rise above adversity.

Dana Arcuri

Lord Of Always Quotes #592087
#20. Make me the father, O Lord, who will show my sons enough of a sense of humor, so that they will always be serious, but never take themselves too seriously. Give them humility, so they will always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength.

Thom S. Rainer

Lord Of Always Quotes #591052
#21. Our Lord never referred to unanswered prayer; he taught that prayers are always answered. He ever implied that prayers were answered rightly because of the Heavenly Father's wisdom.

Oswald Chambers

Lord Of Always Quotes #588651
#22. For me it has always been easier here, where only the fundamentals count, to learn what every man must learn in this world."
"And that, my lord?"
"Enough of the meaning of life to be ready to die.

Margaret Craven

Lord Of Always Quotes #587368
#23. We must be firm but not rough in our guidance and avoid an insipid kind of meekness, which is ineffective. We will learn from Our Lord how our meekness should always be accompanied by humility and grace so as to attract hearts to Him and not cause anyone to turn away from Him.

Vincent De Paul

Lord Of Always Quotes #575421
#24. The Lord has given me to understand the value of at once confessing one's sins after their commission. By so doing we are always in the state of grace.

Peter Julian Eymard

Lord Of Always Quotes #570239
#25. In the case of scandal, as in that of robbery, the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief.

Lord Chesterfield

Lord Of Always Quotes #565673
#26. But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:


Lord Of Always Quotes #972773
#27. As for me, this is my covenant with them," says the LORD. "My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants - from this time on and forever," says the LORD.

Mark Batterson

Lord Of Always Quotes #1032045
#28. If I keep my promises to the Lord, He will always keep His promises to me. He [will] always fulfill His end of the bargain - and much, much more - if I fulfill mine.

L. Tom Perry

Lord Of Always Quotes #1026660
#29. Idolatry, then, is always polytheism, an aimless passing from one lord to another. Idolatry does not offer a journey but rather a plethora of paths leading nowhere and forming a vast labyrinth.

Pope Francis

Lord Of Always Quotes #1026521
#30. Compliments of congratulation are always kindly taken, and cost nothing but pen, ink and paper. I consider them as draughts upon good breeding, where the exchange is always greatly in favor of the drawer.

Lord Chesterfield

Lord Of Always Quotes #1019264
#31. All my favorite books and movies are franchises like 'Harry Potter' and 'Lord of the Rings,' so that was always the dream, that maybe I'll get to write a series of my own.

Victoria Aveyard

Lord Of Always Quotes #1010437
#32. My philosophy has always been to try to put myself into roles and films that are different. That intensified after 'Lord of the Rings' because it was so massive, but it's something I've always believed in, wanting to change people's perceptions and challenge myself as an actor.

Elijah Wood

Lord Of Always Quotes #993512
#33. While Einstein's theory of relativity may one day put Earth on the intergalactic map, it will always run a distant second to the Lord's Prayer, whose harnessing of energies in their proper, life-giving direction surpasses even the discovery of fire.[2]

Brian Zahnd

Lord Of Always Quotes #986223
#34. Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality.

Lord Acton

Lord Of Always Quotes #986070
#35. Everything happens on the Lord's time frame. Not ours. We can't have regrets. We are exactly where we are today because of every event that led us here. (I just want to be with you. I love you, and I always have.)

Beth Wiseman

Lord Of Always Quotes #982077
#36. Bless us Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind; Teach us to be patient and always to be kind.

Helen Steiner Rice

Lord Of Always Quotes #981484
#37. Can I bring the Lord back into my mind-flow every few seconds so that God shall always be in my mind? I choose to make the rest of my life an experiment in answering this question. Frank Laubach1

Gregory A. Boyd

Lord Of Always Quotes #978416
#38. Dear Lord,I am so thankful that You are always present. I never need to make an appointment to speak to You, the God of the universe. No matter where I go or what time it is, I can depend on Your presence.

Dave Branon

Lord Of Always Quotes #973642
#39. And his reason? To show to all the rulers in heaven how perfectly wise he is when all of his family - Jews and Gentiles alike - are seen to be joined together in his Church 11 in just the way he had always planned it through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Lord Of Always Quotes #540057
#40. Where there is a lesson to be learned there is always an opportunity of change to be gained. Change comes by learning, help us Lord Jesus to learn something from every lesson.

Euginia Herlihy

Lord Of Always Quotes #963047
#41. Be content with no degree of sanctification. Be always crying out, "Lord, let me know more of myself and of thee."

George Whitefield

Lord Of Always Quotes #952417
#42. None of our hearts are pure, we always have mixed motives.
Are self deceivers, but the worst of all
Deceits is to murmur 'Lord, I am not worthy'
And, lying easy, turn your face to the wall.

Louis MacNeice

Lord Of Always Quotes #948962
#43. It has always struck me that one of the readiest ways of estimating a country's regard for law is to notice what arms the officers of the law are carrying: in England it is little batons, in France swords, in many countries revolvers, and in Russia the police used to have artillery.

Lord Dunsany

Lord Of Always Quotes #929291
#44. The Lord will always prepare a way for you to escape from the trials you will be given if you understand two things. One is that you need to be on the Lord's errand. The second thing you need to understand is that the escape will almost never be out of the trial; it will usually be through it.

Henry B. Eyring

Lord Of Always Quotes #927445
#45. I was always on set, I was always working, so my study was down to the bare minimum required. So I am one of the few who didn't study 'Lord of the Flies.'

Eliza Taylor

Lord Of Always Quotes #926887
#46. He said the measure of the man is in those decisions. Do you keep yourself and your family safe in harbor, always? Or do you move forward and brave the storms?

Emery Lord

Lord Of Always Quotes #926075
#47. Let us always remember that Christ calls men and women not only to trust Him as Savior, but also to follow Him as Lord. That call to discipleship must be part of our message if we are to be faithful to Him.

Billy Graham

Lord Of Always Quotes #917769
#48. The Holy Spirit knows precisely the right timing in our lives. I always say, "Only the Holy Spirit knows when you are ready for what." In other words, the Spirit of the Lord is the only One Who knows what it will take to help you, and when you are ready to receive help.

Joyce Meyer

Lord Of Always Quotes #883064
#49. Violent measures are always dangerous, but, when necessary, may then be looked on as wise. They have, however, the advantage of never being matter of indifference; and, when well concerted, must be decisive.

Lord Chesterfield

Lord Of Always Quotes #859637
#50. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. May the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand. Irish blessing

Janice Thompson

Lord Of Always Quotes #859500
#51. I was on the point of explaining to Gerald that the world has always laughed at its own tragedies, that being the only way in which it has been able to bear them. And that, consequently, whatever the world has treated seriously belongs to the comedy side of things.

Oscar Wilde

Lord Of Always Quotes #141977
#52. He who thinks always of the Lord, which way can evil come to him?

Sarada Devi

Lord Of Always Quotes #248800
#53. The phrases of the Lord's Prayer, "are words we pray, not always because we believe them, but because we WANT to believe them.

Jen Pollock Michel

Lord Of Always Quotes #247374
#54. I have seen a thousand graves opened, and always perceived that whatever was gone, the teeth and hair remained of those who had died with them. Is not this odd? They go the very first things in youth and yet last the longest in the dust.

Lord Byron

Lord Of Always Quotes #225893
#55. Early in the winter of 2002, I gave my life to the Lord. Before I was one, I always thought being a Christian would be boring. In reality, it has been the complete opposite.

Zach Johnson

Lord Of Always Quotes #224434
#56. Lord, remind us that it is not always agitated uprisings and nonstop activity which lead to justice, but that change often comes through the quietcommitment of a small group of people. Help us raise our small body of people to set about quietly becoming the change we want to see in the world. Amen.

Shane Claiborne

Lord Of Always Quotes #224210
#57. In the face of adversity I shall not weaver because the LORD our GOD is always by my side.

Abdulazeez Henry Musa

Lord Of Always Quotes #217313
#58. When you accept a lord's meat and mead, all you do reflects on him. Always do more than he expects of you, never less. Never flinch at any task or hardship. And above all, never shame the lord you serve.

George R R Martin

Lord Of Always Quotes #204047
#59. I keep wondering if it'll ever hurt less. This...this hole in our lives." "Oh, I imagine it'll hurt less eventually. I think there will always be a hole, though. But lace is one of the most beautiful fabrics, you know. All those holes and gaps, but it's still complete somehow- still lovely.

Emery Lord

Lord Of Always Quotes #187762
#60. The Roman Catholics must know as well as we do that 'Popery' when encouraged by government has always been dangerous to the liberties of the people.

Lord George Gordon

Lord Of Always Quotes #181313
#61. Now whenever things are so that a lot of people feel they ought to be doing something, the weak, and those who go weak with a lot of complicated thinking, always make for a sort of do-nothing religion, very pious and superior, and submit to persecution and the will of the Lord.


Lord Of Always Quotes #163926
#62. The joyful news for anyone who desires to be rid of the consequences of past poor choices is that the Lord sees weaknesses differently than He does rebellion. Whereas the Lord warns that unrepented rebellion will bring punishment, when the Lord speaks of weaknesses, it is always with mercy.

Richard G. Scott

Lord Of Always Quotes #163390
#63. He is always Mr. Calm, Cool, and Collected. The only time he was remotely this excitable was when they announced they were making the Lord of the Rings movie.

Alice Clayton

Lord Of Always Quotes #159065
#64. This was never about getting there fast. This was about being sure of my steps forward. They always call it falling in love, but for me? It was also a choice.

Emery Lord

Lord Of Always Quotes #272551
#65. We part more easily with what we possess, than with our expectations of what we wish for; because expectation always goes beyond enjoyment.

Henry Home, Lord Kames

Lord Of Always Quotes #116530
#66. The Lord's Prayer is the most perfect piece of poetry. I always feel at peace and moved when I recite it.

Mary Quant

Lord Of Always Quotes #114346
#67. But I hate things all fiction ... there should always be some foundation of fact for the most airy fabric - and pure invention is but the talent of a liar.

Lord Byron

Lord Of Always Quotes #107317
#68. Have you ever stopped to think how much unhappiness and downright cruelty are laid to the loving kindness of the Lord? And always by His most ardent followers, it seems.

Nella Larsen

Lord Of Always Quotes #104370
#69. Three can do more than ten when Our Lord puts His hand to things, and He always does so when He takes away the means of doing otherwise.

Vincent De Paul

Lord Of Always Quotes #101302
#70. Lord, catch me off guard today. Surprise me with some moment of beauty or pain so that at least for the moment, I may be startled into seeing that you are here in all your splendor, always and everywhere, barely hidden, beneath, beyond, within this life I breathe.

Frederick Buechner

Lord Of Always Quotes #80471
#71. If a person wants to enjoy the Spirit of the Lord ... always cultivate a spirit of gratitude. It is the duty of every Latter-day Saint to cultivate a spirit of gratitude.

Lorenzo Snow

Lord Of Always Quotes #63327
#72. I am always humbled by the infite ingenuity of the Lord, who can make a red barn cast a blue shadow.

E.B. White

Lord Of Always Quotes #29569
#73. Set no time to the Lord the creator of time, for His time is always best.

Samuel Rutherford

Lord Of Always Quotes #27251
#74. This was the way the Lord always fought, less of us and more of Him.

Richard Francis

Lord Of Always Quotes #21157
#75. I took the liberty of ascertaining as much beforehand, my lord."
"Of course you did, Bunter. You always ascertain everything.

Dorothy L. Sayers

Lord Of Always Quotes #17181
#76. The Lord doesn't always remove the sources of stress in our lives ... but He's always there and cares for us. We can feel His arms around us on the darkest night.

James Dobson

Lord Of Always Quotes #382383
#77. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

Christopher Wesley

Lord Of Always Quotes #531247
#78. Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest of violence.

Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey

Lord Of Always Quotes #529450
#79. The Lord of my life, who calls me to be brave and walk into the unknown, amazing future. I am always awed by the wonder of you.

Susan May Warren

Lord Of Always Quotes #525411
#80. The form of government and the condition of society must always correspond. Social equality is therefore a postulate of pure democracy.

Lord Acton

Lord Of Always Quotes #518836
#81. We need to cry out to the Lord when we feel the waves of terror or anger crashing around us. He is always within reach, ready to stretch out his hand to steady us.

Shirley Corder

Lord Of Always Quotes #508286
#82. Serving the Lord is not always easy or popular. Folks may laugh at you on your job, mocking and making fun of your faith. But once you decide that there's no turning back, something in your heart rises up and says "no" to the devil and "yes" to the Lord.

T.D. Jakes

Lord Of Always Quotes #505666
#83. Lord of the Flies is so boring ... and so weird. I always thought boys were very very strange, but I didn't think they would start eating each other.

Louise Rennison

Lord Of Always Quotes #489195
#84. You have always regarded women as disposable, my lord, and you cannot complain if in the end they think the same of you.

Hilary Mantel

Lord Of Always Quotes #478640
#85. In a confrontation with the politics of power, the soft center has always melted away.

Lord Hailsham

Lord Of Always Quotes #452423
#86. We must always walk in the presence of the Lord, in the light of the Lord, always trying to live in an irreprehensible way.

Pope Francis

Lord Of Always Quotes #405602
#87. And it is the Lord, it is Jesus, Who is my judge. Therefore I will try always to think leniently of others, that He may judge me leniently, or rather not at all, since He says: Judge not, and ye shall not be judged.

Therese De Lisieux

Lord Of Always Quotes #401204
#88. The true messengers of the Lord are always rejected by the majority of the people, who prefer to listen to the false prophets preach a message of peace and prosperity. Thus it is today as well.

Benjamin Baruch

Lord Of Always Quotes #397909
#89. If people didn't know me and only knew my public persona, what I'd want them to know is everything that I do, I do for the Glory of Lord. Because of my Christian faith, that's who I am. I wasn't always that way, but I'm very proud that I am.

Tony Dungy

Lord Of Always Quotes #10442
#90. Israel is not free to exploit the land at will. Israel always lives in the land with the Lord, and his laws contain many instructions about how to manage the land properly. In particular, the law of the Sabbath is a powerful reminder that the Lord is the one who sustains the creation and

Craig G. Bartholomew

Lord Of Always Quotes #380013
#91. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
He gives me grace to endure challenging times. I will always put my hope in the Lord.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Lord Of Always Quotes #373261
#92. Try to keep your soul always in peace and quiet, always ready for whatever our lord may wish to work in you. it is certainly a higher virtue of the soul, and a greater grace, to be able to enjoy the Lord in different times and different places than in only one.

Ignatius Of Loyola

Lord Of Always Quotes #365032
#93. I don't worship God may be because I am not afraid of him.. yes.. I find lord Shiva a man.. man worth exploring.. mad.. with all emotions at extreme level.. full of anger yet calm.. always high.. and above all.. he is hot!!!


Lord Of Always Quotes #360332
#94. My brothers and my sisters, do always persevere in true and earnest prayer, and the Lord will hear you. Believe that the highest revelations of science are conformable to the doctrine of the efficacy of prayer; that in this doctrine the highest philosophy harmonizes with the purest devotion.

Keshub Chandra Sen

Lord Of Always Quotes #332319
#95. A concern for doctrinal purity should always be based on love of the Lord, not a desire to express spiritual pride.

Max Anders

Lord Of Always Quotes #320285
#96. And there's no sex, hardly any love stuff at all, in Middle Earth, which always made me think, yes, the world would be better off without it.

Jo Walton

Lord Of Always Quotes #319673
#97. There is a direct relationship between our personal experience with the Lord and how we see ourselves. The closer we grow to him, the more clear and complete becomes our vision of who we are, who we have always been, and who we may become.

Sheri Dew

Lord Of Always Quotes #314315
#98. Up to that time I never realized that I possessed any particular gift of discovery, but Lord Rayleigh, whom I always considered as an ideal man of science, had said so and if that was the case, I felt that I should concentrate on some big idea.

Nikola Tesla

Lord Of Always Quotes #293069
#99. I always loved horror, but I read all sorts of books. My favourite as a child was 'The Secret Garden' which has a big influence on Lord Loss, believe it or not!

Darren Shan

Lord Of Always Quotes #274597
#100. Always make the best of the best, and never make bad worse.

Lord Chesterfield

Lord Of Always Quotes #273436

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