Top 100 Max Anders Quotes

#1. Mental confusion can be the product of divine discipline.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #3289
#2. Theological error is the most pernicious of errors; it strikes at man's center and separates him from his Creator and Redeemer. God insisted not only that Israelites should judge their own hearts and cast aside falsehood about Him but that they should also confront it wherever it emerged.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #22998
#3. It is sometimes easier to trust God in a life-threatening battle than in the small challenges of daily life.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #70113
#4. Spiritual leadership ought to be given to those who have proven themselves under stress.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #93849
#5. Fear of God and love for God coexist happily in the heart of people who are rightly related to Him.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #95663
#6. Protection of human life can be costly; but so is the neglect of that protection.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #101403
#7. The worship practices of the people of God are to be marked by devotion to Him and compassion to the needy.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #138506
#8. God is concerned that Christians live consistent with their profession even in the seemingly small and insignificant areas of life.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #157149
#9. Training leaders is part of the work of discipling.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #170941
#10. Before we can pray for God's blessing, we should ask ourselves if our disobedience could hinder his blessing.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #176460
#11. Although their parents died in the wilderness for their stubbornness, Israel could profit from the older generation's failure by remembering that God had used adversity to train them.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #183539
#12. Many people find spiritual growth possible only when times are hard; prosperity tends to promote complacency.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #184977
#13. Some believers tend to forget God's persistent faithfulness in the face of the spectacular and showy.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #193533
#14. The thoughtful believer recalls God's faithfulness in the past when confronted by any new threat. Part of spiritual maturity is strong sense of one's own history.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #243776
#15. God delights in providing His people with material gain and comfort, although prosperity can pose a threat to spiritual well-being.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #269242
#16. People are not free to violate law or convention to satisfy their wants and cravings.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #276307
#17. Persistence in prayer brings results that casual prayer does not.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #287884
#18. In any spiritual undertaking, God's first order of business is to see to the spiritual health of His people.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #299485
#19. People sometimes punish to exact judgment for past actions. God disciplines in order to teach and always in the interest of those whom he disciplines.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #350275
#20. The wise Christian will learn from the spiritual blunders of others.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #362544
#21. An enriched capacity for rejoicing is an expanded capacity for worship.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #405096
#22. Moses warned them [Israelites] that the leading spiritual danger they would face on entering the [promise] land would be forgetting the Lord. What adversity would not do, prosperity and satisfaction could. They were to be on their guard against spiritual lethargy.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #411749
#23. Kindness that allows barriers to one's relationship with God to spring up is self-destructive.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #423833
#24. One of the greatest testimonials to God's love is His provision of His Word.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #446996
#25. Spiritual strength is connected to faithful obedience to God's commands.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #452975
#26. Since all wealth ultimately comes from God, His people ought to acknowledge His primacy by offering Him the best of their wealth, time, and abilities.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #461580
#27. While catastrophes do enter the lives of godly people, they attach themselves far more to people who reject Him.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #496386
#28. Those who serve God in vocational ministry must learn to trust Him for their daily needs before they can encourage others to do so.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #497057
#29. The most blessed gift that God can give any person is a knowledge of Himself.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #518145
#30. God is always near His people, but their sinful behavior may cause His presence to be grievous.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #544487
#31. A worshiper's gift makes a statement about the worshiper and his God.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #564513
#32. Even the wisest people learn little from their successes; God warns His people against allowing their victories (which He will grant) to lead them into pride and spiritual indifference. Instead, they should pay close attention to God's Word.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #566211
#33. Worship is accomplished with the life as well as with the words and attitudes of people. Changed and transformed lives testify to the character and supernatural power of the God of heaven. Closeness to Him produces changes in character and holiness.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #605794
#34. The person who believes he must earn the right to go through the door of eternal life will miss the mark.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #639055
#35. Although the world places a premium on the latest things, some realities are discovered by looking into the past.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #658484
#36. Compassion is easily forsaken in the midst of prosperity, even when this prosperity is God given.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #659920
#37. Israel's [as well as our] enjoyment of the land is contingent on their behavior. Blessings or cruses lie before them; the choice is theirs.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #692864
#38. Discouragement is contagious and is easily transmitted to others.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #722914
#39. The worship of false gods is always an outgrowth of spiritual deception.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #741617
#40. There is a kind of misguided pity that deals gently with false teachers at the expense of their victims.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #760217
#41. Nothing should be considered outside the scope of God's authority.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #777032
#42. Religious truth is not false for being narrow any more than mathematical or scientific truth is false for the same reason.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #788382
#43. Since the success of believers is tied to our knowledge of and obedience to God's Word, the memorizing of portions of the Bible is advisable.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #802152
#44. In Deuteronomy 11, God offers Israel a choice; either a life of productivity and enjoyment made possible by obedience to Him, or a life of difficulty and opposition made necessary by disobedience. The happiness Israel desires can only be theirs by being properly related to Him.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #806328
#45. The fear of God does not come naturally to human beings; it must be learned through Scripture, worship, and the hard knocks of experience.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #838115
#46. God is able to transform the hostile intentions of wicked people into blessings for His people.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #852848
#47. God is glorified when His people find satisfaction in Him and in His provisions for them.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #873534
#48. Attachments to older forms of worship may be comfortable, but they may contain elements of falsehood that make them unacceptable to God.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #875549
#49. What we do in public determines our reputation; what we do in private determines our character.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #897768
#50. Intercessors constitute the greatest unseen group of spiritual heroes in world history. Their labors are not seen, but the results are. Those who pray for the spiritual needs of others do immeasurable good in the world, often preventing (at least for a time) divine judgment.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #909096
#51. Although God's people find many successes in the world, they must not fall prey to a spirit of pride. We succeed not because of our moral superiority but because of the faithfulness of our divine intercessor and because of the great mercy of God.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #917914
#52. All believers can increase their commitment to God by reflecting on His faithfulness and by considering the forms such commitment should assume in their experience.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #927901
#53. Love is one factor - but not the only on - that God uses to promote the permanence of the marriage bond.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #930570
#54. God delights to see His people rejoice in what He has provided.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #930719
#55. No amount of temporal success can compensate for the loss of God's approval.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #942308
#56. Fear of the right type can be beneficial to the people of God (see Prov. 1:7), but the fear of man's hostile intentions seldom fits that category.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #959767
#57. Individual believers are not to usurp the role of civil government and judge people who are offensive.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #988729
#58. A good memory is one of the most precious assets of spiritual living.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1018592
#59. Courage is the most fundamental of all virtues.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1022788
#60. The task of evangelism often involves preparing an open road so offenders can find their refuge in Christ.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1054089
#61. Conversion engages the mind as well as the emotions.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1057071
#62. Chastening is a mark of affection, not a sign of rejection.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1087782
#63. God not only allowed for joyful worship but also commanded it.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1102122
#64. Believers have just as much to fear from legalism as from waywardness. The first detracts from the beauty of the message, while the second mars it content.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1175036
#65. Christians should be among those who speak loudest in defense of civil liberties and the protection of the weak.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1187524
#66. Our identity as the people of God is marked primarily by our faithfulness in obedience to Him.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1205742
#67. Believers should be more concerned for God's opinion of them than for what human opponents might do to their bodies.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1218187
#68. Father, we ask that you give us a passion for the truth and not merely a hatred of falsehood. Keep us concerned for the spiritual health of people but open to your own rebukes from your mighty Word.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1300408
#69. God's loving discipline brings us face-to-face with our pride.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1359216
#70. The agonies of those who are falsely accused are of great concern to the living God, and He acts as their defender.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1363510
#71. God wants believers to take an interest in the well-being of the society in which they live.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1386534
#72. God wants us to have love. We must be careful not to settle for sex.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1387842
#73. Some duties exist simply because we are part of a larger family or community.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1389417
#74. God never forgets a promise.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1407740
#75. God chooses people not for what He can do for them, but for the good they can do for others.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1441123
#76. Curiosity is an enormous challenge to godly living.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1443188
#77. The generous giver, demonstrating the nature of God by his behavior, can never outgive God.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1444667
#78. Rejoicing is the essence of genuine worship. A sad face (apart from remorse for sin or regret concerning the pain of others) is an affront to a gracious and generous God.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1463554
#79. False teaching - anything that would weaken the believer's ties to his Lord - must be confronted wherever it appears, even if that confrontation requires painful correction.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1471956
#80. Only people of proven character should be placed in positions of spiritual leadership.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1479102
#81. Even guilty people deserve to be treated as those made in the image of God.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1497349
#82. God supplies the needs of His people according to their needs but does not ordinarily allow stockpiling.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1499093
#83. God chose Israel not because they were superior but because of what He could do through them for others.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1506541
#84. Giving to God should come from the firstfruits of a person's labor rather than from what is left after the bills are paid.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1507237
#85. Demons lie behind much of the world's pagan worship systems.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1510901
#86. God expects believers to improve their attitude in giving as well as their giving itself.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1516459
#87. Wisdom lies in recognizing the dangers that lie within us and doing battle with them daily.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1525014
#88. Our lives will last as long as God has something for us to do.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1535631
#89. If Israel is to please the Lord fully, they will live lives that are as distinctive among the nations as their Lord is different from pagan deities.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1581760
#90. In a world of constant change, God alone is the Rock upon which to build a life.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1589773
#91. Hearing alone is less effective in learning God's truth than hearing combined with reading.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1590047
#92. Recalling what our lives were like before Jesus Christ entered them will help keep our daily problems in perspective.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1632283
#93. God demonstrates generosity, then asks it from His people.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1757333
#94. God realizes His people need protection from the pains and heartaches of the world.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1775815
#95. No amount of human willfulness can overcome God's determined love.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1779515
#96. There is no limit to what God's people can expect their God to do if they are rightly related to Him.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1789123
#97. The spiritual heritage of the godly lives on after they are gone.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1794989
#98. God's Word calls His people to adore Him exclusively and completely and to love people as themselves.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1826491
#99. Conversion is essential, but it is a beginning, not an end. The believer in Jesus Christ is not simply rescued from the penalty of his sin; he is redeemed to love God and his neighbor so that others might come to know him.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1863334
#100. The health of marriage and the health of society are bound together; as one goes, so goes the other.

Max Anders

Max Anders Quotes #1876417

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