Top 100 Life Had Quotes
#1. Life had been much easier before he'd rediscovered his conscience.
Ruth Cardello
#2. The impending separation from love, more than the ending of life, had kept all that faith alive. It was the hope of having a little more time to love that had made her mother hold crosses, and look to the faces of statues, and cast words up into the air.
J.R. Ward
#3. There were days when Amory resented that life had changed from an even progress along a road stretching ever in sight, with the scenery merging and blending, into a succession of quick, unrelated scenes...
F Scott Fitzgerald
#4. The way he saw it, poker and life had a lot in common. You played the cards you were dealt, figured the odds, took the gamble or not. And when your cards were shit, you bluffed if the pot was worth it, and if you had balls.
Nora Roberts
#5. Wouldn't it help you to realize that you really do live in an epic if your life had a soundtrack?
John Eldredge
#6. Waves of despair rolled over him. He hadn't expected any of this: not the caved-in barns or crumbling fences, not the rotting wheat in the unplowed fields. It was as if the life had been punched right out of this place.
Christine Brodien-Jones
#7. Not once in her life had Darcy wanted to thumb her nose at danger and rip the clothes off a man, but she was contemplating that very thing.
Donna Grant
#8. He was invaded by an unreasoning calm, which he interpreted as an omen that nothing new was going to happen, that everything he had done in his life had been in vain, that he could not go on: it was the end.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#9. What kind of life had he suffered, to have to craft memories from his imagination?
Jodi Picoult
#10. His life had gone by without adventures, without passions, almost without hopes. The facility of dreaming, planted in every man, had never blossomed in the narrow bed of his ambitions.
Guy De Maupassant
#11. What a short time I had been given to experience love. I felt as my life had only recently begun and now it would surely end at sunrise.
Meredith T. Taylor
#12. It seemed like the best weapons in my life had always been the most innocuous: empty plastic bins, a blank CD, an unmarked syringe, my smile in a dark room.
Maggie Stiefvater
#14. Socrates ... is the first philosopher of life [Lebensphilosoph], ... Thinking serves life, while among all previous philosophers life had served thought and knowledge ... Thus Socratic philosophy is absolutely practical: it is hostile to all knowledge unconnected to ethical implications.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#15. The society that loses its grip on the past is in danger, for it produces men who know nothing but the present, and who are not aware that life had been, and could be, different from what it is.
#16. A military life had no charms for me, and I had not the faintest idea of staying in the army even if I should be graduated, which I did not expect,
Ulysses S. Grant
#17. I think having worked in a department store setting, if my life had not taken a drastically different turn when I became an actor, there's a very high probability I would have continued to work at the department store.
Cory Monteith
#18. He wondered what life had in store for them.
And for once, he couldn't wait to find out.
Jennifer Kacey
#19. My life had gone to bits and I was so unrecognizable to myself that I probably couldn't have picked me out of a police lineup.
Elizabeth Gilbert
#20. I thought of how life had been before I realized I was a frog in a pot
Stephen King
#21. He wished at that moment that his whole life had not been a secret, that lots of people were like him, instead of his being alone in a world where everyone was secure in their place as either woman or man. His aloneness was what made him feel ashamed, and he did not know why it had to be so.
Kathleen Winter
#22. Just as Charlie had surmised, Dodger hadn't had a day's proper schooling. Instead, his life had mostly been spent learning things, which is surprisingly rather different, and he could read a face much better than a newspaper.*
Terry Pratchett
#23. Medieval Italian life had recently become so fascinating for Vronsky that he even began wearing his hat and a wrap thrown over his shoulder in a medieval fashion, which was very becoming to him.
Leo Tolstoy
#24. Listen, listen, listen well. There was an age before the Seasons, when life and Earth, its father, thrived alike. (Life had a mother, too. Something terrible happened to Her.)
N.K. Jemisin
#25. Because if he looked like he was unaffected by her smile, then she would not realize that, in actuality, he was in an utter panic because somewhere deep down inside he'd realized that his life had just changed forever.
Julia Quinn
#26. It was astonishing to think that life had once been the sum of her current love-affairs. It was now the sum of her current problems.
F Scott Fitzgerald
#27. It was as if the sensory overload that is American life had somehow led to sensory deprivation, a gilded weariness, where everything is permitted and nothing appreciated.
J. Maarten Troost
#28. My grandmother's life had been one long opera. There had been drama, heroes, villains, improbable twists, all that. But most of all there had been love, great big waves of it, crashing ceaselessly against the rocks of life, bearing us all back to grace.
Alex George
#30. Life had a way of working out. The lid-for-every-pot theory seemed to work, if you waited long enough and were patient.
Danielle Steel
#31. Somehow life had become a story problem, and William was horrible at math.
Jamie Ford
#32. Suddenly women's lib had made me feel my life had been wasted.
Barbara Bush
#33. He wanted to cut the man's throat. Never in his life had he been so overpowered by such a desire to kill someone. It was a strange feeling, sweet and driven. In one leap he could be on him. His legs wanted to do it; they trembled with anticipation.
Robert Karjel
#34. When she spoke even now, after forty years, among the slurred consonants and the flat vowels of the land where her life had been cast, New England talked as plainly as it did in the speech of her kin who had never left New Hampshire
William Faulkner
#35. He sighed, wondering how his life had been turned upside down by this woman in less than forty-eight hours. Correction: by this woman, a pig, and a rabbit.
Julia Quinn
#38. My grandfather was smart and had a whole lot of pride. He didn't speak a terrible amount, but you could tell there was a ton on his mind - like a quiet acceptance of how life had turned out.
Frank Ocean
#39. Life had its seasons, and the season of letting go would always come, but there was something very beautiful in that, in the letting go. Leaves were always graceful as they floated away from the tree.
Benjamin Alire Saenz
#40. Every human life had its pattern that had to be worked out slowly to its ultimate conclusion.
Irving Stone
#41. His whole life had been merely a long preparation for misfortune,
#42. He turned to appease the fierce longings of his heart before which everything else was idle and alien. He cared little that he was in mortal sin, that his life had grown to be a tissue of subterfuge and falsehood.
James Joyce
#43. My life had devolved into a fluorescent haze of desktop Outlook/Internet Explorer/Excel screens by day followed by laptop Chrome/Facebook/Netflix nights.
Wayne Gladstone
#44. As a child of eight Mr. Trout had once kissed a girl of six under the mistletoe at a Christmas party, but there his sex life had come to abrupt halt.
P.G. Wodehouse
#45. Faerie may not always have been the kindest place to live, but it was still my home. I owed it to Gillian, To May, to Dare, and Tybalt and January, and all the others not to say that my life had been a mistake. Not when it had been so intertwined with theirs.
Seanan McGuire
#46. My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun - In Corners - till a Day The Owner passed - identified - And carried Me away -
Emily Dickinson
#47. He saw that all the conditions of life had conspired to keep them apart; since his very detachment from the external influences which swayed her had increased his spiritual fastidiousness, and made it more difficult for him to live and love uncritically.
Edith Wharton
#48. I suddenly saw how sad and artificial my life had been during this period, for the loves, friends, habits and pleasures of these years were discarded like badly fitting clothes. I parted from them without pain and all that remained was to wonder that I could have endured them so long.
Hermann Hesse
#49. Life had taught him about something far more complicated than justice. Its name was balance.
Carsten Jensen
#50. If life had a second edition, how I would correct the proofs.
John Clare
#51. It wasn't fair and part of him knew it wasn't fair, but never in his life had he felt so helpless, so lost, and so consequently mean. He
Stephen King
#52. I look at my father, who was in many ways an unhappy person, but who, not long before he got sick, said that the greatest source of satisfaction in his life had been going to work in the company of other workers.
Jonathan Franzen
#53. Kate approved of the child's father, and so did she. Kate all her life had championed the underdog, and so therefore did she. And what more oppressed puppy in all the world was she likely to find than this one?
Dorothy Dunnett
#55. I was having one of those days where I wanted to start throwing things because only breaking crap would make me feel better. My limit for acceptable weirdness in my daily life had been
maxed out.
Jennifer L. Armentrout
#56. It was my moment of wondering what, in my life, had been my golden pin like Schindler's, the thing so precious to me that it never occurred to me to use it to ransom the life of someone else.
Christine Caine
#57. The soldiers in my life had raised the bar for bad guys.
Susan Abulhawa
#58. His life had been disrupted, but not his billing cycles.
Victor LaValle
#59. All his life he had lived by the law. Often his job had been to stop acts of revenge ... And now revenge was all that life had left for him.
Vernor Vinge
#60. Not everybody gets a happy ending, however deserved it may be. Life had been doing its damnedest to teach me that, starting with my first saltwater breath, the day my mother died at sea.
But that didn't mean we were giving up.
Sarah Ockler
#61. A not admitting of the wound
Until it grew so wide
That all my Life had entered it
Emily Dickinson
#62. You're not fifteen any more. You're not the idealistic kid who thought that, deep down, somewhere, somehow, in some way, life had to be fair.
- Callum McGregor
Malorie Blackman
#63. Huddled together in the dining room and waiting for the sun to rise, none of us had any notion that a way of life had ended. Our way of life.
Khaled Hosseini
#64. Ages passed I knew at last my life had never been.
Jethro Tull
#65. Suddenly it was clear to me that all the beautiful complexity of life had simplicity at its core.
Eric Lander
#66. In her more lucid moments, she knew that half her life had been sacrificed to safeguard her secret heart, to appease that unreasonable, mortal dread she suffered of being suddenly revealed to others in a nakedness of spirit that terrified her more than the concept of God's own retribution itself.
Raymond Kennedy
#67. Life had become some kind of profound competition, where my emotional loss was substituted by my professional success. I became a part of what they call the rat race.
Saurbh Katyal
#69. His life had made a complete three sixty, in one year. He had a family that he adored, a wife that he would die for and a whole new outlook on life.
Jordan Silver
#70. Speaking of this, he felt something had been returned to him, as though the inestimable losses of life had been lifted like a boulder, and beneath he saw - under the attentive gaze of Daisy's blue eyes - the comforts and sweetness of what had once been.
Elizabeth Strout
#71. My life had no meaning at all. I found only brief interludes of satisfaction. It was like my whole life had been about my whole basketball career.
Pete Maravich
#72. There was nothing more pressing to do all day, every day, except think about the question that his whole life had failed to answer: How did music trick the body into thinking it had a soul?
Richard Powers
#73. What if love wasn't enough for them? Would it heal the deep lacerations life had placed on his heart, or would he always be so completely broken that he would never fully be hers?
Kate McCarthy
#74. His life had been wrecked by lies and he'd be falling forever because there was no one to catch him.
Barbara Elsborg
#75. It was all too easy. It was perfect as nothing else in her life had ever been, their bodies moving in harmony as if they had waltzed together a thousand times before. Good Lord, he could dance.
-Lillian's thoughts about Marcus
Lisa Kleypas
#76. Allan didn't even know if the Prime Minister was Left or Right. He must certainly be one of them, because if there was one thing life had taugh Allan, it was that people insisted on being one or the other.
Jonas Jonasson
#77. He was forever inventing a new way of doing an old thing and doing it better and quicker, but he never in his whole life had any talent for making money.
John Steinbeck
#78. Life had become a reproduction: it was not the real thing.
Ray Davies
#79. Likewise, my life had to be steered. And I had to choose who would lead. Would it be me?
Marc Eckel
#80. I did not rush in with the vim I would have displayed a year or so earlier, before Life had made me the grim, suspicious man I am to-day:
P.G. Wodehouse
#81. With time, however, life had become too real,
Dean Koontz
#82. Life had this way of sneaking up on you. You'd just be sitting there, lost in a moment, when all of a sudden, a cold feeling swept across your belly and you asked yourself if you ever lived a day in your life.
Belle Aurora
#83. She looked out at the other trees, and she realised that her life was one of thousands, any one of which could have been her, she had grown wherever her life had taken her, she had drifted wherever the wind had blown her.
Dave McKean
#84. She had been adept at the beginning and the end of things, and now she saw that whatever pleasures life had to offer lay in the middle. She could find some peace there.
Robert Goolrick
#85. How exquisite life had once been! How gorgeous in its pomp and decoration! Even to read of the luxury of the dead was wonderful.
Oscar Wilde
#86. My whole life had been designing computers I could never build.
Steve Wozniak
#87. I don't find that writing about parts of my life had much effect except in some cases to improve my memory. To get into parts of the past I want to recall very vividly, I use a form of directed meditation.
Marge Piercy
#88. Now it was growing late again, and cooler, which the nurse found disorienting. It felt as though her entire life had been lived from dusk to dawn ever since she learned of Phillip, only tiptoeing around the edges of sunset or sunrise, and sleeping or traveling all day.
Cherie Priest
#89. It felt as if everything that had happened so far in my life had been leading me to this point, preparing me for this task, and that I was uniquely equipped to pursue this quest. It was a perfect collision of personality, past experience, purpose, and timing.
Roz Savage
#90. July 13, 1954 was the most tragic day of my life. I had lost my beloved Frida forever. To late now I realized that the most wonderful part of my life had been my love for Frida.
Diego Rivera
#91. Today would be perfect in every way. The Facebook photos wouldn't lie. So much joy. Her life had so much so joy. That was an actual verifiable fact.
Liane Moriarty
#92. Now, she lived with her dogs in a small house by a creek in the country, and her life had become a simple thing.
John Hart
#93. With one kiss, my life had been altered. It would follow a different path now. One where a woman owned my heart.
Abbi Glines
#94. I remember the day tDr. King died. I wasn't angry at the beginning. It was like something very personal in my life had been touched and finished.
Lena Horne
#95. For a time Dish lost all sense of what life was about. He even lost the sense that he was a cowboy, the strongest sense he had to work with. He was just a fellow with a glass in his hand, whose life had suddenly turned to mud. The day before he had been a top hand, but what did that mean anymore?
Larry McMurtry
#96. Life had already given him sufficient reasons for knowing that no defeat was the final one.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#97. I tended to hold love hostage in my heart because, if expressed, I feared it might abandon me as many people in my life had.
Patricia Cornwell
#98. One cannot deny that in former times man's life had been one of toil and hardship. It is correct to say, therefore, that modern civilization and the progress of science have greatly improved man's life and have brought comfort and ease in their trail.
Haile Selassie
#99. The universe is almost 14 billion years old, and, wow! Life had no problem starting here on Earth! I think it would be inexcusably egocentric of us to suggest that we're alone in the universe.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson
#100. Never before in his life had he understood how subjective, how plastic, time really is.
Stephen King
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