Top 100 Later When Quotes

#1. I didn't even graduate from high school. I've never told anybody that before. I got my degree later, when I was in the army.

Tommy Lasorda

Later When Quotes #13203
#2. My father had a country store and then later, when I was 10 or 12, sold it and bought a farm equipment dealership in nearby Camden.

Jeff Sessions

Later When Quotes #1834138
#3. Later, when she came to know of the letters he wrote to Congress about Darfur, the teenagers he tutored at the high school on Dixwell, the shelter he volunteered at, she thought of him as a person who did not have a normal spine but had, instead, a firm reed of goodness.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Later When Quotes #1822071
#4. What should we be doing in the meantime?"
"All of the things you will look back on fondly later when you have not been able to do them for a long time.

Neal Stephenson

Later When Quotes #1805919
#5. Later, months later, when Jude thought back to the way it all went down -how did a burnout like him end up straight edge?- he'd remember that ambulance, just like the one he'd been unconscious inside. Its red cross, when viewed from the right angle, was an X on its side.

Eleanor Henderson

Later When Quotes #1804096
#6. It's very healthy for a young girl to be deterred from promiscuity by fear of contracting a painful, incurable disease, or cervical cancer, or sterility, or the likelihood of giving birth to a dead, blind or brain-damaged baby (even ten years later when she may be happily married).

Phyllis Schlafly

Later When Quotes #1802406
#7. I learned to read from Mrs. Augusta Baker, the children's librarian ... If that was the only good deed that lady ever did in her life, may she rest in peace. Because that deed saved my life, if not sooner, then later, when sometimes the only thing I had to hold on to was knowing I could read.

Audre Lorde

Later When Quotes #1793301
#8. But one week later, when the researchers measured typing speeds again, they found that the workers, on average, were completing 103 lines per hour. Another week later: 112 lines. Most of the typists had blown past the goals they had set.

Charles Duhigg

Later When Quotes #1785920
#9. Like most great revolutionaries he could thrive only in evil times, at first when the masses were unemployed, hungry and desperate, and later when they were intoxicated by

William L. Shirer

Later When Quotes #1780561
#10. A year later, when I turned sixteen, my father died of cancer. And from then on the dead form a sort of chain, a macabre necklace that weighs a ton, and whose last, closing link will be me, I guess.

Milena Busquets

Later When Quotes #1780062
#11. There are times when the understanding does not come until later, when it no longer matters. Other times I do what I must do, not knowing my own mind, and I am led astray.

Haruki Murakami

Later When Quotes #1778752
#12. Few minutes later, when she momentarily forgot that the water was off
and turned on
the faucet, it ran beautifully.
Andrew had, once again, succeeded. He'd arrived unannounced like a knight on
his shiny
white horse to save the damsel in distress.
Damn him.

Bella Andre

Later When Quotes #1760844
#13. There are many trials that seem hard to bear at first which prove true blessings later when we see of what false materials they were first composed.

Stephen Vincent Benet

Later When Quotes #1749888
#14. Never show a weakness; never show pain. The vulnerable get eaten. She would break down later when she was alone, but neither he nor anyone else would ever see it.

Ilona Andrews

Later When Quotes #1731271
#15. In all honesty, I think I just played what I felt was right for me. And I think I would have done the same thing, even if I'd been born later, when Charlie Parker was influencing everybody. The truth is, I never gave it much thought. I just played what I had to play.

Benny Carter

Later When Quotes #1727606
#16. But later when I was a teacher, an English teacher naturally, my students preferred fiction to reality. They were in junior high, and so they preferred ANYTHING to reality.

Richard Peck

Later When Quotes #1713920
#17. Dante would not have forgotten: they say that when Dante was a boy, he was asked: Dante what is the best food? to test his memory. Eggs, replied Dante. Years later, when Dante was a grown man, he was asked only: how? and Dante replied: fried.

Fernando Sabino

Later When Quotes #1705821
#18. When you're alive and everything is going fine, why talk about things? Talking's for later, when talking's all there is that's left.

Peter Milligan

Later When Quotes #1703955
#19. But we made our own fun, mostly. I recall a time, many years later, when American children seemed unable to amuse themselves without a fortune in electrical and electronic equipment. We had no fancy equipment and did not miss it.

Maureen Johnson

Later When Quotes #1701709
#20. ("Shoot him in the foot," Mr. Persichetti would tell Mr. Keane, years later, when Tony had already returned from the war and Jacob had drawn a bad number. "Break his legs before you let him go.")

Alice McDermott

Later When Quotes #1685492
#21. Some minutes or hours or days later, when I lay boneless and well satisfied, Ethan raised his gaze to mine again. His eyes were silver, his fangs descended. "There is no going back," he said, "Not after this.

Chloe Neill

Later When Quotes #1680376
#22. Aravis also had many quarrels (and, I'm afraid even fights) with Cor, but they always made it up again: so that years later, when they were grown up they were so used to quarreling and making it up again that they got married so as to go on doing it more conveniently.

C.S. Lewis

Later When Quotes #1672521
#23. Six hours later, when I returned, I was greeted at the door- and this before it was even opened -by the overpowering smell of vinegar. What were my neighbors thinking? That a douche-obsessed woman with a gigantic, three-foot vagina lived next door?

Augusten Burroughs

Later When Quotes #1669310
#24. I began my addiction when I was 12 years old. By the time 40, 45 years later, when it, you know, it threatened my life and maimed me in terms of my voice, I was so addicted that I was smoking four packs of cigarettes a day.

Joe Eszterhas

Later When Quotes #1657382
#25. My grandmother though, began to prepare in her own neurotic - and I think psychotic - way to face racism. So she taught us to be racist, which is something I had to undo later when I got to Michigan, you know.

James Earl Jones

Later When Quotes #1654102
#26. All my playmates on the farm were black, and later, when I started school in Plains, it was all white. But I was always eager to get back home to my friends in Archery.

Jimmy Carter

Later When Quotes #1627556
#27. Everything comes to light, Nancy, sooner or later. When God Almighty wills it, our secrets are found out.

George Eliot

Later When Quotes #1625375
#28. Democratic governments are not suited to the publication of the thunderous revelations I am in the habit of making. The unpublished parts will appear later ... when Europe will have restored its traditional monarchies.

Salvador Dali

Later When Quotes #1606844
#29. My old partner was there. He got off too. Then he went back later. When it hit Venus.

James S.A. Corey

Later When Quotes #1603093
#30. We were greeted by a dark-skinned man who introduced himself as Truth. We introduced ourselves as Honesty, Happiness, Honor, Witness, Serengeti , and Schnitzeldoodle. We didn't find out until later, when we met our tracker called Life, that Truth wasn't joking with us about his name.

Chelsea Handler

Later When Quotes #1583577
#31. I was a super-duper Tupac fan, and I realized later, when I became a huge Nas fan and a huge Eminem fan, I was drawn to the storytellers. They all told stories in different ways, but they were all like the best storytellers.

J. Cole

Later When Quotes #1578926
#32. But it really wasn't until three to four years later, when we had an opportunity in the lab to make very detailed observations, and comparisons with other fossil discoveries, that we realized she was a new species of human ancestor.

Donald Johanson

Later When Quotes #1568262
#33. To clever plans,' said Kell, toasting his brother. 'And dashing princes.'
'To masked magicians,' said Rhy, swiping the wine.
'To mad ideas.'
'To the Essen Tasch.'
'Wouldn't it be amazing,' murmured Rhy later, when the bottle was empty, 'if we got away with it?

V.E Schwab

Later When Quotes #1567411
#34. Songs to Herself:
She waved at all the people on the trains & later, when she saw they didn't wave back, she started singing songs to herself & it went that way the whole day & she couldn't remember having a better time in her life.

Brian Andreas

Later When Quotes #1566844
#35. Sometimes the way comes later, when I'm not working or thinking about it at all. When stories don't work, you try to convince yourself that all of that time and energy wasn't wasted, that it will make you a better writer, if nothing else.

Mary J. Miller

Later When Quotes #1522095
#36. Later when they would mention, they would say, and everyone would know, but not nearly as well as they meant.

Mikl Paul

Later When Quotes #1516745
#37. The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life.

William Faulkner

Later When Quotes #1515182
#38. We go through the present blindfolded ... Only later, when the blindfold is removed and we examine the past, do we realise what we've been through and understand what it means.

Milan Kundera

Later When Quotes #1475881
#39. A day later, when a pair of dark wolves came sniffing around, they found him. Lemmy couldn't help but giggle with delight as they tore him apart and ate him. ***

M.R. Mathias

Later When Quotes #1466611
#40. Short sellers sell stock they have borrowed, hoping to buy it back later when its price has fallen.

Alex Berenson

Later When Quotes #1447535
#41. You're mine," he said, his eyes never leaving hers as he slid inside. "You're mine."
And much later, when they were exhausted and spent, lying in each other's arms, he brought his lips to her ear and whispered, "And I'm yours.

Julia Quinn

Later When Quotes #1445205
#42. Years later, when they were killed in a car crash on the Farm to Market Road, and the Nell-that-never-lived died with them, Olena, numbly rearranging the letters of her own name on the envelopes of the sympathy cards she received, discovered what the letters spelled: Olena; Alone.

Lorrie Moore

Later When Quotes #1432977
#43. Barsavi realized something that too many men in the city were slow to grasp; an idea that he reinforced years later when he took the Berangias sisters to be his primary enforcers. He was wise enough to understand that the women of Camorr could be underestimated only at great peril to one's health.

Scott Lynch

Later When Quotes #1430839
#44. Childhood is supposed to be happy, and if you can't remember yours with any happiness, what hope have you later, when life starts handing you fresh grief?

Amity Gaige

Later When Quotes #1406574
#45. Later, when they would spend straight hours conversing in the dark, Jane would realize that Henry kissed the way he talked- his entire attention taut, focused, intensely hers.

Shannon Hale

Later When Quotes #1398321
#46. Kids are incredibly expensive. But it pays off later when they are better educated, bigger, and better-looking than you. And find you incessantly boring and uncool.

Denis Leary

Later When Quotes #1380944
#47. I was very glad later when I was directing that I wasn't in the hands of a cinematographer and hoping that he would do it well. I would know what he was doing, and we could discuss how that scene would look.

Nicolas Roeg

Later When Quotes #1377519
#48. I got the writing bug in the fourth grade when a poem of mine was published in the school newspaper. Music criticism came a little later, when I was in high school.

Ann Powers

Later When Quotes #1375393
#49. We pass through the present with our eyes blindfolded. We are permitted merely to sense and guess at what we are actually experiencing. Only later when the cloth is untied can we glance at the past and find out what we have experienced and what meaning it has.

Milan Kundera

Later When Quotes #1371485
#50. It was not until much later when, after a deep and satisfying orgasm, I suddenly realised the true meaning of the fairy tale and the nature of the magic kiss of which it speaks.

Germaine Greer

Later When Quotes #1363170
#51. Bing was sitting in front of the TV with the de Zoets an hour later when Mr. Manx came out, fully dressed, in his silk shirt and tails and narrow-toed boots. His starved, cadaverous face had an unhealthy sheen to it in the flickering blue shadows.

Joe Hill

Later When Quotes #1362228
#52. I see fat kids on the street all the time and I give them free radiohead t-shirts with bullseyes on them. Later when I see them wearing the t-shirts I shoot at them with bb guns while riding a very large dog and singing kicking squealing gucci little piggy over and over

Thom Yorke

Later When Quotes #1360883
#53. I love the idea that we put in jokes the kids don't get. And that later, when they grow up and read a few books and go to college and watch the show again, they can get it on a completely different level.

Matt Groening

Later When Quotes #1360164
#54. Gert was always of the mind that she wouldn't go to another church except the Catholic Church. So when I would date her in New York City, and later when we went to Oxford before we got married, we always went to the Catholic church.

Wesley Clark

Later When Quotes #1330054
#55. Leftovers make you feel good twice. First, when you put it away, you feel thrifty and intelligent: 'I'm saving food!' Then a month later when blue hair is growing out of the ham, and you throw it away, you feel really intelligent: 'I'm saving my life!'

George Carlin

Later When Quotes #1320379
#56. I half hoped Mr. Pearson would waLk out holding Thomas by the scruff of his neck, still wearing his boxers or pajama pants or whatever the hell a guy like him slept in. But seconds later, when Mr. Pearson emerged, he was red with rage and completely alone.
Thomas was gone.

Kate Brian

Later When Quotes #1293577
#57. That's when I did start loving Daniel. Not when I said I did, but some moments later when he replied in kind. It was the last day of January. Winter was through.

Claire Kilroy

Later When Quotes #1280462
#58. Do people actually do that
go back and thank their teachers years later, when they're no longer handicapped by youth and ignorance, when they figure out just how much their teachers actually did for them?

Matthew Quick

Later When Quotes #1260926
#59. Suddenly for no earthly reason I felt immensely sorry for him and longed to say something real, something with wings and a heart, but the birds I wanted settled on my shoulders and head only later when I was alone and not in need of words.

Vladimir Nabokov

Later When Quotes #1252055
#60. Years later when she was being eccentric, had shed her corset and let her arse spread unhindered by anything but her perpetual dressing gown.

Peter Carey

Later When Quotes #1231887
#61. This concept is central to understanding what distinguishes the Arrowsmith approach: cognitive exercises do not teach content or skill in, say, mathematics; the aim is to forge new neural pathways in the brain so that later, when math is taught, number concepts actually make sense.

Barbara Arrowsmith-Young

Later When Quotes #1231481
#62. Students never appreciate their teachers while they are learning. It is only later, when they know more of the world, that they understand how indebted they are to those who instructed them. Good teachers expect no praise or love from the young. They wait for it, and in time, it comes.

Darren Shan

Later When Quotes #1231435
#63. The day will come, sooner or later, when people will wonder at the necessity of taking all this trouble to expose the folly of a system, so childish and absurd, and yet so often enforced at the point of a bayonet.

Jean-Baptiste Say

Later When Quotes #1219789
#64. Back at the hut, all my sister, they start to cry. "No crying," my aunt says, very strict. "You cry only in your mind."
But later, when everyone else asleep, I hear my aunt, her tears, they fall like rain.

Patricia McCormick

Later When Quotes #1202944
#65. Those were comfortable, carefree years. The word I'd use now is idyllic. On Friday nights, we cheered on the Bulldogs of Midland High. On Sunday mornings, we went to church. Nobody locked their doors. Years later, when I would speak about the American Dream, it was Midland I had in mind.

George W. Bush

Later When Quotes #1188724
#66. Let us lose none of their humble words, let us note their slightest gestures, and tell me, tell me that we will think of them together, now and later, when we realise the misery of the times and the magnitude of their sacrifice.

Georges Duhamel

Later When Quotes #1184711
#67. I have started to think that the great, decisive moments that broadly govern our lives are far less conscious at the time than they seem later when we are reminiscing and taking stock.

Sandor Marai

Later When Quotes #1165427
#68. With passion, if you see the first asparagus of the springtime and you become passionate about it, so much the better, but three weeks later, when you've seen that asparagus every day now, passions have subsided. What's going to make you treat the asparagus the same? It's the desire.

Thomas Keller

Later When Quotes #1157443
#69. I remember like yesterday how he strayed in out of nowhere to our log cabin on Birdsong Creek. He made me so mad at first that I wanted to kill him. Then, later, when I had to kill him, it was like having to shoot some of my own folks.

Fred Gipson

Later When Quotes #1096080
#70. ... it often occurs that a work of art - even though incomprehensible - remains in the mind, and produces its effect years later, when people are apt to remark that it was not the same as when they first saw it, transferring to the object under discussion the chance in themselves.

Walter Pach

Later When Quotes #1094390
#71. My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

Steve Jobs

Later When Quotes #1087858
#72. One should never save cake for later when it can be eaten now.

Marissa Meyer

Later When Quotes #1083269
#73. This great handsomeness I took into myself later when he desired me, but I took it as one breathes air, or swallows a snowflake, or yields to the sun.

Anais Nin

Later When Quotes #1079770
#74. And this is all based on a belief system that we never chose to believe. These beliefs are so strong, that even years later when we are exposed to new concepts and try to make our own decisions, we find that these beliefs still control our lives. Whatever

Miguel Ruiz

Later When Quotes #1078580
#75. When a thing is new, people say: 'It is not true.' Later, when its truth becomes obvious, they say: 'It is not important.' Finally, when its importance cannot be denied, they say: 'Anyway, it is not new.

William James

Later When Quotes #1069256
#76. I don't ..." She was about to tell him that she didn't understand, but stopped before she finished the sentence. There was nothing to understand - not now. She could mull over everything later, when she was safe.

Nora Ash

Later When Quotes #1068249
#77. Novelists, it seems to me, are the very last people who should be asked to comment on the news of the day, and sooner or later, when they have been pilloried for their views, most of them recognise this.

Hilary Mantel

Later When Quotes #1052182
#78. Later, when you're grown up, you realize you never really get to hang out with your family. You pretty much have only eighteen years to spend with them full time, and that's it.

Mindy Kaling

Later When Quotes #1044111
#79. This can't be real. It can't be. It's a nightmare. I'll wake up and find it's all been a nightmare. I mustn't think of it now, or I'll begin screaming in front of all these people. I can't think of it now. I'll think later, when I can stand it - when I can't see his eyes.

Margaret Mitchell

Later When Quotes #1037430
#80. You have 'listeners' ears' when you're just starting out, and your 'listeners' ears' tell you what will work. You lose those ears later, when you break songs down into production elements too much.

Gene Pitney

Later When Quotes #1020980
#81. My grandpa got me a set of Wilson clubs, Sam Snead models, when I was 12. Many years later, when I'd become well known, I got to know Sam, and we played a lot of golf together.

Evel Knievel

Later When Quotes #1015989
#82. For the first time I was flying by jet propulsion. No engine vibrations. No torque and no lashing sound of the propeller. Accompanied by a whistling sound, my jet shot through the air. Later when asked what it felt like, I said, "It felt as though angels were pushing".

Adolf Galland

Later When Quotes #1013499
#83. Save your rejections so that later when you are famous you can show them to people and laugh.

Meg Cabot

Later When Quotes #1009196
#84. While in a vintage restaurant ... the past isn't quaint while you're in it. Only at a safe distance, later, when you see it as decor, not as the shape your life's been squeezed into.

Margaret Atwood

Later When Quotes #1003369
#85. The restaurant business had a profound effect on my future and that of my two brothers. When we were able to stand on a stool to reach the sink, we washed dishes, and later, when we could see over the counter, we waited tables and managed the cash register.

Ferid Murad

Later When Quotes #1002438
#86. The more I think about our species the more I think we just do stuff and make up explanations later when asked. But it's not true that I would rather write than read. I would rather read than write. To be honest I would rather hang upside down in a bucket than write.

Douglas Adams

Later When Quotes #952411
#87. The experience of learning how to get straight to the core of a problem proved to be of immense value later when I had a long succession of responsibilities in large, complex government departments.

Elliot Richardson

Later When Quotes #936873
#88. The real composer thinks about his work the whole time; he is not always conscious of this, but he is aware of it later when he suddenly knows what he will do.

Igor Stravinsky

Later When Quotes #929654
#89. I think I had the smallest handle around. When I got my bats, I even trimmed them down. I used to scrape them. Some years later when I started getting older, I used to start with a 33 and in the summer it got down to 31 and then probably in September got down to 30.

Stan Musial

Later When Quotes #925946
#90. I'm certainly not sorry that there were some things I missed. You may think you're missing something at that time but later when you look at it, you didn't miss anything.

Ivan Lendl

Later When Quotes #428970
#91. As a child, I was fascinated by the stories of Dickens acting out everything in front of the mirror as he wrote it down. Later, when you approach his work as an actor, you notice how sayable the dialogue is.

Harry Lloyd

Later When Quotes #452782
#92. Napoleon: You have written this huge book on the system of the world without once mentioning the author of the universe. Laplace: Sire, I had no need of that hypothesis. Later when told by Napoleon about the incident, Lagrange commented: Ah, but that is a fine hypothesis. It explains so many things.

Pierre-Simon Laplace

Later When Quotes #449374
#93. When you are at the right age to play Hamlet you are still to young and immature to play it. It is much later, when you get the life experience and the emotional power, that you understand Hamlet or Macbeth.

Anthony Hopkins

Later When Quotes #449127
#94. We are all farsighted, we give importance to those things that are far from us, while neglecting the things that are close to us ... only to realize their value later when they are out-of-reach again ...

Ai Yazawa

Later When Quotes #444889
#95. In Spain people have lunch and dinner a lot later - when I return to England I'll have to eat alone at midnight.

David Beckham

Later When Quotes #440560
#96. The planning is everything. Deciding which dishes you're going to prepare can turn into the make-or-break decision five days later, when you actually serve the meal.

Ina Garten

Later When Quotes #373630
#97. Take care of the problems now, or else you'll just have to suffer again later when you scew everything up the next time. And that repetition of suffering - that's hell. Moving out of that endless repetition to a new level of understand - there's where you'll find heaven.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Later When Quotes #348539
#98. It felt like being a child again, though it was not. Being a child is like nothing. It's only being. Later, when we think about it, we make it into youth.

China Mieville

Later When Quotes #353574
#99. It seems an odd idea, life being centered around pleasure." "What is life supposed to be, then?" "It's about duty, and sacrificing for others. And if we've been good, our pleasure comes later when we're rewarded in the hereafter." "I'll take my rewards now.

Lisa Kleypas

Later When Quotes #454262
#100. Amina would not know herself until years later, when she understood what it was to long for someone, to ache for their smell and taste on you, to imagine the weight of their hips pinning yours so precisely that you crane up to meet your own invisible desire

Mira Jacob

Later When Quotes #377053

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